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The Hero Without A Cool Name

Page 5

by Stan Hendriks

  “I would love to but… I’m actually really tired.”

  “The world never sleeps and therefore, a hero never sleeps.”

  “Yeah… but I think I need some sleep to stay sane. I don’t want to give you a hard time or anything and I would love nothing more than to train with you, but my friend and I are meeting at my place tonight again to do some more training so maybe, if it’s not too much to ask, we can train then?”

  “Alright, that sounds like a plan.”

  With a somewhat confused expression on his face, Roy says, “Oh, well… great! Thank you.”

  “Just make sure that you’re well rested and that you are prepared,” Julian nods, as he then turns around and walks away.

  “Sure, don’t worry, I will be ready,” Roy says, as he awkwardly waves Julian goodbye.

  In the meanwhile, a man, with a dark skin tone, purple eyes, and a big scar on his left cheek, steps out of a limousine that stops in front of the Einar Hotel. The man is wearing a well-fitted suit, shiny dress shoes, and he has three dreadlocks, that reach all the way to his lower back, on the middle of his head while the rest of his head is bald. He closes his eyes for a moment and inhales very deeply through his nose, while the driver grabs two black suitcases with chrome edges from the trunk and brings them inside. The man then slowly looks to his right and to his left, with a profoundly serious expression on his face, and then he walks into the hotel. Lexi is already waiting on him in the lobby with a bright smile on her face and as soon as the man walks up to her, she says, “Toogaan, it is an honor to see you again. Welcome to Detroit.” Toogaan looks at her without saying a word and Lexi continues, “Your equipment is already well secured at the place you wish them to be. If I can assist you with anything else, then please let me know. I’m here for you.” Toogaan then, once again without saying a word, walks towards the elevator, in which the driver is already waiting with the suitcases, and goes all the way up to his luxurious suite. With a slightly disappointed expression on her face, Lexi walks back to the front desk, grabs the phone, and calls the same man she spoke with earlier. “Lexi? Has he arrived?”

  “He has arrived, don’t worry. But I can’t say that I’m impressed by him. He used to be such a feared warrior but now I feel like, after what happened, that he has lost touch with that side of him. He did not say a word, nor did he look determined to fulfill his destiny.”

  “Whatever it is that troubles his mind is none of our business, Lexi. We both know that what happened must have taken a toll on him, but we also know that he never failed to complete his mission and I can assure you that this time he will also not fail. Just make sure that you are there for him when he needs you, is that understood?”

  “Yes,” Lexi sighs.

  “Don’t forget that we are blessed to be on his team.”

  “I know that I really do, but when is it going to end? When are we going to receive what was promised to us?”

  “Soon, Lexi, soon. But for now, we must have patience. Toogaan has arrived to finally complete his mission once and for all, and after that, I can assure you that we will get everything that was promised to us and so much more.”

  “Wait… are you saying that Roy is the last of his kind?”

  “Word goes around that he is, but we will find out once Toogaan kills that cockroach.”

  An evil grin appears on Lexi’s face and she replies, “Well, I can’t wait to hear him scream it out from pain, to hear him suffer. Thinking about it already warms my heart.”

  “You have always been odd, Lexi, but I wouldn’t want to have you any other way. I love you, Lexi, and I know that with your help, Toogaan will be successful.”

  “I promise you that I will do everything I can to make sure of that, my love. Alright, I have to get back to work. I actually like the job you have given me this time. Although, I’m not sure if the last manager shares those feelings. But then again, she is dead, so I guess me taking her job is no longer a concern of her.”

