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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  Canyon frowned, not sure he liked his manly business being referred to as vulnerable. “Yea, I guess. The fastest way to bring down any man is with a blow to his genitals.”

  “Not this kind of blow though,” she whispered as she bent to exhale a breath of air against the broad crest.

  “No.” He closed his eyes and lifted his hips to her caress. “Not that kind of blow.”

  Pressing her lips to his flesh, she kissed up and down his shaft. “Tell me what to do, beloved.”

  “More of that,” he hissed, his eyes following her every move as she bent over him, her beautiful breasts pressed together in luscious mounds while she used both hands to caress and fondle him with slow, insistent strokes.

  “What else? Tell me exactly. I want to please you.”

  “How could any man not be pleased by someone as perfect as you?” Seeing how his praise made her eyes shine, he gave Seren the instruction she requested. “Put your mouth on the head,” he told her, then held his breath as she did as he asked, lashing the tip with her tongue. Instantly, immeasurable pleasure sizzled up his spine. “Fuck me.”

  His immediate and intense reaction gave Seren such confidence she repeated her action again and again waiting for him to tell her more. When he moaned and his head fell back against the pillow, she raised her gaze to him.

  “Take more of me,” he muttered hoarsely. Canyon didn’t have to wait but a second before the hot velvet of her mouth enveloped him, taking as much of his length into her mouth as she could. “That’s right, baby. Now touch me. Please.” His polite request was granted when she cupped his balls and fondled them, her other hand caressing his thigh. “Perfect.”

  Perfect. Joy flooded Seren’s spirit as he gripped her hair, holding her head in place. If her mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied, she’d tell him there was no need to hold her in place. She was making him happy and there was nowhere else in heaven or Earth she’d rather be.

  Her mouth – her tongue – her lips – “Oh, God, baby.” Canyon wasn’t sure he’d survive this. “Seren, my Seren.” Mine. Mine. The thought kept going through his head. She was his in every way that counted. She knew more about him than any other person. Seren was his friend.

  That they were also sharing mind-blowing, hot sex was beside the point.

  He moaned, then gasped anew when she made a questioning humming noise. “Nothing. This is just so good. You’re turning me inside out.”

  She made no other noise, but Canyon could feel her smile around his cock. “Harder, love. Faster. Oh…hell yeah,” he groaned, finding it hard to breathe as Seren moved her head up and down rhythmically, sucking hard enough to make his aching dick tingle in ecstasy.

  With hands and mouth, she adored Canyon – kissing, licking, sucking, even using her teeth to graze over the sensitive head. Everything she did seemed to please him. Lifting her eyes to look at his face, she shivered when she saw the same expression on his face as she’d seen in the photograph. Bliss. Euphoria. Ecstasy.

  “Seren, God, Seren.” Canyon fisted the top sheet of the bed, his hips lifting as a climax built and built with every firm draw of her lips. Winding him tighter and tighter until he was about to rise from his body and spiral out of control. Every breath came as a harsh pant as perspiration rose on his skin. “You’d better stop, I’m about to…”

  Shaking her head, Seren gave him the nonverbal message that she didn’t want to stop. Finishing this with him seemed momentous, an additional gift she could give. With her hand wrapped around one thigh, she dug her fingernails into his skin and swirled her tongue around the head. Suckling him harder, she let her teeth and tongue tease the impressive length of his thick cock. When he bellowed his pleasure and shuddered, she squeezed her own legs together, amazed at the answering tingle between her own thighs.

  “Can’t stop it.” The words sounded between his clenched teeth. His whole body was aflame. Every movement of her tongue on his cock, the sweet suction of her hot velvet mouth – the sensations were irresistible. As much as he wanted this to go on and on, he wasn’t going to last. Shaking, he bucked his hips, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth. “Sorry,” he apologized, realizing he was probably too rough.

  Seren placed a soothing hand on his thigh, wordlessly telling him how much this meant to her. With his heated blood racing through his veins, Canyon reached out to grasp her hand, surrendering to the inevitable. With a bellow of abject bliss, his world exploded. Untold, immeasurable pleasure swamped him as he trembled, jetting his cum between Seren’s sweet lips.

