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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1159

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  But it was now clear that Wang Chong had been watching them the entire time.

  They even felt that the army they had gathered had been intentionally driven to them by the opposing army!


  The neighing of horses came from the east, and then a wall of cavalry charged out of the sandstorm, their sharp-eyed riders staring at Adnan and Abu Muslim.

  And this was only the beginning. From the southeast came another neigh, and then a muscular, pitch-black steed slowly trotted out of the sandstorm. Behind it were the numerous cavalry of the Annan Protectorate and its tens of thousands of infantry.


  Zhangchou Jianqiong flung aside his cape and coldly sneered.

  An Sishun, Gao Xianzhi, and Abusi emerged from their own positions. Adnan and Abu Muslim sensed hundreds of thousands of Tang soldiers emerging from all sides, causing their hearts and the hearts of the soldiers to grow cold.

  “Stand ready!”

  Adnan’s eyes narrowed as he slowly took out the Blade of Mukala, his entire body slightly arching like a bow as he prepared to leap into battle. In the current situation, Arabia had nowhere to go! They could only fight to the death!

  Abu Muslim turned solemn as he fiercely took out his sword and cried out, “Take up formation!”

  The situation was extremely dangerous. They would have to put their lives on the line if they wanted to live.

  “Which direction do we break out from?”

  Adnan’s eyes were like those of a wild beast, but while his eyes were focused ahead, he sent an inconspicuous tendril of Psychic Energy to link with Abu Muslim’s mind.

  “The Great Tang deployed many soldiers at the northwest. In contrast, the northeast is where they are weakest. In a little while, we will break out through the northeast and then circle around, traveling through the Western Regions, over the Cong Mountains, through Samarkand, and back to Arabia!

  “They won’t be able to catch up to us!” Abu Muslim sternly said.


  Adnan grimly nodded. The last two remaining Great Generals of Arabia swiftly developed their plan. This was a dire situation, but it was not a dead end. The Great Tang would not have an easy time trying to devour the Arabs in one fell swoop.

  But just when the two had begun to lead their army in an attack, a metallic clanking and groaning came from the west, penetrating through the sandstorm.

  Their hearts immediately thumped in ill foreboding as they turned to look.


  When they saw the objects emerging from the sandstorm, they trembled as if they had been struck by a lightning bolt, their faces draining of blood.


  With a metallic rumble, thousands of Tang ballistae rolled out of the west. These were the most frightening weapons on the battlefield, even more powerful than the Behemoth Army.

  Even the strongest Arab elite wearing the thickest armor was nothing but a lamb to the slaughter for the Tang ballistae.

  Worst of all was that the firing range of the ballistae covered both the northeast and southeast.

  If the Arab army wanted to break out from the northeast, they would have to go through a death zone of ballista fire.

  Abu Muslim and Adnan were not given much time to think. The Tang army began to converge, led by Zhangchou Jianqiong and the other Tang commanders, and even the ballistae began their barrage.

  Chapter 1908 - Winding Up the Battle! Slaughter! (III)

  Chapter 1908: Winding Up the Battle! Slaughter! (III)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr



  Warhorses shrieked and war cries filled the air as the tension reached its maximum. The first to strike was not Zhangchou Jianqiong or another Tang commander, but Su Hanshan’s ballista army!


  With a great howl, tens of thousands of ballista bolts flew through the air like furious dragons, a rain of death hurtling toward the Arabs. Thud! Thud! Thud! Behind Adnan and Abu Muslim, screams rang out as their men were cut down like wheat.

  The bodies of numerous warhorses crashed to the ground!

  Forty thousand!

  In the blink of an eye, more than forty thousand Arab soldiers had been pierced through by ballista bolts. Scimitars, arrows, black war banners, and the bodies of horses and men littered the ground.

  The blood spilled in the space of a few seconds congregated into rivers.

  Such immense lethality truly made one despair!

  And the ballista bolts were still coming down!

  “Everyone, hear my order! Break out!”

  Adnan raised the Blade of Mukala as he mentally despaired. The Hierophant was dead, as was the High Priest. The Arabian Empire had also lost numerous Governors and Deputy Governors, and even the Behemoth Army had been wiped out, but the Tang ballista army still remained.

  It was impossible to continue this war.


  A moment later, the frantic Arab horsemen joined Adnan and Abu Muslim in charging toward the northwest, where the defenses were strongest.

  Even though it was the northeast where the defenses were weakest, no one dared to brave the barrage of the ballista army!

  The killing power was just too terrifying!

  Even Adnan had cast aside the idea.


  In the blink of an eye, the two sides began a fierce battle in the northwest. At the same time, An Sishun, Gao Xianzhi, and Abusi converged with their armies.

  But on the western side, no one moved. The Tang commanders had seemingly agreed to leave open a large gap for Su Hanshan’s ballista army.


  One volley of bolts after another came down in a stable and despairing rain, playing out the dirge of death as swaths of Arab cavalry were cut down.

  The ballista army was the most terrifying of reaping machines, cutting down the lives of the Arabs.

  Eighty thousand!

  One hundred and ten thousand!

  The army led by Abu Muslim and Adnan was suffering losses at a horrifying rate.

