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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 944

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  What Wang Chong had been regarding as a corpse that had been dead for nearly one thousand years had actually yielded to him.


  At almost the same time, the tens of thousands of flying swords shone as one, lowering their tips as if in obeisance to Wang Chong.

  “What’s going on here?”

  The people in the distance had long ago been struck dumb. In the fog, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief stood side by side, watching these strange events transpire in awe.

  “Impossible! What’s going on here?!”

  No one was more stunned than Bagushidu.

  He had immediately activated the Dark Moon’s Flame in Wang Chong’s body, but this legendary sealing art of the Earth Sect had been completely ineffective.

  Bagushidu decided that there had to be a mistake, and tried three more times, but Wang Chong showed no reaction. It was like the sealing art no longer existed within him.

  And the mighty Origin Immortal Sword Formation which had cast the third-generation successor into the abyss was now completely ignoring the outsider Wang Chong. Not only that, the flying swords and the first-generation successor seemed to be lowering their heads to Wang Chong.

  Bagushidu had never in his worst nightmares imagined such things were possible.

  That final trial which had seemed impassable to him and Ishinishidu seemed to not exist in Wang Chong’s eyes.

  “Impossible! This can’t be!”

  Even someone as composed as Bagushidu lost his composure after witnessing these impossible developments.

  His eyes were cold, and as they stared at the young figure on the other side, they exploded with killing intent.

  But Wang Chong was completely focused on the divine sword at this time.

  “Congratulations to user! For triggering World Event: Origin Immortal Sword (Basic), user has been rewarded with 100,000 points of Destiny Energy! In addition, user has unlocked the skill, ‘Vitalizing Ember’!

  “‘Vitalizing Ember’: For fragmented consciousnesses that survive in the world through obsession and are on the verge of collapse, user can grant them the ability to move around for a short period of time!

  “This skill requires absorbing the target’s fragmented consciousness, so it can only be used once on each target!

  “Note: As the skill needs to absorb the target’s fragmented consciousness, it requires a certain amount of preparation time!

  “Remark: The skill is not a typical combat skill!”

  Chapter 1519 - Elixir and Divine Treatise!

  Chapter 1519: Elixir and Divine Treatise!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “My mission is complete!” At this moment, the figure standing in front of Wang Chong spoke once more, the voice getting weaker and weaker.

  Clangclangclang! The tens of thousands of swords in the air rapidly lost their golden luster, turning into ordinary iron as they plummeted into the abyss.

  The shoulders of the first-generation successor sagged and his head dropped. Now that he had completed his mission, he was immediately rendered motionless, the last bit of energy scattering as the swords plunged.


  Seeing that the mind of the first-generation successor which had persisted for one thousand years was about to disperse, Wang Chong immediately stepped forward and placed a palm on the successor’s shoulder.

  He instantly felt a cold and icy sensation at his fingers.

  He immediately used the new skill he had obtained.

  Activate Vitalizing Ember!

  As this thought passed through Wang Chong’s mind, a tiny violet flame emerged from his fingertip and entered the first-generation successor’s body.

  The successor’s body remained like a motionless statue, but as the ‘Vitalizing Ember’ entered, a faint red hue appeared on his skin. Meanwhile, the ember traveled through his meridians and into his mind.

  The ember floated in his mind, upon which the scattered consciousness of the successor suddenly began to congregate once more around the ember.

  The Vitalizing Ember needed time to work, but as Wang Chong had already had his cultivation defect cured, he now had the ability to defend himself for long enough.

  This underground world was rife with danger, and Wang Chong felt safer having a peerless expert like the first-generation successor around.


  After doing this, Wang Chong walked past the successor toward the altar.

  At the end of the stone bridge, he had already noticed several objects placed on the altar, and he could now confirm that he hadn’t been seeing things.

  One of these objects was an extremely ancient wooden box, and the other was a golden gourd around six inches high, meant for holding pills.