  The man chuckles and then hangs up the phone. And while Lexi goes back to work, Toogaan is standing inside the living room of his suite that has a beautiful view over the city. He stares out of the windows for a good while, but then he walks over to an enormous painting that is hanging above the couch. He moves the couch away, takes a good look at the painting, and then gently touches it with his fingertips. The painting shows a man, who has a lot of similarities with Toogaan, fighting an elephant whose eyes are shining bright blue. A slight smirk appears on his face as he then moves his finger over the man’s chest. “A heart filled with the blood of some of the greatest and fiercest warriors the world has ever seen, pounding inside of my chest, feeding me the energy and strength of my powerful ancestors. I thank you for all you have given me. I promise that I will not let you down, I will make our tribe proud once again and show him, the creator of those whose eyes shine bright, that nothing can stop us! His blood will drip off my sword when I will pierce his heart! His eyes will be filled with fear when I will decapitate him!” Toogaan then presses, with his finger, on the man’s chest and all of a sudden, the painting splits in half and both sides slowly move to the side, revealing a big steel safe! Toogaan enters the code and with a loud click, the safe door slowly opens. The safe is filled with various kinds of daggers, swords, arrows, and bows. Some are modern looking while others look ancient. Toogaan then steps into the safe and as he grabs a random sword and caressed the sharp blade with his fingertips, he says, “Your time has come. There is no going back, and nothing will be able to save you. Toogaan is coming!”

  Chapter Four The Time Has Come

  It is dark outside and with empty pizza boxes laying on the coffee table, Roy and Henry are watching a television show. “I… uhh… man, my belly is about to explode. But what I was trying to say, I quit my job today.”

  “No way. Tell me, what did your boss say?”

  “Oh, you know, I casually walked in there, hours too late, and my boss immediately called me into his office. So, with my head held high, I entered his office and before he could even say a word, I told him that I no longer wanted the job.”

  “And? What happened after that?”

  “He wasn’t happy with it of course, but I guess my confidence made him speechless. So, after that, I walked out, once again very casually, with a bright smile on my face. At last, I’m freed from the chains of that prick and boy does it feel good!”

  “I can imagine how good it must feel, only we both know that you didn’t walk into your manager’s office with that much confidence. In fact, you entered his office with zero confidence.”

  Roy immediately gets up and gives Julian, who is all of a sudden standing in his living room once again, an angry stare. “When are you going to stop with this? And really? Again, you turned my door into a curtain. I just bought a new one and had it replaced.”

  “No, you didn’t have to buy a new one at all,” Henry says.

  “I know,” Roy replies, as they then give each other a fist bump.

  “I see that the relationship between you two has evolved into a cringe-worthy one.”

  “At least we have a relationship… I mean, friendship. But tell me, almighty mentor, how do you know what happened at my job?”

  “First of all, you call me Mr. Herrick, and second, since you are becoming close to Roy, I had to observe you out of safety precautions. I had to figure out your true intentions.”

  “He did the same thing to me just so you know, but and? Did he pass your test?” Roy asks.

  “I came to find out that your friend, Henry, is a… well, a moron with delusional but good intentions.”

  “Wow, hey, you better watch out.”

  “Watch out? May I know for what? And please don’t tell me that you are going to do something to me, because not only were you almost wetting your pants when you walked into your manager’s office, you also didn’t have the courage, unlike Roy, to stand up when I suddenly, and to your surprise, was standing here in living room. So, pleas
e, don’t try to behave like someone you’re not.”

  “Well, let me tell you something, almighty Mr. Herrick, I was too full, from the delicious pizza we ate, to get up, and about my manager, he is mean you know, very mean. He literally stares into your soul and eats it, so, just so you know. And to be honest, you’re not much different than him. I see you love to put people down.”

  “That’s true,” Roy nods with a smile.

  “If you honestly think that I’m harsh, then I’m afraid that you were not made for this world and for this life. You see, today’s generation is far too soft. Everything and anything is an insult, and so is the truth. Today’s generation has slowly been brainwashed into becoming soft and sensitive souls, which is an awfully terrible thing. In fact, it’s sad, it really is. And you, Henry, you are a prime example of a soft and sensitive soul.”

  “Alright, alright. Let’s not talk about this any further, okay? Let’s all just stay positive,” Roy says.

