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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 14

by Fiona Murphy

  Seeing the truth in his eyes, my chest twists painfully. Lowering his head, his kiss starts out gentle only all too quickly we’re both ravenous, desperate for more.

  His mouth roams my neck, at turns nipping with his teeth then sucking to soothe. The way he’s teasing me by skimming his hard chest against my breasts makes me frantic for more. My hands run over the silky skin of his stomach, toward his thick cock.

  No sooner have I wrapped my hand around him than Luca catches my wrist. I refuse to let him go and Luca hisses my name in warning.

  “Please, Luca,” I whisper. “I want to taste you. Please.” Holy crap, he’s so thick my hand doesn’t go nearly all the way around him. Over the last week Luca hasn’t allowed me to touch him, explaining he came too close to losing control.

  With a groan he rolls onto his back, taking me with him. I don’t dare let him go and gasp as he thickens even more in my hand. My mouth is watering in anticipation while at the same time wet heat pools between my thighs. In the porn I forced myself to watch, never once had I found this part of a man attractive or even appealing. Yet I find Luca’s cock as beautiful as the rest of him. He is perfectly formed from his thick head to his long length.

  Thankfully this was never forced on me during my marriage. This moment is just us, new and oddly precious. I’m shocked at the way my mouth waters as I trace a finger down to the base of him. I lick at the blunt, wide tip where precome weeps from him. Salty, tangy, oddly sweet, it makes me hungry for more.

  I suck lightly at first then become more bold at Luca’s moan of my name. I want to please him, to drive him out of his mind the way he does to me. Although I want more of him, a few inches are all I can take.

  “It’s okay, don’t try and take more. You’re doing so good. Grip me tight and stroke me. there you go. Just like that.” His husky moan drives me on.

  Swirling my tongue around his thick head, I grow hungrier for all of him. Hard as steel yet as soft as silk, every ridge and vein pulsing with his heartbeat fascinates me. Intent on tasting every inch, I run my tongue down the length of his cock to the soft sac. His gasp has all my attention, so I taste this new, velvet-soft part of him. When I suck gently on the sac Luca swears and a hand goes into my hair, holding me in place as he pulls away from me.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I ask.

  “No, god no. You were doing damn good. Until our baby is confirmed, no coming anywhere but inside your sweet pussy.” Luca growls into my mouth. His kiss is rough and deep and steals my breath away.

  “It’s time for my princess to sit on her throne so I can taste your sweet cream.” Firm hands move me until I’m over his mouth. “You’re dripping, princess. You loved sucking my cock?”

  Blushing, I nod as I grasp the headboard to keep from falling.

  His grin is wicked, sending all the air out of my lungs. “Good, because you did such a good job I’ll be feeding you my cock again very soon.”

  Every time he tastes me he drives me out of my mind. Taking me to the edge again and again before letting me come is cruel enough. But when he lifts me over him, catching my hips in an almost punishing grip, Luca sends me into body-shaking orgasm again and again until it almost hurts before allowing me down from what he calls my throne.

  “That’s it, fuck my mouth.” He groans.

  I’m grinding on him, desperate for the orgasm, so damn close, yes, fuck yes. I shatter apart with a cry of his name. His grip tightens on my hips as he tongues my clit, drawing out my orgasm until I swear I can’t take another second.

  Fighting for air, I lose my grip on the headboard. Luca doesn’t even slow. His tongue is back inside me now, fucking me the way I want his cock to. I’m begging him for his cock, but no, he sucks deep on my inner lips, over and over. Then his teeth find my clit, and I scream as I come again.

  I’m barely holding on to consciousness when Luca enters me with a hard thrust that sends me spinning. My hands come down on his chest, needing to hold on to something. I might be on top but Luca is in control. Rough hands grasp my hips tight as he pounds up into me. All of four strokes pulls me under the riptide that is Luca. I can’t breathe, oh god I can’t breathe, I can’t—Luca explodes inside me molten and thick, the shock of it floods my lungs with air as I collapse on him, trembling with bone-shaking aftershocks.

  It takes a long time before I can move, and when I do I find Luca’s eyes on me. I see it now. The love is bright and shining in his eyes. “I love you.”

