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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1362

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Plush! Ozmish Khagan led the charge, his saber slashing into the chest of a Hou. Blood instantly gushed out from the wound, Ozmish Khagan’s attack having managed to get all the way to the bone.

  Yeon Gaesomun and the Khitan King jumped out, each slashing at one of these primordial beasts, their weapons slicing into their flesh.

  As for the Xi Queen, the weakest of the four, she created sharp spikes of ice that she plunged into the eyes of one of the monsters.

  Anyone who was able to participate in this expedition was a top-class expert of the present era. Whether it was in power, reaction time, agility, or fighting skill, they had reached the apex.

  To call them grandmasters of a generation would be doing them a disservice.

  The weapons they wielded were all divine weapons, capable of slicing through steel like mud.

  While these vicious polar beasts possessed enormous strength and incredible innate talent, they presented little threat to these peak powerhouses of the world.

  Swish! Swish!

  Bloody light flashed in the air, and wherever the silver barrier went, the massive Hou toppled to the ground.

  “Come on! Fight quickly and don’t linger,” Wang Chong sternly said, his mind remaining extremely calm and collected.

  Even amidst this fighting, he had not forgotten their objective.

  Though these primordial beasts did not present a threat by themselves, their hides were thick and they were extremely powerful. Killing them took significant effort.

  Their foe had clearly placed these beasts here to grind away at their strength.

  Lingering to fight would just be falling into his trap.

  “Hmph, can you really escape?” The resounding voice came from the center of the vortex, seemingly sensing their intentions. Thud! Thud! Thud! Hundreds more Hou jumped out from the snow tornadoes.

  But these Hou changed tactics, forming into packs and coordinating with each other as they charged at the group.

  Not only that, even more snow tornadoes suddenly changed directions and began to block the path forward.

  Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others grimaced at this sight.

  At their level of strength, dealing with one or two presented no problem, but if all of these primordial beasts charged up together, along with the snow tornadoes, it would be far beyond their ability to handle.

  All of them felt a heavy pressure on their shoulders.

  Chapter 2267 - The Source of Everything! The Polar Ocean!

  Chapter 2267: The Source of Everything! The Polar Ocean!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Let me!”

  Wang Chong’s voice resounded in everyone’s ears.

  As those ancient beasts lunged in from all sides and those snow tornadoes pressed in, Wang Chong took action.


  As he extended his hand, all of the spacetime laws within ten thousand feet of Wang Chong fiercely pulsed, and massive waves erupted from within the blizzard.

  Around Wang Chong, dark golden Halos of Spacetime appeared in twos and threes.

  Each Halo of Spacetime was aimed at one of the Hou. As these Hou flew through the air, they were frozen in the air by the Halos of Spacetime, as if they had tossed themselves into nets.


  In a flash of light, these Hou were cast into the depths of spacetime.

  At the same time, four enormous snow tornadoes packed with destructive energy surrounded them.

  This strength was so terrifying that it could make any martial artist despair.

  While Wang Chong would have been fine with his Grotto Heaven realm cultivation if struck by those snow tornadoes, the others would be heavily injured.

  Just when they were about to make impact, Wang Chong’s silver barrier wrapped everyone up and disappeared.

  When they next appeared, they were tens of thousands of feet away.


  Explosions rang out behind them, but Wang Chong’s group was unscathed.


  Furious bellows rang out.

  Those primordial beasts moved with incredible speed, instantly reaching maximum speed and closing the distance. In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of Hou were once more approaching the group.


  Wang Chong struck, his immense Psychic Energy erupting out from all sides.


  Time seemed to stop wherever the Psychic Energy passed, instantly locking the Hou in position.

  Wang Chong flicked his finger, and with a metallic clatter, dark golden Halos of Spacetime appeared beneath the feet of the Hou, whisking them away in flashes of light.

  Wang Chong looked up at the sky as he mentally remarked, Let’s see how good you really are!

  The snow tornadoes continued to converge on them as if they were drawn to them.

  Even so, Wang Chong did not panic.

  His eyes gleamed as the world around him shifted.

  True World!

  At the Subtle realm, Wang Chong’s True World ability had been able to see the essence of the world. At the Grotto Heaven realm, his True World ability was now able to perceive even finer details.

  The world was covered by hundreds of millions of laws like countless strings, creating a giant dome. And in the center of this dome, Wang Chong saw an enormous zone of distortion.

  This place was like a black hole. All the law energy that passed through this area was distorted, twisted, and destroyed.

  As law energy congregated, balls of ice and lightning erupted from this zone.

  But Wang Chong quickly discovered something special in this zone of distortion.

  “Master, Village Chief, stay here. I’ll take care of that thunderstorm.”

  Leaving behind his three Divine Embryos, Wang Chong’s original body shot out of the silver barrier.


