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Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series)

Page 25

by Karin De Havin

  So we are finally accepted into Derbyshire society. It could not come at a worse time. “Dearest, you cannot refuse the invitation. If we ever return to Dorset Cottage we must be in the Duchess’s good graces. There is no escaping England now.”

  Ticking Clock


  This can’t be happening. No way am I letting Mr. Tahan take Jin away. We need time to form a new plan, but how? By the furrows in Jin’s brow, I can tell he’s already thinking of a way to escape.

  He pushes back against the bodyguards. “You are one to speak of the rules, Mr. Tahan. What about the First Code of Judgment?”

  Mr. Tahan’s shoulders tighten. “You have no right to bring up the code. You do not deserve such a protection after what you have done.”

  Jin moves closer to his old teacher pulling the bodyguards along with him. “I demand the twenty-four hour grace period be honored.”

  The bodyguards let go of Jin. Mr. Tahan’s face grows red. “What are you doing? He is my prisoner.”

  The taller of the men stands his ground. “Sir, he has invoked the code. No matter what his offence, he deserves the right to put his house in order.”

  Mr. Tahan’s face looks like it’s going to explode. “How dare you defy my orders!”

  The other bodyguard steps away from both men and releases Jin’s hands. “Sir, we are duty bound to the council, not you.”

  “Do you not see he is going to try to escape?”

  “We can alert Mr. Gadhavi. He will be sure that prisoner does not evade us.”

  Mr. Tahan stands defiant but outnumbered. “It will be on your heads if he escapes.”

  The bodyguards bow in unison and leave. Mr. Tahan puts his long finger in Jin’s face. “You may think you’ve won, but it is only a momentary reprieve. I will see to your execution soon.”

  Picking up the bell on the entry table, I ring for Higgins. Heavy footsteps sound from the far side of the cottage. Higgins races through the study door when he sees Mr. Tahan. “Is everything all right, madam?”

  “This man is leaving. Make sure he is never allowed in our home again.”

  Higgins gets Mr. Tahan’s hat and coat and locks the door behind him. “You heard Mrs. Sansby. You are not welcome here.”

  As soon as he’s gone, I run to Jin and gently inspect his wrists. “Are you okay? They left a pretty deep gouge with the ropes.”

  “I am fine. ’Tis, only my ego that is bruised.”

  I go into the parlor to cover up Darcy after all the commotion. He gives me a goodbye chirp before I drape the shawl over his cage. Funny, even though I haven’t had him that long, I’m going to miss Darcy’s sweet songs. “The train for Liverpool leaves at four o’clock tomorrow and we need to be on it.”

  “’Tis true. But first we must to disguise ourselves like we did in Prague.”

  I suddenly have a major light bulb moment. “I think I know something better than a disguise for you.”

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  “What if Hugh Manner poses as you? We can tell him we want to make sure Gadhavi leaves us alone so we can board the ship He could lead Mr. Tahan and his bodyguards away from you, then you could escape and join me at the dock.”

  “But he is a detective with Scotland Yard? Why would he help us?”

  “I will tell Phyllis how much we need to get away to conceive. She will help us I’m sure. She’s gung-ho for me to get pregnant.”

  A smile crosses his face. “That is quite resourceful. But I fear for you as well. Mr. Tahan will be on the lookout for you too.”

  “I will ask Lady Gamby for her help. After this mornings visit, I’m certain she’s become a trusted friend.”

  Jin runs to the hall tree and hands me my cloak. “Your plan is brilliant, but you do not have a moment to waste—tis already noon. I will ride to Lady Gamby’s and tell her you have urgent business and you will be arriving at two o’clock.” He kisses me on the cheek. “Good luck with Phyllis. But I doubt you will need it with your powers of persuasion.”

  Higgins brings the carriage around and I head straight for Phyllis. I’m taking a huge chance showing up unannounced. The butler lets me in like I’m a family member. “Phyllis is having a spot of tea in the sunroom.”

  I follow the butler through the stately but simply furnished parlor into the back of the house. The family parlor, with its floral covered chairs and settees, are overtly feminine compared to the rest of the house.

