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The Conclusion of Killian & Liri (Cruel Love Book 2)

Page 5

by Glenna Maynard

  “I’m sorry.” His finger strokes along my jaw.

  “I don’t want your sorry. I. Don’t.”

  Killian moves a fraction of an inch. His lips meet mine full of fire, and I jerk back before he suffocates me. He’s toying with me, and I crave more of his touch.

  “You want me?” Killian pierces straight through my soul with his heated gaze. “I can fuck you silly, but I can’t give you what you want.”

  “Then fuck me so hard I forget I ever loved you. Can you do that?”

  “Be careful what you wish for, baby.”

  His mouth clashes with mine so hard our teeth smash together. I suck his bottom lip between my teeth and bite him. I want to hate him so much. I want to forget I ever loved him and yet I still just want him.

  “Ow. You bit me.” Killian pulls back rubbing his fingers over his lip. I glower at him. “You want me rough? I’ll give you rough. Get out of the car.”


  “Get. Out. Of. The. Car.” He grabs the handle and flings the door open, shoving me sideways with it. I fall to my knees and Killian is right behind me on the cold hard ground of late fall. Rocked back on his calves behind me, he draws my back to his front. His teeth graze along the shell of my ear as tears roll down my cheeks.

  Everything inside me hurts.

  “Want me to just keep using you for your body?” Killian growls at me sounding like a savage from a time long forgotten. “I can fuck you, but I can’t love you.”

  “As long as it takes for you to remember me…I don’t want you with anyone else. So yeah, Killian. If you want to fuck…I want you to fuck me. No one else.” Shame washes over me, but there’s the truth. I don’t anyone else to have him even if he can’t be what I want.

  Teeth sinking in my throat he sucks the skin hard between his bite like he’s a damn vampire sucking my blood. Warmth pools between my legs and he shoves his hand down the front of my black pants. Prodding between my thighs, he rubs his thick finger through my slick heat. My back goes ramrod straight. I let out a gasp when that finger curls inside me, and it’s cold enough out here I can see my breath. The moon shines down on us on this cloudless night for all gods and monsters to see us use and abuse one another.

  Killian continues to tease me, thrusting his finger in and out of me. His palm rubs over my clit creating the most desirous friction. Grunting in my ear like an animal, he’s on the verge of losing control. Laying my head back on his shoulder I pant harder. His finger leaves me, and he shoves it in my mouth. I suck my taste from him, and he smiles at me. “You look like an angel who wants fucked hard.”

  “Then take me to the devil’s garden and fuck me.”

  “Listen at that pretty mouth talking all filthy. Get back in the car. I’m not fucking you on the grass.”

  I get back in his car feeling crazy wild. Like I could claw his skin off right now I want him so much. Killian grips the steering wheel so hard his knuckles are white as he drives fast to the apartment. We barely make it inside the elevator before he’s on me again. Mouths latched, fingers fumbling at one another’s clothing. I think my shirt gets dropped outside the door of our apartment. If our neighbors could see us, they’d call the cops on us for indecency.

  Killian opens the door, and I no more than take two steps when he jerks my pants down my legs and they get caught around my shoes. He doesn’t give me time to take them off. He’s pushing me down and bending me over the back of the couch. His pants unzip, and my panties are pulled aside. He rubs the head of his cock back and forth between my cheeks, teasing at my forbidden hole.

  “Have I ever fucked you here?” he leans down and bites my shoulder.

  “No,” I rasp, and push against him.

  “Don’t tempt me, Liri.”

  If I didn’t think it’d hurt so bad, I’d let him.

  “Shut up and fuck me, Killian.”

  “The word fuck coming out of that pretty mouth makes me so damn hard.” His free hand grabs my chin, forcing my head up. He towers over me pressing me into the hard top of the couch with his weight. I look up at him and he smirks at me as he slides his cock inside me. “You’re so damn wet I go right in, baby.” Letting go of my face he grips my hip and fucks me hard.

