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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 904

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The energy tide and metal storm were far from the only dangers in the pit. There was yet another, invisible, danger lurking in this place, that invisible yet powerful pull that targeted Stellar Energy.


  A moment later, when it was just ten meters from the metal storm, the energy torrent completely vanished. At the same time, the pull of what seemed like a black hole erupted, seizing upon the three of them. In just a few seconds, this downward pull had multiplied in strength.

  The trio was instantly separated by this energy.

  What was even more shocking was that even though all three were affected by the same immense pull, they were dragged in completely different directions.


  Even Wang Chong was caught off guard by this sudden development. Boom! He immediately erupted with powerful energy that he sent rumbling toward the Wushang Village Chief and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  But just as this Stellar Energy erupted forward, it scattered apart into tens of thousands of different strands and vanished into the air.

  Although Wang Chong possessed a vast quantity of energy, it was insignificant before the black-hole-like pull leading to the bottom of the pit.

  And it was only now that Wang Chong realized that this explosive pull was actually made up of tens of thousands of different kinds of energy.

  In this situation, not only was Wang Chong not getting any closer to the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief, they were getting pulled farther and farther apart.

  Three hundred meters, four hundred meters, five hundred meters—the distance between the three instantly became enormous.

  Moreover, Wang Chong was being rapidly pulled down, descending two thousand meters, three thousand meters, right toward the bottom of the pit.

  “This is…”

  At this time, Wang Chong sensed that the smooth walls near the bottom of the pit suddenly gave way to tens of thousands of black caves. Rumble! A terrifyingly powerful pull erupted from one of the caves and instantly drew Wang Chong in.


  This pull was so terrifying that Wang Chong was pulled several thousand meters in a few seconds. And as he was pulled into the cave, Wang Chong felt like he was entering an entirely different world. Spreading out his Psychic Energy, he sensed that the cave he had entered was connected to other caves, and each cave branched off into ten-some more pitch-black caves.

  As he was pulled along, Wang Chong felt like he had passed through hundreds of caves. These caves were all linked together, but they also seemed to have separate tracks. Wang Chong had sensed tens of thousands of caves in this time, and even someone of his abilities was feeling confused.


  With no time to think, Wang Chong punched downward, at the same time sending a burst of Psychic Energy hurtling toward the cave in front of him. Only by finding the place he had come in from did he have the greatest chance of joining back up with the Wushang Village Chief and his master. But a moment later, a powerful energy that could disrupt and repel Psychic Energy emerged from the cave.

  Wang Chong had barely reached out with his Psychic Energy and hadn’t even reached the cave wall when it was immediately pushed back by that powerful repulsion. The Psychic Energy was sent bouncing around the walls and even back into Wang Chong’s mind. After traveling a distance of several hundred meters, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy had been completely dispersed.

  Damn it! How is this even possible? How could there be a Psychic Seal in a place like this?!

  Wang Chong realized in shock what had happened.

  Psychic Energy was not invincible. There existed unique Psychic Seals that could disrupt and inhibit Psychic Energy practitioners. The Arab Psychic Energy practitioner Masil had known this, and since Wang Chong had looked through his memories, he knew of it as well.

  But these large-scale Psychic Seals had demanding requirements and needed long preparation periods where one could not move. Most importantly…

  The person using the Psychic Seal here had to be an extremely powerful Psychic Energy practitioner themselves!


  At this moment, Wang Chong’s right fist plunged into the ground in a shower of gravel, digging out a furrow several hundred meters long. Finally, through brute force, he had managed to resist the immense pull.

  Bang! A foot stomped against ground and embedded itself within. As Wang Chong stood up, he had to pour Stellar Energy into the ground to stabilize his body.

  “Just where is this?”

  Wang Chong opened his eyes. It was still pitch-black in front of him, and even his senses could only perceive a region for several dozen feet around him. But this was enough for Wang Chong to understand his current situation.

  He was in a network of caves that spread out like a giant spider web, and he was sixteen to seventeen thousand meters from the surface in a sunless underworld.

  All was unknown and mysterious.

  Standing in the cave, Wang Chong felt like he was a tiny bug caught in a giant web.

  “No! I have to meet up with Master as soon as possible!”

  Wang Chong immediately began to move. The depths of the underground were fraught with peril. Only when the three of them were together could they support each other.


  A scream suddenly came from up ahead, and a split-second later, Wang Chong heard a deafening roar.


  The roar resounded through this dark world. Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as his feet came to a stop. There were no other sounds, only the echoes of that savage roar that continued to bounce endlessly off the walls of the cave.

  The mood instantly turned strange and bizarre.

  As Wang Chong stood motionless, countless thoughts ran through his mind.


  Just when everything had calmed down, and that scream and roar from before now seemed like an illusion, yet another scream ripped through the cave network. Wang Chong instantly paled, and he shot off in the direction of the scream.

  Raaaaa! Another cruel and savage roar echoed through the cave. There was a flash of flame, and then the roar and scream both came to a sudden stop.

  “Damn it! What is that thing?!”