  Phyllis looks up from her book. “Esme, what brings you here?”

  I swallow hard. I’ve never had to lie to Phyllis before. “I have a favor to ask of Hugh and I think it might be better if you smoothed the way.”

  “Call me intrigued.”

  She must be reading a mystery. “You know that Hugh investigated the man that was following us. Unfortunately, he could do nothing because the man has diplomatic immunity.”

  “Yes, he did tell me and I think it is outrageous.” Phyllis sets down her teacup. “Does not Scotland Yard have the ultimate authority?”

  “I had hoped so, but I guess not. You know we are leaving for Liverpool today.”

  “Of course. I was going to stop by to say good-bye but you have saved me the journey.”

  “Have you ever noticed how much Hugh looks like Jin?’

  She thinks for a moment. “Now that I picture them both together, I can see the resemblance.”

  “It’s a huge favor to ask, but I was wondering if he could leave our house in our carriage and travel to Whitehall to throw the man off our track. We want to have a wonderful second honeymoon without any problems.”

  “Of course you do. You cannot conceive when you are nervous. Say no more. I will send word to Hugh at once. I am certain he will agree to help. When do you need him to rendezvous at your house?”

  “The train to Liverpool leaves at six o’clock and it takes an hour to get to the station.”

  She gets up and sees me to the door. “Hugh will be there. I will let nothing hamper your having a child.”

  The ride to Lady Gamby’s is a bumpy one. The road is well worn from all the guests the lord invites to his amazing home. Jin has a much smoother ride on his beautiful dapple-grey.

  I’ve only been to Braxton Hall once before. No expense was spared in building the mansion. Jin and I took a tour of the mansion when I didn’t even know who the Gambys were. Lord Gamby’s family has owned Braxton Hall for centuries. The long gallery full of marble statues is famous in Derbyshire and the lord doesn’t mind showing them off.

  The long alley of birch trees greet me as someone who can now call their owner a friend—hopefully. The hall is even more impressive on my second visit. I hadn’t noticed the stone crowns on the top of the four story towers had the duke’s great-grandfathers initials. The sun bounces off the multi-paned windows as I walk toward the marble-columned front entrance. The head butler greets me at the door. “I believe your husband is in the drawing room with milady. Follow me.”

  The entryway is the size of the first floor of our cottage. The elaborate puzzle-patterned black and grey marble floor must have taken months to complete. Lady Gamby motions for me to join her on a large green sofa. “Wonderful to see you, Esme. Your husband has informed me of your plans. Of course I will be willing to help. How horrible to be afraid for your life.”

  Jin shifts in his damask chair. “As you have heard, Lady Gamby has graciously agreed to come to our aid. But how did it go with Mrs. Manner?”

  “I’d be surprised if Hugh Manner isn’t standing on the front steps when you get home.”

  Lady Gamby rings a small bell on the table next to her. “Splendid. I have instructed my maid to loan you a dress and one of my best hats to help in your disguise. My coachman will bring the town carriage around.”

  “Lady Gamby, you are a life saver.”

  She squeezes hand. “Please call me, Blanche.”

  “Blanche, I don’t know how I can repay such a huge favor.”

  “’Tis nothing. What a
ny person would do in the service of a friend.”

  Jin gets up and bows to Blanche. “I must make my leave if I am to rendezvous with Hugh Manner on time.” He leans over and kisses my hand. “If our plan works I will see you on the ship. Safe journey, dearest.”

  A lump forms in my throat as I watch him leave. What if our thrown together plan doesn't work?

  Mr. Tahan and his henchmen think we are leaving tomorrow morning so hopefully that will give us an edge. Riding in Lady Gamby’s coach, I feel like royalty. The interior is upholstered in a diamond pattern. If only I could enjoy sinking into the luxurious leather instead of being so nervous I’m trying to chew my fingernails through my gloves. All I can do is hope that Hugh has lured Mr. Tahan and his men away so that Jin can escape and join me in Liverpool. Hopefully Gadhavi didn't lie to Jin about being an ally.

