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Blood Tree: Silver Edition

Page 14

by Scarlett Dawn

  I peered up into my mate’s eyes. “Even if we’re not, we have each other.”

  “Forever.” He kissed my lips softly. “Always.”

  Age 232

  Randor was ticking me off.

  If he wanted to know something, that was what a stinking phone was for. But no. He wanted me to talk to Julius in person. And since Julius was at Juliet’s house this afternoon, apparently, I was the logical pick—since Randor couldn’t leave his newfound duties in the Light realm for all of fifteen minutes.


  Taking over for Julius was going to make his freaking ego that much bigger.

  I grumbled under my breath and stopped at Juliet’s backdoor. I didn’t bother to knock. I merely walked in. My friend had finally forgiven me, Kenna’s Blood Tree completed, and my favor owed was paid in full. Not that friending Kenna had been a hardship. I really did like the young girl—even if she’d had ‘Dark’ written all over her actions from the day I met her.

  I paused inside the back door as I heard voices filtering from the living room. My white brows rose at one of the men I could hear. It was Samuel, the original Dark Elf. The others conversing were the voices of Juliet, Julius, and Kenna. With quiet movements, I closed—and locked—the backdoor.

  I eavesdropped. No shame here either.

  Gradually, my right hand rose to cover my mouth.

  Juliet and Samuel were mates. Holy crap!

  Julius growled, “Dammit. Is she pregnant, too?”

  My eyes widened in shock, holding very still for the response.

  Samuel’s chuckle was pure victory. “We hope so.” He paused a moment, amending himself. Hopeful words. “We’ll see. Time will tell.”

  “Even if we’re not, we have each other,” Juliet stated softly—dang tender actually.

  “Forever,” Samuel crooned. “Always.”

  I choked back my shock, shaking my head past all the lovey-dovey crap.

  It was time I made my appearance. Randor had said he needed a response fast.

  I ran my fingers through my white hair, fixing the strays that had blown in the breeze from my jog here. I had one foot forward when I heard my ruler clear his throat. Loudly.

  Julius barked, “Susan, quit being nosey and get your ass in here now.”

  Samuel snickered quietly. “I wondered how long you were going to give her.”

  I instantly scowled. It was hard spying on Elves as powerful as them, my power signature giving me away…every dang time. I thrust my shoulders back, and muttered, “Coming.”

  Julius muttered, “Shut up, asswipe. I wasn’t talking to you.”

  Samuel was very pleased with himself, if his tone was any indication. “Now, Julius, is that any way to treat an old friend who will be living under your roof soon?”

  “Old, yes. Friend, fuck no.” He grunted. “I didn’t say you could live there anyway.”

  “Ah…but you do owe me a favor.”

  Julius was quiet, and then started cursing up a storm.

  I kept from laughing as I turned into the living room. Somehow, the Dark Elf had wrangled a favor out of my ruler—and he wasn’t pleased with it at all. I didn’t falter when his sharp gaze flayed me, his anger wasn’t for me. “Sir, if I may interrupt,” a little late for that, “Randor has a question he would like answered.”

  White brows puckered. “And he sent you?” A blink. “Instead of calling?”

  “Yes.” I sighed heavily, my chest rising and lowering with my exasperation. “I don’t understand either, but when the stand-in ruler calls…I must obey.” I would rather be buried alive for a hundred years than say that again, but I would do my duty to the Light realm.

  Julius dipped his head, his arms never leaving their captive embrace of his mate—who was decidedly fragile in appearance giving the news she had just received. “Tell me.”

  I tried not to roll my eyes. I couldn’t believe I was here saying this. It had to be some type of joke on Randor’s part. “The message is as such: White bread is better than wheat bread.”

  Now, given the ridiculous nature of what had just come out of my mouth, I didn’t expect the response that came forth. In fact, I took two quick steps backward when Julius was instantly in front of me, his dark eyes like razors. He grabbed my right bicep, glanced over his shoulder at the other occupants of the room, stating, “We’ll be back in a moment.”

