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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 903

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The Origin Immortal Formation shares the same source as this formation. I hope that by operating the Origin Immortal Formation, I can influence the formation behind this metallic storm!

  Wang Chong had his back to the crowd, so he could not see their reactions, nor did he care.

  Wang Chong had seen the formation diagram for the Origin Immortal Formation before. He had used the principles found in the formation diagram and had thought up the idea just now of using Stellar Energy to set up a miniature Origin Immortal Formation in the air around him.

  As various thoughts flitted through his mind, Wang Chong composed himself and looked up.


  The images of thousands of flying blades pouring down from the skies was reflected in his eyes and in his mind. He once more began to calculate.

  Whoosh! Wang Chong suddenly raised a palm, casting out that small Origin Immortal Formation formed from eight pearls of energy.

  Inconceivably, the eight pearls flew through the storm of blades completely unscathed, and soon reached the center of the pit.

  The moment this small Origin Immortal Formation reached the center of the pit, the world quaked, and that vast and mighty storm of blades suddenly paused.

  It seemed like a hole was punctured in the world as energy began to pour into the miniature Origin Immortal Formation. The worldly energy that had been supporting the metallic storm formation was now being drawn away.

  And with this immense amount of Origin Energy, those eight pearls ballooned until they were the size of human heads and continued to grow larger.

  The Origin Immortal Formation that was formed from these pearls also rapidly began to expand. It had soon swelled to several times its original size, becoming the size of a room. It began to emit visible ripples of energy.

  The metal blades coming in from all sides seemed to encounter an invisible barrier and began to fly away from the miniature Origin Immortal Formation upon getting within one hundred feet of it.

  Moreover, under the effects of the Origin Immortal Formation, the metal blades began to lose speed and power, clearly weakening.


  Everyone was struck dumb by this sight. Even the distant martial artists who were struggling through on their own were left stunned.

  The metal storm in the pit was a large-scale killing formation prepared by the Origin Immortal Lord. Just a few moments after this formation had been activated, it had killed thousands of martial artists and cast their dismembered body parts into the pit. It was a formation of immense power.

  No one had expected that one could draw away the vast amount of worldly energy powering the formation and thus affect the entire formation.


  Several thousand meters below, the Black Yin Ancestor, who was on the verge of leaving the region covered by the metal storm, noticed the oddity above and stopped.

  “How could this be? There’s actually someone who can resist the power of this massive formation!”

  A look of shock appeared in the Black Yin Ancestor’s eyes.

  At the same time, in a different area, Righteous Alliance Lord Song Yuanyi was also looking at the ripples of energy coming from the core region. His expression was stern and his eyes were pensive.

  “To think that there was a person like this!”

  Song Yuanyi was extremely perceptive, and he sensed that the worldly energy stored in this pit had become disorderly. An energy was running rampant in its core, and this energy was clearly man-made. Song Yuanyi had not imagined that in this place where one’s strength was restricted, there was still someone capable of disturbing the immense energy of nature.


  Wang Chong was the only person who had retained his composure. His eyes were bright and gleaming with joy.

  This was his first attempt to turn energy into a formation, compacting it and making it more practical, and the results had far surpassed his expectations.

  It’s really as I guessed. The Origin Immortal Art and the Origin Immortal Formation are probably the two most famous products of the Origin Immortal Lord, as they bear his name. This large-scale formation laid down by the Origin Immortal Lord deep underground probably shares the same lineage as the Origin Immortal Formation. The Origin Immortal Formation’s power is bound to be able to control the formation driving this metallic storm.

  Wang Chong clenched his fists as countless thoughts rushed through his mind.

  Although this sight seemed to have been produced through pure luck, Wang Chong had arrived at this result through meticulous and well-reasoned thought.

  As Wang Chong’s miniature Origin Immortal Formation absorbed more and more natural energy, it continued to grow. It now had a diameter of nearly one hundred meters.

  Formation reversal!

  Wang Chong formed a spell with his hands, and a moment later, the air began to hum. The ripples of energy coming off the ‘Stellar Energy Origin Immortal Formation’ instantly became several dozen times more powerful, and as they spread outward, they seemed to be battling against another kind of energy.

  If one could see through the walls, one would see that deep underground, with the region of the metallic storm as its center, were twelve layers of concentric formations, the outermost with a radius of several dozen li.

  All the energy of the world gathered by this formation was focused onto the metallic storm.

  But now that the Origin Immortal Formation had formed in its core, the twelve ancient formations that had been operating in harmony had suddenly fallen into disarray, which had begun to affect the tens of thousands of metal blades in the pit.

  “Look at that!”

  Someone shouted and pointed, and soon, more and more people began to notice what was going on.