  Despite the fact the horses are traveling at breakneck speed, the coach gently rocks back and forth and I’m lulled to sleep on the long ride to Liverpool. I don’t wake up until the coach lurches as it pulls up to the shipping ticket office. With all its feathers and bows, the topper Blanche loaned me could rival the fancy Kentucky Derby hats I’ve seen. Even Jin would have a hard time recognizing me, but my neck is getting quite the workout from the weight. In my elaborate tea dress and high heels, I’m a bit overdressed for ship travel, but I’m sure people will assume I’m someone important.

  I walk up to the ticket booth. “I believe there are two first-class tickets to Greece reserved under the name Sansby.”

  The young clerk smiles. “Yes, your husband already claimed his and is on board.”

  OMG! Our crazy plan worked. I want to jump up and down, but I’m posing as a Lady Gamby so that wouldn’t be cool. He hands me a ticket and a map of the ship.

  “Wonderful, thank you.”

  I do everything I can to stop myself from running to our cabin. Speed-walking down the long ramp, I’m taken aback by how enormous the ship is. It’s almost as large as the Titanic looks in the movie. I’ve never been on anything bigger than a thirty-foot powerboat. The teak deck gleams, accenting the endless rows of chairs along the deck. Following the map the agent gave me I work my way down the grand winged staircase to the second level deck. My heart leaps out of my chest as I run down the long hallway of polished wood doors and floral carpet.

  Cabin 298 is almost at the end of the hall. So far I haven’t seen anyone suspicious, just the normal first class passengers. A shadow hovers at the end of the hall. All I want to do is get in my cabin and hug Jin, but first I need to make sure I wasn’t followed. I tiptoe toward a shadow hovering at the back wall, but by the time I get there the shadow is gone. Must be I’m just getting paranoid. Maybe fate has decided to give us a break after all.

  Working my way back to our cabin, I look both ways to make sure no one is following me. I grasp the brass door handle and feel a set of large hands wrap around my waist. A powerful push forces me inside. Jin sits tied to a chair. Mr. Tahan is hovering over him while the other bodyguards tighten the ropes anchoring him to the chair. I rip the bodyguard’s hands off my waist. “Let go of me!” It’s then that I realize there is someone else in the room—the Spanish princess, Isabella. I should have known she would be involved in our capture.

  Mr. Tahan smiles. “So you actually thought you could escape? The High Council has spies everywhere and not all of them are traitors like Gadhavi. The Princess of Leon has been very helpful.”

  Isabella stands fanning herself. “I am always at the High Council’s service.” She rests her gloved hand on my shoulder. “I hope you enjoy your stay in Khajuaho prison.”

  Watching her leave, I hope I’ll never see her smug face again. Fear races through me at the thought of what she might have done to the people who tried to help us. All I can do is hope Hugh and Gadhavi are still alive.

  Mr. Tahan crosses in front of me. “We have spies everywhere. You should have seen the look on your husband’s face when we greeted him on the ship.”

  Here I thought Roderick was the king of evil. “So you’ve won. Now what?”

  “I will take your husband back to the High Council headquarters in Khajuaho. They have grand plans for him.” The older bodyguard grabs my waist again. “As for you, I think I know just what to do.”

  Jin struggles against the ropes but it’s no use. “Leave my wife be!”

  What can I do to save Jin from going to prison? Endless TV shows and soap operas flash through my brain. The heroines always do something big and unexpected to get the upper hand. There is only one way I even stand a chance of saving him. I must make them take me too. But how? The High Council is only interested in Jin. They may blame me for encouraging him to break the rules, but it’s not like I put a gun to his head. I’m just some stupid human girl, who can be discarded and forgotten.

  Mr. Tahan and the bodyguards have made sure Jin is bound tightly this time. He looks at me and for once there is no hope in his eyes. “Dearest, I would break the rules again. The year I have had with you has been sheer bliss.”

  Tears stream down my face as I watch the shorter bodyguard jab Jin in the ribs. “I told you, no talking.”

  Mr. Tahan opens the door to the cabin. “May the loss of your husband and the world of your time be your punishment.”

