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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 13

by Fiona Murphy

  This is Ignacio all over again—no, it’s not. Don’t even say that, Luca is nothing like Ignacio. Luca wants a baby to tie me to him forever, not an heir. Luca made love to me in the most amazing way, then he fucked me like I begged him to and I swear it was almost as hot as the way he made love to me.

  Ugh, this is so messed up. How is this my life? I hear the elevator and run, wondering who it is. Natasha is there carrying a bag.

  “Luca said you know about the wedding now so we need to get planning.” She begins pulling out swatches, magazines, two different binders, and a bottle of wine.

  This is all too much. It’s too crazy. There’s also the whole Augusto-will-kill-Luca-because-of-me thing. Natasha could help me out of this while Luca is out of town.

  “Natasha, you have to help me leave. For Luca. My father is Augusto Reyes. And he will kill Luca if I’m here when he finds me. I could never live with that. If I really thought there was a way out of this where I got to keep Luca and live, then I would take a chance,” I admit. “But there is no way out of this. I need to leave.”

  Tilting her head, she studies me, then she pours a glass of wine. “I can’t. I believe you. I also believe if I were to help you, that twenty-one years of friendship wouldn’t mean shit and Luca would kill me.”

  I can’t believe she is serious, but it’s there in her eyes. Holy crap, Luca would kill his best friend for me? I shiver as I face the fact that despite how sweet and gentle Luca was toward me, there was also the lethal, dangerous Luca I recognized the first night I met him. It’s always there below the surface, the hand around my throat, the way he didn’t pull out when I tried to push him off. While I have no doubt if I’d been genuinely been scared or afraid, he would have—when he saw I wasn’t the primitive, commanding Luca showed himself. I’m not sure if I’m terrified of him or myself for wanting the primitive Luca in all his commanding glory all the time. I am seriously fucked up. I should have gone to my therapist twice a week like she first wanted me to.

  Natasha waves a hand in front of my face to catch my attention. “Luca isn’t going to let you go. I’m also going to trust in Luca. I get you’re afraid for him, but you have to trust Luca to take care of himself and you. Luca hasn’t lasted as the number one in Vegas for so long on the basis of his good looks alone. In nineteen years, only once has anyone gotten the jump on him. Yes, that person was your father. Luca also sent your father and his men—the few Luca didn’t kill—limping back to Mexico.”

  Really? I didn’t know Luca has gone against my father once already and lived to tell it. Why hasn’t he said anything about it?

  “Have you forgotten you got pulled off a truck of your father’s? Luca has stopped more than twenty trucks of your father’s over the years, and a dozen more of others who try to bring women through. Not a single one of those people who lost their shipment has tried to hit back at Luca for it. Any other person, any other city and we’d be ducking from the gunshots right now but not against Luca.”

  Hearing her lay it out, for a moment I allow myself to wonder if Luca could take on my father and win.

  “Enough doom and gloom. Let’s get into this or you’ll have Luca picking everything out.” Natasha is determined to get me involved in planning the wedding and I hate myself for getting excited over the next few hours. We stop to eat when a woman comes to get my measurements for the dressmaker, who will have several options when I go tomorrow to pick out a dress.

  Three hours and two bottles later, Natasha is nodding. “I’m telling you, Luca is a breed of man I have never met before. Like, hello, he’s at the shelter he funds for women right now. And it’s amazing that he cares at all. Most men don’t care about women, period. Let alone mafia men. Not Luca—he makes sure all the women have the resources they need. Most of the girls can’t go back to Mexico, or they’ll wind up on another truck or dead.”

  She’s right, I’ve heard that.

  “At the same time, they are just girls and they don’t have support here. The baby thing doesn’t really surprise me though. It’s his family in Chicago. His little sister is adorable, who wouldn’t want a little girl like her? Then his cousins all have kids and those kids adore Luca. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “You’ve gone to Chicago with him?”