  Overwhelmed, Seren accepted his essence, letting her kiss linger even after he’d quieted. When it was over, she whispered, “Wow. That was intense.” Even though she didn’t know why, she felt a bit shy.

  “Intense?” Canyon pulled her into his arms, soaking up her soft femininity. “Try mind-blowing. Earth-shattering. Epic.”

  Giggling at his array of descriptive words, she cuddled up to him and sighed. “I’m glad. I enjoyed it very much also.” Lying her head on his shoulder, she ran one fingertip around and round one of his nipples, smiling to herself when it beaded. Remembering earlier, she muttered softly, hope in her voice, “Maybe later, we could…you could…make love to me again?”

  To Canyon’s surprise, he was still hard. Still ready. Still turned on – for her. “To hell with later. I need you now.” Covering her lips with his, he kissed her deep, his tongue mapping the inside of her sweet mouth. She wove her fingers into his hair and gripped the short strands hard enough to sting. The slight taste of pain only made him want her more, so his kisses became richer, more desperate. He sucked her tongue and nipped her lower lip, loving how she whimpered.

  Relishing the way Seren writhed beneath him, he cupped one of her taut breasts and kneaded it, milking the nipple. “Are you ready for me?” Bending to kiss the plump nipple he’d just teased, Canyon dipped his fingers into her pussy and found it warm and creamy.

  “Oh, yea,” she whispered, undulating beneath him. “Kissing you excited me very much.”

  Pushing her breasts together, he licked and nipped at the soft succulent flesh. “And you excite the hell out of me.” The way she responded to him was a dream come true.

  “Can I have you now?” she whispered, opening her legs to make room for him.

  “Now.” With a low groan, Canyon took his cock in hand and guided it home. As she grabbed his hips, he pushed inside of her slowly, their mutual gasps of pleasure a celebration of their joining. “Feel good?”

  “So good,” she moaned, her legs lifting to come around his hips. “I’ve never felt so complete as when you’re with me like this.”

  Canyon understood, he felt the same way. “Fuck, I want you so damn much. I won’t last.” Holding himself over her, he closed his eyes and began to pump, dipping down to suck at her tits. As he shuddered, sliding in and out of her tight channel, the friction was glorious – electric. Every heartbeat or so, she’d tighten, gripping, squeezing him sublimely. Each thrust of his shaft into the soft glove of her pussy seared his senses with ecstasy. Need seemed to grow like a mountain rising from the sea and all he could do was move, burying himself to the hilt over and over. In. Out. In. Out. Harder. Faster. “Seren, Seren, this is…heaven.” He could feel so much. He could feel everything – and then it hit him. “Oh, God, I’m bare. I forgot the condom.”

  “It’s okay, don’t go. Don’t move.” Seren tightened her hold on him. “I want nothing between us. Please.”

  Canyon pushed aside any reservations, letting the hunger steamroll him on. Tossing his head back, he let himself be submerged in the pleasure. Seren was ruining him, he couldn’t even think clearly, much less be responsible for making good decisions. All he wanted to do was fuck her. Fuck her. Take her. Possess her.

  Make love.

  “Canyon!” Seren’s body seized beneath his, froze, shuddering in climax. “Don’t stop,” she cried. “I want all of you.” She wrapped herself tighter around him, lifting her hips for more.

bsp; Hearing her plea seemed to trigger something within him. He needed to go faster – harder – deeper. Leaving his mark on Seren was imperative. He had to insure she never needed anyone as much as she needed him. Did that make sense? He didn’t know. Right now, all he could do was be one with her. So, he set a rhythm – a rhythm designed to give her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

  Lifting his head, his eyes met hers, and the love he saw in them took his breath away. Her skin glowed with a rosy flush, a fine sheen of perspiration covered her luscious body. The expression on her beautiful face was one of tortured rapture. Watching her moved him beyond words. All he could think of was being as close to her as possible. This connection they shared wasn’t enough, he leaned down to layer his lips to her, kissing her feverishly. Voraciously. She was so sweet. So perfect. He’d never get enough of her if they were together for a thousand years.

