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Blood Tree: Silver Edition

Page 13

by Scarlett Dawn

  He scowled. “We’ll talk about this later like I said.”

  I clicked my teeth a few times, eyeing him. “You’re more than a little bit ridiculous. Even for a Dark Elf.”

  “And you’re more than a little bit close-minded. Even for a Light Elf.”

  Kenna’s door clicked shut.

  We both glanced away from each other. Mute.

  She stopped dead in her tracks inside the living room. “You two will learn to get along with each other.”

  I snorted.

  Samuel grunted.

  She persisted, not understanding. “The Light and the Dark aren’t that different.”

  Our heads swung to her, our eyes on our daughter.

  Had she heard us talking?

  She clarified, “They both feed off humans.”

  Thank God. She hadn’t heard us.

  We glanced away.

  I snorted.

  Samuel grunted.

  Kenna murmured, “Well, this is fun.”

  I snorted at the same time Samuel grunted.

  “Okay, that was enough time spent together for the first evening.” Kenna waved a hand at Samuel. “Let’s go feed on some drug dealers.”

  My attention snapped to Samuel. Being Light would have been so much healthier for our daughter. I brought back my bullet eyes and glared with all my might. It was going to take some getting used to—my daughter being Dark. And all that it brought along with it.

  Sitting out back, I sipped on my third—or fourth—double shot of vodka. Julius had finally left and Kenna had eventually gone to bed. I was now waiting for a Dark Elf to come through my back gate. When he arrived twenty minutes later, I gestured to the patio chair next to me. “Take a seat. We need to have this conversation in a hurry.”

  Samuel’s black brows furrowed as he took a seat, stretching his legs out in front of him. “Why the rush?”

  “I’ll explain after our talk.” I downed the rest of my liquor and sat the empty glass on the table between us. With the time restraint on us, I peered directly into his eyes. My words were honest and blunt—thank you liquid courage. “I do want to be in a romantic relationship with you. I understand that now.”

  He stared back, his lashes hooding his eyes. “So I was right. You are in love with me.”

  I shook my head. “No, not yet. But I do like you.” I cleared my throat. “Possibly a lot.”

  Samuel tapped his fingers on the table. “How would you propose a romantic relationship could even exist?”

  “Well, our daughter and Julius are going to make it work. I see no reason why we couldn’t go on dates, too.”

  He eyed me. “That would not work. I am the original Dark Elf. My people are not as friendly as the Light Elves.”

  “You’d worry about my safety?”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  My lips pinched into a thin line. “They’ll know about Kenna, eventually. Therefore, me in the process.”

  “True. But what happened between us would be in the past in their eyes. You wouldn’t be a target for them.”

  I mumbled, “I don’t really want our daughter to be a target either.”

  “They won’t mess with her. Julius being her mate is enough to scare them off. A mate is not something anyone would mess with.” His fingers kept tapping, his lips twitching. “So what else would you suggest?”

  My nose crinkled. “We could keep it private.”

  His dark gaze ran over my features. “You’re not fond of that idea.”

  “Not particularly.”

  He hummed. “Keep thinking.”

  My attention shot toward him and his teasing tone. I focused past the alcohol in my system. Humor danced deep in his eyes, directed straight at me. I questioned, “What aren’t you saying?”

  “I think I already said it.”

  I rubbed my forehead. “Just tell me. I’ve had a few too many vodkas.”

  “You’re cute when you’re tipsy.” He snickered and leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “If you’re serious about this, we could always say we’re mated.”

  My jaw dropped. “Uh…”

  His crooked grin curved his lush lips. “Yes?”

  I stuttered, “I said I wanted to try a romantic relationship with you. If we said I was your mate, then we would be together forever.”

  “Or until I found my actual mate.”

  I instantly glared. “Have you been playing your flute?”

  He snickered softly and tilted to the side. He pulled something out of his back pocket and held it between us. “I brought it with me.” He set it down on the table and scooted it toward me. “And I’m giving it to you.”

