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Jin In Time Boxed Set 1-3: A Young Adult Time Travel Romance (The Time is Forever Series)

Page 26

by Karin De Havin

  A stunning girl with walnut colored skin and long flowing wavy black hair walks briskly toward me. The bodyguard yanks on my arm. “This is your handmaiden, Nalini. She will be taking care of you.”

  Nalini bows deeply. “It will be my pleasure to serve you, Mistress.”

  Oh how I long to hear those words once more from Jin. “Please, call me Esme.”

  “As you wish.”

  A pang hits my heart. Her words are almost the same as Jin’s when I first met him. It feels like a lifetime ago. I’ve gone from a teenage life in America, to a pleasant married one in Derbyshire, to a prisoner in India. If a fortuneteller had predicted this future I would have laughed in her face and asked for my money back.

  Still shaky on my feet, the bodyguard holds me up as we walk into the main section of the palace. Gilded archways punctuate a series of large domed ceilings as we make our way deep into the headquarters. The handmaiden motions for me to follow her up a series of turquoise and lavender mosaic covered stairs. The High Council must rake in tons of money to afford such a place, or maybe they can just wish for it.

  When Jin first told me about the High Council, I visualized them like the villains in some epic movie. They never felt real. Standing in their vast palace headquarters, I suddenly feel as small as two-year-old. I have no idea what they will do to me when they discover my lie, so I better play the role of a pregnant wife like I’m a young Meryl Strep gunning for my first Oscar.

  After five flights of stairs, I’m exhausted. Nalini opens an elaborately carved door at the top of the stairs. “This is your new residence.”

  What a stunning prison. The arches that run around the perimeter of the room form a turquoise smile. A giant bed at least six feet high takes center stage. It reminds of the one in the book, Princess and the Pea. The High Council insignia that was engraved into the silver basket at the hotel is carved into the gold headboard. The bed is so high there is a special set of stairs so you can get in it. I’m so screwed if I have to get up and pee in the middle of the night.

  Nalini gently takes my hand and leads me to the stairs. “You have had a long journey, you should rest.”

  I feel like warmed-over crap so she will get no argument from me. She pulls back the covers and helps me into the bed. Nalini points to a brass bell with an elephant handle next to a stack of embroidered pillows. “If you need anything, please ring the bell to summon me.”

  Watching her climb down the stairs, it only takes a moment before she vanishes behind one of the arches. It takes all of five seconds for my eyes to flutter shut. An image of Jin floats into my mind. He’s somewhere in this enormous palace and I have to find him—but not today.

  The last two days were a blur just like on the ship. Nalini took her job of taking care of me very seriously. I was not going to lose the baby on her watch. She woke me every morning and made sure that I rested and ate properly. As part of my pregnancy ruse, I decided I better fatten myself up. A little protruding belly just might convince them I’m really pregnant.

  Nalini waited on me like a princess and even brought me a bedpan at night so I didn’t need to get up to go to the bathroom. I was emotionally and physically exhausted from everything I’d been through, so part of me really enjoyed being pampered. All the attention helped take my mind off what they must be doing to Jin. No one would tell me where he was or if he was even still alive. But by day three, my worry for Jin had grown to the size of a mountain. My exquisite room had truly become my prison. “Nalini, can you summon Mr. Tahan. I’d like to discuss something with him.”

  “Are you certain, Esme? I would advise you rest at least until Monday.”

  Without Nalini as my living calendar, I would have no idea what day it was. “It’s important.”

  She bows deeply enough that her long hair falls forward covering her face. Then she quickly helps dress me in a purple silk sari. While she runs off to get Mr. Tahan, I get up and check myself in the mirror. A strange Indian princess stares back at me. Gone are my corseted waist and enormous bustle. I haven’t felt this free since I wore my jeans and T-shirt back at the cottage.