  The gourd was exquisitely built, and the medicinal energy that had seeped into it caused Wang Chong to smell its musky fragrance from afar.

  “The Origin Immortal Elixir!”

  Wang Chong glanced over and recognized the ancient script on the gourd.

  Wang Chong immediately waved a hand, taking up the gourd and box. Ignoring the gourd with the Origin Immortal Elixir, he instead opened the red wooden box.

  A small booklet had been placed in the box.

  ‘Formation Divine Treatise’!

  Wang Chong was delighted to see these words on the cover. He had found the item that the Formation Elder had asked him to find.

  Wang Chong took up the Formation Divine Treatise and looked to see what was under it.

  Wang Chong had believed that the martial art that the entire martial arts world longed for, the Origin Immortal Art, would be under the divine treatise, but after removing the Formation Divine Treatise, Wang Chong was struck dumb. There was nothing else in the box. It had only contained the Formation Divine Treatise.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Wang Chong was baffled.

  “Is the Origin Immortal Art not here?”

  He had always believed that the Origin Immortal Art would be on the altar. After all, logically speaking, the first-generation successor was the last guardian, so the Origin Immortal Art should have been here. Was the situation not as he imagined? Was this not the last trial?

  Countless thoughts ran through Wang Chong’s mind.

  But at this moment, an extremely cold voice called out from behind him.

  “King of Foreign Lands, give the Origin Immortal Sword and wooden box to me!”

  The shout was brimming with killing intent, and the temperature in the region plunged to frigid levels.

  At the same time, cling! The cold-faced Bagushidu stepped onto the chains, and as his black robe flew around him, he began to charge forward like a lightning bolt.

  His eyes were fixed onto the Origin Immortal Sword and the wooden box!

  The first-generation successor’s energy had completely vanished from the air, and the Origin Immortal Sword Formation had already fallen apart. As for the Origin Immortal Sword and the Origin Immortal Art he believed to be in the wooden box, he was determined to obtain them. No matter what, he would take them back to the Solar Holy Mountain, and anyone who dared to get in his way would die!


  As Bagushidu flew forward, his face turned cold and he sent his powerful energy hurtling through the air to lock onto Wang Chong.

  “Hmph, Bagushidu, you’re delusional!”

  Wang Chong had immediately sensed Bagushidu’s movements and immediately turned to face him.

  A gentleman could wait as long as ten years to take revenge, but there was no need to wait this long for Bagushidu.

  Whether for that seal Bagushidu had placed in his body, his various shameful acts, or his plans for the Great Tang, Wang Chong had to remove this ‘future state teacher’ of the Eastern Turks.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chong grabbed the Origin Immortal Sword and jumped from the altar. He lightly landed on a chain befor
e also shooting at Bagushidu. Now that his infirmities were no more, he no longer feared Bagushidu.


  Gales roared and thunder boomed as the images of the sun and moon that were emblematic of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art appeared in the air. This time, they seemed so realistic as to be the actual sun and moon in miniature.

  Vast amounts of energy had been gathered in the heart of the Origin Immortal Treasury, and now it was surging forward, combining with the Origin Immortal Sword into a thunderous slash!

  “Great Yin Yang Art!” Wang Chong furiously bellowed. This attack contained not just Wang Chong’s power, but the power absorbed from the abyss by the Great Yin Yang Art, and its strength was difficult to fathom.

  “Uphold the Heavens!”

  Bagushidu’s eyes turned cold as he raised the middle three fingers of his right hand, aiming them like claws at Wang Chong.

  Bongbongbong! The three Earthblood Cauldrons emerged around him and opened a passage into the depths of spacetime. A dark and pure energy of unimaginable terror began to hurtle toward Wang Chong.

  Uphold the Heavens!

  This was one of the strongest techniques of the Earth Sect lineage. It was a condensation of the complex into the simple, a return to nature. Despite its simplicity, it was immensely powerful.


