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Living in Your Hell

Page 12

by Barb Shuler

  “Scorpions. We were playing ball. Colt and I crashed into the the pile of crates and they're everywhere. I think Kaitlyn and Ryan got stung too,” Derek said, quickly.

  “Ouch, Fuck. Get them out of here. Little fuckers are everywhere,” Drew snarled.

  “What the fuck, man?” Charlie called out.

  “Boys, language for Christ sake!” Gabe scolded.

  “Come on, Colt, we gotta move,” Derek said.

  “Everyone to the back yard, now,” I yelled. “I've got to get my bag.”

  I took off running across the yard, sprinting for my Jeep. I grabbed my first aid kit, and medical bag and ran back by the fire pit. Everyone seemed to have a screaming child in their arms, well, every kid except Tyler. She was wanting to go back and “squish them bad bugs”.

  “Shelby, he's turning colors,” Derek said. I was trying to get my case open.

  “Lana, shit. She's been stung too,” Charlie said. “Peanut, where's your epi-pen?”

  “Bag…” she panted.

  Within a minute we had epi-pens everywhere. Since Lana spent a lot of time with everyone of us, we all had them on hand. Now I'd be carrying them for Colt, too.

  “I didn't know that pile was infested,” Gabe grumbled.

  “Gramps, it's Texas. Those little fuckers are everywhere,” Derek snarled.

  “Watch your mouth, boy.” Gabe grunted.

  “No truer words, my boy,” Dani Lynn said as she moved around to check on Lana. She was sitting up and breathing better, as was Colt.

  “I-I'm sorry,” Colt rasped.

  “Hey, nothing to be sorry for. It's okay, man, shit happens,” Charlie said as he sat in front of him. “You okay now?”

  “Don't feel so good,” Colton sighed. Lana coughed and laid over against her brother.

  “Peanut, how you feeling?” Charlie asked.

  “Like death,” she replied.

  I moved to where Stella and Kristol sat holding Kaitlyn, Ryan and Taylor between them. Both girls had big red marks on their feet. Fucking scorpions. They seemed okay, but I'd given them both a dose of Benadryl and Tylenol, just in case.

  “Mommy,” Kaitlyn said as I knelt before her.

  “Yes, baby?”

  “You nots gets bides? Yous ans baby otays?” She stuttered out. I could feel eyes on me. I'd decided to tell Charlie later, when we were alone. Then tell everyone else… guess that was out of the bag.

  “Um, I'm okay. I didn't get bit,” I said, hoping that would placate her. I was wrong. She moved out of Stella’s lap and came to lay against me.

  “Baby otays too?” she asked, again.

  I turned my head and met Charlie's hard stare. My lips curled softly as our eyes met. I spoke to Kaitlyn while looking at him. “Yeah, princess, the baby is fine too.”

  It was as if the world stood still. It seemed to take Charlie forever to react. He jumped up and moved over to me. He gently pulled me up, my arms protectively wrapping around Kaitlyn as I stood. My gaze locked on his and he stumbled over his words.

  “Baby? You're- I mean, we-”

  “Yes, I'm pregnant. We are having a baby,” I said.

  “It's a boys, ‘cause, I wans one of dems,” Kaitlyn said, seriously.

  Everyone whistled and caused a noisy ruckus, but it was all drowned out when Charlie kissed me.

  See, even during the bad, there is good.


  Showdown At Doc’s


  The past couple of months have flown by. In the time passed we have learned much about Colton and Kaitlyn. We now have another kid to carry epi-pens for, and a kid that can trip over air if she is too busy watching her ‘unkie’ and not watching her feet... and we are loving every minute of it. We have also managed to get legal custody of Colton, seeing how he was abandoned and the paperwork signed by his legal guardian when she left him at the center. She then disappeared herself.

  Honestly, it was for the best. Colton has opened up, become a kid again. He still jumps at loud noises, but fact of the matter, Kaitlyn does too. Shelby and I both know it’s going to take time for that to go away completely.