  As the crowd looked on in disbelief, time seemed to stop. Above and below the Origin Immortal Formation, thousands of metal blades had suddenly gone still.

  These metal blades were still gleaming with dim white light, and there were still gruesome blood stains on their edges.

  But that frenzied metallic storm seemed to have been stripped of life, turning into a still painting.

  Chapter 1445 - Profit from Misfortune!

  Chapter 1445: Profit from Misfortune!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Let’s go! This Origin Immortal Formation should be able to last for about an hour. After that, the other formation will begin to operate again. We need to get out of here.”

  Wang Chong’s calm voice resounded in everyone’s ears.

  While everyone else was stunned, Wang Chong remained calm. He stepped forward, following the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief deeper into the depths.

  This method of disrupting the metallic storm was just a small trick. An hour was its absolute limit. It was best if they left this dangerous region as quickly as possible.


  “Follow them!”

  Whoosh! Gravel and rock sprayed from the pit walls as the members of the group used various methods to keep up with Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.


  “Just which supreme martial artist was able to stop these metal blades?”

  “Let’s go! The formation must have stopped on its own! How could a martial artist possibly have done such a thing? You’re talking nonsense!”

  At the same time, countless martial artists elsewhere began to rush into the depths. Wang Chong had created an extremely rare chance, and thousands of martial artists began to advance at full speed.

  Nine thousand meters, ten thousand meters… at this depth, everyone couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread, and what was even more frightening was that there was still no end.

  The mere thought of a pit more than ten thousand meters deep was terrifying.


  Suddenly, a martial artist behind Wang Chong swayed and toppled over, striking the wall before plunging
into the bottomless abyss.

  “Zhou Chi!” another martial artist cried out.

  But this martial artist had fallen too quickly for anyone to save him in time.

  “You should stop here! The air here is extremely thin. Only those of the Saint Martial realm should follow. The rest should go back,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man warned. Even with his cultivation, he still felt uncomfortable, so one could imagine how those weaker were faring.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man turned his head to Wang Chong. “Chong-er, get ready. Adjust your breathing and store up sufficient air. Once that’s done, we’ll advance as quickly as possible.


  Wang Chong firmly nodded. The three closed their eyes and began to consume the surrounding air.

  With each long breath, they drew in oxygen-rich air and stored it in the cells throughout their bodies.

  “Let’s go!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man waved his sleeve, the three opened their eyes, and then they rushed downward with explosive speed.

  Behind them, the martial artists looked hesitantly down into the depths. At a depth of ten thousand meters, their strength was restricted by an astonishing amount.

  “What happened to that man just now is an example of what will happen if you go any farther. Although it’s not guaranteed that you won’t come back, there is an extremely high chance that you’ll remain in this pit forever.”

  A bearded and brawny martial artist hesitated a few moments before making up his mind. “If you don’t enter the tiger’s cave, how can you get the tiger’s cub? If it means I can get the world’s number one art and dominate the martial arts world, this risk means nothing!” He emerged out of a depression in the wall and swiftly made his way into the depths.

  With this person leading the way, more and more martial artists joined him.

  Every martial artist was a risk taker, and these people who had gathered in the northwest had long ago prepared to meet their deaths.

  They were already at ten thousand meters. After enduring the metallic storm, they could not bear the thought of giving up on being the world’s number one at a place like this.

  Many of the martial artists continued deeper into the pit.

  Twelve thousand meters, thirteen thousand meters1… There was still no sight of the bottom, but Wang Chong vaguely sensed that it was close now.

  “Master, watch out!”

  Wang Chong’s voice suddenly rang out in the ears of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief. Right after he spoke, an almost tangible tide of energy erupted from the depths, causing the entire world to sway.

  This energy was so densely packed and immense that it seemed like a massive gout of flame.

  In the darkness, its dazzling blue light was almost blinding.


  Three boundless tides of Stellar Energy erupted from the bodies of Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief, firmly affixing their bodies to the walls of the pit.

  A moment later, without even time for the three to say another word, that tide of energy impacted them.


  Screams resounded through the air—not from Wang Chong or the Demonic Emperor Old Man, but from those martial artists who had been closely following them.

  The appearance of this tide of energy had taken them by complete surprise.

  Numerous people were struck by the tide of energy and tossed into the air. This immense impact was enough to instantly pulverize the organs of some of the martial artists, instantly killing them.

  Rumble! Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief pressed their backs against the wall, but they were also under unimaginable pressure.

  Although they had not been washed away by that tide of energy, they felt a weight of tens of thousands of tons on their bodies.

  Under this immense pressure, the Stellar Energy around their bodies was tottering and swaying, and their reserves were being consumed at an astonishing rate.

  “Master, Village Chief, let me help you!”

  Wang Chong split his mind into two parts, and his voice rang out simultaneously in the minds of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief.