  I grabbed the damn thing and held it close to my chest, not even caring that it showed just how much I didn’t want him to find his real mate. “I’ll keep it.” I peered down my nose at him. “For now.”

  His lips twitched. “I thought you might.”

  My head cocked as I scanned his tan features. “So I was right. You do like me.”

  He shrugged one shoulder and leaned back on his chair. “It took some self-evaluation on my part.” He winked. “But, yes. I do like you. Possibly a lot.”

  I tapped my bottom lip with the tip of his flute, watching him. “You’re serious about the mate business.”

  He nodded. “I am.”

  “You really think this could work for us then. Like, forever work.”

  “All relationships have their bumps and bruises. It won’t always be rainbows. But if I’m going to spend my time with any woman, I would prefer it be you.”

  I lifted the flute and stared at it, wishful thinking overwhelming me. “You don’t think that—”

  “You said you were in a hurry. If I play that right now, and you are my mate, then we’ll pass out for some time.” He shrugged and reached for the flute. “I’ll play it right now if you want—”

  I yanked the flute back from his hand. “Nope, not right now. No time for that.” I glanced at my watch. “We need to have sex.”

  Samuel blinked. “Explain.”

  “I have a theory about the original Elves I want to test.” I stood from my chair and waved at him to hurry and stand. “Seriously, I’ll explain it as we walk to my bedroom.” I cast a warning glance at him. “We have to be quiet, though. Kenna’s home and sleeping.”

  “All right.” He followed me inside.

  As I walked, I whispered over my shoulder, “The original Light and Dark Elves were created from the Garden of Eden after Eve disobeyed God. One Light. One Dark.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  We snuck into my bedroom, and I quickly shut the door behind us—locked it. I yanked my shirt over my head and tossed it aside, watching as his strong fingers started undoing his belt. “The Blood Tree spoke to you and Julius. You were each given the right to create ten new beings by sacrificing your own blood onto the tree.”

  “Yes.” He kicked his shoes off before removing his pants. His shirt hit the floor next. “Your point?”

  “The Blood Tree is my point.” I stared with wonder, my idea actually taking root. “We got pregnant the night of my own Blood Tree. Since you’re an original Elf, I think you can only create new beings when a blood sacrifice has been made to the tree, as you did in the beginning. The night the Blood Tree receives its due.” I pointed at the clock, showing there were only fifteen minutes left to this night. “And if I’m right, we need to get to it.”

  Samuel didn’t blink, his eyes on mine. Thoughts ran amok inside that ancient head of his, scouring my theory for any holes. And from the way he ripped his boxers off, I knew he had found none.

  He yanked on my feet, pulling me flat onto the bed. “We’re going to make a baby.”

  “We’re sure as hell going to try.”

  I stared out through the curtains of my house the next day.

  My daughter had left Julius and Samuel outside.


  Kenna hadn’t needed to order me to watch them
. My eye was on my man. We were going to tell Kenna the news in a few minutes—who her father really was. Julius would be in on the revealing, too. He would need to be one of the first to know in order to prepare for any backlash and protect his mate.

  But Kenna rushed back out into the living room.

  She had a night bag full of items over her shoulder.

  I dropped the edge of the curtain and straightened. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Julius said he has a surprise for me. He’s taking me out tonight.” Kenna’s lips twitched. “All night if I have my way.”

  And I was sure her mate wouldn’t mind that. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms, peering down the end of my nose at her. “I wanted to speak with you and Julius tonight.”

  Her shoulders instantly sagged, her green eyes caught on mine. My daughter whined so prettily. “Does it have to happen tonight? He seemed really excited, and with that look on your face, I don’t want to ruin our evening.”

  I inhaled heavily, evaluating her situation. I came to a decision when she started bouncing on the balls of her feet and edging toward the front door. “Fine. But we really do need to talk tomorrow. I want you both here at a decent time.”