  Thrust after relentless thrust he pounds into me until I am ready to beg for mercy. He reaches around my front and circles my clit with the rough pad of his finger. My eyes go back in my head as he fucks me stupid. Trembling beneath him, my orgasm quakes through my body in violent waves.

  I feel him all the way in my toes. His hot breath blows on the back of my neck, and he stills inside me. A fist wraps around my hair and tugs my head back so his torturous lips can taste mine.

  The moment his tongue parts my lips his cock twitches inside me spilling his release.

  When he’s through he smacks me on the butt and says, “Let’s get a shower before bed.”

  I kick my shoes and pants off. My thighs are sticky with his release. Following him into the bathroom I catch a glimpse of us in the mirror. We resemble a bittersweet tragedy.

  My eyes are puffy and bloodshot. My lips just as swollen. My hair is wild and in tangles. Killian stares at me with his jaw tight. “You hate me yet?”

  “Not even close. I think it’s worse because I feel like you took me to Heaven tonight with that orgasm.”

  “Then next time I’ll fuck you all the way to Hell.” The glint in his eye is dangerous, and I should back off, but I don’t.

  “You can try.” I shoot him a wink and sling my bra at him. He catches it and gapes at me, watching me take my panties off. I kick them across the room and twist the knobs for the shower.

  “How is it possible I want you again so quickly?”

  I smirk at him and get in the shower then I pull the curtain closed. He immediately pulls it open and stares at me. I ignore him and soap up. I can play his games even if it hurts.

  Killian steps into the shower behind me and takes the loofah from me. His fingers brush over my skin, and I feel like my boyfriend is making a rare appearance.

  Chapter 10


  I keep riding this ride. Round and round on this fucking carousel. Every time I close my eyes, I see blurry images. I try so hard to remember, but I can’t. I wake up pooled with sweat. Liri is sleeping next to me. Pussy makes a man do crazy things. Like get a girlfriend and ask her to move in with you apparently.

  The sex is good, and the more I am around her I can see how easy it was for me to fall, but I can’t take the way she admires me. Like I’m her future. It’s too damn much, but I’m trying. When she told me the horrible shit that happened the night of the accident I felt like a real pure asshole. More so than usual. I had to get away. I don’t know what it is about her, but I can’t deny that part of me cares for her. If I could cut out that part of my heart I would. Feelings and love are for losers.

  I slide out of bed and glance at the clock on the nightstand. It’s five in the morning. I know if I close my eyes those blurry images that haunt me will return. Liri doesn’t move, and I don’t want to wake her. She needs sleep. As beautiful as she is, her blue eyes are haunted and tired. I’ve not seen her eat enough to keep a bird alive the times I have been around her, and I get the feeling it’s my fault. I’m destroying her and don’t know how to stop.

  I ruin everything I touch.

  In the living room I sink down on the couch and start flipping through the television channels. Nothing is holding my interest and my eyes grow heavy.

  An image comes into focus. I’m with her. With Liri. I’m nuzzling her, about to kiss her in a dim room. I can hear music and the buzzing of voices in the background. Someone calls out her name, and she leaves me for some preppy jock spaz. Heat rises in my chest, travels up my throat, and coats my cheeks. My jaw ticks as I storm past them. She squeals his name and throws herself at him. I walk up two sets of stairs and out onto a balcony. Lighting up a cigarette I take a hard drag. I hear her voice as she saunters out back with that tool.
br />   I can’t hear what’s being said, but she seems happy. Then he kisses her. I flick my cigarette at them and start to my car. I glance back at the house and see them walking to hers.

  My chest squeezes tight.


  I turn my head side to side.


  I’m going to kill that asshole for kissing her. No one kisses my girl but me.

  I run after him and when he spins around, I punch. Crack. Crunch. I connect with his nose and smile when blood runs down his face.

  “Ow,” Liri cries, and I open my eyes. She’s holding her shoulder. “You hit me!”

  I scramble backwards and hit my head on the arm of the couch.

  She scowls at me and continues to rub her arm.