  “No, there was something he needed here so I flew it out to him, then his dad was adamant I at least stay for a day. Since I’m Luca’s only friend, well Sandro is his friend and his number two but you know what I mean, he was all wanting to get to know me. His dad is hot, like wow I wished I was into men. Except he’s in love with his wife and I’m not into men.” She sighs.

  “The weird thing is like, meeting Tony, even though he didn’t raise Luca, Luca is so like him. I asked Tony about it and he said he knew Luca’s uncle, the one he was named for. Turns out Tony was raised on these philosophers and emperors who had certain ways of thinking and seeing life.

  “Luca’s uncle knew that and made sure Luca read the books too. So although Tony wasn’t there, the way he would have raised him was the same. With this stoicism thing, and the idea that his life would be one of service to the mafia. As well as a responsibility for those in his territory. A with-power-comes-responsibility thing. Luca isn’t a taker, but he’s never had someone he trusted and who cared about him for just him, until he met his father.” Natasha sighs as she discovers the wine is gone.

  “Do you not want kids?” she asks as she licks the inside of her wineglass. I hope she’s not driving.

  I shrug. “I haven’t really thought about it. I figured since I was never having sex it wasn’t even an option. The more I think about it the more I think I would want Luca’s baby. But I hate the way he just told me without asking.”

  The sound of the elevator is something we both hear at the same time. “Oops, Daddy’s home.” Natasha is on unsteady legs.

  “You’re not driving home, are you?” I ask her.

  “I’m fine. I’ve drunk more than this and got home.”

  “No, either have someone drive you or stay in the hotel. You are not okay to drive,” I order her as she looks around for her purse which is right in front of her.

  Luca is there and an eyebrow goes up as he looks from me to Natasha. Shaking his head, he pulls out his phone. “Phillip, take Natasha home and put her to bed.”

  “I’m fine,” Natasha says as she weaves her way toward him. When she gets to his side, she leans on him. “I’m fine.”

  The elevator alerts again. Luca picks her up and I hate the pang of jealousy that goes through me at the sight of another woman in his arms. Phillip is there and Luca puts Natasha in his arms. “On second thought, just put her in a room.”

  Phillip nods and leaves with Natasha.

  Once they are gone Luca turns his attention back to me. Pulling his tie down, he eyes me. “There won’t be a Plan B. If you even think of aborting our baby, I will spank the fuck out of you.”

  “I would never do that!” I gasp at the pain that tears through me that he would think I could do that to our baby.

  Luca stalks me, going down on his haunches. His hand covers mine—the one I had no idea was protectively placed over my stomach. “I just wanted it out there so you would never be able to say you didn’t know. I already told you and you accepted it. You’re mine, Bella. Not just for today or the month, forever. And forever is going to include babies and the home in the suburbs and the dog and cat or whatever. I’ll even get a damn minivan if I have to.”

  “A home? Like with a backyard and trees and grass?”

  Nodding, Luca pulls me into his arms. “Any home you want, you pick it out. Once you get the wedding planned and we come back from the honeymoon.”



  Now that everything is settled with Bella, when Pop calls I tell him, “I’ve met someone. I’m going to marry her.”

  Pop is quiet for a minute. “Don’t fuck with me.”

  I laugh. “I’m not. There are a few things I need
to clear up first. I did just get back from Chicago a week ago. I’ll be taking her out there to meet everyone soon. The wedding is in August. It will be here at the hotel. I went with the last weekend of the month, hopefully that’s enough time for Christy to heal from the cesarian and be here.”

  “Who is she? Where did you meet her?” I can hear him smiling.

  “I found her on the back of a truck. She was on her way to be sold from the Reyes cartel. Her name is Bella Warren and she’s an artist. They picked her up out of Dallas.” I decide to be as honest as possible, for now.

  “You found her on the back of the truck?” He chuckles. “Let me guess, you’re giving her until August so she says yes in front of everyone instead of ‘help me.’”

  Chuckling, I admit, “Yeah, she’s worried her past will be a problem.” I’m not sure when the hell to tell him about Augusto Reyes—the last damn minute, I guess. “I don’t give a shit though. I’m keeping her. She’s mine.”