  She nodded with enthusiasm. “I promise.”

  I rolled my eyes as she ran out the door. I followed her motion and stopped to hold the door open. Kenna jumped on Julius’s back, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He caught her easily, holding her in place by her thighs even as he finished his conversation with Samuel.

  Julius carried Kenna down the driveway, tilting his head to the side and kissing her cheek.

  Samuel peered at me with a question in his eyes.

  I groaned and shook my head. “Tomorrow.”

  He waited until they were out of sight before he strolled up to my front porch. He leaned against the doorframe, a small smile flirting on his lips. “So…how long do we have?”

  I waggled my brows at him and grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him inside. I kicked the door shut and locked it absently, my eyes on his. “They’ll be gone all night.”

  “I thought so.” Samuel gripped my wig and dropped it to the floor, and ran his fingers through my long hair that spilled out. “He was telling me he bought a resort. For them to live at. He’s going to show her right now.”

  I blinked, holding still. “He’s taking her away?”

  “You knew it would happen.”

  I released a shuddering breath. “It doesn’t make it any easier.” I cracked my neck from side to side. “How far away is it?”

  “Not far. Well within driving distance.” His lips curved up. “And the resort will be open for Dark and Light Elves.”

  My eyes widened comically. “How big is the place?”

  “Julius was very proud of it, so I would say it’s big enough to add two more people without stepping on any toes.”

  My hips did a little shimmy. “Hell yes.”

  He tugged on a lock of my hair. “How about I play you a song before our evening really begins?”

  I sucked in a harsh breath. “Are you sure you want to test it?”

  “No better time than the present.” He chuckled softly. “And if you’re not my mate, you can burn the flute like you were talking about in your sleep last night.”

  I choked. “I don’t talk in my sleep!”

  “You do.” He pinched his fingers together. “A little.”

  I glared but moved away from him to retrieve the flute…where it was hidden in the fireplace. My glare was enough that he didn’t say a word when I handed it back to him, soot covered and all.

  Though he did laugh full and loud. “We’re going to be one hell of an interesting couple.”

  “I would concur.” I pointed at the flute. “Now play me a damn song so I know to buy more firewood or not.”

  He grinned and pressed it to his lips, his dark eyes never leaving mine. “Truth time.”

  “Oh my God!” Kenna shrieked.

  My head whipped off my pillow. “Huh?”

  A male cough was followed by Julius rumbling swiftly, “Excuse us. We’ll…be waiting in the living room.” Another cough, choking down a laugh. “For that news you wanted to tell us.”

  “Get her the hell out of here, Julius,” Samuel rumbled next to me. “Dammit!”

  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and squinted through the afternoon light. My daughter stood stalk still right inside my bedroom door, her mouth hanging open, as Julius gently placed his hand on her back and prodded her out of my room.

  Kenna muttered from the hallway, sounding shocked as hell, “She said she wanted us here at a decent time.”

  Julius’s voice was garbled. “By the look of things, I don’t think she meant this early.”

  “But…but…that was Samuel.”

  “I believe I noticed that.”

  “I don’t understand.” A pause. “They don’t even like each other.” Quick, questioning words. “Maybe they got drunk?”

  “Kenna, let’s just wait for them to come out here.”

  “Okay, okay. Yes. That’s right.” Her head peeked back into my bedroom. She pointed to the right. “We’ll just be in the living room.”

  My words were dry by this point. “Yes, we heard.” I held the blanket close to my naked chest. “Samuel and I will be out there shortly.”

  Samuel groaned when their footsteps headed away from my bedroom. He dropped back onto my mattress. “That was not the way I wanted to tell her about us.”

  I patted his hand. “Well, we still get to control the situation when we tell her you’re her father.”

  “Oh my fucking God!” Kenna shouted from the hallway. “Did she just say he’s my dad?”

  Samuel’s eyes narrowed on me. “Smooth.”