  The two vast energies fiercely clashed in a tremendous explosion, sending shockwaves in every direction and scattering the thick fog that perpetually engulfed this place.

  Clang! A violet lightning bolt slammed into one of the three Earthblood Cauldrons around Bagushidu. Bzzzz! Bagushidu swayed on the two chains before quickly steadying himself.

  Across from him, Wang Chong appeared to have received a heavy blow. He staggered backward six or seven steps, almost falling down.

  “Haha, King of Foreign Lands, you’re simply no match for me!”

  Bagushidu loudly laughed, and he gave a confident and assured smile.

  “What does it matter if you have the Origin Immortal Sword? You don’t have the strength to use its power. Even with it, you’re no match for me. I advise you to hand over the Origin Immortal Sword and the objects from the altar, and perhaps I can consider sparing the lives of you and your master!”

  Without even needing to turn his head, Bagushidu knew that the Wushang Village Chief and the Demonic Emperor Old Man had come up behind him to surround him. Bagushidu was unafraid. As the Sect Master of the Earth Sect, he possessed astounding talent, a sturdy foundation, and impressive perseverance. He was not one bit weaker than a tyrant of the Central Plains like the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  Moreover, he also had the three Earthblood Cauldrons, powerful ritual tools that had preserved half of Ishinishidu’s strength. With these tools, he had already reached the Dark Radiant Heaven spoken of in the legends of the Eastern Turks. This made him stand somewhat above the likes of Wang Chong’s group.

  “Bagushidu, cease your nonsense. If you want the sword, you’ll have to beat me first!”

  Wang Chong chuckled. Gripping the sword, he stared fearlessly at Bagushidu.

  “Truly seeking death!”

  Bagushidu’s eyes flashed with rage.

  “Since you want to die, I’ll fulfill your wish!”

  Boom! Bagushidu stomped forward, his robes snapping around him. His strength abruptly soared once more, and he once more launched a new wave of attacks.


  But as he stomped forward, he heard a soft sound like a porcelain vase cracking. It was almost inaudible, but it might as well have been a peal of thunder to Bagushidu. He immediately froze, ceasing all movement.

  Chapter 1520 - Heaven and Earth Reverse; the Subtle Emerges from the Infinite Void!

  Chapter 1520: Heaven and Earth Reverse; the Subtle Emerges from the Infinite Void!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “The Earthblood Cauldrons!”

  Bagushidu suddenly scowled, his face turning ghastly pale.

  His energy was fused together with the Earthblood Cauldrons, and he could sense at this time that one of the ritual tools that had been passed through the Earth Sect for hundreds of years had suffered a crack around six inches long, a crack that was still lengthening.

  “No! This is impossible!”

  Bagushidu’s eyes bulged in disbelief.

  These three ritual tools of the Earth Sect were incredibly sturdy and powerful, and even the best weapon could not even think about leaving a scratch on their surface. This was because the Earthblood Cauldrons had taken decades to forge and the strength of the entirety of the Turkic people. The rarest and best materials had been gathered from all across the world, and the peerless experts of the Earth Sect had applied all kinds of secret arts and seals.

  In Bagushidu’s understanding, these ritual tools were indestructible!

  But a single strike from Wang Chong’s sword had been able to crack one of them.

  Although it was only a small crack, Bagushidu felt like his heart was about to tear apart.

  “Hahaha, Bagushidu, you got ahead of yourself!” A voice resounded through the space, breaking the silence. “You’re only relying on these Earthblood Cauldrons, so once I destroy these ritual tools, I’d like to see what other tricks you have!”

  Wang Chong had also noticed what had happened to the Earthblood Cauldron, and his eyes were shining brightly.

  The Origin Immortal Sword could actually counter Bagushidu’s Earthblood Cauldrons!

  This was definitely a surprising discovery for Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong hadn’t feared a clash with Bagushidu because his injuries had been healed and he had the immense energy within the Origin Immortal Sword. Now, this discovery only made him feel better about his chances.