  He smiles, flashing both dimples. “I know.”

  Ugh, he makes me crazy. Then he rolls me under him. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.” I mouth the words.

  Shaking his head, he laughs. “I love you, too.” Lowering his head, he brushes his lips against mine. “I want to spend all day in bed showing you, except we need to be at the airport in an hour.”

  Scooping me up in his arms, he walks me into the bathroom. “If we shower together we might make it on time.”

  We don’t make it on time. But Luca only laughs and says that’s the good thing about owning the plane, it leaves when he wants it to.



  We have far too much luggage for a three-day trip. However, I would rather cut off my tongue than say it. Bella is glowing again. I can’t take my eyes off her and am willing to do whatever it takes to keep her happy.

  The pilot gives the okay for no seat belts and I pull her into my lap. I’m dying to take her into the back and spend the four-hour flight deep inside her. Except there is a tension in her she can’t hide.

  “Have you told your father about me? About Augusto?” she asks, as lines appear in her forehead for the first time in days.

  “No, and you aren’t going to either. Right now Augusto is not a concern. He’s in the hospital from a heart attack. I told you, don’t worry about Augusto. I’ll take care of it and you,” I order her.

  Damn it, her glow dims. I get up and walk her to the bedroom where I lay her down on the king-size bed. Pulling off my polo shirt, I toss it in the corner. Bella pushes off her shoes as she goes to her knees and undoes the catch of the pretty pink wrap dress at her hip.

  My cock jumps at the sight of her in matching pink bra and panties. “So pretty in pink. The perfect pink, the same as your pretty little cunt.” I laugh at the way she blushes. “No, don’t take them off. On your hands and knees with your ass up in the air for me.”

  She moves fast, thank fuck she’s as greedy as I am. This is my favorite position but I haven’t taken her this way, worried she would think of the fucker raping her since this was the only he did it. Relief floods me at the way her past isn’t haunting her in this moment.

  Pulling her panties to the side, I tongue her pussy, feasting on her juice. Christ, I love the taste of her. I could eat her for hours, all day every day. I’m addicted to her and I don’t care. Deep isn’t deep enough for my tongue, I want more, all of her, every inch.

  Bella pleads for me to let her come, but no, if she can talk she hasn’t lost her mind enough. Using her juice I coat my finger then slide it between her soft, round cheeks. Her ass has made my cock ache since the first night. I will fuck her ass, soon, very soon. She gasps and goes still for so long I wonder if it was too much. Then she moves slowly, working to take more inside her.

  Sucking deep on her inner lips, Bella whimpers even as she begs for more. I add a second finger, fucking her ass nice and slow as I send my tongue deeper into her. I’m nowhere near her clit when she comes, her arms giving out from under her. Damn, she wasn’t supposed to come yet. Watching her tremble, satisfaction fills me. She went from afraid of my kiss to shaking and begging for my cock. Bella is mine in every way, and I will never let her go.

  She catches me staring at her and the witch smiles at me. Her ass is still in the air. “Luca, I’m empty without your beautiful cock.”

  Christ, what she does to me. I’m unzipped and pushing my pants down as I step behind her. Lining up my cock, I thrust hard and
deep inside her. Her gasp of my name, soaking with desire, sends a tremor through my cock. My hand is around her neck, pulling her back against me, as my arm goes around her stomach and I pound hard and deep into sweet cunt. She comes once, but I’m not even close.

  Her cunt is spasming around my cock, milking me, urging me to come. Except, fuck she feels so damn good. I’m not ready to leave heaven yet. Then my baby is coming, pleading, begging for me to come and I can’t deny her. I come so hard I see stars.

  The flight passes too fast as I stay buried inside Bella until the last possible moment. I use the excuse of keeping my seed inside her to ensure her pregnancy, but the truth is I cannot bear to leave the heaven of her body.

  When we land, Pop is waiting on the tarmac. I’m not surprised.



  I’m grateful for Luca’s arm around me as we go down the stairs of the private jet. His father is waiting, watching, standing in front of a Mercedes SUV. At first his attention is on Luca; jealousy hits me at how clearly Tony Sabatini adores his son. Then blue eyes are on me, and I stumble at his intense scrutiny.

