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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1363

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Wang Chong led the group deeper and deeper, and he began to sense unknown organisms in the surrounding ocean.

  Wang Chong didn’t worry about them. This was an important base of the Celestial God Organization and key to the Purification plan, so it inevitably had to have many defenses.

  His most urgent priority was to find the source, to shut off that unknown teleportation gate.

  “Over there!”

  Wang Chong was extremely focused, and his mind was locked onto that giant whirlpool in the polar sea. This was his sole reference object in the blackness of the depths.

  Finally, as he plumbed the depths, he noticed something different.


  Furious roars came from all around, and mysterious black silhouettes rapidly converged on them. These dark silhouettes appeared somewhat similar to sharks, but their bodies were almost completely white, only their backs black. Moreover, they were much larger than sharks.

  Moreover, they were strong and tough, appearing extremely dangerous. It was impossible to categorize them as deep sea fish.


  Wang Chong brought the fingers of his right hand together and prepared to deal with these deep sea creatures.

  “Wait!” A familiar voice rang out.

  “King of Foreign Lands, I know that you are very powerful, and I also know that you want to protect us, but the cold wave is not merely the Great Tang’s problem,” the Xi Queen suddenly said, her expression solemn. “The fate of all our countries are linked to it!

  “Let us deal with these ordinary threats. In a short while, there will be even greater threats that you will need to deal with, and it is not proper for you to waste your energy before this… Is this not the reason you brought us here?”

  Wang Chong was taken aback and looked around. He saw that Yeon Gaesomun, Ozmish Khagan, and the other experts were all seriously nodding.

  It was clear that they all shared the same opinion.

  On this expedition to the extreme north, all of them hoped to do their part in getting rid of the cold wave.


  Wang Chong didn’t think for too long. After giving a quick nod, he turned his focus back to the deep sea.

  As they got closer to their target, the spatial disturbances grew stronger. Wang Chong truly didn’t have the attention for other things.


  A few moments later, those deep sea creatures arrived and swiftly began to attack the group.

  Each of these deep sea creatures was ten-some meters long and had a steely hide and bones, as well as a mouthful of savage teeth.

  On the surface, these creatures wouldn’t have been much of a threat, but in the ocean, they were the most threatening of killers.

  Boom! The dark waters surged as these creatures shot through the water like arrows.

  Not even considering their sharp teeth, their charges alone had reached the Imperial Martial realm.

  All the members of the group were peak experts, and just one of these deep sea creatures wouldn’t have presented much of a threat. But there were thousands of them.

  After all, this deep in the ocean, each of them had their strength greatly restrained.

  They were at a disadvantage while their opponents were at an advantage. This was not a factor they could disregard.

  “Beasts, die!”

  As those deep sea creatures charged, the Xi Queen brought her slender fingers together, her eyes turning fiendish. The surrounding sea water gathered together and turned into icicles that were more than five feet long, as thick as fingers, and exceptionally sharp.


  The moment they finished forming, the icicles pierced through the waters at the creatures.

  The Xi Queen was not relying on pure force. She controlled the icicles so that they accurately pierced through the eyes of the creatures, plunging through this point of weakness to stab into their brains.

  Plush! Plush! Plush! As the icicles stabbed into flesh, blood gushed out of the creatures and their bodies writhed in pain.

  It took only a few moments for their eyes to roll over and their bodies to start floating to the surface.

  Ten, twenty, seventy…

  It took only a few moments for more than a hundred of these deep sea creatures to be slain by the Xi Queen’s attacks, and not a single one had been able to get within three hundred feet of the group!

  Chapter 2269 - Deep Sea Ruins!

  Chapter 2269: Deep Sea Ruins!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  While the Xi Queen was focused on dealing with the deep sea creatures, a voice rang out in her ear. “Xi Queen, let us help you!”

  Before the Xi Queen could react, a vast surge of Stellar Energy entered her body. At this moment, Ozmish Khagan, Yeon Gaesomun, and the Khitan King had come to the Xi Queen’s aid.

  The Xi Queen was at the peak of the Subtle realm, and with everyone’s aid, she grew even stronger.


  In a flash of light, the Xi Queen summoned many times more icicles than before, so densely packed that they were able to form a defensive ring around the group.


  The icicles swished through the water, slaying the deep sea creatures before they could even get close.

  The enormous bodies, formidable strength, and steely tendons of these creatures originally would have made them very difficult to deal with, but the Xi Queen’s special method of attack killed these deep sea creatures before they had a chance to display their abilities.

  Wang Chong, who had been observing his surroundings, saw that the Xi Queen and the others were capable of dealing with the problem, and with a nod, he relaxed.

  With the help of the Xi Queen and company, Wang Chong could devote all his focus to moving toward that enormous energy source on the ocean floor.

  Eighteen hundred meters!

  The surging waters grew colder and colder, and finally, the group spotted something new.

  “What’s that?”

