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The Hero Without A Cool Name

Page 4

by Stan Hendriks

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re a hero! You should have a way cooler name!”

  “I know, but I still have to think of a name. And speaking of names, what is yours?”

  “Henry Steven Jones Carter at your service! But we have no time, there are criminals on the street committing crimes as we speak, and we need to do something about it! But first, I need to know everything about you, about your powers I mean. And while we’re at it, we really need to think of a cool name, not only for you but also for our team. Tell me, do you have some kind of high-tech bunker that you use as a headquarters or?”

  “No, but my apartment is kind of nice.”

  “Then that’s another thing we can add to the things we still have to work on list.”

  “Sure, but listen, I’m not really sure if we should do this.” Then there is a moment of silence and Roy continues, “Never mind, we totally should! Come, let’s go save the world!”

  “Alright! You and me, let’s do this! Man, this is such a dream come true! I can’t wait to know everything about you and save this world by your side!”

  Chapter Three He Has Arrived

  Roy and Henry are seated on the couch and as Henry is writing things down in his notebook, he says, “Okay, so here is the list of things we, well actually you, need to work on still and things which would be awesome to have but which you don’t have, if you know what I mean. As far as you know, you can’t fly nor can you run fast, yet. That may come with time, who knows. But you’re also not bulletproof, at least, we haven’t assessed that yet. But then again, you don’t have to be bulletproof since you could change the bullets into something else.”

  “That may be true, but I don’t think I can change the bullets that fast. I mean, bullets fly fast you know.”

  “Yeah… I will also add that to the list of things we need to work on. And tell me, can you change the elements? Like, could you change the ocean into a parking lot for example?”

  Roy chuckles and replies, “Maybe, I honestly have no clue. But I’m sure I need to develop my powers before I can even think about doing that.”

  “I see, well, we’ve been talking for about an hour and there are quite a lot of things you don’t know, which isn’t really helpful. All we know is that you can change small to medium things into something else and that every change you make is a permanent one, and we also know that if you use your powers too much you pass out, correct?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  Henry then closes his notebook and as he lays his pencil with the notebook down on the coffee table, he says, “Well, after carefully examined the information we do have—”

  “Could you talk normal?”

  “What… I am talking normal?”

  “You’re sounding like you’re about to sentence me for life or something.”

  “Okay, then let me say it like this. With all the information that we have, I don’t think it’s a wise idea to save the world, at least, not yet.”

  “Why not? I mean, we could start off small and down the road, I will learn to control my powers better.”

  “Yes, but I think it’s better that you first, with my help, develop your powers a bit more. Because if I may be honest, right now things aren’t looking good.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, how do I say this? You’re basically a baby that needs to learn how to crawl first before it can walk.”

  “Really? You’re comparing me with a baby?”

  “Well… yes, I am. No offense, but hey, just look at it like this, once you will be able to walk, we will do some remarkable things! But until that time, I think it’s best that we keep a low profile.”

  “I don’t know, I… I just want and need to do something you know. I can’t just sit back and do nothing. These powers were given to me for a reason you know, and that reason is to save people.”

  “Oh my God!”


  Henry points with his finger at the television that has the news channel on it, and they are still talking about what happened in the store! Roy immediately gets up and as he puts his hands on his head, he says, “No, oh no! Please tell me this isn’t real!”

  “I’m sorry, but it is.”

  “Shit! This is… wait, they’re not going to believe the shop owner yes? I mean, magic, really? They will think he’s crazy, right?”

  “Let’s hope so or else we’re going to be in serious trouble. Or well, you are going to be in serious trouble.”

  “You got that right,” Julian says, who is all of a sudden standing in Roy’s living room.

  “My God! You scared the living hell out of me!” Henry replies. “Who… who are you?”

  “And how did you get in?” Roy asks. But then he takes a closer look and sees that the front door is changed into a curtain.

  “Wait, this is the mentor you were talking about?!” Henry then gets up and as he sticks out his hand, he continues, “Henry Steven Jones Carter, it is an honor to meet you, sir.”

  “Roy, kitchen, now!” Julian says, as he then walks into the kitchen without shaking Henry’s hand.

  Henry looks at his hand with a confused expression on his face and as Roy walks past him, he sighs, “Well, it was nice knowing you.” Then he walks into the kitchen as well.

  “I have to admit, you have taste, which comes as a surprise,” Julian says, as he takes a good look around. “And in case you’re wondering why it comes as a surprise, it’s because you are an absolute moron!”

  “Listen, I—”

  “I wasn’t done yet! I thought I made myself noticeably clear when I told you that you can’t show your powers to other people! But what does Roy do? He goes out on the streets and pretends to be a hero! Am I dealing with someone that is mentally retarded or are you just pretending to be?! There are major consequences to showing your powers and letting people know what you can do!”

  “Look, I made a mistake, okay? I’m sorry, but then again, what’s the big deal? People aren’t going to believe the store owner anyway.”

  “Oh, that may be true, but he may have already seen who you are, and he may be sharpening up his swords as we speak!”

