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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 16

by Fiona Murphy

  Watching Luca with his family as the night went on, the realization of what I would have to do came slowly until anything else became indefensible. This wasn’t just about me and Luca. His father and his brother were in the line of fire too. At first I had started wondering if just maybe, with his father and brother at his back, Luca could go against my father and win. Except my father is a psycho who has no problem killing innocents. The idea of Rosie and Santino hurt. No. Not for me, I’m not worth it.

  I stare at him, trying to burn every feature of him into my brain. Out of bed, I see it’s only a little after five in the morning. Luca mentioned his family was usually waking up at the time he went to bed around six in the morning. Knowing I don’t have much time, I get dressed in leggings, and I can’t keep from stealing one of Luca’s shirts. I pack three outfits into the black leather bag I find in the walk-in closet. There is a money clip on the top of the island in the closet, along with a gun and a wicked-looking knife. I take all three and add them to the bag. Carrying my shoes, I make it down the stairs with only a few creaks.

  I sit down at the bottom of the stairs to put my shoes on, then stare at the door. I’d seen Tony key in the code when we came in yesterday. It’s only thirty feet from the stairs to the front door, yet it feels so much further away. This is the right thing to do, so why does it hurt so bad?

  Pushing up, I hate the way I sway on unsteady legs. I blink and Tony is in front of me. Where did he come from?

  His arms go across his wide chest. “Going somewhere, Bella?”

  Closing my eyes, I fight back tears. “You have to let me go. For Luca as well as your whole family. My father is Augusto Reyes and he will kill all of you with pleasure and without hesitation.”

  When I say my father’s name, Tony’s eyes darken, yet there isn’t a flicker of anything else on his face.

  “Please protect Luca. Make him see sense. I’m not worth his life or anyone else’s.”

  Tony simply studies me; he’s quiet for so long fear begins to build inside me. Then he bends down and picks up the bag. Straightening, his smile is gentle. “Follow me.”

  He walks into the room I know is his office. I look from the open door to the front door. “Now, Bella.” It’s an order. I follow him into the room. There are three leather wingback chairs around a lit fireplace. He nods to one of the chairs, I sit with a glance at the open door.

  An eyebrow goes up, and he moves to close the door. Today he’s in dress pants and a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his forearms. I’m not sure how he moves so soundlessly, I do recognize the way he moves is like Luca—power in every step, muscles and sinew flexing impressively.

  He sits down across from me, blue eyes roaming over my face. “Tell me how and why you came to be on the back of the truck Luca found you on.”

  I tell him, not leaving anything out, needing him to understand how dangerous it is that I’m here.

  When I finish he pulls out his phone and works it for a few seconds before putting it back in his pocket. His hands are steepled in front of him as he looks into the crackling flames of the fire.

  I’m confused when he doesn’t say anything. “Tony?” Almost as if he forgot I was there, he looks to me. “You have to let me leave. Now. I need to go before Luca wakes up or he won’t let me go.”

  The door to his office opens. Luca fills the doorway, his hair mussed, wearing jeans and a T-shirt for the first time. I wince at the pain in his eyes as he looks down at me.

  “Luca, please, I’m trying to protect you—”

  “Bullshit.” He growls low.

  “No, damn it, it’s not. You’re asking me to just sit and watch my father destroy you and everyone you love because of me. I went through four years of hell and I swore I would never go through it again, but I would if it meant keeping you safe. Manuel isn’t cruel like Ignacio was—”

  Luca yanks me up out of the chair, and an arm goes around me, pulling me against his hard body. I have no control of the way my body melts against him. “You aren’t going anywhere but back up to our room. I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m telling you that I am not letting you go. Your lack of trust in my ability to protect you as well as my family is really starting to piss me off, Bella.”

  “Hundreds of men, Luca, he has an army of men in front of him and behind him. He has so many men he kills them like they are ants to keep the others in line. He’s bragged about it and still they are loyal to him, or I don’t know, maybe they’re too fucking scared to do anything else. How can you go up against him and live? I can’t stand by and watch you die. It would destroy me.”

  “Hey,” Luca wipes away the tears I can’t keep from crying. “I want you to go back upstairs and lie down. I’ll be up soon.” His tone gentles as he presses a kiss to my temple.

  I open my mouth to argue, but Dominic moves into my line of vision. His frown is a little scary. Giving up, I leave and pray I’m doing the right thing.