  Colton knows what happened to Shelby as a child. Well mostly, obviously some things were left out as to not add to the kid’s nightmares. Kristol has even talked to him and Kaitlyn about her stepfather. Again, keeping the talks kid appropriate, she’s been able to help them in her own way. As an older child, I think she and Colton have made good strides with their talks together. The talks he has with Doctor Crandall only help to solidify things.

  The kid’s a good kid. He’s quiet, likes to follow both Derek and Carter around and be helpful as much as he can. We just celebrated his birthday with a big pizza party at the park. They all got to be loud, run themselves ragged and just be kids. Eleven is a big deal, and we wanted him to know that he will always be with his family and be celebrated.

  Since the news of Shelby’s pregnancy things have changed slightly. The nursery is almost done as Shelby nor I like to procrastinate too long. Add her OCD to it and I swear we are all as color coordinated as can be. Through this process Colton and Kaitlyn both have become really protective of Shelby, for many reasons but the best one being, they love her. They know they are safe with us, and our family - even if it extends to half the town. Between Mama Jay and Mrs. Talbert they stay plied with cookies and cakes. And the playdates with the other kids is good for them all.

  The clock on the wall seems to be moving at turtle speed today. Grumbling to myself I got up and moved to the breakroom. I needed caffeine. I was so anxious last night that I didn’t sleep well. As soon as my time was up today I was out of here. I was going to meet Shelby at Doc’s place and he was going to give her a sonogram. She was sixteen to seventeen weeks, approximately, so we were going to see if the baby would be positioned right to get us a look at the sex. Shelby and I both discussed this multiple times already. It didn’t matter the sex, either a boy or girl would be welcomed with open arms by us all. But the thrill of knowing was almost too good to pass up.

  I had let my mind wander as I fixed my coffee. My thoughts were brought back to the here and now by a commotion I heard out front.

  “Gotcha! GRAMPS!”

  I heard Derek shout from the main room. I grabbed my mug of coffee and headed back out to my desk. We were all working on a few cases, nothing too big. One robbery, well, an attempted robbery, a few drunk and disorderlies and one DUI, so I wasn’t paying attention to the chaos around us. Derek was always on the hunt for someone as it was.

  “Got you, you son of a bitch. Good job, Derek”

  My head jerked up at Gabe’s words. My brows furrowed as he glanced around the room. “What’s up?”

  “We got him,” he said before turning and walking back to his office. A minute later he came back out buttoning up his shirt. He pulled his gun belt on before looking at me. “Gear up, we move out in one minute. I don’t want to lose this trail, again.” I nodded.

  “Derek, sitrep?” I asked as I pulled my gun belt back on, adjusting it before I pulled my hat on.

  “I just caught Harrison on the street camera by the hardware store,” he said. I nodded again and moved to the gun case by Gabe’s office and pulled out my rifle.

  “Separate cars,” Gabe said. “We’ll come at him from both sides.” He grabbed his own rifle. “D, keep an eye out and your ears open,” Gabe said before strolling to the door. I was hot on his heels.

  We had to get him. He had been playing cat and mouse with us for the last couple of months. Every time we would relax, even marginally, he would strike again. He’d pop up on an ATM camera, one of the traffic cams, or even on a security shot from one of the local shops. As I drove to the location he had last been spotted, my heart pounded against my ribcage. My hands tightened on the steering wheel.

  The anticipation of this being “it” was getting to me. I should have known with that in mind, that nothing was ever that simple.



/>   “Kaitlyn, don’t put those dirty fingers in your mouth,” I laughed as the little monster did just that. I shook my head and pulled her hand back. The chocolate and sprinkle covered fingers were now clean. “Girly, you’re gonna be ten shades of hyper by the time your daddy gets here.”

  “Dems cleans noooooow,” she sang out.

  Giggling, she hopped down from the stool where she stood. I watched as she climbed up in the chair by the sink and started to rinse her hands off. God, I loved this kid. She was so damn cute. I moved over to help her clean up. We were making a special cake for her Papa. Her idea, which pleased me to no end. We were working in Papa’s kitchen, so that if I was needed I was here, but still able to get this done. Papa liked it when we had supper with him, it meant he got to eat well, and not have to leave home.