  “Bagushidu, let’s go again!”

  There was a bizarre light in Wang Chong’s eyes, and he once more lunged into the air, gathering around him the thick Origin Energy of the world.


  There was a thunderous boom as a white lightning bolt seemed to pass between the two. This time, Wang Chong remained motionless while Bagushidu was sent staggering back several steps.

  Crickcrack! The hair-thin crack on Bagushidu’s Earthblood Cauldron grew more and more obvious as it grew larger, and this was only after taking a second blow. It seemed like just another few swings would be enough to cut it apart.

  “Impossible! This can’t be! I don’t believe it!”

  Bagushidu’s mind was shaken. The two sword strikes had left him speechless, collapsing his understanding of the world. Not only had Wang Chong’s sword cracked the Earthblood Cauldron of the Earth Sect, it had sundered his convictions of the world.

  Even worse was that the three Earthblood Cauldron were his ritual tool, and Bagushidu’s soul was fused with them. When one of them cracked, Bagushidu could feel his energy leaking out, his formidable power dropping.

  “Bagushidu, hand over your life! Now is the time for you to pay the price!”

  In the fog behind him, two storms of energy began to furiously blaze and simultaneously attacked Bagushidu.

  “Myriad Energies Become One!”

  “Yang Ren God Art!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief furiously attacked together from behind. In front, Wang Chong wielded the Origin Immortal Sword and swung it once more at Bagushidu.

  The space to maneuver was limited on these two chains, and not even Bagushidu was capable of dodging these attacks.


  Bagushidu was shocked and furious, bereft of all his elegance and confidence.

  “What does it matter if you have the Origin Immortal Sword? Even if I must sustain heavy injuries, I’ll finish off both you and your master in this place!”

  Forced into this dire situation, Bagushidu exploded with killing intent.

  “Sunder the Earth!”

  Bagushidu’s eyes coldly flashed as he used another one of the powerful techni
ques of the Earth Sect.

  Rumble! The entire cave began to fiercely shudder under the influence of an invisible energy, seemingly on the verge of collapse. The three cauldrons flew into a triangle formation and began to slowly spin around Bagushidu.

  At the same time, Bagushidu poured in his Stellar Energy, causing the three Earthblood Cauldrons to erupt with a heavy energy that made them seem like three mountains.


  The attacks of the trio barraged Bagushidu, but they were all blocked by the fortress created by the Earthblood Cauldrons.

  “Trifling tricks! I’ll kill you two first, and then the brat!”

  Bagushidu was infuriated by his situation. As his Earthblood Cauldrons held out against the attacks of his enemies, he turned his cold and sinister gaze toward the Wushang Village Chief and Demonic Emperor Old Man, his hand reaching out like a claw.


  The air howled as the black Stellar Energy around him instantly turned into blood-red pythons that savagely lunged at the pair.

  “Earthblood Python!”

  This was another technique of the Earth Sect, one that made Stellar Energy as tough as steel and as sharp as the finest weapon. In a melee between top-class experts, it could force its way through an opponent’s Stellar Energy.

  Bagushidu had used this technique to defeat many of his rivals in the Solar Holy Mountain, allowing him to take the seat of sect master. One could easily imagine how strong this technique was from this fact.

  Wang Chong was currently at the peak of his power, but this was not at all the case for the Wushang Village Chief and the Demonic Emperor Old Man. Moreover, the pair did not have any divine sword, so they were still lacking compared to Bagushidu and his Earthblood Cauldrons. As for Bagushidu, as long as he captured this pair, he could use them to threaten Wang Chong.

  At that point, the Origin Immortal Sword and the treasures on the altar would naturally be his.

  On the swaying chains in the back, the Demonic Emperor Old Man instantly understood what Bagushidu was up to. However, as Wang Chong’s master, the Demonic Emperor had his own sense of pride, and he had no intention of backing down in front of Bagushidu.


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