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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  Seren knew he’d keep his promise and she could hardly wait.

  Once they returned to the ranch, time passed fairly quickly. Canyon didn’t finish the panels for the trailer due to several unforeseen things cropping up. A broken tractor blade, a horse throwing a shoe, and an unexpected visitor. Seren found it strange to be introduced to people she already knew, people she’d watched Canyon interact with over the years.

  The new Tebow foreman was one of those people. When he rode up on his horse, accompanied by his new wife, Seren had to pretend not to recognize them. Canyon seemed to take great pleasure in the introduction, more so than usual. “Hey, Bolden, meet my girlfriend, Seren. She’s visiting with me for a spell. Seren, this is Denver and his wife, Bree.” With his arm around her shoulders, she felt insulated from the world.

  “Pleased to meet you both.” She couldn’t help but admire Bree. Seren knew the pretty lady had once been a nun. There was no mistaking her sweet spirit. Her aura was one of the few Seren could still see.

  “Glad to know you.” Denver gave her a nod, dismounted, then helped his wife down from her horse. Once Bree’s feet touched the ground, she came to greet Seren.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  This was news to Seren. “From who?”

  “Cady McCoy. She invited me to the hen party on Friday.” Bree leaned in to whisper to Seren. “I’m making a chocolate cake to die for.”

  “Sounds delicious. I love chocolate.” Seren walked close enough to pet Bree’s horse. “Congratulations on your wedding. It was beautiful.”

  “Oh?” Bree looked at her strangely. “You…didn’t attend.”

  Only in spirit. “Uh, no.” Seren wanted to bite her tongue. “Canyon was there.”

  Bree held Seren’s gaze, trying to digest her explanation. “Oh.” Their gazes remained locked for a few more seconds, then Bree’s eyes narrowed. “I can’t imagine the big blacksmith discussing my wedding.”

  Seren cleared her throat. “Canyon can be very romantic when he chooses to be.”

  “I bet.” Bree reached out to touch Seren’s arm, her eyes landing on the bandaged scrapes. “What happened?”

  Blinking, Seren had to think about what Bree was asking. “Oh, I walked into the back of a car as it was leaving the department store parking lot.” She grinned as understanding dawned in her new friend’s eyes. “It wasn’t a big deal. I’d forgotten about this.” Seren lightly touched the bandages. “The raw places don’t hurt very much anymore.”

  Bree took Seren’s arm in both of her hands, maintaining eye contact with her. “I hope you’ll feel better soon.”

  Seren felt a rush of warmth flow from her fingers to her shoulders. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Bree released one arm before taking Seren’s other one. “I’m glad we met. We’re going to be good friends, I can tell.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” She felt a real rapport with the other woman.

  Next to the barn, Canyon asked Denver a question as he checked the horse’s shoes. “Where have you been the last few days, boss?”

  Denver leaned back against the wall, bending one knee to rest the sole of his boot against the stone surface behind him. “On an adventure. I traveled up into the Sierra Madres on horseback. Camped out. Fly-fished. Tracked a bear.”

  “Damn.” Canyon grinned. “I’m jealous. Sounds like a humdinger of a vacation.” He crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes seeking out Seren. With one lift of his head and a slow wink, he beckoned her to come stand by him.

  She went, seeing Bree gravitate to Denver’s side at the same time.

  “I had a blast, but it wasn’t a vacation,” Denver explained. “This was a wilderness rescue seminar put on by Joseph and his group. After the bear, which wasn’t on the program…” Denver chuckled, “we also tracked Tanner Barron and Bowie Malone through the mountains. This was our test and those two made damn sure they were hard to find.”

  “Wow, I’ve always been fascinated with what those guys do. Was this a training seminar? Are they looking for new team members?”

  Even before Denver answered Canyon, Seren stiffened against him. “Bears? The wilderness? Sounds very dangerous.”

  “Not for a beast like your boyfriend, honey.” Denver placed a protective hand on Bree’s back. “Of course, my wife wasn’t very excited about the prospect of me attending either.”

  “I wasn’t,” Bree interjected, “but I am now. He’s certified and can help people who get lost in the mountains or some other scary place.”