  With a solemn expression, Wang Chong moved toward where that flash of flame had come from.

  This cave network was sixteen to seventeen thousand meters deep. The air was extremely thin here and the path had been riddled with dangers. Anyone who could reach this place had to be an extremely powerful cultivator, at the Imperial Martial realm at the very least.

  Wang Chong truly found it difficult to imagine what sort of monster could be down here that could threaten experts of this level.


  In a flash of light, Wang Chong arrived at the point of the incident.

  It was pitch-black here, that blazing red light having long ago vanished. However, the air and the cave walls still radiated an intense heat.

  Wang Chong could sense that the surrounding walls had been glassed, and on the ground, he spotted a pitch-black corpse.

  It had been rendered unrecognizable, its clothes, hair, flesh, muscles, and blood all burned to ash. Only a blackened skeleton and a sharp sword were left.

  That mysterious monster was long gone.

  As Wang Chong stood next to the corpse, his eyes were constantly shifting.

  Only a few seconds had passed between the scream and his arrival. In that time, a top-class martial artist had been slain and the monster had gotten away without Wang Chong even getting a glimpse of it.

  Just what could it be that’s so fast!?

  Wang Chong muttered to himself, his expression grim.

  Lions, tigers, bears, and leopards, these fierce beasts in the eyes of ordinary people, obviously could not appear so deep underground. This monster could not be some ordinary creature.

  “Aaaah!” As Wang Chong was thinking, another scream came from another direction.

Wang Chong immediately rushed off, and a few seconds later, he heard a terrified voice gasping for breath.

  “Save me, save me… Please save me!”

  A martial artist staggered out from Wang Chong’s left hand side and rushed toward Wang Chong.

  Chapter 1447 - Dragonbeast!

  Chapter 1447: Dragonbeast!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The martial artist’s breathing was ragged and his left arm was hanging limply at his side. He was clearly wounded.

  The pull of these underground caves was enormous, and many more martial artists besides Wang Chong had been pulled into this complicated cave network.


  Wang Chong rushed toward the staggering martial artist without a second thought. That martial artist also seemed to sense Wang Chong’s aura and elatedly began to make his way over to Wang Chong.

  But before he could get even a few steps, a heaven-shaking roar resounded, and then an enormous creature exuding a savage and bestial energy appeared behind the martial artist.

  Klack! An enormous and bloody maw opened and clenched around the martial artist. Each of those sharp teeth was two to three feet long, and they pierced right through the martial artist’s body.


  “Save me!”

  In the final moment, the martial artist’s eyes went wide with terror and despair as he stared at Wang Chong.

  Rooooar! With a deafening roar, the enormous creature dragged away the martial artist, vanishing into the darkness.

  “Damn it!”

  Almost instinctively, Wang Chong thrust forward a palm, sending a wave of Stellar Energy howling forward.

  Kaboom! The ground splintered apart and dust seethed, but the monster was already gone.

  “What in the world was that?!”

  Wang Chong’s expression turned grim and his heart became heavy. That wasn’t a creature that could exist normally in this world. No creature could live so deep underground and could also dodge Wang Chong’s attack so easily.

  At Wang Chong’s cultivation level, even if he was just a step too low, his opponent still should not have been so easily able to escape him. That monster’s speed was simply absurd.

  His surroundings once more became calm and silent, but there was now a dangerous undercurrent flowing through the air.

  Wang Chong did not dare to be careless, restraining his aura as much as possible. But suddenly, without any warning, his sense of danger multiplied to an almost oppressive level.


  That familiar sound once more resounded, but this time, it was coming from behind him.


  Wang Chong immediately turned around and shot backward, meanwhile infusing his palms with vast quantities of Stellar Energy and thrusting them at the enormous creature.

  Boom! Bang! As the two palms struck, a sense of incredible solidity and hardness traveled back up them. It felt like Wang Chong had struck a sturdy city wall. At the same time, a surging energy pushed back at Wang Chong.

  Rumble! This enormous energy pushed Wang Chong straight back, and his feet dug out two channels in the earth. As a peak Great General existence, Wang Chong felt for the first time an existence that could completely suppress him in terms of pure power.

  At this moment, Wang Chong was finally able to see the true face of this enormous creature.

  It was a savage and enormous beast that looked some strange mix of bull and lion. A long horn grew from its head, its feet were hooves, and its body had a height of six or seven meters and a length of nearly ten. Its tough skin was covered in black scales that were each about the size of a human palm.

  “What sort of creature is this?!”

  Wang Chong’s body trembled all over as his mind was given an unprecedented shock.

  He had never imagined that such a terrifying creature would be living sixteen thousand meters below the earth. Those scarlet eyes, savage teeth, and terrifying energy that surpassed a peak Great General had completely surpassed all of his expectations.


  “The Dragonbeasts should have awoken by now.”

  As Wang Chong was facing off against that mysterious beast, he had no idea that several figures were standing at the edge of the pit and looking down.