  “Who is he? Who are you talking about? And why would he be sharpening up his swords? To kill me?”

  “Yes, to brutally murder you! In fact, your head will end up in his trophy closet!”

  “Why? What have I done to him? And why didn’t you tell me this when we were at the park?”

  “Because if you actually listened to what I said then I wouldn’t have needed to inform you about him! Don’t you get that?! By your stupid actions, you not only put your own life at risk but that of mine as well! You carry zero responsibility and instead of taking my advice, you do the exact opposite! Unbelievable!”

  “Well, maybe you should actually tell me everything instead of constantly telling me what I’m doing wrong or what I’m not! Maybe if you weren’t so vague, I wouldn’t have done this! But listen, and let me be very clear to you, I refuse to change three stupid things into something else every day and do absolutely nothing besides that! I like to believe that these powers were given to me for a reason and for the first time in my life, I can actually be someone and do something useful! So, once again, I refuse to just sit back and do nothing! This is my destiny and I will not ignore it!”

  “You think that these powers were given you so that you could be a hero? You think being a hero is your destiny? Let me tell you something, you couldn’t be more wrong!”

  “So, what is my destiny then? Why have I received these powers?!”

  “That is a question that I still ask myself every day.”

  “Great, here we go again with the insults and being vague. You know you suck at being a mentor, you really do.”

  “Oh, cry me a river.”

  “Uhm… guys, sorry to interrupt but I think you two should take a breather before things escalate,” Henry says.

  “You are completely right,
my job here is done anyway,” Julian says, as he then walks past Roy and walks out of the apartment.

  Roy bows his head down and as he lets out a deep sigh, Henry pads Roy on his shoulder and says, “Don’t let him bring you down, okay? I mean, I can understand why he’s angry, but I also believe that being a hero is your destiny. And with or without your mentor, I promise you that I will be here no matter what.”

  “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”

  “But anyway, come on, keep your head up, hero without a cool name! It’s time we start looking for a quiet place and develop your powers! It’s time for some training!”

  “Yeah,” Roy nods. “Let’s do this! But wait, don’t you have a job or something? I mean, it’s pretty late already.”

  “I have a job, a boring one, but my parents are rich anyway so I will just quit.”

  “You sure?”

  “Of course, hello?! I’m going to be your sidekick! I much prefer saving the world than serving people tacos.”

  “You served tacos?”

  “Yeah, and before you ask, they weren’t good. But speaking of food, I’m actually starving.”

  “Yes, I think before we go train, we should get some food first.”

  “We definitely should. But I don’t have any money on me.”

  Roy then grabs a fork out of the drawer and replies, “Well, I could turn this fork into a hundred-dollar bill you know.”

  “Oh, hell yeah! Our lives are going to be fantastic!” Henry says with a grin on his face.

  “You damn right!” Roy replies, as he turns the fork into a hundred-dollar bill. After that, they give each other a fist bump and then leave the apartment.

  In the meanwhile, a woman, who is wearing a suit, has blond hair, bright green eyes, and who looks like she is in her late twenties, is standing behind the front desk of a five-star hotel named Einar Hotel. She picks up the phone and answers, “Hello, how can I help you?”

  “Hey, Lexi,” a man says. “Our special guest will be arriving soon. Make sure that he got everything he needs once he does. And make sure that the suite looks excellent. We wouldn’t want him to have him on our bad side.”

  “But of course, everything will be taking care of.”

  “Very well. And, before I forget, his suitcases will arrive in approximately ten minutes, make sure you put every single one of them in the safe immediately, is that understood?”

  “Understood, everything will be fine.”

  “Good, see you soon.”

  “That’s fine, bye,” Lexi says, as he then hangs up the phone with an evil looking smirk on her face.

  The next day, exceedingly early in the morning, the sun hasn’t even risen yet and Roy and Henry are standing on an empty football field. There are two bags filled with hundred-dollar bills and one bag is filled with potatoes and as Henry grabs a potato, he asks, “Well, you managed to change forty-five potatoes into forty-five hundred-dollar bills, which in total is forty-five hundred dollars, which is fantastic. If we go on like this, we’ll be extraordinarily rich! But how are you feeling? Can you still go on or?”

  “I feel fine honestly, which is weird.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Well, Mr. Herrick, my mentor, or former mentor I suppose, told me that if I use my powers too much I pass out, which happened to me before. That’s why this is weird because now, I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out at all.”

  “I guess the training is working then. Who knows, maybe you are a lot more powerful than your mentor, hell, maybe you’re even more powerful than the ones who came before your mentor.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “And so, do I!” Henry then yawns and continues, “But unlike you, I do feel like I’m going to pass out any moment now.”

  “I understand,” Roy chuckles. “I’m pretty tired as well and to be honest, I think we’ve done enough training for today. Let’s get some sleep and maybe we can train later tonight at my place or something.”


  Roy then picks up the bag with potatoes and Henry the bags with the money and as they walk off the football field, Roy asks, “Where do you live, by the way?”