  I heard the bells on the front door to the house ding so I pulled my apron off, and kissed Kaitlyn’s head.

  “I’ll be back in a few. No touching the stove, no opening the stove and absolutely no climbing on anything. Play at your table with your blocks and crayons. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  “Otays,” she said before grinning and running over to her little plastic pink table and sitting down. Papa had gotten it for her and the girl loved it. Though, really, it was too cute for words. He’d moved the small dining table over so she had her own space. He was sweet like that.

  I made my way to the front and gave the two men standing there an appraising look. I didn’t recognize them, but then, I was still sure I’d never know every face in town. I took a moment before I walked into the front room fully.

  “Afternoon gentleman, I’m Doctor McKenna, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m hurting real bad, need something for it,” one of the men said. They were both dressed in ratty jeans, and t-shirts. They wore boots but they’d seen better days. The guy who spoke looked like he was actually in pain. Problem was, I’d bet he was just feeling the pains of his high wearing off. I sighed and looked at the other man.

  “Are you here to see me, too?” I asked grabbing the sign in paperwork.

  “I ain’t got no insurance. Just need the pains to stop, please,” the younger of the two said, once again his face was full of pain. The other man shoved him closer and grumbled something.

  “Jus fix him, girl. We ain’t got all day.”

  “Please, lady. I need somethin’ for this pain. It’s so bad,” the man whined. Ugh.

  “Girl, I said get to it!” The older gentleman snapped.

  “First off, I ain’t ya girl. You can address me as Doctor McKenna, or take yourselves somewhere else. I won’t be harassed by the likes of you,” I snapped. I inwardly cursed and sighed. Stella was rubbing off on me. That thought made me grin a little. Also made me wish Papa was back from the store, or that Stella was back from her break. I hated knowing I was in here alone with these two.

  “You a mouthy bitch, ain’tcha? Jus fix this dumbass up, girl,” he ground out.

  I bristled. Lord give me strength. My temper was a lot less controllable right now. My pregnancy and the ‘not knowing where my crazy ass father was’, was getting to me. My hackles would get ruffled quite quickly, and this asshole was asking to get a boot in the face. I rested my hand on my belly and glared at them both. I hated to push anyone out that needed my help, but I wasn’t listening to this crap.

  “Tony, shut up,” the younger one said to the man now glaring back at me.

  “You,” I said pointing to the younger guy. “You can stay. You,” I said, pointing at the asshole. “Get out. You wait on the porch if you must.” I sneered at the shaggy bearded fucker until he walked out in a huff.

  “Come on, go into exam one, this room right here.” I grabbed a patient info sheet and followed him in, keeping the door open partially.

  “What happened?” I asked as I snapped on a pair of blue gloves. I got a good look at his arms and groaned. This dude had enough track marks on his arms that they could be a blueprint for the interstate of any major city.

  “I fell, playin’ ‘round,” he said.

  RIGHT! I sighed again and tried to work the stress from my shoulders. I already wanted to tell him to get out. I hated when people wanted to bullshit and not just say what happened. I moved closer as he pulled his t-shirt up and I groaned. That was no fall. He’d been filleted like a flounder. I stepped back and pointed to the wound on his side.

  “That is a cut, slice, whatever word you’d like to call it. I do not like being lied to. You feel me?” I said as I glared at him.

  “Jus’ fix it, or give me somethin’ for the pain. It’ll be ‘aight.”

  “No. I mean, I can clean this up,” I said pointing to his side. I took a minute to form my words so there was no misunderstanding here. “As I said, I can clean it, but I will not be giving you a drug of any kind. I think that would be counterproductive.”

  “WHAT?!” he roared and I took a step back as he flung his arm out. The tray beside the bed went flying into the wall. I heard the bell over the door ding about the same moment I heard Kaitlyn’s panicked voice calling for me. Shit!

  “Calm down,” I said, holding my arms up to him. “Let me help you, the way I can.” I slid my hand into my pocket and pressed the button on my phone. When I felt it vibrate I spoke again. “Charlie!”

  “Who the fuck’s Charlie?!” The idiot snarled as he came towards me. I ignored his question.