  Three days in bed doing nothing but eating and resting has done wonders. I finally feel like myself again. My cheeks have a pink glow from pigging out on paneer, Indian cheese, naan bread, fruit, and coconut balls rolled in sugar and cardamom. The fattening diet has produced just what I wanted—a little belly. I pull the sari tighter to accent my fake baby bump.

  Mr. Tahan strides in wearing an embroidered Indian tunic and pants looking much more at home than wearing the high-collared shirt and tweed suit he wore in England. “You appear rested.” His eyes linger on my little bump. “I hope the child is well.”

  “Yes.” I puff out my stomach a bit more. “The baby seems to be growing by the day.”

  Mr. Tahan turns to Nalini. “You have done an excellent job taking care of your charge. I will let the council know of your good work.”

  She beams. “Why, thank you, sir. I will make sure my mistress’s every need is fulfilled.”

  I’ve had enough of the love fest. “When can I see my husband?”

  Mr. Tahan looks bored by my question. “Your husband is not available at this time.”

  “I’m going on a hunger strike until I see him.”

  “You must remember, my dear, I have the power in this exchange.”

  I can’t imagine how Jin could stand him as his teacher. “I don’t think the council would be very happy if you jeopardize the baby.”

  He lets out a sigh. “It appears that rest has made you obstinate.” He motions for Nalini who has retreated to the sitting room. “I would like your charge to walk the courtyard for thirty minutes a day.”

  Having only seen one small section of the courtyard when I first arrived, I can’t imagine how large the entire thing is. It must be at least the size of a soccer field. I’m thrilled by the news. I‘d be more than happy to get some sun after being locked up in my room. Maybe I can figure out where they have Jin held captive.

  Nalini bows to Mr. Tahan. “Yes, certainly, sir. Every day she will take a morning constitution. I will see to it.”

  “Good. If you cooperate, I will inquire if you will be allowed to visit your husband—”

  I swallow a lump of relief.

  “—after they have finished their interrogation.”

  The morning sun streaks through the thin silk drapes and I’m actually looking forward to my mandatory walk. I’m sweating already. It’s six o’clock and already a hundred degrees.

  Nalini greets me with a smile and a glass of mango juice. “A beautiful morning for your stroll in the courtyard.”

  “I don’t know if I want to go. The sun is so very hot already.”

  She places her hand on my forehead. “You are dripping in sweat. I am concerned you might be falling ill. I will send for the doctor.”

  Nalini is used to the blistering heat so she doesn’t even break a sweat. “No, I’m fine. Just not used to the high temperature here. In England it’s thirty degrees cooler.”

  She ignores me. “I am duty bound to make sure you deliver a healthy baby.” Nalini snaps her fingers and her assistant comes running. “Sati, you will fetch the doctor at once.”

  Say what? I can’t have a doctor examine me. He’ll figure out I’m not pregnant. Maybe I can ditch Nalini and escape? I scan the room trying to figure out if I can sneak out a window knowing the door is locked.

  Before I can even get up off the bed, Sati returns with an older-looking gentleman carrying a small leather satchel. The doctor stands next to the bed and bows. “My name is Sanja Dupta, the High Council’s physician. Sati tells me you are not feeling well. I would like to examine you with your permission.”

  Like I could say no with Nalini and Sati hovering around me. I stare up at the gold silk bed canopy as the doctor pulls back my covers. If only I had a wish left and I could transport myself back to my bed in Long Island.

  His stethoscope is cold as he moves it aro
und my chest to listen to my heart. “Are you in pain?”


  “Ah, I see.”

  “Is there a problem?”

  “You have a rapid heartbeat.”

  I bet. My big lie is about to be exposed!

  His hand stops at my little belly bulge and he smiles. I tense up.

  “No need to be worried, he says. “I am a doctor.”

  Right. That’s the problem.

  The doctor truly believes I’m pregnant. He points to the covers and Nalini pulls them all the way down to the bottom of the bed. The doctor uses his fingers to examine my hips. “I will need you to bend you knees.” He pulls an instrument out of his bag. “I have to be certain the baby is healthy. This will only take a moment.”