  “So, they’re recruiting,” Canyon mused. “I knew they were in high demand. I guess their reputation is growing.”

  “Undoubtedly. They’re having another session in a few weeks.” Denver grinned at him. “I put your name up for consideration. They’ve also talked Joseph’s cousin into joining.”

  “Which one?” Canyon asked, very interested. “I know Tennessee’s already involved.”

  “I’m talking about Clint Wilder, the football player.”

  “Oh, that cousin.” Canyon nodded, rubbing Seren’s back absently. “Does it cost anything?”

  Denver shook his head. “Not a dime. All expenses paid. Of course, this isn’t open to the public. It’s by invitation only.”

  “Well, I won’t hold my breath.” Canyon looked wistful.

  “Good,” Seren whispered, “because if you went, I’d have to go with you, and I don’t know if I’d enjoy camping out with bears.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll get a phone call when Joseph gets home. He seemed pretty jazzed when I mentioned your name. You won’t even have to take vacation days.” Denver sliced a hand through the air as if everything was settled.


  Canyon laughed. “Did you just growl, baby?” he asked Seren.

  Denver and Bree laughed also.

  Standing straight, Denver led Bree back to their mounts. “Let’s be off, wife. I think we might’ve got the big man into trouble.”

  “Oh, Seren will be okay,” Canyon assured them, thoroughly enjoying the situation.

  “Well, it’s quitting time.” Denver tipped his hat as they were about to ride off. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Nice to meet you, Seren.”

  “Same goes for me. I’ll see you Friday!” Bree gave them a big smile before they headed down the road.

  Once they were out of sight, Canyon pulled her into his arms for a hard kiss. “That was the sexiest damn thing,” he whispered against her lips. “Now, growl for me again.”

  “Grrrr.” Seren grabbed him by the collar and kissed him deeply. After a few heartbeats, she let her lips slide from his. “You don’t need to be traipsing around in the wilderness.”

  “Oh, you’re getting bossy.” He slapped her on the bottom. “I like it.” Taking her by the hand, he closed up shop. “Come on. We’ve got things to do.”

  ‘Things’ turned out to be shopping. Seren was learning she loved to shop. They bought two big rib-eye steaks, two large baking potatoes, salad fixings, and two bottles of wine. “We’re going to have a feast tonight,” she muttered happily as they moved through the store. Along the way she smelled cantaloupes, tried on sunglasses, and read the games on the back of several boxes of Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks cereal.

  “Yes. We are going to have a feast.” Canyon gave her a wicked wink. “But first, we have to find you a warm jacket.”

  “Can it be pink?”

  “Pink, it is.” They searched until Canyon found the perfect jacket. Pale pink. Full zipper and a dainty Sherpa collar. “Okay, let’s try this on.” In a few seconds, he was pulling up the zipper and doing the top buttons. “How does that feel?”

  “Wonderful!” She shivered as he adjusted the sleeves just so. “I could take care of all the fastenings, you know.”

  “You’re not the only one who feels protective.” He kissed Seren on the end of the nose. “Sometimes, I like to take care of you.”

  “Oh, Canyon.” Her v
oice came in a whisper of awe. “That’s the most wonderful thing I can think of.”

  “More wonderful than what we’ll do later?” he asked teasingly, helping her remove the coat so they could put it in the buggy.

  “No…but close.” She took his arm as they left, completely content with her existence.

  …Later, they sat at the patio table, a chiminea burning nearby to stave off the evening’s chill. “How was your steak?” Canyon asked, scraping his fork over the plate to get the last of the potato and meat drippings.

  “Very good. The wine is excellent too.”

  Canyon shrugged. “I don’t claim to know much about wine and I doubt the department store carries the best vintages.”

  “Tastes good to me. We don’t use actual grape juice where I’m from.” She leaned forward and rubbed the tip of one finger over the back of his hand. “Water to wine, you know.”

  Throwing back his head, he laughed. “If I could get the hang of that with beer, I’d be really rich.”

  “Yea, I guess so.” She let out a happy sigh, then rubbed her tummy. “I’m stuffed. Want to take a walk?”

  Canyon stood to pick up their dishes. “Actually, I thought I might put in an hour’s work on the stallion. Want to come watch?”