  The pressure from this tide of energy was constantly increasing, and even more importantly, no one knew how long it would last. If it was similar to the first trial of the metallic storm, they would probably all die here.

  Rather than blocking it up, it was better to guide it away. To consume so much Stellar Energy before even seeing the Origin Immortal Treasury would probably make anything they encountered next even more dangerous.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong used the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, and under Wang Chong’s guidance, that majestic surge of energy rumbled into the bodies of the trio.

  Although this tide of energy was so strong that it could instantly kill Imperial Martial experts, it was still extremely powerful Origin Energy. However, Wang Chong was probably the only one capable of actually absorbing such powerful energy over such a short period of time.

  If one were careless, not only would one fail to obtain energy, one would end up heavily injured or even dead.


  Under Wang Chong’s guidance, the energy poured into the bodies of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief. With the support of this energy, they were able to restore the reserves they had previously exhausted and even recover their mental state.

  “This is the perfect chance to charge up the Energy Condensation Pearl!”

  Seeing that the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s and the Wushang Village Chief’s conditions had stabilized, Wang Chong guided the tide of energy into the Energy Condensation Pearl.

  The consecutive battles and the metal storm had caused Wang Chong to use up a large amount of the energy stored in the Energy Condensation Pearl. This vast tide of energy now presented Wang Chong a rare opportunity.

  The almost exhausted Energy Condensation Pearl buzzed and hummed as it swelled with power. Wang Chong had managed to profit from this misfortune, not only helping his master and the village chief recover, but also recharging the Energy Condensation Pearl.


  Wang Chong was elated. Truly, every cloud had a silver lining. He had never expected to be able to find a place to recharge so deep underground.

  However, Wang Chong’s joy did not last for long. The wall behind Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief began to tremble. Wang Chong sensed that a tide of energy nearly one hundred times more powerful than the first was about to erupt.

  This time, though, it wasn’t coming from the depths of the pit, but from the wall behind them.

  A second later, this terrifying tide of energy erupted from the wall, striking Wang Chong’s group and instantly obliterating their Stellar Energy barriers.

  “Not good!”

  Wang Chong paled, and a moment later, the two different tides of energy had knocked the three of them loose and thrown them into the air.

  “Chong-er! Hurry and use the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!”

  As the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s voice resounded in Wang Chong’s ear, he used his own supreme art.

  “Myriad Spirit Sea Art!”

  This was the first time since the Battle of Talas that the Demonic Emperor Old Man had used this art.

  With a resounding boom, the tide of energy erupting out of the wall and the tide of energy erupting from the depths of the pit were parted by another powerful energy. For a moment, an energy vacuum was created around Wang Chong, the Wushang Village Chief, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  “Great Yin Yang Art!”

  While upside down, Wang Chong used one of the powerful techniques of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art. The energies of Yin and Yang emerged beneath the trio.

  Yin and Yang were the origin of all the energy of the world. The moment Wang C
hong used this technique, the two different tides of energy began to twist, revolve, and compress. In that energy vacuum around Wang Chong’s group, a barrier of energy began to condense, serving as their shield.

  “Ten Thousand Dragons Dam the Waters!”

  As Wang Chong was using the Great Yin Yang Art, a white cane extended into the air and tapped on the barrier of condensed energy that had been formed.

  Even more energy began to surge onto the barrier, condensing upon it with a freezing crackle. In a flash, the crystalline energy barrier had become more than a foot thick.

  Chapter 1446 - The Savage Being Out of the Unknown!

  Chapter 1446: The Savage Being Out of the Unknown!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  As Wang Chong and his two seniors used their three supreme techniques, they managed to create a zone of safety. Even though they were rocketed high into the air, they were not at all injured.

  However, the impact was extremely powerful, and after a few moments, the trio had been sent upward tens of thousands of feet.


  Screams resounded in their ears. While Wang Chong’s group was being carried upward, countless martial artists had also been struck by this energy torrent. Some had been simply killed on impact while others had been farther back and managed to avoid this fate.

  “Watch out for the metal blades behind us!” a panicked voice cried out. The energy torrent had actually pushed the group all the way back to the region covered by the metal blades.

  They could see these metal blades floating in the air, exuding dim glows and cold energy that chilled them to their bones and made their heads pound. The only person able to maintain their composure at this time was Wang Chong.

  It’s still lacking by ten meters! We won’t trigger the metal storm!

  Although the situation was extremely dangerous, Wang Chong had managed to remain calm. His eyes twinkled as he calculated the distance between the two.

  What seemed extremely dangerous was not actually very dangerous at all.

  “Chong-er, watch out! This energy tide is about to disappear!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man spoke in a grim tone, and Wang Chong instantly understood what he meant.


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