  Terrific. I’m so busted.

  Unsuspecting Revolutionary


  Mr. Tahan has me confined in heavy manacles that have formed a permanent groove in my skin after only two days. The grooves are proof of my suspicions about Mr. Tahan being my enemy. Now I know all these decades later where Headmaster Tahan went when he disappeared from our classroom at the Genie Academy. I always thought he was doing the High Council’s dirty work. I could have never foreseen that I would be considered someone he would be summoned to deal with. He knew when I was but a mere student that our destinies where tied together.

  The temperature in the tower must be well over a hundred degrees. Luckily genies can tolerate temperatures far higher. Poor Esme must be suffering so in this heat. Even her youth in Southern California could not prepare her for the sweltering heat of India in the summer, especially here in the south.

  The news of the baby should be joyous one, but the council has taken away all my happiness. Part of me is thankful Esme told Mr. Tahan because it will keep her safe. The other part wishes she had never said a word. Then Mr. Tahan would have left her in England, and our child would not be kept like an animal in the zoo. Which is surely what will happen if the High Council has its way.

  The handle jiggles announcing the arrival of my breakfast gruel. The door creaks open but someone much younger has replaced the old man who is my usual meal bearer. He must be an apprentice genie, no more than sixteen years of age by his completion—still in the awkward stage.

  His dark curls halo his face as he crouches next to me. “I do not have much time. I gave the old man a sleeping potion. My brethren wanted to send you a message that we appreciate everything you have done for our cause.”

  Ah. Not just a teen genie—a revolutionary. “Are you here to rescue me?”

  “No. We cannot risk such an endeavor at the moment. There are not enough of us to overtake the palace—yet.”

  Can the movement be spreading that quickly? “I did not mean to spark a genie revolution. I broke the rules solely so I could be with the woman I love.”

  “Yes, I understand. But you are not the only genie who has fallen in love with their master or mistress. We have a long list of other complaints to be addressed. The High Council must acknowledge our rights.”

  Oh God. I truly have triggered a rebellion. “Do you have any news of my wife? They refuse to give me any information.”

  “Yes, we have a spy whose duty it is to make sure your wife is receiving the best care.”

  “I am grateful. Is my wife a prisoner, too?”

  “Of sorts. She has been held captive in her room. But recently the council has allowed her to walk the courtyard.” The young man jumps to his feet. “She might be out on her constitution by now. Let me see if I can find her.”

  When he rushes over to take a look, he kicks over the piss bucket. Luckily it is not full. A low-pitched sound echoes from behind the door and sheer panic floods the boy’s face. He puts his finger to his mouth and creeps across the room. Lying on the floor, he flattens his body like a flounder to see through the gap under the door. He is quite resourceful, a good trait for a genie.

  The thought that Esme might be passing by the tower makes my heart race. The boy rolls over and pops up next to me. “It was nothing, just the old man moaning. But I should be on my way.”

  “My wife, can you see if she is in the courtyard?”

  “Yes, of course.” He stands on tiptoes to look out the window. “We are in luck. She is very near. If only there was a way for you to see her.”

  “I would give anything to have my monocle right now.”

  The young man taps his pants pocket. “Of course, how silly of me.”

  He holds his monocle out the tiny tower window facing the courtyard. Not only can the monocle see through time and space, it also works like a video camera.

  The young man hands me the monocle. The “video” shows two women in bright colored saris walking along the courtyards grassy edge. Esme’s blonde hair flows gracefully over her shoulders. Her stomach is protruding slightly. The baby is growing! I hand the monocle back to the boy. “Thank you. It means so much to see her looking so well. Can you get word to her?”

  The boy looks at his pocket watch. “The potion will wear off soon.” He reaches into his other pocket and produces a small notepad and a fountain pen with the High Councils insignia. The notepad is given to all apprentices to document their mistakes and successes.