  “Oh, heck yeah,” she said, rising to help him. “I love to watch you in action. Especially when you take off your shirt and get all hot and sweaty.”

  Canyon groaned, “I swear. You keep me hard all the time, girl.”

  As the evening waned and night fell, Seren watched Canyon forming beauty and grace from fragments of metal that no longer served the purpose it was created for. She loved him like this, so into the process, he seemed unaware of anything other than his work. Unable to look away, she caressed him with her eyes, love for him making her heart swell in her breast.

  When he took a break, he stood back to survey the piece. “Well, what do you think?”

  Seren came to him, placing a possessive hand on his arm. “I think it’s incredible. Magical.” The horse gleamed, the texture and position of the polished metal mimicking the musculature of a powerful stallion. Overall, the effect was so life-like, Seren felt the animal could lunge away at any moment. Only on closer inspection, did one notice the make-up of the sculpture contained everyday implements, pieces of farm tools from long ago. “You are a true artist, Canyon. This one is almost done. What’s next?”

  Canyon rubbed his chin, unable to stop the pleased expression from flitting across his face. “I don’t know. I have several ideas. An eagle in flight. A stag on a mountain peak. A cougar on a low-hanging limb. I’m not sure.”

  “All animals. Have you ever been tempted to do anything else? A person perhaps?”

  After considering Seren’s question for a moment, Canyon shook his head. “No. Never. I’m not sure why. I prefer to stick with nature scenes.”

  Seren nodded. “Why change? You do incredible work.”

  “Thanks, babe.” Putting an arm around her, he turned off the lights and led Seren across the yard to the house. The moon was high in the sky and he felt at peace with the world. Picking her up in his arms, Canyon carried her up the stairs to his room, placing Seren gently on her feet. Tugging her to him, Canyon claimed her mouth with a desperate need for possession.

  Seren responded as she always did, giving herself to him wholeheartedly. Slipping his hands down her back, Canyon cupped her sweet ass, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. As he flexed his hips forward, he groaned as he ground his cock against the soft place between her thighs.

  Kissing him like crazy, she threaded her fingers through his hair, adoration for him racing through her body like fire. Through long moments of loving, their mouths remained fused, their tongues tangling and mating, mirroring what she longed for them to do together.

  Whimpers of want, soft moans, and pants of need filled the room with erotic music as they lost themselves in the wonder of one another. For what seemed like an eternity, they kissed – wet, hard, impatient kisses – before the fierce need gradually ebbed to gentle smooches, tender brushes of their lips, and sweet bites that reflected an all-consuming desire. Even when they drew apart for breath, the hunger didn’t abate. While gripping his hair, Seren let her lips slide down to his throat, nipping and sucking the strong cord of his neck. “Oh, how I love you. I love you so much.”

  The words Canyon wanted to repeat stuck in his throat. He was unable to reciprocate verbally, but he couldn’t deny the feelings almost paralyzing his lungs. Closing his eyes, he reveled in her touch as she traced secret patterns on his flesh. The sexy little sounds of her enjoyment sent thrills racing through him and straight to his cock. Seren’s unabashed craving for him was a complete and utter turn-on. “I love how you love me, baby. It’s my turn now.” He moved to the wall and braced her against it. “Undo your top.”

  Without hesitation, Seren did as he bid, gasping with pleasure as his lips and tongue found the sensitive skin over her collarbone. Next, he pulled the cups of her bra down so he could hone in on the heavy feminine mounds. To his satisfaction, her sweet flesh quivered as he rubbed his face over the generous globes.

  “I love the rasp of your beard and the feel of your mouth on my skin,” she whispered as he nuzzled, licked, and nibbled the upper swell of her breasts. Moaning, Seren crossed her ankles around his hips and rocked against him, pushing her hot center against the hardness of his erection. “Kiss me.” Lifting his head, he started to comply with her wishes. “Not there.” She pressed on the nape of his neck, urging his head lower. “My nipples. Suck my nipples. Hard.” She stroked his hair, anticipating the moment he’d give her what she ached for.