  “Only two blocks away from you actually. Which is great since I don’t have to travel far, not that I wouldn’t travel far because I would of course, but you know what I mean.”

  “I know,” Roy says, as he goes through his pockets. But then he stops walking and continues, “Shit!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I must have forgotten my phone in the field.”

  “I told you not to lay it down on the grass,” Henry replies, as he shakes his head.

  “I know, I know, but I have to go back to get it.”

  “I understand, do you want me to walk back with you or?”

  “You don’t have to, go get some sleep and then I will see you tonight.”

  “Alright, see you tonight then.”

  “And be careful with that money,” Roy says with a smile, as he walks back to the football field.

  “Don’t worry! The money is in good hands!” Henry replies, as he then walks back to his house.

  On the football field, Roy finally finds his phone after looking for a good ten minutes. “Jeez, if I only had powers to track things down then this would have been a lot easier,” Roy sighs, as he puts his phone in his pocket. Then, with a big yawn, he turns around and sees Julian standing only inches away from him which scares him! “Wow, I… why do you have to scare me like that every time?”

  “I don’t think it’s my fault that you’re so easily scared.”

  “Sure, let me guess, you came here because you forgot to mention all the other bad qualities about me earlier?”

  “Every fiber in my body is telling me to do exactly that, but no, I came here because I owe you an apology.”

  With a confused expression on his face, Roy says, “You… I… what?”

  “You heard what I said.”

  “Yes, but an apology for what?”

  With a deep sigh, Julian replies, “I was wrong for constantly pointing out your bad traits instead of actually helping you in developing your powers and being clear to you about the dangers that are out there.”

  “Well, thank you, I appreciate that. But I just don’t understand why. I’m not trying to milk this out, although it does feel nice hearing you apologize, but I’m simply curious as to why.”

  “That is quite a long story, but to sum it up, I used to be exactly like you. I felt like I had no purpose in life, nor did I feel like I had anything to live for. But then, on a winter’s night, when I had reached my lowest point, I all of a sudden got these extraordinary powers which made me able to change things into anything I wanted. So, just like you, I felt incredibly happy and also just like you, I immediately changed everything in my house and made it look like a palace until I passed out of course. So, the day after, I began to wonder as to why I had received these powers, but after carefully consulting with my thoughts for a good couple of hours, I figured that it was because I was meant to become a hero. A hero that would save the world. And thinking of that made me feel beyond incredible, for the first time in my life I had a purpose again and I felt like I finally figured out what my destiny was. But then, my mentor approached me. At first, she looked truly kind, but little did I know that my dreams were about to get crushed. She immediately told me that I wasn’t meant to become a hero, but when I asked why I had received these powers, she couldn’t answer me. And as you may expect, that led to some intense arguments since I was certain I was meant to become a hero. But, fast forward, I accepted that it was not my destiny to become a hero and I accepted the fact that I could never use my powers in public. And believe it or not, I also accepted the fact that I was going to be nothing more than someone who would eventually pass his knowledge onto the next person that would receive the same powers as I. But, when I got into the same argument with you earlier, I completely understood where you were coming f
rom, but I guess because of my cropped up anger, frustration, and disappointment that I carry with me, for making the decision to simply be in peace with basically not doing anything with my powers, I kind of lashed out at you. I sincerely wish that I would have acted on and that I did something with my powers, but sadly, I cannot go back in time. But, I do think that I can become a little bit more at peace with it by helping you in developing your powers and also giving you the freedom and guidance you need to become the hero we all should have become. So, I hope that we can start over with a clean slate.” A bright smile appears on Roy’s face and as he nods, he tries to give Julian a hug. But Julian gently pushes him away and continues, “We’re not quite at that stage yet, and if it’s up to me then we will never reach that stage. But I assume that you have forgiven me?”

  “Yeah, I have. I mean, whether I like it or not, I guess I do need you. You’re the only one with the same powers as me and in order for me to really learn everything about them, I need your knowledge.”

  “That is right.”

  “But just so you know, I just changed forty-five potatoes into hundred-dollar bills without passing out. So, I guess I’m making a lot of progress. But, how come I didn’t pass out now? I mean, I hope that isn’t a bad thing.”

  “It’s not don’t worry. In fact, I’m quite surprised that you haven’t passed out yet. Normally you would have dropped like a bag of potatoes but… you seem to be stronger than me and the ones that have come before me. Or at least, you seem to have more stamina. Which is good but very confusing at the same time.”

  “Oh, I love the sound of that.”

  “I’ll bet you do.”

  “But, where do I go from here? I mean, I have clearly proven that I can change a lot of things now without passing out, so what’s next? And can I fly? Or run extremely fast? And am I bulletproof?”

  “You’re not bulletproof, and you will never be able to fly or run extremely fast, but to answer your more relevant question, where you go from here is changing bigger objects into the things you want them to be. Actually, before that, you should learn how to change moving objects, or in this case, moving potatoes. In fact, we should start right now.”


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