  The Tang army approached under the cover of the ballistae, and even more Arab soldiers were cut down, spilling their blood on the battlefield.

  One hundred and fifty thousand!

  One hundred and seventy thousand!

  Two hundred thousand…

  The Arabs had suffered immense losses in short order, a consequence that could only be expected when one side had the disciplined, cohesive, and high-morale Tang army versus the dispirited and disordered Arab army.

  And the Arabs didn’t only have to worry about the ballista army!


  The sky darkened, and then a massive black silhouette crashed into the center of the Arabs.

  “It’s the King Ape!”


  Upon seeing this massive beast, countless war horses shrieked and Arab horsemen despaired. The Behemoth Army had been almost completely wiped out, and only the strongest, the King Ape, had survived.

  But the Great Tang had giant ballistae to deal with the Behemoths. Meanwhile, the Arabs had nothing to deal with the King Ape.


  The Behemoth roared and bared its fangs, its eyes red as it slammed its giant arms to the ground. Boom! Seventy-some Arab cavalry were instantly pulverized by the King Ape’s terrifying strength.


  And right after the King Ape, large armored giants also charged into the Arab ranks.

  These upgraded Skyquaking Giants had been thrown into the Tang ranks using catapults, dealing significant damage to the Tang army. However, now that his battle was over, Wang Chong had used the Psychic Energy and knowledge he had obtained from the High Priest together with the power of the Crown of Confucius to take control of their minds.

  “Die for me!”

  The armored giants bellowed like beasts as they rammed into the Arab ranks. Bang! An Arab horseman wa
s caught off guard and struck by a metal cudgel. He screamed as he and his horse were knocked several dozen meters into the air.


  The armored giants were like wolves amongst sheep, sowing chaos in the Arab ranks.

  Adnan and Abu Muslim felt their hearts sink to rock bottom. When it rained, it poured, and the Great Tang was unleashing all its strength and not giving them a single chance.

  “We don’t have any more chances! We have to break out!”

  Abu Muslim’s heart was ice-cold.

  “We can’t run!”

  At this moment, a voice rang out in Abu Muslim’s ear, and he immediately turned his head in shock to Adnan.

  He saw that Adnan had a calm and enlightened expression, completely different from the Beast of Brutality that Abu Muslim knew.


  Abu Muslim was stunned.

  “They won’t let us leave so easily! We have to pay a little, or else we will all die here.”

  Adnan’s face was extremely calm. The Hierophant’s death had seemingly completely changed him.

  “I’ll hold them down. You lead the army in breaking out. No matter what, you must bring our army back to Arabia!”


  Abu Muslim was startled by Adnan’s words, but before he could reply, war cries came from all sides.


  “Adnan, Abu Muslim, you can’t escape!”

  Powerful mental waves swept across the entire battlefield.

  The Tang commanders were converging on the pair.

  “Hahaha, taking this Adnan’s life is not that easy!”

  Not giving Abu Muslim a chance to refuse, Adnan shot into the air, the earth groaning under his power. He waved his hands, and a dark yellow energy exploded out of the Blade of Mukala as he charged at Wang Zhongsi and the others.

  “Run!” Adnan’s voice shouted into Abu Muslim’s ears.


  As he watched Adnan close the distance with Wang Zhongsi and the other Tang experts, Abu Muslim clenched his teeth. He understood that Adnan was determined to die now that the Hierophant was dead, so he turned his horse around and charged off into the distance.

  “Where do you think you’re going?!”

  Upon seeing Abu Muslim flee, An Sishun and Gao Xianzhi immediately turned to pursue.

  But before they could do so, a majestic wave of saber energy slammed into the ground in front of them, sending dust and debris several dozen meters into the air. At the same time, a wave of petrifying energy swept over them. At the crucial moment, Adnan had unleashed the power of the Blade of Mukala to hold them back.

  An Sishun and Gao Xianzhi focused as they were forced to stop.

  This brief pause allowed Abu Muslim to successfully escape so that he could lead the rest of the army in breaking through the northeast.

  After a few moments of hesitation, Gao Xianzhi and An Sishun decided to turn around and join Wang Zhongsi and the others in finishing off Adnan.

  The battle was fierce and gruesome, large numbers of Arab cavalry dying every moment!


  With one last scream, Adnan finally fell to the ground. Not even the Blade of Mukala could allow Adnan to stand up against so many Tang commanders at once.

  But his death had won a chance at survival for the Arabs. With Wang Zhongsi and the other Tang commanders drawn to him, Abu Muslim, after paying a bitter price, had managed to successfully break out through the northeast with his army.

  “After them!”

  Gao Xianzhi, mounted on a Ferghana steed, immediately began to pursue, his pupils constricting.

  No one understood more than him the threat that Abu Muslim posed. Abu Muslim had been the one to start the Battle of Talas, but he had also easily escaped from death there. He was also closely linked to this second war. If he were allowed to escape again, he might raise another army in the Arabian Empire and start a third war!

  “There’s no need!”

  But at this moment, Wang Chong’s voice spoke into Gao Xianzhi’s mind, causing him to pause.