  Hearing her erotic demands fueled his own hunger. Burying his face between the bounty of her breasts, he breathed in her heavenly scent. Canyon couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her tits. Growing his relish, he drew one puffy nipple into his mouth to swirl his tongue around the distended tip. Holding her tighter, he sucked hard, a deep sense of satisfaction filling him as she moaned her enjoyment. Lord help, he loved this – worshiping her firm, luscious tits – first one and then the other.

  Throwing her head back, Seren luxuriated in the way he touched her body. Fondling. Kneading. Rubbing. Caressing. “I need you so much,” she keened.

  She wasn’t the only one who needed.

  Placing Seren on her feet long enough to remove the remainder of her clothing, he unzipped his own jeans, taking out his iron-hard dick. After taking her in his arms one more time, Canyon braced her against the wall, reaching between them to find the snuggest, tightest little pussy in the world. Stroking her creamy slit, he smiled when she squirmed and wiggled. “Ah, yea, you’re ready for me, more than ready. Hold on tight.”

  Seren clutched him as he thrust deep. She hummed her pleasure as he held her – pumping, grinding, pounding. All she could do was hold on and enjoy the pure, male sexual heat that was threatening to burn her alive. Rhythmically. Relentlessly, he fucked her. Driving into her, pushing her higher and higher until everything inside Seren broke apart – exploded – as her core throbbed and tingled. “Canyon!”

  “Seren! Fuck!”

  Hearing him bellow his pleasure as they spiraled into ecstasy together, Seren fought through the bliss, desperate to watch his face as he came. When she could talk, she held him as tightly as she could. “This all seems like a dream, Canyon. Being here with you.”

  Letting his fingers dance on the silky skin of her neck in celebration, he spoke in a soft, low voice, “You’re my fantasy. My midnight fantasy.”

  “I want to be real.” Staring up into his face in the near darkness, Seren wrapped her fingers around his thick wrist and brought his palm to rest on her chest. “Feel my heart? I’m real.”

  For a moment, he was silent, absorbing the steady beat, glorying in the life force he could feel pumping through her perfect body. “I know you’re real, sweetheart. I feel more alive with you than I’ve ever felt in my life.”

��I’ll be whatever you need me to be,” she whispered as he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

  “You are exactly what I need,” Canyon told her as he placed her gently on the sheets and crawled onto the mattress next to her. “A perfect dream who makes sweet love to me. How could I ever want more?”

  * * *

  If an individual possessed the gift of prophecy, could see what lay ahead, there would be days they would live differently than others. Take more time with special people. Look harder at the rising sun. This day would prove to be such for Seren.

  The morning started off as grand as the night before. Canyon made love to her. Tenderly. Making Seren feel lucky to be alive. After that…

  Well, things began to go downhill quickly.

  First, Seren made Canyon late for work. Preparing to shower, she discovered the scrapes on her arm were not only completely healed, all trace of them were gone.

  Completely. Seren was stunned.

  For a moment, she wondered if her self-healing powers had been restored. This thought made her smile. She would be happy to retain some of her celestial characteristics along with her new body.

  If that wasn’t the case, the only other explanation she could think of was Bree Bolden. Seren remembered the rush of warmth she’d felt when the woman laid hands on her. Considering this odd conundrum caused her to waste a few minutes.

  And to complicate matters, Seren couldn’t decide what to wear. This was an entirely new phenomenon for her. Trying on clothes and judging whether she looked her best in them was something she’d never really worried about before.

  And – it was all his fault.

  If Canyon hadn’t complimented Seren on her choice of clothing the day before, she wouldn’t have expected him to compliment her today. So…when she asked how she looked in the blue sweater she’d finally chosen and Canyon told her she looked okay – well, what else was she to do? She changed.

  Then, he said that outfit looked ‘okay’ and she changed again. By the time Canyon caught on to the problem and told her she looked lovely, Seren had changed three times and they had to rush to Tebow Ranch. They probably would’ve made it in time if Canyon hadn’t driven over a stray board on the highway and picked up a nail in his tire. To make matters worse, Seren blamed herself. If she was still in her former capacity, she would’ve seen the nail and removed the board before it ever became a problem. In her present state, there were some things she wouldn’t be able to prevent. So, Seren consoled herself with the knowledge that she would stick with him and keep him safe – or die trying.


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