Why People Die By Suicide
Page 31
36. Ibid.
67. Blazer, Kessler, McGonagle, &
37. Kaplan & Klein (1989).
Swartz (1994).
38. Clark et al. (1989).
68. Mroczek (2001).
39. Kok (1988); Pearson (1995).
69. McIntosh (1983–1984).
40. Zhang (2000).
70. Brent et al. (1989).
41. Brown & Blanton (2002).
71. Joiner (2003).
42. Manning & Fillingim (2002).
72. Haw (1994).
43. p. 233.
73. Ryabik, Schreiner, & Elam
44. McIntosh (2002).
45. Gibbs (1997).
74. As described by Barber and col-
46. Hunt & Hunt (2001).
leagues (1998).
47. Nisbet et al. (2000).
75. Scheeres (2003).
48. Taylor et al. (1996).
76. Berman & Walley (2003); Sloan,
49. For example, Boardman et al.
Berman, & Mae (2003).
77. Reported in the February 1, 2003
50. Snowden (2001).
Notes to Pages 172–192 ● 241
5. What Roles Do Genetics, Neurobiology,
and Mental Disorders Play in Suicidal Behavior?
1. p. 53.
31. Mann et al. (2000).
2. Roy (1992).
32. Menninger (1936), p. 280.
3. Kety (1986).
33. Maser et al. (2002).
4. Egeland & Sussex (1985).
34. Corcos et al. (2002).
5. Statham et al. (1998).
35. Alvarez (1971), p. 155.
6. Lesch et al. (1996).
36. Cremniter et al. (1999).
7. Courtet et al. (2004).
37. Spreux-Varoquaux et al. (2001).
8. Mann et al. (2000).
38. Sher et al. (2003).
9. Joiner, Johnson, & Soderstrom
39. Malone et al. (1996).
40. Gregory (1994).
10. Rujescu et al. (2003a).
41. Kjelsberg, Eikeseth, & Dahl
11. For example, Bennett et al.
(2000); Pooley et al. (2003).
42. King et al. (2001).
12. Russ et al. (2000).
43. Brent et al. (1994).
13. Rujescu et al. (2003b).
44. Glowinski et al. (2001).
14. Nolan et al. (2000).
45. Roy (2003); McHolm,
15. Lester (1995).
MacMillan, & Jamieson (2003)
16. Åsberg (1997).
reported similar results in de-
17. Coccaro et al. (1989); Corrêa et
pressed women, as did Anderson
al. (2000); Duval et al. (2001).
et al. (2002) in low-income Afri-
18. Oquendo et al. (2003).
can-American women.
19. Corrêa et al. (2000); Malone et
46. Brown et al. (1999); Soloff and
al. (1996).
colleagues (2000) have reported
20. Arango et al. (2001); Du et al.
similar results among women
with borderline personality dis-
21. Mann et al. (2000).
order—childhood sexual abuse
22. Singareddy & Balon (2001).
was a strong predictor of adult
23. Ursin (2002).
suicide attempts among this
24. Sabo et al. (1990); Turvey et al.
47. Mullen et al. (1993); Stepakoff
25. Fawcett et al. (1990).
26. Agargun et al. (1998).
48. Twomey et al. (2000).
27. Tanskanen et al. (2001).
49. Newport et al. (2004).
28. Bernert et al. (in press).
50. Vythilingam et al. (2002).
29. Coryell & Schlesser (2001).
51. Cavanagh et al. (2003).
30. Tiefenbacher et al. (2004).
52. Kety (1974), p. 961.
242 ● Notes to Pages 193–228
53. Khan et al. (2002).
64. Gunderson (1984); Keel et al.
54. For example, Busch, Fawcett, &
Jacobs (2003).
65. Gunderson (1984).
55. Weissman et al. (1989).
66. Soloff et al. (1994).
56. Schmidt, Woolaway-Bickel, &
67. Stone, Hurt, & Stone (1987).
Bates (2000).
68. Raymond et al. (1999).
57. Cox et al. (1994); Schmidt,
69. Orbach et al. (1996a, 1996b).
Woolaway-Bickel, & Bates
70. Herzog et al. (2000).
71. Shneidman (1996), p. 76.
58. American Psychiatric Association
72. Favaro & Santonastaso (1997).
73. Stein et al. (2003).
59. Darke & Ross (2002).
74. Vieta et al. (1997).
60. Wall, Wekerle, & Bissonnette
75. Matza et al. (2003).
76. Spalletta et al. (1996).
61. McCloskey & Berman (2003).
77. Cleckley (1941).
62. Akerlind & Hoernquist (1992).
78. Hare (1991).
63. Coon, Pena, & Illich (1998).
79. Verona, Patrick, & Joiner (2001).
6. Risk Assessment, Crisis Intervention, Treatment, and Prevention
1. Bolton et al. (2003).
11. Quoted by ibid., p. 236.
2. Joiner & Coyne (1999).
12. Rudd, Joiner, & Rajab (2000).
3. McCullough (2000).
13. Quoted by DeCatanzaro (2000,
4. Keller et al. (2000).
p. 90).
5. McCullough (2002), p. 246.
14. Westen et al. (1997).
6. Rudd, Joiner, & Rajab (2000).
15. Jureidini et al. (2004).
7. Joiner et al. (2001).
16. Motto & Bostrom (2001).
8. Kroll (2000).
17. Ibid., p. 829.
9. Drew (2001).
18. Morgan (1989).
10. Cited by Dublin & Bunzel
19. Mann et al. (1997).
(1933), p. 235.
20. Overholser et al. (1989).
7. The Future of Suicide Prevention and Research
1. Oquendo et al. (2003).
2. Used by Berman and colleagues
(for example, Berman & Walley,
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