  I grimaced. “We need to hurry and fix this.”

  Kenna sat on the couch, her mate’s arm wrapped tightly around her shoulder and holding her close. Those bullet-eyes she had were definitely inherited from me, and she was using them to her full advantage as she glared across the living room where Samuel and I stood side-by-side.

  She finally growled, “This is bullshit.”

  I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. It’s long and complicated, but I wanted you to have a real shot at being Light.” A finger flick at Samuel. “Even with having an original for a father.”

  Our daughter scratched at her right arm and skewered Samuel with her scrutiny. “How long have you known I’m your kid?”

  His tone was patient. “Since you were thirteen. I eventually tracked you guys down every time you moved and evaluated the situation. I don’t make decisions lightly, and your whole life had already begun—without me in it. It was my choice to wait until your Blood Tree to tell you.”

  Green eyes flicked to me. She didn’t speak for a full five minutes. My legs began to cramp before she opened her mouth. “You were that worried I would be Dark?”

  I nodded. “At first.”

  “And then?”

  “Later, I came to realize I didn’t care. But Samuel was right. Your life had too much craziness in it at the time to add a newfound parent to the mix.” I swallowed on a dry throat. My eyes never altered from my daughter, from the actions I had done. “Given what I know now, I would do things much differently, but at the time, I was young. I had grown up in the Light realm my entire life, and I only knew the Dark were Elves to despise. I’m not giving excuses, but it’s the truth.”

  Julius tilted his head, his dark eyes on Samuel. “How long have you two been together?”

  “A while,” Samuel stated elusively. He shook his head, his eyes turning back to our daughter. “I am sorry too if my choices have hurt you.”

  Her dark brows puckered. “That’s the thing. I’m not hurt. Not exactly. I’m mad that I’ve been lied to for so long.” Her regard danced between us. “I can understand why each of you did what you did. But it still stings that you weren’t honest.” />
  “I’m so sorry,” Samuel and I said in unison.

  It was quiet for another five minutes.

  Them staring at us. Us staring back.

  Finally, Kenna grumbled, “This is one fucked-up situation.”

  Nods occurred all around.

  Samuel wrapped his around my waist and pulled me close to him. “And the news isn’t done yet.”

  Julius’s brows lifted, and then he swiftly peered down to his mate. “Do you need a break first?”

  “No.” She rubbed his right leg. “Might as well get it done in one shot.”

  That’s my girl.

  I grinned and ran my own arms around Samuel’s waist, hugging him in return. “Well, Kenna, this isn’t bad news.”

  Samuel chuckled quietly and kissed my forehead. He peered back to our daughter. “Your mother is my mate.”

  Julius froze.

  Kenna blinked. “Really.”

  Yes. Really.

  His song had called to me.

  I cleared my throat. “Yes. We were unconscious for about half the night before we woke up. That’s why we slept so late today.”

  “You just found out?”


  Kenna stared…and then a full grin lifted her features. “Congratulations. I was worried about you being alone when I left.”

  Samuel raised a finger. “About that.” His attention swung to Julius, his tone innocent. “Do you have room for two more at the Haven Resort?”

  Julius stared. “Oh. Fuck me.”

  Samuel winked. “Nah. I’ve got your mate’s mom for that.” My mate ran his hand over my lower stomach, rubbing softly. “I’m sure you can make do with us there, right?”

  Kenna instantly stated, “Of course!”

  Julius glared behind her head.

  And Samuel grinned. “Good. I want to know you even more than I already do. I want to become the father you should have had.”

  Kenna didn’t flinch at his pronouncement, her tone somewhat shy. “I would like that.”

  Julius’s narrowed eyes were stuck on Samuel’s petting hand, his own words soft. “Dammit. Is she pregnant, too?”

  Samuel chuckled. “We hope so.” A gentle shake of his head, even while he smiled. “We’ll see. Time will tell.”


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