  Down below, on the polar ocean floor far from human civilization, all of them saw an enormous building that was clearly man-made. This building stood in the center of the white pillar of energy, and it had an additional barrier around it. It stood out starkly in the deep sea, a bizarre sight.

  Everyone fell quiet and turned to Wang Chong.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man turned to his disciple and said, “Chong-er, what do you sense?”

  Wang Chong thought for a few moments, then frowned and said, “There is an immense energy here that has sealed off the surrounding several dozen li. Spacetime power will find it difficult to break through!”

  He had been constantly probing the sea floor, and though he hadn’t noticed anything before this, he now sensed that the sea water below had gone from soft and malleable to as hard as rock.

  Wang Chong was no stranger to this power. This was spacetime sealing energy.

  Through formations or special ritual tools, one could lock down the surrounding spacetime. Even Grotto Heaven realm experts would not be able to control spacetime energy well within this range, so it would naturally be difficult to break.

  This was similar to the Xiangliu Formation that the Sage Emperor had left behind to cover the capital!

  “Not even someone of your ability can do it?”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man slightly frowned in surprise.

  After all, Wang Chong had been strong enough to kill Genesis Supreme.

  He had never imagined that Wang Chong would be unable to break into this region.

  “This is the core area for the Celestial God Organization’s Purification plan, so it must have set up many powerful defensive measures. There’s also the influence of the dimensional teleportation gate!” Wang Chong said.

  The dimensional teleportation gate connected two different worlds. According to the theories of another world, this special existence was similar to that of a ‘wormhole�

  For the cold wave’s energy to be so powerful and to cover such a large range had to be related to this dimensional teleportation gate in some way.

  Spacetime laws in the area had to be affected by this enormous teleportation gate. Although this didn’t mean that he was incapable of controlling spacetime laws, it represented an extreme danger.

  The other side was clearly well prepared and had predicted that someone might find this place and try to break in.

  The number of Grotto Heaven realm experts in the world could be counted with one’s fingers. Wang Chong speculated that there was a high chance that these defenses were meant to be used on the Sage Emperor!

  “That building is probably just a cover. The real entrance is below it, probably for the Celestial God Organization to use,” Wang Chong sternly said.

  Ever since Wang Chong’s group had entered the polar sea, those two in the clouds had stopped speaking. But this only made Wang Chong more certain that they were here.

  This strange building deep in the ocean was clearly the entrance they had left for themselves.

  Once he got in, he could venture farther inside.

  But even though he had found the entrance, Wang Chong did not dare to be careless. Focusing his mind, he began to reinforce the silver barrier.

  A moment later, Wang Chong led his group in plunging into that white pillar of energy.

  Rumble! There was a deafening roar as immense pressure squeezed in on the silver barrier from all sides. The energy forming the barrier was rapidly consumed, causing the light to dim.

  Those in the barrier paled, sensing a great danger.

  But at this moment, Wang Chong summoned a dark golden Halo of Spacetime, which erupted from his body and began to push back against the destructive energy pressing in on the barrier.

  If one looked carefully, one would discover that this Halo of Spacetime was different from the Halos of Spacetime Wang Chong normally used. The surface of this Halo of Spacetime was covered in countless wriggling, tadpole-like characters. These characters were infused with some mysterious power, and Wang Chong’s dark golden Halo of Spacetime had a faint tinge of white. This spacetime energy was vaguely similar to the energy Genesis Supreme had once used.

  Spacetime Harmonization Art!

  This was another ability of the halo divine tool that Wang Chong had seized from Genesis Supreme.

  The halo had been a powerful tool that was capable of both defense and attack. But it had also contained some of Genesis Supreme’s memories and some formidable techniques.

  The Spacetime Harmonization Art was one of these.

  Rumble! The moment he finished opening the passage, Wang Chong threw the group through the gap like an arrow leaving its quiver, passing through that chaotic region and into that astonishing pillar of white energy.

  Wang Chong spread out his Psychic Energy to its maximum extent, imprinting his surroundings in his mind. In a flash, Wang Chong found a safe path through the chaotic energies.

  Before anyone could react, Wang Chong brought his group into that mysterious building deep under the sea.

  “We’re here!”

  With a thought, Wang Chong removed the silver barrier.

  This mysterious building was completely empty and unusually quiet. They had not come under any sort of attack upon entering it.

  Wang Chong said nothing as he warily took in his surroundings.

  The others behind him also looked around.

  They were located in a gloomy reception hall. Though empty, it was not devoid of light. It appeared that the building itself was somewhat luminescent.

  “It seems rather old,” Zhangchou Jianqiong said as he looked around and saw that the walls had a green patina.

  This mysterious building was not made of stone, but entirely of bronze.

  Bronze did not start off green. This was the result of oxidation over a long period of time.

  Hearing Zhangchou Jianqiong’s words, the others walked up the walls, wanting to get a closer look.

  But before they could walk a few steps, crack! The sound of breaking bones rang out, particularly frightening in this quiet and nervous atmosphere.