  I’m not going to accept living my life alone in the past. I can’t let it end like this, I can’t. Think Esme—think!

  Jin’s big brown eyes have lost their light as they untie him and pull him upright. “I love you. Try to make the best of your life here.”

  They yank Jin’s arms behind his back and tie his wrists together so tightly he grimaces. One guard punches him in the mouth so hard I’m worried he might choke on a loose tooth. I have to do something or I will never see him again. Drawing from the storyline of my grandmother’s favorite soap opera, I come up with an idea.

  “At least he leaves a part of himself behind.” I rub my belly. “That is some comfort.”

  A Bun in The Oven


  “You are pregnant?” Mr. Tahan signals the bodyguards to stop shoving Jin towards the door. “Truly?”

  “Yes. “I’m three months pregnant with Jin’s child.”

  Mr. Tahan rubs his chin deep in thought. “This does complicate matters. The council will surely want me to bring you along with your husband—the prisoner. It has been centuries since a human-genie child has been born.” He glances at my stomach. “The council will want to observe your pregnancy. Although it will more than likely be futile as you will not reach full term. Our physiology does not mesh well.”

  Wow, what a creep. If I were really pregnant I’d be devastated by the news. I need to be defiant and strong so he believes me. “This child will prove you wrong. I feel it growing inside me.”

  A tear runs down Jin’s face. He actually believes I’m pregnant. “Dearest, I am so proud and happy.”

  I feel bad betraying Jin, but the fact that he thinks I’m pregnant will keep us both safe. The bodyguards tie my hands behind my back and Jin and I are escorted down the hallway. Jin’s lips are now swollen shut so he can’t call for help, but mine aren’t. We pass an older couple in the hallway and I scream out, “I’m being kidnap…”

  The tall dark-haired bodyguard puts his hand over my mouth while Mr. Tahan stops next to the couple. “Please excuse my daughter. She does not approve of my choice of husband.”

  The old lady smiles. “Children today have this romantic notion of marrying for love.”

  Mr. Tahan looks back at me. “They have no idea what is good for them.”

  The old couple disappears down the hallway and my chance of freedom fades with them.

  The bodyguard pulls my hat so far down on my face I can’t see. “You say another word I will snap your husband’s neck.”

  I’m tempted to argue back that the council wants him alive, but I don’t need to tick them off any more. I have to stay with Jin. It’s my only chance to save him.

  We make it off the sh
ip and Mr. Tahan throws us into a waiting carriage. “We will be setting sail for India tomorrow.”

  At first I tried to keep track of how many days we were traveling on the ocean, but between the bouts of seasickness and the fact that I was bound and closely watched, the days became a blur. It didn’t help that Jin and I were kept in separate cabins and never allowed to see each other. After being together for almost two years straight the separation was agony. I have never felt more alone in my life.

  When finally we hit land we were smuggled off the ship on a moonless night and put in separate carriages. It was another day’s journey to get to the High Council Headquarters. I was blindfolded and gagged the whole time so I had no idea if we were truly in India.

  When the bodyguard finally removes my blindfold, it takes me a while to focus. My legs are so wobbly from being at sea for so long I can barely walk. I lean against the bodyguard for support. The vast drive in front of an enormous palace is as big as a football field. The residence is even grander than Braxton Hall. Two huge wings jet off from a central multi-tiered seven-story tower. Copper domes dot the top like jewels in a tiara. If the palace weren’t going to be my prison I would be in awe of its beauty. I scan the grounds in hopes of seeing Jin, but he is nowhere. They must have already taken him off to the High Council’s version of the Tower of London.

  The fragrance of jasmine and ginger drift through the air along with several other scents I don’t recognize. India smells like an exotic potpourri. The air is thick with humidity and sweat beads up on my forehead. If it’s this hot when the sun is setting, what must it be like during the day? It has to be at least thirty degrees warmer than England.

  Part of me wonders if I didn’t make a huge mistake following Jin here. I might have had a pleasant life back at the Dorset Cottage. Blanche had proved herself a true friend. But I would never forgive myself for not trying to save Jin one last time.


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