  In that massive lightning cloud vortex, that hidden and powerful existence seemed to sense Wang Chong’s movements. A moment later, a blinding bolt of lightning slashed at Wang Chong.

  At almost the same time, the snow tornadoes made to collide with Wang Chong as if they were being pulled on by invisible strings.

  His eyes coldly glinting, Wang Chong thrust out a hand. The snow tornadoes around him slowed to a crawl, and when they were several thousand feet from Wang Chong, they just stopped.

  In a flash, Wang Chong had moved tens of thousands of feet away and vanished into the clouds.

  Though these enormous snow tornadoes were created from immense amounts of energy, they were also spatial constructs to a certain extent. If this spatial framework were damaged to a certain extent, they would naturally be affected.

  Wang Chong was also a Grotto Heaven realm expert, and if his foe could do it, he could do it as well.


  Before the massive bolts of lightning could make impact, Wang Chong appeared like a ghost in front of that vortex.

  Boom! Wang Chong erupted with a light more dazzling than the sun.

  This light engulfed Wang Chong and transformed into a heaven-piercing sword that stabbed right into the vortex.

  With a massive boom and a crack, the lightning vortex fell apart, scattering lightning in all directions.

  In mere moments, the vortex disappeared.

  Wang Chong reached out with his right hand and grabbed at the center of the lightning vortex. A moment later, an azure object flew out and into his hand.

  It was a large energy core.

  Once Wang Chong had done all this, the furious winds began to weaken, and those snow tornadoes also began to dwindle in power and size.

  “This is…”

  Everyone was struck dumb by this sight.

  “That energy core was inside that thundercloud vortex.”

  The Khitan King finally understood what was going on.

  There was no doubt that their foe was using the azure energy core to control the Hou and the snow tornadoes.

that all a mighty Supreme is capable of?”

  Wang Chong weighed the large energy core in his hand as he coldly spoke.

  “If you have something else, hurry up and use it!”

  Wang Chong had reached a level of insight and cultivation that few people could even imagine. In this world, probably nobody besides Heaven and the deceased Sage Emperor could surpass him.

  All was quiet. Even those two Celestial God Organization experts who had spoken before had apparently not expected that Wang Chong would so quickly find a solution.

  After some time, the group once more heard that familiar voice. “Come over if you’ve got the guts!”

  Rumble! Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. The blizzard that Wang Chong had just driven away suddenly revived, and even that massive thundercloud vortex began to reform.

  Wang Chong saw this and frowned. This was clearly different from what he had imagined.

  The azure energy core in the center of the thundercloud vortex was simply an intermediary. The true energy source for the thundercloud vortex and the snow tornadoes was elsewhere.

  If this energy source could not be destroyed, then no matter how many times he destroyed them, the vortex and the snow tornadoes would continue to reform.

  He would just be wasting his time and energy.

  I have to completely get rid of these things, but if my guess is right, the energy for the vortex and snow tornadoes comes from the world of the otherworldly invaders, Wang Chong quietly said to himself.

  If the energies of two different dimensions are intersecting, there must be a teleportation gate. Those mysterious experts of the Celestial God Organization are probably there.

  Wang Chong was basically sure that these experts were Supremes.


  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he scanned the area, and a moment later, he returned to the silver barrier.

  “Let’s go!”

  Wang Chong unleashed his Stellar Energy, wrapping everyone up and moving northward before the vortex and snow tornadoes could revive.

  Rumble! The snow tornadoes and lightning vortex accelerated their reformation. It was clear that those experts had noticed what Wang Chong was trying to do and had grown concerned.

  Several bolts of lightning merged together into an even larger lightning bolt that slashed at Wang Chong’s group.

  But before it could land, Wang Chong had already left with his group.

  A few seconds later, the deafening roar of waves and the sound of slabs of ice slamming into each other resounded in their ears.

  A strange sea soon appeared before them.

  Nearby, the surface of the sea had frozen over into thick slabs of ice.

  But this ice was not completely solid. With the surging of the undercurrent, the ice was broken up into countless large ice floes.

  These ice floes varied in thickness, some of them as thick as ten feet. They also varied in size, from as small as a jar to as large as a small island.

  The clattering and crashing they heard was that of ice floes smashing against each other.

  “This is the polar ocean?”

  All of them took in this sight as if they were newly born infants taking in the world.

  The polar ocean!

  This was the name Wang Chong had given it.

  But in this world, it had another name: the Northern Sea.

  The Classic of Mountains and Seas had records on the Northern Sea, and though the other countries did not have such detailed records, they all had various myths concerning the Northern Sea.

  But while they had all heard the name, none of them had ever seen it before.

  This place was clearly much colder than where they had been before, and even Wang Chong’s silver barrier was unable to keep up, the chill managing to penetrate through the barrier.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief were extremely familiar with Wang Chong, and they couldn’t help but raise their eyebrows.