  But how long would they be together? Could this last? Was it even real?

  He didn’t know. He had so few answers.

  Slanting his lips over hers, he deepened the kiss, bucking his hips, penetrating his aching cock as far into her softness as he could go. “Seren, my Seren.” His whispered words seemed to inflame her. She clung to him, giving and giving. “Fuck, baby, you’re so good.” He’d had plenty of sex in his time, mostly pre-Kim – odd how marriage can kill your love life – but nothing like this. Nothing like Seren.

  “Oh, Canyon, hold me,” she keened. “Hold me tight.” She gripped him hard, her whole body working for their pleasure. She kissed his face, his neck, nipping and licking. Her hips lifted and undulated as her pussy massaged his cock. “I’m flying away. Don’t let me go.”

  Closing his eyes, he absorbed her climax, drinking down her cries. His own crisis surged near to the surface and Canyon began to shake, cradling Seren’s delicate body as she shattered. It was like holding a live wire in his arms. He kissed her over and over as her pussy clamped down and squeezed the last bit of control from his cock. Almost blacking out from the bliss, Canyon buried his face in her neck as fireworks and falling stars rained down on them both.

  When it was over, Canyon took Seren into his arms, flipped off the bedside lamp, and pulled the covers over them both. “We should sleep good tonight.”

  “I’m not tired,” she murmured through a yawn as she rubbed her face on his chest in contentment.

  “Yes, you are. And no getting up to sit on the dresser to watch me sleep tonight. Okay?” He wouldn’t put it past her, what she lacked in size, she more than made up for in determination.

  “I’ll sleep with one eye open,” she promised with a teasing tone.

  “You’ll rest,” he ordered in a faux gruff voice.

  Seren giggled, letting out a deep breath, relaxing into his embrace. For a few moments, they lay quietly, but soon it became evident Canyon was restless. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he muttered quickly. “Just having a problem shutting off my thoughts.”

  “Want me to tell you a story?” she asked, half teasing.

  “Yea, maybe,” Canyon hummed indecisively, “You know everything about me, I want to know more about you.”

  She shifted against him, pressing as close as she could to his big, warm body. “There’s not much to tell.”

  “Nonsense,” he spoke softly. “You’ve seen things no mortal eye has ever seen. You know the mystery behind all of mankind’s greatest questions.”

  “Well, I’m not sure that’s true. Is there anything you’d particularly like to know? After all, you told me I could stay with you if I shared the answers to various riddles and enigmas.”

  Canyon stroked her hair, realizing all he really wanted to know was if she’d be able to stay with him. “What’s your favorite color?”

  His question surprised and amused her. “Really? I thought you were about to ask me the meaning of life.”

  “Nope. I told you, I’m more interested in you.”

  “My favorite color is pink. Light pink. Barely there pink.”

  “Ah.” He grinned. “Like your nipples.”

  She barked a laugh. “My nipples hadn’t crossed my mind.”

  After giving her a kiss, he confessed, “Well, they certainly cross mine. All the time.”

  “Good to know.” She snuggled down to him, rubbing her nose on his chest hair. “Anything else?”

  “Is there a talent or a skill you’ve always secretly wanted?”

  This question caught her a bit by surprise. “Well, in quiet times while watching over you, I’ve tried my hand at writing poetry.”

  “Wow.” He laughed in joy. “I want to read some of your work.”

  “Oh, my goodness. I don’t know.” She suddenly felt shy.

  “Please?” He was serious. He’d give anything to know her thoughts.

  “Well, I’ll have to write some down. I have them memorized.” She stroked his arm, marveling at the strength she found there. “I guess I could do that while you worked at the ranch.” She smiled mischievously. “Keep me out of trouble.”

  “Good idea. The only trouble I want you to get into is here in this bed – with me.” He kissed her on the cheek. “I don’t suppose you’re afraid of anything are you?”

  “Of course.” She looked up at his face, illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window over the bed. “Losing you. You getting hurt. Someone upsetting you.”