  “It’s okay, mi amore. I’m right here,” Luca murmurs as he keeps me from falling.

  They hug, and my chest twists at how clearly they both care for each other. Luca smiles wide as his arm comes back around me. “Pop, this is Bella.”

  “Lovely, I had no doubt of that. I hope you’ll call me Pop.” I blush, unsure. “I’ll also answer to Tony. No pressure, something tells me my son is already applying enough pressure.”

  Laughing unrepentantly, Luca nods. “I am. She didn’t make anything easy.”

  “The better for you to appreciate winning her.” Tony laughs as he guides us to the SUV.

  Tony opens the passenger door of the front seat. I take the seat without arguing even though I would much rather sit in the back.

  We’re barely out of the small commuter airport before Tony speaks. “I hear you’re an artist. I’m an art lover. Who is your favorite artist?”

  “Um, my all-time favorite is Monet. I also like many of the Impressionists: Cassatt, Renoir, Degas, Van Gogh.”

  “I have a Renoir and Monet. I’ll show them to you,” Tony promises.

  “You have a Monet?” I’m stunned.

  Luca laughs. “It’s been reported stolen by the original owner.”

  “We’ll also spend some time in the Art Institute. It’s too bad you lost your place there.”

  Italian, harsh and guttural, comes out of Luca. I turn, shocked as I wonder what Luca said and why.

  “No worries. Whatever you’re hiding is still hidden. Valdez gave me the briefest of Ms. Warren’s background. I’m glad he did. I would have hated causing her distress asking about her past. The family will not ask, they have been told she was married young against her will in Mexico and she returned to the US last year. You two met when you stopped a truck with her in it, she was snatched off the street. Enough information that those who are curious will be satisfied, while also leaving some things off. As you have done with me.”

  “I’m handling it,” Luca growls. I hate this. They shouldn’t be at odds, especially not over me.

  “Please don’t—”

  “Bella, keep your mouth shut—”

  “Do not raise your voice to her.” Tony’s hand goes over mine before letting go with a gentle squeeze. “I don’t doubt you are handling it. I’m concerned you are going this alone when there is no need. Your brother and I always have your back. You are my son. My love for you is unconditional and constant. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Do you not trust in that?” It’s clear Tony is hurt.

  “It’s not that I don’t trust in it for me. It’s that I wasn’t sure it would extend to Bella.” Luca sighs.

  “Of course it would. I know all too well how important she is now that you’ve finally found your woman.” Tony turns to Luca as we stop at a red light.

  “Please let it go. For now. Allow me to deal with this the way I believe is best.”

  Clearly Tony wants to argue, but he simply sighs and nods.

  The rest of the drive is strained and all over again I ache for Luca. I hate seeing him at odds with his father when they so clearly care for each other. This feels like it’s all my fault.

  As the city goes by outside the window, I get caught up in the amazing scenery. I’ve always wanted to live here. When I was younger working my way toward the goal of becoming an artist, the Chicago Institute of Art was the ultimate win. For some wannabe artists it’s New York, but not for me. I studied a book on all the art in the Art Institute, and I wanted to be where all those beautiful masterpieces were so I could see them as often as I wanted.

  When the SUV stops outside a pretty red and black two-story house, I can’t hide the little sigh of happiness that comes out of me. I’ve always loved homes in this style, as well as craftsman homes.

  “Pop, don’t take her luggage out. I think it’s best we stay at Dominic’s old place at the club.”

  Tony’s frown hits me.

  Catching Luca’s hand, I ask, “Please can we stay here? It’s so pretty. I don’t really want to stay in another shiny, modern place where I’m afraid to touch anything.”

  Luca’s frown is dark. “You don’t like the penthouse? That’s why you got so happy about finding a house in Vegas.”

  I nod, Luca’s hand squeezes mine tight. “Okay, if you want we’ll stay here. I’m warning you though, there are kids and dogs everywhere.” He sighs. “And from that smile on your face, that’s exactly what you want.”

  I smile and nod.

  “Anything you want,” he promises. His hand on my back steers me through the black wrought-iron gate onto a wide porch. The door opens before I have my hand out.