  “But I am positive, I only told Henry what I think of him.”

  “I’m still here you know,” Henry says.

  “Yeah, alright, guys, please. Mr. Herrick, I assume you came here for my training?”

  “That is correct, Roy. So, let us go to the football field.”

  “We can’t, they have a game right now,” Henry says.

  “At this time?”

  “Yes. Ah, sorry, I forgot that you still live in the nineteen hundred’s where everyone goes to sleep at nine.”

  “I sense that you’re upset. Tell me, is it because I told you the truth? Maybe you would like me to turn that pillow into a tissue for you? So, you could wipe away your tears?”

  “Alright, alright, we will find another place. In fact, I already know where we could go,” Roy says.

  But then, their attention shifts to the news on the television. The news shows and talks about that the police are, at this very moment, by a bank at which a robbery is taking place. The robbers have hostages and are equipped with heavy caliber guns! “Oh my God! This is it! The time has come for Detroit’s new hero to shine!” Henry says.

  “Wait… what?! I can’t just show up there and change their guns. What if I pass out and people will find out who I am? Or worse, I might get shot!”

  “You won’t trust me! You have to just go in there, change their guns, which you will be able to without passing out, I’m sure of that, and then get out of there. And regarding your identity, just change something into a ski mask or something and wear that.”

  “Yeah, a ski mask? Then they will think that I’m a robber as well.”

  “Not if you sneak your way in. Think about it, You should be able to turn something into a door on the backside of the bank. In fact, you could probably change the entire wall into a door. But anyway, that way you will be able to sneak in, make sure the robbers get arrested and then get out.”

  “No, that is ridiculous. It is, yes, Mr. Herrick?”

  “I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but I think Henry might be right.”

  “Really?! Yesterday you told me that I couldn’t use and show my powers because someone might try to take my head off and you also told me that I need a lot more training, but now you’re telling me that I should stop a bank robbery?!”

  “That is correct. Your powers are stronger than mine and the ones who came before me, and what better way to learn than to jump into the deep? You wanted to be a hero, Roy, this is your chance. I honestly do not know why I’m saying this, but I believe that you should go there and be the hero this city needs at this moment. It is your calling, your purpose, your destiny. You have the chance to become the one thing I, and the ones who came before me, always dreamed to be. And I know that as your mentor, and as the one that knows what dangers are out there, I should be the one to stop you, but I simply cannot do that. I want you to become the hero I know you can be, and I want you to succeed and have the life I never had. And maybe helping you to become a hero is my destiny after all. But just so you know, I will be close by in case something goes wrong. Do not worry, I will let no one harm you.”

  “So, why not come with me? I could definitely use your help. You have all the knowledge and experience and on top of that, I’m going to need you.”

  “You can do this on your own, Roy, believe me when I say that. And let’s be honest, I’m too old already to become a hero. You possess the powers to save the people inside of that bank, and you will get them to safety, of that I’m certain. So, man up, grow a pair and be the hero you want to become. Be the hero you are destined to become.”

  Roy takes a very deep breath and then with his head held high, he slightly nods and says, “Alright, I don’t know why I agree with this but let’s do this then!”

  “Hell yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” Henry shouts, as he pushes Roy. “Let’s do this!”

  “I don’t think you shouting is going to help,” Julian sighs. But Roy pushes Henry back and starts hyping himself, and the situation, up as well. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Julian continues. “Children, please! Focus! This is not a video game, this is real life, remember that.”

  Roy and Henry immediately calm themselves down and Roy replies, “You’re right. Okay, I need a mask.” Julian grabs one of the pillows on the couch, turns it into a blue ski mask, and throws it to Roy. “Why blue? Ah, I see! Because my eyes also light up blue.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but the decision to go with blue was purely to make sure that you would look different than the robbers inside, not because of your eyes.”

  “You really love ruining this great moment, don’t you?” Henry asks.