  These guardians of the Origin Immortal Treasury had not actually gone down into the pit. Even though they were separated by a distance of sixteen to seventeen thousand meters, they still knew what was going on down below like the back of their hands.

  “Milord, many more martial artists entered than we expected. Will the Dragonbeasts alone be enough to deal with them?” one of the figures said.

  “Hmph, what does it matter how many martial artists went in? How could they possibly deal with a remnant of an ancient era that has lived for more than one thousand years, the Dragonbeast?” the leader indifferently said, their expression brimming with self-confidence.

  If Wang Chong had been here, he would have undoubtedly been stunned. From the tone of these treasury guardians, this Dragonbeast was an ancient beast from another era entirely, not something any ordinary person could contend against.

  “…The Dragonbeast is naturally endowed with immense strength, and only gets stronger as time goes on. This is a guardian beast that the Immortal Lord chose to specially seal within the Abyss before his death. Their strength surpassed that of this era long ago. No martial artist can possibly defeat them.”

  A pensive look appeared in the leader’s eyes as they seemed to think back to the long past. As the leader of the descendants of the Origin Immortal Lord, the guardians of the treasury, they knew many, many secrets.

  Far too many secrets had been buried in the flood of history, and too many civilizations and their creations had been lost to time. But this did not mean that everything had been lost. Some secrets would continue to be passed on, persisting in places that ordinary people knew nothing about.

  These Dragonbeasts were the products of a long-forgotten and distant era.

  Their ferocity and savagery made them nightmarish existences even for the top-class experts of the current age.

  “Let them pay a price for their greed, ignorance, and stupidity! This time, everyone will comprehend the deepest level of fear! Anyone who enters this place will not come out alive,” the leader muttered, their eyes turning savage.

  “It’s enough! Throw in all the Dragonspirit Leaves. We might as well wake them all up!”


  One of the Origin Immortal Guardians suddenly spread apart their arms, crushing piles of jade-green leaves and sprinkling them into the massive pit so that they could drift into the depths.


  Deep underground, as Wang Chong was barely managing to hold out against the Dragonbeast’s enormous power, the Dragonbeast suddenly opened its maw, and a dazzling gout of flame lit up the darkness.

  Flames gushed through the cave like a flood, engulfing Wang Chong.

  The surrounding temperature immediately soared to six or seven thousand degrees, even nearing ten thousand. The cave walls crinkled and cracked as they were melted into glass. Even the air itself began to smoke, and Wang Chong’s Stellar Energy barrier also began to flicker unsteadily.

  “Not good!”

  In alarm, Wang Chong shot backward, borrowing the immense repulsive power of the Dragonbeast. He slid backward several dozen feet, making some distance between himself and the Dragonbeast.

  But though Wang Chong was fast, the Dragonbeast was even faster. In a gust of wind, a split-second after Wang Chong had pulled back, the Dragonbeast appeared before him once more like a ghost.

  Raaaa! The danger level instantly spiked, as before Wang Chong could even stabilize his footing, that bloody maw was already coming forward to devour him. Those teeth seemed sharper than the sharpest blade.

  Wang Chong’s mind trembled, and his dantian exploded with the power of the Great Yin Yang Art. Two streams of energy, Yin and Yang, eme
rged and began to follow the course of Wang Chong’s hands.


  With a thunderous boom, that destructive energy that could sunder the earth slammed into the massive Dragonbeast.

  The Great Yin Yang Art was one of Wang Chong’s strongest techniques, gathering together the strength of supreme Yin and supreme Yang. Even a mountain could easily be crushed into rubble.

  Even steel could be molded as easily as mud and ground into paste.

  But to his absolute consternation, the energy of the Great Yin Yang Art slamming into the giant beast was only able to barely stop its advance. And Wang Chong also sensed that more than seventy percent of its power was simply flowing off its body and doing no damage to it whatsoever.

  Anti-Stellar Energy!

  Wang Chong had a flash of insight, but all this did was make his heart freeze into a block of ice.

  Not only did this beast possess an immense size and strength above a peak Great General, its body was extremely strange, apparently having an ability to counter a martial artist’s Stellar Energy. This was a martial artist’s worst nightmare.

  Wang Chong suddenly somewhat understood why those martial artists had died so quickly and easily. It wasn’t because they hadn’t put up a fight, but because their resistance had been nothing more than a minor itch to this monstrosity.


  As Wang Chong was using his Great Yin Yang Art to hold back the Dragonbeast, he suddenly heard a soft whisper like a blade cutting through the air.

  Chapter 1448 - Trouble Piling on Trouble!

  Chapter 1448: Trouble Piling on Trouble!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The soft whisper was still in Wang Chong’s ear, but he could already feel the pain of the skin and flesh of his abdomen being cut open. His heart madly thumping, he instinctively took countermeasures, lunging off to the right.

  Boom! A dark silhouette crashed into an area ten-some meters behind Wang Chong, causing a large part of the cave walls to crumble down.

  At that moment, Wang Chong had been able to clearly see that the thin blade slicing through the air toward him was actually one of the giant beast’s palm-sized scales.


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