  “Sorry. You okay?”

  “Yeah. Um…we need to get ready to leave soon for your family stuff.”

  “Yeah. Sure. Whatever.”

  Rolling her eyes, she moves off the other end of the couch and goes into the bedroom.

  Fuck. That felt so damn real. I shake my head.

  It takes me a few minutes to return to reality. I rub my temples and go into the kitchen for water. Liri’s cell phone is on the counter. It’s buzzing, and I read the screen. The dude from my fucking dream’s face is flashing on the display. I clench my fist and look back at the bedroom. The door is closed.

  I shouldn’t care. I told her she’s not mine, but in that dream she was. I’m getting ready to check the message when the bedroom door opens. “Hey. Do you know what you’re wearing?” Her lips curve upward, and her cheeks turn pink.

  I glance down and realize I’m fucking naked.



  “Unca Kill, Unca Kill!” Two little girls scream at me at once and wrap around each of my legs the minute I step out of the car at my dad’s house. Liri gets out of the passenger side.

  “Your nieces,” she mouths the words at me.

  “How’s my favorite girls.” I give them a weak smile.

  “Daddy says you were in the hospital.”

  “I’m okay now.” I guess a lot has changed. I see the smiles on their faces. Last I remember they were a lot smaller. “You’ve grown since I last saw you.”

  “Are you and Auntie Liwee gon’ spend the night with us again?” Sadie questions and Hope is nodding her head yes.

  “Maybe some other time.”

  Their faces fall, and Liri shifts her focus. Seems my family is in love with her too.

  Dillan is standing on the porch smoking a cigarette and my mind flashes to him asking me to be his best man in this same spot. Fucking weird. I don’t know if I’m getting back memories or if I’m imagining shit.

  “Little brother.” He holds out a pack of cigarettes. “Want one?”

  “No. I’m good,” I lie. I can practically taste the smoke from my dream filling my lungs.

  I follow Liri and my nieces inside. My father is sitting in his recliner watching football.

  Noelle and Susie are setting the table, and my mother walks out of the kitchen with a basket of dinner rolls.

  “Happy Thanksgiving, son.”

  “What are you doing here?” I feel like I am in another dimension where everything has been turned upside down. I live with some chick. I’m supposedly friends with my brother again and on speaking terms with my father and Susie. And now my mother is here for dinner with the two people who betrayed her in the worst possible way.

  “I helped Susie and Noelle cook.” She smiles and acid churns in my stomach. “Dinner will be ready in a few.”

  “Hey.” I look over and see Noelle hugging Liri. “Did you get your measurements for me?”

  Liri shifts awkwardly and goes tense. “I…” she glances at me, and I don’t know what they are talking about. “About Vegas. I don’t think.” She fidgets uncomfortably twisting her fingers together. “It’s just…it’s not a good time for me and…” she breaks off on the verge of tears.

  “Oh no you don’t. You aren’t backing out on me. We’ve already booked everything for the trip. I don’t have anyone else who can do this with me. I need you there.”

  “It’s just things with…” Liri nods toward me.

  “Well the wedding isn’t for another month surely by then he’ll be back to himself.” Noelle winks at me, and I avoid her scrutiny. I’ll have to ask Liri what this Vegas business is later.

  “I wish Conrad and I could go, but he will be doing his chemo.”

  “Well it wouldn’t be fair to Diane anyway since she agreed to keep the girls.”

  My heart hammers in my chest. Chemo? My dad?

  “What are you talking about? Chemo?”

  “Maybe we should go in the living room.” My mother moves toward me and touches my arm. “Liri?”

  “Yeah. Let’s talk in the other room, Killian.” Liri comes to me and takes my hand.

  I jerk away from them both. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Unca Kill said a bad word,” Sadie says.

  I stomp into the living room. I may not remember everything, but they don’t need to treat me like I’m fragile. My father switches the television off, and I sink down on the couch. Liri appears anxious as she sits next to me. My mother is leaning against the doorway, and my brother takes up the empty spot beside me.

