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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 945

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Village Chief, we can only use that move!”

  “It seems so!”

  On the other chain, the Wushang Village Chief understood what the Demonic Emperor Old Man wanted.

  On this journey, the two of them had constantly been exchanging information and learning, both reaching for that higher realm. Although neither had reached the Subtle realm yet, they had managed to develop a combination technique.

  They had developed this technique by studying the Subtle realm energy that Qutaybah had once used. It was a technique that combined their power to open a passage to the Subtle realm. The demands were extremely strict, requiring the two participants to share a superb understanding with each other and also be half a step into the Subtle realm. Moreover, the technique was also not fully mature.

  As this was merely a trick and not a real way to reach the Subtle realm, the chance of failure was high, and there was also a certain degree of backlash.

  The Wushang Village Chief and Demonic Emperor Old Man had predicted that they would need three or four months to complete it, but they could no longer worry about such things.

  “Heaven and Earth Reverse; the Subtle Emerges from the Infinite Void!”

  The Wushang Village Chief and Demonic Emperor Old Man both turned grim, bringing one set of hands together while the other pair pushed forward at Bagushidu.


  The place where the hands of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief joined exploded with the light of the blazing sun, radiating a dreadful pulse of energy. At this moment, a passage to another spacetime was suddenly opened.

  By bringing together their strength, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief had actually succeeded in forcing open the fabric of space and creating a passage to the Subtle realm, allowing its energy to surge into their bodies.

  “How could this be?!”

  As he sensed the pair simultaneously entering the Subtle realm and swelling in power, Bagushidu trembled in shock and disbelief.

  The martial path was a solitary journey, and the more powerful one became, the more difficult it became to rely on external aid to break through barriers. Bagushidu had expended several years to refine the Earthblood Cauldrons, and paid a harsh price besides.

  Moreover, he had only broken into Dark Radiant Heaven using an external object. His actual cultivation level still remained half a step into the Subtle realm, unable to step over the last threshold.

  It was simply unimaginable for him that the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief could combine their strengths and break through the spatial barrier, simultaneously ascending to the Subtle realm.


  Before Bagushidu had time to think, the pair’s combined attack slammed into Bagushidu’s Earthblood Pythons.


  Nine massive blood-colored pythons slammed into the golden wave of Subtle energy, and they immediately howled in pain and began to melt like snow. A fierce explosion rocked the chains, but the pair had succeeded in blocking Bagushidu’s attack.

  Chapter 1521 - Fighting Bagushidu!

  Chapter 1521: Fighting Bagushidu!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Before Bagushidu could rush forward and redouble his assault, a furious roar came from behind him, so loud that it seemed to crack the fabric of space.

  “Bagushidu, you dare!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes had turned crimson and his entire body seethed with killing intent.

  Rumble! Wang Chong fiercely swung the sword, and as if in response to Wang Chong’s thoughts, the Origin Immortal Sword exploded with light. At this moment, not even Wang Chong realized that a brand-new energy infused with a formidable law was fusing with his Stellar Energy.

  Sensing the terrifying anger and killing intent coming from behind him, Bagushidu grimaced, a hint of panic in his eyes. With no time to think, Bagushidu gave up on capturing the Wushang Village Chief and Demonic Emperor Old Man, gathered up all the energy in the three Earthblood Cauldrons, and launched it at Wang Chong.

  The three cauldrons were completely emptied!

  Bagushidu’s right hand formed a spell, causing the three cauldrons to rumble and groan, the air around them howling forward.

  A moment later, there was a tremendous explosion. Two streaks of destructive energy had slammed into each other like comets.

  “So powerful!”

  Bagushidu felt his shoulders sink as if a mountain had slammed into him, and his face paled.

  He could clearly sense that Wang Chong’s attack was getting more and more powerful. The Origin Immortal Sword was erupting with more strength with every strike and becoming harder and harder to block.


  At the same time, the cracking sound ringing in his ear made Bagushidu alarmed and angry. Each strike of Wang Chong’s sword was causing a crack on one of the Earthblood Cauldrons, and these cracks were getting larger and longer. What Bagushidu found most unacceptable was that none of this damage could be repaired.

  The supreme ritual tool passed down through generations of the Earth Sect, which had been perfectly preserved for centuries, would ultimately suffer such irreparable damage in his hands! Bagushidu could not accept this!

  “Earthblood Curse!”

  Bagushidu hated Wang Chong down to his bones, and he now immediately chose to use a powerful forbidden curse of the Earth Sect. For the price of a part of one’s essence blood and soul, he could boost the power of the Earthblood Cauldrons to another level.

  After using this curse, he would need to rest for three to five months, and his mind would suffer irreparable damage. The ritual tool itself would suffer a plunge in power for at least a year. But Bagushidu could no longer worry about such consequences.

  As long as he could eliminate Wang Chong, it would all be worth it.

  Moreover, if he didn’t stop Wang Chong now, the three Earthblood Cauldrons would probably be destroyed!


  Bagushidu bit down on his tongue, mixed his essence blood with his pure Stellar Energy, and then spat it at the three Earthblood Cauldrons.