  It’s Luca’s little sister, she’s taller than I would have thought. She’s grinning wide, flashing dimples like her father and brothers. I melt a little at knowing this is what our daughters will look like. She speaks Italian and it’s clear she’s introducing herself. I’m not sure how to respond.

  “Rosie, English, Bella doesn’t speak Italian.” Luca’s hand goes in her hair, tugging her face up to his. “You don’t even say hello to me?”

  Laughing, Rosie hugs him. “She’s so pretty. Papa is so happy you brought her home, he promised I can dye my hair blue like I’ve been begging to for months. Just like Aunt Bethany.”

  “Blue hair? You’ll be too cute. I don’t know about that.” An adorable miniature poodle is jumping on him, with love in its eyes. “Dora, enough. Behave.” The poodle stops jumping but doesn’t take anxious eyes off him.

  The woman from the pictures, heavily pregnant, appears. “Rosie, take the dogs outside, please. Once you’re done with that your mess of your puzzle needs to be picked up. Hello, it’s so wonderful to meet you. I’m Christy, Tony’s wife. This is Santino.”

  Santino gets excited seeing Luca and makes an adorable squeak as he holds out his hands for Luca. Luca takes him with ease and love. Santino bounces up and down in excitement before settling down with a happy chuckle as a hand clutches Luca’s face. Seeing Luca with Santino in his arms, my chest goes tight with longing for a baby boy.

  “Hi, I’m Isa.” I hold out my hand.

  “No, it’s Bella. Christy, you call her Isa and I get Rosie strung out on sugar every day we’re here,” Luca orders.

  Christy smiles. “He’s right, Bella fits you much better. Come in, we’re in the kitchen.”

  Regina and Dominic are in the kitchen with their daughters and before I know it I’m holding one.

  The evening passes in a sweet, hazy dream. Regina and Christy are so nice and welcoming. Dominic studies me often, and I catch him looking to Tony—they seem to communicate without speaking. When it happens I feel Luca tense beside me.

  As dinner draws to an end, Rosie is ordered upstairs to get ready for bed. A phone call comes in for Dominic and he apologizes for taking it. He gets up and is soon followed by Tony, then Luca. Luca presses a ki
ss to my cheek before whispering he’ll be right back.

  Watching them leave, I pray Tony will manage to get the truth from Luca.

  Regina asks softly, “Is Luca keeping you against your will?”

  Meeting her eyes, I smile and shake my head. “That’s how we started but, no. I’m where I want to be.”

  “I’m so relieved. I thought so, only you never know sometimes,” Regina says as she pulls her breast from baby Carmen’s mouth. The baby pouts yet never opens her eyes and then settles. “I swear she’s not even hungry, she just can’t fall asleep without breastfeeding. Elisabetta is done but this one refuses to sleep without feeding. Then she only wants my right breast. If it weren’t for Dominic I’d be lopsided.” She blushes as she realizes what she said.

  Christy laughs. “If it weren’t for Tony I would have dried up weeks ago.” She shrugs at my wide eyes. “Just wait. It’s nothing short of awesome.”

  “Oh thank god. At first I was worried, then it felt so good I didn’t care. But every once in a while, I wonder if it’s... ugh, you know.” Regina sighs.

  Shrugging, “Who cares if it is. Like you said, all that matters is it feels good and you both like it.” A hand runs over her large stomach. Twins, wow. “I noticed while you are adoring of our beautiful children, Luca said something about babies soon for you both, and you stiffened.”

  “He just...” I’m not sure why I got annoyed with him. “He didn’t ask if I wanted a baby. Can you believe he told me he wanted me pregnant as a way of tying me to him?”

  Her laugh is loud. “Actually yes. Tony did the same thing to me.”


  “Very serious. It led to a bit of a mess though. I was sure I couldn’t get pregnant, or if I could then I couldn’t keep it. I’d had two painful miscarriages and didn’t want to go through it all over again. So I did something very stupid and left him. Not aware I was already pregnant. Then once I was gone I made it worse by staying away. The whole time I was pregnant I was waiting to lose her, sure I didn’t deserve her and Tony. A word of warning: the Sabatini men are very fertile. If he wants you pregnant you probably already are.”


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