  Whatever this is I guess it’s bad.

  “Son, it kills me to have to tell you this news twice. I just hope this conversation goes better this time around.” The mood in the room is grim. Susie moves behind my father’s chair and places a hand to his shoulder.

  Noelle is in the dining room with the girls still.

  The back of my throat feels dry, and I lick my teeth. My palms are sweaty, and Liri squeezes my knee in support.

  “I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had surgery and the doctors thought they got it all but its back and growing. My prognosis isn’t as good as I had hoped.”

  My ears ring, and I drown out the rest of the conversation.

  The present is replaced by a memory.

  “I wish you’d get cancer and die, you bastard!”

  “You ruined our family.”

  “Mom nearly died.”

  “I hate you. I hate you.”

  Guilt of things I once said to my father plague me. The room starts to spin. Liri grabs my hand. I push her away and jump up.

  “Fuck you all!” I shout and punch my fist into the wall.

  “Killian,” Dillan roars at me.

  My knuckles swell up, and I go out the front door slamming it behind me.

  Chapter 11


  I jump when Killian’s fist hits the wall as he screams at us. The front door slams and Dillan’s girls start to cry in the other room.

  “I’m sorry,” I announce and start out the door behind Killian, but he’s already in his car and ripping down the driveway like a crazy person. I wrap my arms around my middle and stare after him until his car is out of sight, and I can no longer hear the Mustang purring down the road as he drives away leaving me behind. I sink down on the front concrete steps and bury my face in my hands.

  Please don’t let him get himself killed.

  Diane walks outside and shivers at the cool air. She offers me a sympathetic smile. “He’ll come back once he’s cooled down. Come back inside where it’s warm. You need to eat. You’re getting bony.”

  “I’m okay.” No I’m not.

  “No, you’re not, but pie will help. I made banana cream.”

  My stomach burns and growls in response. I nod. “I’ll be in soon.”

  She leaves me alone with my thoughts.

  How did we get back here?

  Last night we understood each other or so I thought, but Killian does whatever in the hell he wants, consequences be damned.

  My stomach lurches and my temples throb. I put my head between my legs and take deep breaths. I wait another five minutes until the feeling of wanting to vomit passes before I return to the house. Eve
ryone is already at the table passing dishes around. I feel so out of place. As much as my own mom pisses me off right now, I wish I were with her and Theo. But then I remember that they are separated, and I don’t have anyone. Sure, Killian’s family is great, and they always go out of their way to make me feel welcome, but they aren’t my family. No matter how much I wish it were so. Killian has made it clear I’m not important to him memory or not. I’m an afterthought.

  I shovel my food around on my plate, and when I see Diane watching me, I force myself to eat. I don’t want to hurt her feelings. She went to so much trouble today. She’s at her ex-husband’s house cooking for him and his wife. The woman he cheated on her with. If she can suck it all up I can too. Killian should be here making the best of the day, but he’s off sulking like a child.

  I put a smile on my face and play dolls with Hope and Sadie while watching the clock and counting the hours that Killian has been gone. It’s obvious he isn’t coming back. I help Noelle clean up the kitchen while Dillan takes the girls home to get them to bed. Diane is getting ready to leave so I say my goodbyes and catch a ride with her to my car. I don’t want to be stuck spending the night.

  “Liri, I know my son is hard to put up with and with the accident a lot has changed between you. I don’t blame you for wanting to walk away. I’d want to say fuck it too.”

  I smile at her boldness. She’s not afraid to say how she feels or what she thinks, and I admire that about her. “It’s hard. I won’t lie. I feel lost. I don’t know how to get him back, or if he even wants to find his way back.”

  “Ignore him and don’t feed into his games.”

  Yup. She knows her son.

  “I have a hard time with the word no when it comes to Killian.”

  “I was the same way with his father but be strong. Show Killian what he’s missing. He’ll come around. And if he’s lucky he won’t be too late to realize what he has before he screws it up.”


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