  “King of Foreign Lands, this king will have you die!”

  Bagushidu stared at Wang Chong, a fire burning in his eyes. But just as he was about to activate the Earthblood Curse, communicating with the veins on their surface, so that he could completely destroy Wang Chong, he was suddenly thrown into disarray.


  With no warning, the auras of the three Earthblood Cauldrons became chaotic, and the blood Bagushidu spat onto them failed to seep in.

  Bagushidu had formed an extremely sturdy connection with the Earthblood Cauldrons, borrowing their immense power to break into the Dark Radiant Heaven, possessing an energy that was equal to the Subtle realm’s.

  But at this moment, the three cauldrons fell out of his control, the inscriptions and runes the many sect masters of the Earth Sect had applied to them seemingly having been rendered useless. Without the help of the three Earthblood Cauldrons, Bagushidu could feel his body suddenly emptying, and before he could react, he had fallen back to his original half-step Subtle realm cultivation level.

  “How could this be?!”

  Bagushidu yelped in alarm and rapidly retreated, his face ghastly pale. He had lost his domineering and proud demeanor.

  “How could this be? How could the Origin Immortal Sword possess this kind of ability?”

  Bagushidu’s mind was reeling, and he stared at the Origin Immortal Sword like it was a monster.

  He had gathered a great deal of information regarding the Origin Immortal Sword, but he had never heard about the sword possessing the ability to disrupt and nullify ritual tools.

  Bagushidu had known nothing about this side of the divine sword!

  The power of the Origin Immortal Sword was simply absurd. It had even surpassed the ritual tool of the Earth Sect!

  For the first time, Bagushidu felt like he could not defeat Wang
Chong and the Origin Immortal Sword, and he began to feel a hint of fear.

  Just how could a divine sword like this exist? With this sword, my ritual tool is useless! I have to leave!

  Bagushidu had always deeply hungered for the Origin Immortal Sword, but now, he finally began to hesitate. Before, he would have been completely unafraid while fighting Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief, but now that his Earthblood Cauldrons were being suppressed by the Origin Immortal Sword, he could no longer contend with three half-step Subtle experts.

  “Bagushidu, you think you can escape?”

  Wang Chong roared, his sharp eyes having already sensed Bagushidu’s intent. But Bagushidu was a man who smiled as he hid a knife behind his back. Whether it was for himself or for the Great Tang, Wang Chong could not let this man go!

  Void Movement Technique!

  Wang Chong immediately used the technique he had learned from the men in black to pursue Bagushidu, fiercely swinging the sword he gripped in both hands.


  Waves of Stellar Energy spread outward and fierce winds howled. Amidst the thick fog, Wang Chong and Bagushidu fiercely battled, the chains under their feet constantly shuddering, threatening to cast them into the abyss at any moment.

  Wang Chong rained attacks down at Bagushidu, and Bagushidu simply had nowhere to run.

  Wang Chong’s Origin Immortal Sword struck Bagushidu’s Earthblood Cauldrons several dozen times in a series of metallic clangs. Each time, the sword left another crack on one of the Earthblood Cauldrons.

  Each attack placed immense pressure on the Earthblood Cauldrons, and after this barrage of attacks, the cauldrons were covered in obvious cracks, some of them as wide as a finger. They seemed ready to fall apart at any moment.

  “King of Foreign Lands, you madman!”

  Bagushidu’s hair wildly swept out behind him, his entire body brimming with shock and anger. Wang Chong was attacking in a frenzy, and a dark-red circle of Stellar Energy was madly howling around him.

  On his shoulders resided the dazzling emblematic sun and moon of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art.

  Now that Wang Chong had fully recovered, the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art was fully expressing its savage side. All the energy in the surrounding area was being pulled to him, with even Bagushidu’s black Stellar Energy showing signs of being pulled away.

  Without the protective power of the Earthblood Cauldrons, Bagushidu found it difficult to resist the domineering power of Wang Chong’s Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!

  “Bagushidu, accept your fate!”

  Wang Chong’s voice was cold and utterly devoid of emotion.


  Suddenly, Stellar Energy in the form of waves and bolts came from the rear. The Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief had joined the assault, not speaking a word.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Bagushidu’s Stellar Energy was rapidly consumed under the attack of these three top-class experts, and he no longer even had time to speak.

  And this was still far from over. Just when Bagushidu was hastily attempting a defense, there was another roar.

  “Gonggong Divine Art!”

  A massive whirlpool formed in the air, fusing together with a destructive energy, and in the center of this whirlpool was the indistinct form of a trident.

  At this crucial moment, the Lone Silence Ancestor had finally struck.

  There were only the two chains suspended over the abyss, leaving very little area to move around and making it very difficult to find the right time and angle to strike. Thus, the Lone Silence Ancestor had chosen not to act up until now, using his Water Element arts to conceal his energy and wait for the right time.


  The attacks of three mighty martial artists of the present era combined together, slamming into Bagushidu’s Stellar Energy barrier with explosive force.

  Not even someone of Bagushidu’s ability could withstand this combined strike.