  I took another step back and heard Kaitlyn scream. That was a ‘I’m scared for my life’ kind of scream. My heart thundered as I darted out of the room. I skidded to a stop, seeing that shaggy bearded fucker had his arm around my daughter.

  “Put my daughter down!” I snarled. My hands balled into tight fists. I really hoped Charlie could hear what was happening. My anger spiked when the asshole shook my kid and yelled at her.

  “Shut the fuck up!” He said, shaking her again. Thankfully the way he was holding her wouldn't necessarily hurt her. But it would still scare the shit out of her.

  Before I could say anything or do anything Kaitlyn screamed, kicking out and then sank her teeth into the wrist she could get to. I blinked. Holy shit. The asshole dropped her onto the floor but before she could get away he grabbed the back of her shirt. Her little mouth had blood around it and I'll be honest, I panicked knowing that fucker could be full of nasty shit.

  “Let her go, now!” I said as I moved closer to him. When the asshole behind me grabbed my arm I lost control.

  This was ending now.


  Hurricane Shelby Strikes


  For two tweakers, these suckers move fast. I was trying to keep an eye out for Kaitlyn, get to the door and take down the bearded asshole all at the same time. I was all but vibrating with anger. He was going down for touching my kid. That sweet baby did not deserve to be touched in any way by this lowlife scum.

  When he lunged I kicked out, clipping his jaw. That stunned him enough that I could get the door open and sort of push Kaitlyn out.

  “Run, baby, run. Just like we practiced!”

  I didn't have time to see if she did as I asked. I grabbed the arm that shot out toward me, spun and kicked again. The snap of bone made me smile. The asshole’s howl of pain added to that smile. I moved to the doorway, grabbed the screen door and slammed it against another hand. This time the other guy cried out in pain.

  Not sure how it happened, but I was knocked over, my head slamming into the porch floor before I tumbled down the five front steps. I had enough sense in me to tuck into a ball and protect my belly. When I stopped, my body was sideways on the walking path. I rolled to try and get up, but someone grabbed me and slammed me back into the ground. I saw stars. The quick motions and the pain of the gravel digging into me… it was a fight to stay conscious.

  “What are you doing?” The younger of the two rushed out, holding the hand I’d slammed in the door.

  “Get them there drugs and don'tcha worry ‘bout me, ya shithead!”

the asshole straddled me I cursed and struggled, but his hand closed around my throat.

  “That's a good bitch. You like it rough, eh?” He said, his hips gyrating towards me. “Maybe I'll give ya somethin’ to remember me by.”

  I gagged and tried to claw his hand off of me. The sick bastard thought he had it all, but not today, buddy. Not today. I wasn't going down without one helluva fight. When clawing at his hand didn't work, I balled my fist, making sure to keep my thumb tucked in, and swung. I hit him in the ear as hard as I could. He howled and released my neck.

  When his body shifted, he gave me just enough room to wiggle a leg free. Thank God my nights with Charlie kept me flexible. I brought my leg up and around in front of him. I kicked my leg and twisted my body. Pain shot through my hip as it dug into the gravel, but I didn't care.

  “That's. For. Touching. My. Daughter.” I snarled. The fact that I was panting made the effect less menacing. I had his neck between my knees, my ankles locked and was using all the strength I had to hold him.

  “SHELBY!” Stella’s voice rang out.

  I could have cried with relief, but the other idiot chose that moment to come out of the door and down the stairs. I looked between him to Stella, and before I could say a word she was on him. There was a thud, a not so manly scream and Stella cursing as she yanked his arm up behind him.

  There were sirens in the distance, tires squealing. The minute I heard Charlie’s snarled curses I let the asshole I'd been holding go. I kicked the fucker away from me. My foot hit him in the arm I’d broken earlier and he cried out in pain. Served him right. Nasty bastard! I rolled to my back. I was still panting, my heart hammering as I tried to clear the black spots that were playing at the corner of my vision.


  You know how you just know one bad thing will turn into a handful, yet you pray it's just your mind over reacting? That's me right now as I try to figure out what in the hell is going on.


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