  “Not what I meant.” He didn’t like to think of her worrying about him. “I was thinking of things like fear of heights, or ghosts, or dogs – you know.”

  Seren giggled. “I could fly, so no, heights don’t bother me. Ghosts are just spirits, nothing scary there. And dogs? I love dogs!”

  “Yea, me too.” Now, it was his turn to yawn. “Okay, one more to sleep on. Nothing personal.”


  “Who was Jack the Ripper?”

  “Oh, that’s easy.” She yawned again. “The Ripper was a Malaysian cook by the name of Maurice. He started killing near here, actually.”

  “No, I mean the infamous killer of London prostitutes – that Jack the Ripper.” By this time, Canyon was having to force his eyes to remain open.

  “Right, the same guy. He worked at a hotel called the Pearl House off South Congress and killed seven women in downtown Austin with an axe during the years 1884 and 1885.”

  “Austin, Texas? Seriously?”

  “Yep. Actually, he was North America’s first serial killer. The famous author O’Henry, who lived in Austin at the time, dubbed him ‘The Servant Girl Annihilator’, even though the last two victims weren’t servants.”

  “Did they catch him?”

  “No, the killings stopped as abruptly as they began, due to Maurice leaving the states and traveling by ship to London. On the voyage over, he was heard threatening to kill prostitutes when he arrived in England.” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “And he did, of course.”

  “The infamous Whitechapel murders,” Canyon said incredulously.

  “Right. As you know, Jack the Ripper was never captured. Maurice left England on another ship, dying of malaria the following year without ever being identified or charged for his misdeeds.”

  Canyon’s mouth was open. “Well, I’ll swear. I’ve never heard any of that. I was expecting you’d say the Ripper was part of the royal family or something. Wow, that’s crazy.”

  She laughed softly, her eyes heavy. She’d never felt more content or safe. “Anything else you want?” This time the yawn was bigger as she wiggled even closer, sliding one of her legs over his.

  “Just a kiss.”

  When she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly, Canyon felt his heart contract with emotion. He didn’t know what the future held for them and he didn’t really understand their past. All he knew was that he wanted her in his life.

  She was his own personal miracle. All his.


  “Breakfast, sleepyhead.”

  Canyon stretched. He felt good.
So good. Why was that?

  As his mind swam upstream toward consciousness, he became aware of a few sensations.

  Pressure – someone was sitting on him. Not too heavy. Just right.

  Smell – he salivated at the scent of fried bacon being waved under his nose. He opened his mouth and the yummy morsel was placed on his tongue. “Hmmm, good.”

  And last – but not least…pleasure. His hard dick felt like it was enveloped in warm whipped cream. After opening one eye, he found a delectable naked Seren riding his morning wood like a carousel horse.

  “More bacon?” she asked as she braced one hand on his chest, the other dangling another bite of fragrant goodness under his nose.

  His first response was to open his mouth and the second was to grip her hips. After accepting the tasty offering, he guided her as she moved lithely up and down his grateful cock. “What a way to start the day.”

  Seren closed her eyes and took her pleasure, rising and sinking, tightening and clasping. Moaning when Canyon cupped her breasts and rubbed the sensitive nipples. “I love this so much,” she muttered, covering his hands with her own, pressing his palms to her flesh.

  Canyon tried to answer, but he was so near to exploding that all he could do was revel in the moment. Sitting up, he clasped her to him, holding Seren still while he pounded up, driving them both to a finish line that was only the beginning.

  Once they caught their breath, he stroked her back, kissing her neck. “I think I’ll keep you.”

  “Good!” She hugged him hard. “While you shower, I’ll replace my bandages, then make some breakfast sandwiches.”

  “If you need help, let me know.” He checked her arms, then kissed her again, this one a soft, lingering caress. “Let’s run by Jonah’s house on the way to Tebow. Jacob asked me to talk to him about the competition.”

  And so, their day began.

  As he headed his truck out of the driveway, Canyon handed her a notepad. “Here, Twinkle Toes, I grabbed this so you can write down your poetry for me.”


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