  “These are… human bones!”

  They quickly realized what this was.

  They had been so nervous on arrival that they had failed to notice the bones scattered around this mysterious hall.

  The passage of time and various other reasons meant that these skeletons were not complete. Only some scattered ribs and skulls were left.

  “What’s going on? How are there so many bones here?”

  Eastern Turkic Great General Tiechi Bileli bent down, picked up a bone, and curiously examined it.

  “Do they belong to those men in black?” the Khitan King said, instinctively going to the Celestial God Organization.

  “No. This place is extremely deep in the sea, and no humans live in the surrounding region.” Wang Zhongsi spoke in his dignified voice as he stepped forward. “In normal circumstances, even we would find it very difficult to venture this deep into the sea, let alone ordinary people.

  “This is a core area of the Celestial God Organization, and they would never let ordinary people come here. Look at the surrounding walls. There are sword marks on them. There are also weapon marks on these bones. There was clearly a battle here.

  “I feel as if we are not the first to come to this place to fight against the Celestial God Organization.”

  Wang Zhongsi’s eyes shone with a sharp and wise light.


  Wang Chong also inspected the area. At this moment, he seemed to notice something. His right hand opened and reached out into the distance.

  With a clang, a metal sheet rose from a hidden nook twenty-some steps away and into Wang Chong’s hand.

  Everyone immediately turned to see what Wang Chong was doing, and when they saw the object in his hand, their eyes flew open in shock.

  This was an extremely ancient breastplate, yellow-brown and with an extremely simple design.

  The breastplate had been heavily damaged, and only a small part of it remained.

  Chapter 2270 - Ice Phoenix Tiara!

  Chapter 2270: Ice Phoenix Tiara!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The most important thing about the breastplate was that several ancient characters had been written in the center of it.

  “It’s Bird Script! Why would words from the Yellow Emperor’s era appear here?” Wang Zhongsi said, his expression turning grave.

  As Wang Zhongsi spoke, the hall fell silent, everyone speechlessly glancing at each other.

  If Wang Zhongsi was right, it meant that in a long-gone era, many experts had also ventured into this place.

  The only question was why they had come here.

  Was it because the world had also frozen over in that era after a cold wave descended?

  Had the experts of that era, just like them, come to the polar sea to stop the Celestial God Organization?

  They looked at each other and saw that they all thought the same.

  If this conjecture was correct, it meant that the Celestial God Organization had wanted to destroy this world more than once.

  This mysterious organization was the enemy of the entire continent!

  As they were all thinking, another voice spoke up. “Look over here! It seems that they left something behind.”

  In another corner of the hall, the Xi Queen had also found something.

  This was the skeleton of a human that was seated against a wall. In its hand was a metal plate.

  The Xi Queen took the metal plate from the skeletal hands, glanced at it, and then handed it to Wang Chong.

  The words on the metal plate were written entirely in Seal Script, completely different from the language of the Xi Tribe. Only Wang Chong and his fellow Great Generals could interpret this script of the Central Plains.

  “It’s a bronze slip. Though it was more popular t
o use bamboo slips in the time of the Yellow Emperor, the imperial household used slips made of bronze. While these bronze slips are thin, they are very difficult to break. Normally, only officials of the Imperial Palace could use them.

  “These things are extremely rare. I’ve heard about them before, but this is my first time seeing one.”

  Zhang Shougui looked at the bronze slip and sighed in wonder.

  Ten-some years ago, when Zhang Shougui reached the peak of his career, he had begun to study ancient script, and he had immersed himself deeply in this field.

  His mastery of this subject placed him far above all the others.

  “Lord Zhang recognizes these words?” Zhangchou Jianqiong said.

  “The difference in characters is too much, so I can only recognize a few words here and there,” Zhang Shougui said. “However, the characters of our Central Plains were developed based on the forms and shapes in the world, so if I know a part of it, I can conjecture as to the rest of the contents.”

  Zhang Shougui’s brow creased as he read out the words. “Zhuluo Record… obeying the Yellow Emperor’s decree, to the Northern Sea… chaos-causing fiends… power too great to contend against… I can’t recognize anything after that.”

  Everyone’s hearts sank.

  No government records could have recorded what had happened here. And while they didn’t know what had happened to this group that had ventured into the polar sea, they could judge by the final result that it hadn’t been good.

  The only problem was that if they had failed, it meant that Heaven’s Purification plan at the time had worked and that the entire world had been sealed in ice.

  But not even Wang Chong recalled any sort of cold wave engulfing the world in the Yellow Emperor’s time.

  If they had succeeded, this mysterious building wouldn’t have existed, and they certainly wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go inside it.

  Many unknown things had taken place here, and what they could conjecture from the information available to them differed greatly from the official history.

  None of them said anything as they pensively and warily continued deeper.

  A few moments later, after passing through the hall and entering the adjacent room, they discovered something new.


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