  The boy tears out a page. “Here, write a quick note, I will see to it that your wife receives it.”

  My Dearest Esme,

  I caught a glimpse of you walking in the courtyard and am filled with joy at the sight of our baby growing inside of you, like a little genie in a beautiful bottle. Do not trouble yourself on my account. I am in good health and will do everything in my power to deliver you and our baby to safety.

  Yours forever,


  The guards chain me to a chair, four buckets of water and sharp implements at the ready. All of it is lost on me. Esme’s love will fortify me through another day of mindless questions.

  A sly grin spreads across Mr. Tahan’s face as he joins in on the interrogation. “You are privileged today. The High Council is sending Manan to view our session today.”

  My neck hairs bristle. Things are getting serious when one of the top commanders wants to join in. Not only that, but he has a familiar face standing next to him—Roderick. So he was in league with the council after all. I do my best to ignore him and answer the question. ”I have told you everything I know about the revolution—which is nothing.”

  Mr. Tahan grinds the chain around my wrist deeper into my skin. After three days of torture I cannot feel any pain. Roderick snickers and joins in. With his one hand held high he brandishes a hot iron over my chest. “Revenge is sweet.” He places the iron just below my ribcage and makes a mark. I think of Esme’s beautiful face and smile knowing it will drive Roderick crazy.

  Two sets of large hands fling open the heavy metal tower door. Manan’s bodyguards are far more impressive than Mr. Tahan’s. They must be seven feet tall, their muscles straining against the fabric of their tunics, making the six foot tall Manan appear tiny even in his dramatic turban. Once he steps out from between his two human columns, his dark eyes command my attention. He sits down in a plush velvet chair that I do not remember seeing before.

  Manan rests his hands in his lap with languid indifference. “How are you doing today, Mr. Sansby?”

  “Splendid. I am enjoying the company of your employees and my old master.”

  His nostrils flare. “You remain obstinate. That is not wise.” He motions toward Roderick. “I thought you two had some unfinished business to attend to.”

  “Sir, would you like me to submerge his head in water?” Roderick asks.

  Mr. Tahan nods in agreement. “I find it helps to glean important information.”

  Manan waves him away. “You have gleaned very little in three days. I am more than capable of extracting the information I desire.”

  He smiles at Roderick. “I will allow you one more stab at your genie. Then you must go. We have important business to finish.”

  Roderick su
cks in breath. He must know better than to challenge Manan. “Thank you, sir.”

  This time he makes certain the iron is nice and hot. “I asked if I could return your wife’s evil deed in kind but the council refused to let me cut off your arm.” He brandishes the iron over my hand. “So this will have to do.”

  He burns his initials across my hand making certain to inflict as damage as possible. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. Roderick can see the pain in my eyes as they well up. Satisfied he has done what he came for, he opens the door. “That will be your reminder of me for the short time you have left on this earth.”

  I chant Esme’s name to myself to gain control of the pain. It slowly subsides. I have had enough of their Spanish inquisition tactics. “I told Mr. Tahan, and I will tell you, I did not start the revolution.”

  Manan runs his hand along his chin. “Seems the little visit with your former master has not improved your cooperation. So you deny any involvement with Gadhavi and the revolutionaries?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Gadhavi seems to have vanished from the earth. I would doubt his very existence if had not sent him to England myself.”

  Despite my throbbing pain, I am thrilled to hear Gadhavi has eluded the High Council.

  Manan purses his lips. “How many times did you have relations with your wife to create a child?”

  How dare he? “The question is absurd and vulgar. I shall not answer.”

  He waves his hand and one of his human columns stands over me. The column’s massive fingers wrap completely around my neck and he applies pressure to constrict my breathing, but not kill me.

  Manan has but one agenda—to stop human-genie relations. “Either I get my answer or he does, Mr. Sansby. How many times did you have relations with your wife to create a child?”

  The column eases the pressure just enough so I can talk. “I love my wife dearly. We had relations almost every day.”


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