  Samuel whistled quietly, holding his mate in his arms easily. “Trouble?”

  “Fuck. Off.” Julius started marching straight to the back of the house, pulling me along with him. My feet pattered to keep up with his larger strides, my shock worn off. Randor’s message had been code, my direct mission to bring our ruler the news not so stupid. I kept quiet until Julius stopped hauling my ass out of the house, both of us standing on the sunlit back lawn, the screen door banging closed behind us. Julius released my arms and stared straight up into the sky, his white brows drawn together, deep in thought. “Did he say anything else?”

  “Yes.” My lips pinched. “Butter is better than jam.”

  Julius growled and rubbed his hands over his face. “So it’s not immediate then.” More rubbing of his face, then he tilted his attention back to me. His eyes held mine, but I knew his mind was still working in his silence. My ruler didn’t even blink. Dark eyes so full of knowledge eventually closed. They stayed that way as he shook his head. “I can’t do it. Not with the information I’ve just learned.”

  The heat of the sun beat down on us, a bead of sweat trickling down my spine. “Is there a message you want me to return?”

  His eyes flashed open. “Yes.”

  I waited.

  He still didn’t seem convinced with his choice, his jaw muscles clenching. “Tell Randor…”

  Another bead of sweat dripped down my right temple.

  He sighed and nodded his head once. “Tell him no action is needed.”

  Incredible blue eyes stared as if I had lied. “Tell me exactly what he said.”

  I crossed my arms, my nostrils flaring. “I did.”

  A direct order. “Say it again.”

  “He said no action is needed.” My teeth ground together. “Look, Randor, I don’t know what the heck is going on, but I’m telling the truth.”

  He jerked to stand from his chair. Julius’s chair, inside Julius’s office. This man was taking his new position seriously. Though he hadn’t messed with the pencils that Julius was so anal about, leaving those alone in the mug where they were held—in the tacky Santa-Ninja cup that Kenna had bought him one Christmas. No one messed with ‘The Mug.’

  Randor’s muscles rippled under his white shirt as he prowled to stand directly in front of me. I barely breathed, not wanting to scent him, the cologne he favored. Because he smelled so dang good. I had to keep this business or I would clam up and become the mute idiot I hated so much when he was nearby. His head cocked, his sparkling blue eyes running over my features ever so slowly. An eyebrow lifted. “What else aren’t you telling me?”

  My teeth would be down to nubs by the time I left here if I kept clenching my jaw as I was. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Julius would never have ordered a ‘stand down’ if something else hadn’t happened.”

  I blinked. “Well, I did overhear some interesting information while I was there.”

  The other eyebrow lifted. “You were eavesdropping again?”

  My eyes narrowed. “Do you want to hear it or not?”

  He rested his hips back against the desk, careful not to disturb ‘The Mug.’ He flicked a hand, all cocky and in command. “I’m waiting.”

  “Samuel was at Juliet’s house, too.”

  His gaze was unflinching. “And? Kenna is his subject now.”

  I shook my head and leaned forward, speaking quietly just in case anyone was close by outside the office. “I think he spent the night there.” I pointed at my head. “His hair was a mess and he looked pretty dang comfortable.”

dor’s adorable forehead crinkled. “No way.”

  I nodded. “It gets better.” My lips curved in amusement, knowing the news would blow him away if he didn’t believe the Dark Elf would have sex with a Light Elf. “Juliet is his mate.”

  Stunned. He sat there stunned, his jaw gaping open. An odd gurgling noise escaped past his throat. The look suited him, making him more ‘real.’

  I rolled a finger. “Want to know something else?”

  He nodded his head…if you counted another gurgling noise as a nod.

  “Samuel is Kenna’s father.”

  His eyes flew wide open, and he shouted, “Holy shit!”

  My nose crinkled. “You really don’t need to cuss. But, yes, I agree.”

  He straightened and started pacing the room between me and the desk, traveling back and forth at a slow pace. His fingers massaged his forehead as he stared at the carpeting beneath his feet. Randor’s next words were hesitant, almost like he didn’t want to ask. “Is there anything else?”