  Wang Chong’s Ice Element Divine Embryo had been constantly absorbing the energy of the cold wave this entire time, which was why they had been unaffected by the chill.

  But now, the cold air was flowing in. Clearly, the cold wave was astonishingly concentrated, so thick with energy that not even Wang Chong’s Ice Element Divine Embryo could absorb it all.

  “It seems that we’re almost there. The source of the cold wave is here,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man sternly said.

  Chapter 2268 - Advance into the Deep Sea!

  Chapter 2268: Advance into the Deep Sea!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Everyone was soon able to see the energy source for the cold wave.


  Right in front of the group’s eyes, an enormous wave of white energy rose up from the frozen polar sea all the way to the heavens.

  At the center of this enormous wave of white energy was an enormous whirlpool that was several dozen li in diameter. Countless ice floes and large quantities of water were rapidly spun around and churned by this powerful whirlpool.

  Not only that, they could sense that the cold wave was far more concentrated here than anywhere else.

  Icy mist ran rampant through the world, and as it crashed against the silver barrier, it sounded as if countless grains of iron sand were pelting the barrier.

  Wang Chong could also sense powerful spacetime ripples from the center of that whirlpool.

  The closer one got to the ocean, the stronger the pulses became. Yeon Gaesomun and the others shared fearful glances.

  “This is the place!”

  Wang Chong immediately understood that this was the source of the cold wave wreaking havoc on the world. Moreover, unlike with the Caspian Sea, the dimensional gate was not on the surface, but hidden on the ocean floor.


  An enormous explosion came from behind the group.

  “Those Hou have caught up!” the Khitan King called out.

  Wang Chong had scattered the thundercloud vortex already, but by now, both the vortex and snow tornadoes had reformed. The snow tornadoes and the Hou were all coming in their direction.

  At their current speed, they would arrive soon and once more plunge them into a bitter battle.

  Wang Chong was still in a decent state. The Ice Element Divine Embryo could extract energy from the blizzard, but not everyone could do this. Once they consumed all their Stellar Energy, the experts from the other countries would all die.

  “Let’s go!”

  Wang Chong blazed with Stellar Energy, sweeping up everyone as he rose into the air and then plunged into that giant whirlpool in the polar ocean.

  As they approached the center of the whirlpool, they could feel the pull getting stronger. Compared to that white wave of energy surging out from the ocean, those snow tornadoes they had encountered were as insignificant as ants.

  The two of them weren’t even on the same level!

  Destructive energy was contained in that white wave of energy, together with the obliterative power of spacetime. This power could easily crush mountains and tear apart the toughest of metals.

  This terrifying power could make anyone’s blood run cold and their bodies shiver in fear. Even Wang Chong felt greatly endangered.

  If he accidentally got himself caught up in it, not only would his Stellar Energy rapidly be consumed, he would be heavily injured.

  The spacetime energy within it was enough to affect any Grotto Heaven realm expert.


  Water splashed as Wang Chong turned and plummeted downward with the group, instantly shattering the ice as they dove into the icy depths.

  As they entered the polar sea, their surroundings suddenly darkened, as if they were entering a different world.

  This was a dark and lonely word, a deathly stillness devoid of life. All that was here was the surging sea waters.

  “Everyone, be careful! Be ready to fight at any moment!” The Demonic Emperor Old M
an’s voice rang out in everyone’s ears.

  Wang Chong and the others tensed, their minds focusing. An attack could come at any time, for all of them understood that they had reached the terminus of their journey.

  Those men in black had developed such an enormous plan, treating all the lives of the world as their chess pieces, their sacrificial offerings. It was impossible for them to not have any defensive measures.

  The deeper they went, the more dangerous it became. If they made a mistake, there would be no chance to recover.

  Even so, there was no going back. Whether it was for their own peoples or for the world, they had to stop the cold wave. On this point, the other countries and the Great Tang shared the same view.

  Five hundred meters!

  Seven hundred meters!

  As they went deeper and deeper, their surroundings grew darker and the pressure increased.

  Deep under the sea, they didn’t just have to contend with the threats from the Celestial God Organization. They also had to deal with the surrounding pressure and breathing.

  Deep in the sea, there was no air to breathe.

  “Take out the leaves I gave you!”

  Wang Chong spread out his Psychic Energy to its limit, exploring his surroundings as he spoke to the others in the group.

  Within the silver barrier, the others quickly took out the strange green leaves that Wang Chong had given to them before they had set out, placing them in their mouths.

  Wang Chong had sent his Earth clone to the now-collapsed Origin Immortal Cave to seek out these leaves.

  So long as one placed these special leaves in their mouths, they would have an oxygen supply for a certain amount of time.

  “Everyone, remember, these leaves I gave you can only last for an hour at most. We have to complete the mission in that amount of time!” Wang Chong used his thoughts to communicate with the others.


  All of them nodded, resolve in their eyes.

  One thousand meters!

  Twelve hundred meters!


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