  “Stop talking, melodramatic soul, not only are you sucking up all the precious air, but you’re also wasting our time. And speaking of time, we need to leave right now, or the robbery will be over before we even arrive.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Alright, Henry, wish us luck,” Roy says, as he pads Henry on his shoulder and then walks to curtain, that used to be his front door, with Julian.


  “No, you’re not coming with us, melodramatic soul,” Julian sighs.

  “I wasn’t even going to ask that and stop calling me melodramatic soul. I’m Henry, Roy’s sidekick, alright? I know, I still need to work on a cool name for myself as well but anyway, you guys need to change some things into earpieces and a walkie-talkie.”

  “Why?” Roy asks.

  “Well, look,” Henry replies, as he points at the television. “From here I will be able to see everything that’s going on outside of the bank and I think it would be wise for us to stay in contact while you’re out there. You know, just in case something crazy happens like the police storming inside or something.”

  “Hmm, melodramatic soul has a point,” Julian says.

  “Yeah, nice one!” Roy says. “Alright, let me find something to change.”

  “No, you need to conserve your energy for when we get inside of the bank, I will find something to change,” Julian replies, as he walks into the kitchen.

  “I really don’t like that guy!” Henry whispers.

  Roy chuckles and as Julian comes back and gives Henry a walkie-talkie, he says, “I heard that.” After that, he puts in an earpiece in his ear and gives another one to Roy, who also puts it in his ear. “Alright, let’s test this out before we go.”

  Henry starts talking into the walkie-talkie and after making some adjustments to it, they hear him loud and clear. “Alright, now that, that’s settled, let’s go to the bank,” Julian says, as he walks out of Roy’s apartment.

  Roy follows Julian and right before he closes the curtain behind him, he points at Henry and says, “This is going to be awesome!”

  Henry points back at Roy and replies, “You bet!”

  Julian and Roy then walk out of the apartment complex and walk towards the bank while trying to keep a low profile. Henry, with sweaty palms, holds on tight to the walkie-talkie and as he takes a seat on the couch and stares at the televisio
n, he takes a deep breath with a nervous smile on his face.

  About ten minutes later, Roy and Julian are almost at the bank but as expected, the police are blocking anyone from entering the streets leading up to the bank. “Shit, what do we do now?” Roy asks.

  “You have to sneak your way towards the backside of the bank.”

  “Wait… I have to sneak my way down there? What about you?”

  “As I told you earlier, you have to do this by yourself.”

  “Yeah, but you also told me that you would be close by.”

  “Do not worry, I will be. Now, go save those people inside and be a hero instead of standing here. They need you, Roy, so stop whining, grow a pair, and go.”

  “Yeah, easy for you to say.”

  “Listen, I know you must be scared right now, but know that I have faith in you, Roy. And besides that, those people in there need a hero, they need you. Just think about those people, think about how they must be feeling with the barrel of a deadly weapon pointed at their heads, focus on them, and focus on saving them. Put your feelings aside and do what you must do. After all, you wanted this, right? Well, this is the life of a hero. A hero puts his or her own life at the line in order to save that of others. And if you’re not willing to put your own life at the line, then being a hero is not for you.”

  Roy takes a couple of deep breaths and says, “You’re right, this is my purpose, my destiny, I was born for this. Those people need me, and I need to save them! But, by the way, you’re not going to let me die, are you?”

  “You’re not going to die if you just focus and go into this situation with utmost precaution. This is a profoundly serious matter; you need to understand that. As long as you are completely aware of your surroundings then you will be fine, believe me. Now, go. Time is running out.”

  “Yes, I’m going. Alright, wish me luck!” Roy says, as he then runs off.

  “Good luck, you’re going to need it.”

  Not long after, Roy has made his way past all the police officers and is now standing at the back of the bank. He carefully looks around but there is no backdoor in the brick wall, not even a window. “Dammit!” Roy sighs. He then presses with his finger on his earpiece, and continues, “Henry? How is it looking?”


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