  “Let him be! One Abu Muslim can’t cause much of a stir. Our first priority should be to kill as many Arabs as we can. Moreover, even if he escapes this place, he’s not guaranteed to successfully return to Arabia!”

  Wang Chong’s voice was flat and indifferent, apparently having expected all of this.

  Chapter 1909 - The Great Tang Victorious! The World Stunned!

  Chapter 1909: The Great Tang Victorious! The World Stunned!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Upon hearing Wang Chong’s words, Gao Xianzhi ceased to argue.

  Wang Chong had been almost entirely responsible for the Great Tang’s victory in this unprecedented war between east and west. He had been able to predict almost everything that had transpired.

  As long as Wang Chong continued to plan and strategize, there would be no major errors.


  Gao Xianzhi pulled on the reins of his horse, turned around, and began to charge at the remaining Arab cavalry.

  Pursuing the fleeing enemy!

  With the death of Adnan, the remaining Arab cavalry were in a complete rout!


  A vast wave of Psychic Energy spread over the battlefield, carrying Wang Chong’s cold and callous voice.

  “Everyone, listen well! Surrender and you won’t be killed!”


  Upon hearing the voice of this ‘demon god’, numerous horsemen in the sandstorm immediately got off their horses and kneeled.

  “We surrender!”

  “We surrender!”

  “We’re from Damascus! The Arabs forced us to come! We surrender!”

  “We’re from Meiya! We have nothing to do with the Arabs and are also willing to surrender!”

  “We’re Tanzan people and were also forced to come! We’re willing to surrender!”

  For this invasion, the Arabian Empire had not only mobilized its own forces, but also the forces of the various countries on its border. These armies had formed a significant percentage of that 2.6-million-man army.

  It was one thing if the Arabs had the upper hand, but now, the Hierophant was dead, the High Priest was dead, and the Governors and Deputy Governors of the Arabian Empire were being slaughtered like sheep. The Arabs had no hope of fighting back against this eastern empire.

  Things had already reached this stage, so why should they need to die with the Arabs?!


  The battlefield grew much quieter as the soldiers from these various countries kneeled on the ground, so many that even Wang Chong was rather surprised.

  Although he had been the one to ask for the surrender, he had not expected it to be so effective.

  Regardless, the reduction in opponents was only a boon to the Great Tang.


  With a wave of Wang Chong’s hand, the sandstorm was pulled away like a cloth, finally dispersing.

  Maintaining such a large sandstorm had cost many Destiny Energy points.


  As the sands dispersed, the true face of the battlefield was revealed.

  On this battlefield, those kneeling were horsemen from the countries around Arabia, but the Arabs had all remained on their mounts. Everyone now instinctively looked up in shock as the skies cleared.

  The Arab cavalry had particularly complex expressions. For the first time in some time, they had a clear view of the sky.

  It had felt like they had gone through an entire year!

  But their attention was quickly drawn to the battlefield, which was covered in the bodies of men, horses, Behemoths, giants, giant birds…

  The bodies of nearly two million people were scattered across the region, all of them slain while still in fighting posture.

  Blood gurgled and flowed on the ground, pooling together into lakes, the lakes merging together into a sea.
/>   This was true hell on earth!

  Let alone the Arabs, even the Tang soldiers were greatly shaken.

  “Run!” someone suddenly shouted, and a moment later, the pale-faced Arabs fled toward the northwest without even looking back.

  Those Arabs who survived would probably not dare to step into the eastern world for the rest of their days.

  With the battle over, Wang Chong rode his horse forward, organizing some of the men to handle the surrendered soldiers while dispatching another group to continue the pursuit.

  At the same time, countless messenger birds took to the skies.


  The news of the Great Tang’s victory caused the entire continent to shudder. The Great Tang and Arabia were the two strongest empires on the continent, and their war had attracted the intense focus of all other parties. These messenger birds carried with them all the details of the battle back to their respective countries.


  “The Great Tang won! They defeated an army of two million, six hundred thousand Arab cavalry?”

  In the Western Turkic Khaganate, atop Mount Sanmi, Ishbara Khagan was stunned by the news, slamming a palm against his table as he shot to his feet.

  This news was such a great shock that Ishbara Khagan visibly swayed as he got to his feet, almost falling over.

  “Khagan, the news has been confirmed. Great General Wunu Shibi personally entered the front line to obtain this information. The two supreme commanders of the Arabian Empire, Hierophant Khatabah and that mysterious High Priest, were both killed by that Tang!” the kneeling messenger replied.


  Ishbara Khagan’s mind was momentarily blank, as if he had been struck by a cudgel on the head. Once he recovered his senses, he shivered all over.

  The strength of the Arab cavalry was acknowledged by the entire world.

  But in the southwest, the Great Tang had defeated the four hundred thousand soldiers of the Mengshe–Ü-Tsang army while vastly outnumbered, had done the same at Talas, and now, when Arabia had mobilized all of its armies, sending a force of 2.6 million soldiers, accompanied by two legends in the High Priest and Khatabah and numerous Governors and Deputy Governors… it still could not defeat the Great Tang?

  Was there any man or force in the world that could contend against the Great Tang?


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