  “Message received, my son. I’m so happy I would not dare to interfere. I’ll also speak with Dominic. How soon before you can bring her out to Chicago?”

  “Soon, Pop, give me another day or two at least. And it will only be for a few days. I’m dealing with a situation I can’t take my eyes off for long.”

  Pop is well aware running Vegas is labor intensive. There are so many moving parts. Hell, if it were just running the casino it would be a sixty-hour week, but add in the mafia business and there weren’t enough hours in the day.

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  From the background I hear a crash and then crying.

  “What happened?” I ask. That didn’t sound good.

  “Hold on.” Pop puts the phone down. I hear him soothing someone.

  What happened, is it Rosie or Santino or Christy? I’m up and pacing, wondering what is going on.

  Almost five minutes later he finally comes back to the phone. “It was Marsha. She fell down the stairs. It doesn’t look good. I’m going to take her to go get checked out.”

  “Shit, okay, I hope she’s good. I’ll let you go.” Marsha is the new nanny they got for the days when Cora is off. The woman is nice enough, although I do think she’s too quick to give in to Rosie, and Pop agrees. I’m relieved it’s not the kids or Christy though.

  “Me too. We’ll talk later.”

  “Later,” I agree as I hang up.



  The next morning Luca and I have barely finished breakfast when the alert for the elevator goes off.

  “Who is that?” I ask.

  Luca smiles. “You’ll see.”

  A man appears with a very large black case. When he opens it, I’m grateful I’m already sitting down. Holy freaking crap. He lays out three different trays with pride.

  Luca, however, is unimpressed. “These are the largest you have?”

  The man’s shoulders sag. “These aren’t to your liking?”

  Frowning, Luca looks over the three trays. “I told you I wanted something as unique as she is. None of these seem all that unique.”

  I glow at Luca’s words. Luca looked at the sparkling trays and he doesn’t think any of them is uniquely me. How can that be when the rings are so beautiful? A blue one catches my eye, it’s not as big as some of the rings, which I’m grateful for. Before I blink the ring is out of the tray and Luca is picking up my hand and sliding it on.

  “You like this one?” It fits perfectly.

  Luca smiles with satisfaction. “It’s meant to be.”

  “Excellent choice, miss, a blue Ceylon unheated sapphire at just over eight and a half carats in a cushion cut. The half-moon diamonds on each side are at a carat each and really set off the main sapphire.” The man smiles hopefully.

  Nodding, I look at Luca. “I love it. Thank you.”

  His smile warms me from the inside out. “You’re welcome.”

  Then he turns his attention to the man and gets up to show him out.

  The next week flies by. I throw myself into planning the wedding. Even though none of it really appeals to me. The idea of hundreds of eyes on me, has me shuddering. I’ve never felt comfortable around a lot of people, even when I was kid. At the same time, I know it’s an expectation with his status in the Outfit and in Vegas. I have the most beautiful dress I fell in love with at first sight, just like with Luca and my ring. All the rest of it I take Natasha’s advice on, as Luca tells me whatever I want he’s happy with.

  In the evening I spend time in my studio painting, then go out for a swim before Luca comes home. I ask Luca for my laptop from home to check on my business website for work. He promises he is sending someone to Dallas to pack up my things and bring them back. In the meantime he allows me to use his as he watches me.

  Luca is voracious. He keeps to his word, making love to me so often there are days I ache from his possession. Only I love it and him so much I don’t dare complain. Sometimes it’s fast and greedy, others slow and torturous, as he takes me to the edge again and again before finally allowing me to crash down into waves of pleasure. Like today, he’s home early by almost three hours. Those three hours have been spent with him buried inside me until I’m aching in the sweetest, best way. Every night I fall asleep with him inside me and wake up with him inside me, and I love it.