  Thumpthumpthump! Bagushidu’s body trembled as he staggered backward. His breathing was ragged and he felt a surge of blood making its way up his throat, but he swallowed it back down.

  If it were just these three experts alone, Bagushidu would have barely been able to manage, but Wang Chong’s full-force assault was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  Chapter 1522 - The Might of the Divine Sword!

  Chapter 1522: The Might of the Divine Sword!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Bagushidu, take this! Art of God and Demon Obliteration!” Wang Chong furiously roared, his eyes shining like stars. As the Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wushang Village Chief, and Lone Silence Ancestor barraged Bagushidu, Wang Chong lunged forward and used the strongest technique he possessed.

  It was not the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art that Wang Chong was so skilled in, but his other supreme technique.


  A lightning bolt seemed to flash through the air.

  At the same time, Wang Chong focused all of the energy of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art onto the Origin Immortal Sword, which the sword took and rapidly compressed into an incredibly dense and tyrannical ball of energy.


  Wang Chong’s aura suddenly shifted. What was at the start like a steady and sturdy mountain became sharper and more frightening. He began to seem like an invincible sword that could cleave through all opposition.

  No! It was no longer just a ‘seeming’. Wang Chong had truly become an astonishingly sharp sword.


  In the blink of an eye, Wang Chong had fused with the sword and become a milky-white sword more than thirty meters long and brighter than the sun. It was slashing toward Bagushidu with frightening speed.

  At this moment, Wang Chong exuded a pure sword intent that could obliterate and crush all things.

  “What sword art is this?”

  Let alone Bagushidu, even the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief were taken aback.

  This new sword intent Wang Chong exuded was simply terrifying and was aimed straight at the soul. The path of the sword was one that sought to obliterate all things in the world, together with the world itself!

  This was doom for all living things!

  Anyone who saw this sword would feel a fear that came from the very depths of their soul.

  Art of God and Demon Obliteration!

  Wang Chong, with the help of the Origin Immortal Sword, had finally been able to use the supreme art ranked only beneath the Origin Immortal Art.

  “Not good!”

  Sensing this dreadful Sword Qi, Bagushidu paled and hastily turned around, calling his Earthblood Cauldrons to defend with all they could.

  Bagushidu had reacted very quickly, but he had still underestimated this sword.

  Boom! The milky-white light made the underground world as bright as day, and the Sword Qi moved with such incredible speed that it cut through the air, leaving a long scar extending several dozen meters.

  Bagushidu didn’t even have time to activate the full power of the Earthblood Cauldrons before Wang Chong’s sword cut into them, cleaving a path through. This Sword Qi had torn through the air so quickly that his thoughts weren’t fast enough to keep up.

  Swish! Plush!

  A sharp blade cut through flesh, and Bagushidu trembled as the sword stabbed through his body. As destructive Sword Qi blasted through, it divided into tens of thousands of strands that rampaged through his meridians.

  Wherever this Sword Qi went, Bagushidu’s cells died, turning ashen white.

  “How could this be?!”

  Bagushidu’s eyes went wide. He could sense the world before him turning white, a somber winter devoid of any other color.

  This single attack had inflicted an unprecedented wound on Bagushidu.


  With a miserable scream, Bagushidu was sent flying like a ragdoll by
the immense might of the Art of God and Demon Obliteration.


  The grandiose beam of Sword Qi sliced through the air, carrying Bagushidu along with it as it shot through the fog and finally slammed into the wall of the passage far on the other side.

  The impact was so great that the wall cracked and the surrounding earth swayed. A sickening crack came from Bagushidu’s body as blood gushed out. Numerous bones had been broken in that collision.

  “I have to run!”

  Bagushidu had lost all will to fight, and his face was stricken with fear. He had never encountered such a terrifying Sword Qi before, and the remnants of the Sword Qi were still in his body, robbing his cells of their life.

  With each passing moment, Bagushidu’s injuries were getting worse.

  And what frightened Bagushidu most of all was the unstoppable edge of that sword. His formidable black Stellar Energy had been incapable of halting its advance.

  Bang! Bagushidu thumped his right hand against the wall and charged into the passage.

  “Bagushidu, you think you can run?!” An icy voice came from behind him, resounding through the area.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wushang Village Chief, and Lone Silence Ancestor attacked in unison, their formidable Stellar Energies howling forward and slamming into Bagushidu like comets.


  Bagushidu screamed as his vitality rapidly weakened. He had become like a guttering candle in the wind, on the verge of extinction.


  Bagushidu’s back was to the wall, his clothes in tatters and covered in blood. Those eyes which had once seemed so composed and assured were now wide open with only dread and fear.

  A single miscalculation had led to a wholesale loss!

  The Origin Immortal Sword was so powerful that it was actually able to counter ritual tools. This was something he had never imagined possible. Without the protection of the three Earthblood Cauldrons, not even Bagushidu could face four experts at once.

  Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man alone had been enough to counter Qutaybah after he had just entered the Subtle realm, and now they were joined by the Wushang Village Chief and the Lone Silence Ancestor. Bagushidu had no chance of survival.


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