  I shrugged my right shoulder. “I think Samuel and Juliet are trying to have another baby. Samuel said it’s possible that she could be pregnant again.”

  “Holy motherfucking Blood Tree.” Randor jerked to a halt an inch away, and shook his head. “No wonder he wants me to stand down.”

  Curiosity got the better of me. I tilted in his direction, asking softly, “Stand down from what?”

  Randor snorted. He wasn’t so shocked that he would give me private information.

  Dang handsome, intelligent, manipulative man.

  He shook his head, his gaze steadfast on my brown eyes. With the patience of a predator, he lifted his left hand and tucked one of my stray white locks behind my ear. I held perfectly still at the touched, his fingers warm and rough against my soft flesh. All my thoughts disappeared except for this gentle moment, my mouth turning dry and my words gone.

  Randor watched my expression as he always did when his body came into contact with mine. His other hand raised, and he tucked another curl behind my other ear. Wide red lips on a ruggedly sexy face tilted up, his words soft. “I need you to do something for me.”

  My mouth bobbed. Not a sound escaped.

  His eyes crinkled at the corners, and he bent to place his face in front of mine. “I need you to watch Kenna’s actions for the next couple of days. Don’t let them know you’re there so stay far back from Julius.” His thumb brushed my cheek. “Can you handle that?”

  “Mmm.” That was a yes.

  Heady, he smelled so scrumptious. I just wanted to lean in a little more.

  He caught my shoulder when I did, my action almost causing me to tumble on my face.

  But…his arm wrapped around me, holding me steady.

  I didn’t even mind the blush staining my cheeks.

  “Careful,” he whispered. His heated breath fanned my lips, and mine parted on their own accord, ready to accept his kiss if he would just lower his head a wee bit more. Those delectable lips grinned, flashing his blinding white smile down on me. “Susan?”


  “I have another meeting planned now. They’re knocking on the door.”

  I blinked furiously and quickly shoved away from him. My gaze shot to the door where, indeed, someone was knocking. “Sorry.” I messed with my hair, stumbling toward the door. Butterflies had taken up residence in the pit of my stomach, and my hands were trembling. “I’ll get right on that job.”

  Calm words. “Thank you.” A beat. “Call me immediately if you notice anything out of the norm. Do not engage. Understand?”

  “Yeah,” I mumbled. I opened the door quickly and maneuvered around Kent. Randor was meeting with the second in command of security. I nodded respectfully to him. “Kent.”

  Kent eyed my flushed cheeks. His lips twitched. “Hello, Susan. It looks like Randor was his usual charming self.”

  I stared, my blush flaring even worse.

  “Get your ass in here,” Randor griped. He grabbed a fistful of Kent’s shirt and yanked him into the office. Blue eyes stared down at me, his words soft. “Remember, Susan. Do not engage. Call me first.”

  I flicked a finger in a quick salute. “Of course.” I wasn’t in the first hundred years of my life, after all. I did have a few years experience under my belt. “I’ll call you.”

  He hummed softly, his gaze running over my features. “Good.”

  The door shut gently in front of my face with a soft click.

  Then a sharp snick as he locked it.

  I stared unblinking at the door.

  A coherent thought took a few minutes, always did after an encounter with all that is ‘Randor’ but it occurred to me…he may have used my infatuation with him to get his way—with no arguments or questions from me. I smiled ever so slowly, my teeth baring at the closed door. Julius had picked the right Elf to stand in for him while he was outside the Light realm with his Dark mate. Randor was just as cunning as our lovesick ruler.

  I rolled my eyes and called the man who had sent me on this mission. I leaned back against the tree behind me and watched the show through the window, too far away to be noticed. Not that the two people I spied on were noticing anything else except for each other while I only had the moonlight to keep me company.

  Randor answered on the fourth ring, his voice whisper soft. “Hello?”

  “It’s been over two months,” I grumbled into the receiver. “How much longer do I have to do this?”

  The man was quiet, and then he chuckled softly. “For as long as I need you to.”