  Luca isn’t the only one who is surprised by how easily the pain of the past slips away. But I do notice it’s only with Luca. If he’s away from me and I think too hard, the fear rises and stings me, leaving me second-guessing everything. Yet when Luca is with me, those six years melt away as if they never happened. Although at times even with Luca I can’t lose my fear of Augusto completely, but at the same time it’s only because I fear Augusto will take Luca away from me.

  As we come down from our high, wrapped up in each other’s arms, he slides his lips over my cheek. “We’re going to Chicago tomorrow for a few days for you to meet my family.”

  “Meet your family?” What if they don’t like me? What would Luca do?

  “Yes, my father is biting at the bit to meet you. If I delay another day he’ll come here.” Luca chuckles. “No fears, he already loves you. The last time I was there, all of two weeks ago, I told him I was never going to get married. Any woman who changed my mind is going to be welcomed with open arms. Warning: they are huggers, especially the children.”

  “Okay.” I can admit I’m curious about his family.

  “Good, now go get dressed. You have a therapy appointment in forty-five minutes.”

  I wince. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes, you have to. I’ll stay again if you want me to or I’ll sit outside, but until the therapist thinks you’re good, you’re going every week. Today is to cover while we’ll be out of town.” Luca lets me go with a kiss on my forehead and a smack of my ass.

  “Fine.” I pout as I go to change.



  The therapy appointment is a little less painful this time around. Although I still stay in Luca’s lap the whole time. When I try and argue I don’t need more therapy, the nice lady isn’t so nice. Her long list of reasons why she doesn’t think I should stop have me wincing. Since she’s not wrong, just mean, I give in and allow Luca to set an appointment for next week.

  We eat together then Luca goes to work. I spend the evening drawing then working on a painting that forms in my mind. I’m tired and only intend a short break but end up falling asleep on the chaise lounge.



  Luca’s alarm wakes me up. I’m in his arms, he keeps me close as he rolls to turn it off. Those dimples flash and I’m grateful I’m lying down. I just love his dimples. I can’t wait until we have a baby boy who I pray has his daddy’s dimples.

  “I like when you carry me to bed even if I hate when I sleep through it.” I run a hand over his chest, loving the feel of muscle moving beneath my hand under the soft mat of hair. “I was always afraid of men with muscles until you.”

“Christ, how can you make my cock hard so easily and without even trying?”

  I blush. “And then when you blush and it goes all the way down.” A finger trails down the open V of the shirt. “You like stealing my shirts?”

  I nod. “They smell like you. And they are thicker than most shirts. I like them.”

  Luca groans. “The shit you say and you don’t even realize.” He cups my face and kisses me gently at the edge of my mouth. “They are thicker because they are bulletproof.”

  “Bulletproof?” And just like that I’m reminded of who and what Luca is. He’s not afraid of my father because Luca is as deadly as he is.

  “Hey, look at me. Almost twenty years, Bella, and I’ve been shot once and knifed twice and that’s it. There have been other tussles, I’ll admit it. Some of them got bloody, but it wasn’t my or my mens’s blood that was spilled. If I thought my world wasn’t safe for you, I’d walk away from it without hesitation and without looking back. While we won’t have the typical civilian life, there is no safer place for you than at my side.”

  “You would walk away?” I don’t believe him. For the first time I wonder: if he’s lying to me about this, what else could he lie about?

  “There is nothing I wouldn’t do if it meant keeping you safe.”

  I shake my head—he can’t mean it.

  A rough hand goes into my hair. “Bella, look at me.”

  “Why are you lying? No one would leave this world of power and money for me. It’s fine, just don’t lie, Luca,” I plead.

  He blinks then shakes his head as his hand tightens until I’m gasping not to cry. “Christ, I love you, but sometimes it’s like you’re trying to drive me crazy.”

  “Love?” I whisper the word, my throat tight.

  Luca catches my face. “What did you think the babies and wedding were all about? I wasn’t looking for you. I’ll admit I didn’t want to fall in love. You hit me like a bullet to the chest. Nothing else matters except you. I filled my life with work, but inside I’ve been empty until I laid eyes on you.”


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