  I picked up a fallen leaf and crunched it in my hand, my eyes unwavering from the scene inside the window. “This is silly. Not to mention, I am invading their privacy.”

  He hummed. “Where are you?”

  “Haven Resort.” The only plus was that Juliet and Samuel had also moved to the location, the antics that Samuel and Julius pulled against each other kept me entertained. “And you know what?”


  “Our ruler could really learn to shut the curtains. Especially at night when anyone can see inside.” I snorted, shaking my head. “And, believe me, he needs to shut them every dang night.”

  There was a choked noise behind me, and I instantly dropped my phone and twisted, staring behind the tree. I ground my teeth together and pointed an accusing finger. “How long have you been standing there?”

  Randor pocketed his phone and lifted his hands into the air in surrender. “As soon as I saw it was you on the phone, I headed out of the realm. I thought there was something wrong.” He walked on silent feet around the tree and took a seat next to me, his thigh warming my right leg. The glow of the moon showed his cheeks were flushed from exertion, his white hair askew about his head from moving so fast. “I swear, I just got here.”

  I grunted and lifted my phone, turning it off. My finger waggled at the window I was watching. “Seriously. How much sex can one couple have?”

  Blue eyes turned to the window in question, already having noticed it, his tone an intimate purr. “A lot, Susan. Trust me.”

  I sighed, ignoring his tone. “Are you going to tell me why I’m spying on them yet?”

  “Nope.” He leaned back on his arms, his taut bicep pressed against my arm. His head cocked, watching our ruler and his mate, their feelings toward one another obvious. His lips curved in appreciation. “They love one another.”

  “They love one another any chance they get.” I picked up another leaf and tossed it aside. My next words were quiet and sincere, not looking away from my mission. “But they really do love each other.”

  The only lights lit in their cavernous room where on the bedside tables next to the bed’s metal frame. And said bed was occupied. Very occupied.

  By Kenna.

  And Julius.

  An extremely naked Kenna and Julius.

  Positioned as I was, they were in profile, but I could still see the sweat glistening on their bodies. My ruler was on his knees, his bare ass flexing up from
the mattress, into Kenna, her legs wrapped around his waist, riding him.

  They were making love.

  Slow. Steady. Leisured.

  One of Julius’s arms was wrapped around Kenna’s hips, helping her rise above him, his own hips pulling back, then softly flexing back up into her as her leg muscles relaxed, her body lowering gradually onto him, both of them moving as one. Their eyes were locked on one another’s, moving with smooth, unhurried strokes. Julius’s other hand rested on her thigh closest to Randor and me, and he was slowly running his fingers over her flesh while Kenna held his jawline, his face slightly tilted up towards hers. Their foreheads were touching, their movements never faltering as they continued to slow-love one another, gazes locked, their panting inhales not anywhere near as steady as their measured actions.

  “This isn’t something that should be witnessed by outsiders,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t even think about leaving your post,” Randor murmured. His brows lifted, still watching the love scene in front of us. “Besides, this is better than being bored.”

  I nodded slightly. “True enough.” Living so long…well, this did give us something to do.

  Silently, we watched them make love to one another, their movements pure and simple, tender and sweet. But it was hard to watch. Their emotions were right out there for us to see.

  Long, long, too long minutes later, Kenna’s head tipped back, her body arching, their joining not altering in speed. Her breasts lightly bounced with their movement, her hair cascading almost to the mattress.

  Our ruler tilted his head forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth. It appeared she moaned, moaned long and hard, as she tilted her hips differently. Taking his free hand, Julius raised her head to stare into her eyes. She yanked on handfuls of his hair, tilting her hips more, and his muscles visibly tensed when she did it again. He grabbed her hips, pulling her pelvis against him with every downward fall she made, their movement still slow and steady.

  Kenna’s mouth opened, and her forehead fell against his. And her mate kissed her just as leisurely as they moved against one another. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him back, both their eyes still open, watching the other…until they slowly closed at the same time, their kiss deepening, just as it looked their strokes were, grinding against each other with every joining.


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