  The vibration alert from my phone wakes me. I check the display.

  My office now

  It’s a text from Pop to me and Dominic. I roll over and wonder where the hell Bella is. A quick check of the attached bath tells me she isn’t in there. My chest aches. I go into the walk-in closet and find my gun, money, and knife gone. Even as I promise a long, hard spanking to her sweet ass, I’m proud of her for taking both the knife and the gun and not just the money. Dressed, I nearly run down the stairs.

  My hand is on the door when I hear Bella pleading with Pop to let her leave. At least she gets it right when she tells him that I’ll never let her go. The urge to put my hands around her neck and squeeze is tempered by the pain clear on her face. All I want to do is take her upstairs and show her just how much she belongs to me. Only I don’t need to, the way she melts into me—she knows.

  Damn it, she should not be this stressed out. It can’t be good for her and the baby I’m almost certain she’s carrying. Last night there were changes in her body I could no longer ignore. Sending her upstairs without me isn’t what I want, except with Dominic coming through the door, I know the time has come to lay everything out for Pop and Dominic. Head down, she leaves.

  “Cosa C’e?” Dominic asks the moment the door is closed behind her.

  “What’s wrong, is that she is the daughter of Augusto Reyes. She was on the back of the truck because she was escaping a forced marriage to Manuel Rodriguez,” Pop murmurs from his chair as he studies me.

  Dominic groans as he sits in the chair Bella was in. “That psycho, fuck. And now I understand why she was crying. She’s not wrong. He would torch this house with all of us and the kids in it with a smile on his face. Haven’t you gone up against him once already, Pop?”

  Pop nods. “The Berlucci family massacre started and ended with Augusto Reyes. He was the one to instigate Berlucci trying to take over from Moretti. Reyes was at the Berlucci estate. I shot him twice. I thought I killed him. It wasn’t until a year later I found out he lived. Bella is right to be scared, but she’s wrong. Reyes can be taken down.”

  “He can, and from the inside.” I sigh as Pop looks to me in surprise. “Mundo, his son, number two, and heir. Not only did he put Bella on the truck and drop the dime on the truck—he’s been the one calling me going on twenty years despite me taking a shot at him. I went right up against Reyes when I was taking over Vegas. The fucker shot me in the back then came in for a closer shot to kill me. I turned over and shot him in the hand. I took two of his fingers that day. He took off and hasn’t dared to try again.” They knew I went up against Reyes, but I never told them everything.

  “Reyes is lying in a hospital bed right now from a heart attack then a quadruple bypass. The plan is to do nothing until I know for sure he’s going to live through it. Valdez can’t kill him or a bunch of people die. If he comes through it though, I will have Valdez kill him and it will be Mundo who does it.”

  “Dropping the dime on traffic
king is one thing. You’re certain Mundo will kill his father?” Dominic asks.

  “Valdez is. I trust in him.” I pace, wanting to get to Bella. “It’s why I didn’t bring this to you. I have it in hand. There is a plan and it never needs to get bigger than me, Valdez, and Mundo.”

  Pop smiles. “I trust in you. But until you have children you will never know how hard it is to simply watch from the sidelines as they do things on their own without wanting to step in and help them. Especially when you know they could get hurt. You might want to share your plan with your woman. Normally, for something this deadly I would agree she should be protected from it, but her not knowing is only creating more stress and anxiety for her.”

  I sigh. “I can’t believe she was going to leave.”

  “Well, she was trying but not very hard. I saw it in her eyes last night. Christy did too, she set the alarm for too damn early to make sure I caught Bella before she made it out the door.” Pop sighs.

  “She’s a beautiful and intelligent woman. I can’t wait to see the granddaughters she’s going to give me. And as much as I love you, you’re wrong. While Reyes is the biggest problem, he’s not the only one. The offense of stealing Manuel’s fiancée has to be dealt with.” Looking to Dominic. “Who do you think in the family would be willing to take her place?”

  “Richie’s daughter, her mother is from Columbia and got deported back there almost a year ago. He says he’s sick of spending money on flights every few months for her.” Dominic nods at me. “Richie is over the loop. Good guy but it will cost for the girl. She’s pretty and she’s young enough she’s a prospect for several men in the family.”

  “I was just going to pay the man a shit ton of cash. The moment I saw Bella my first thought was I’d pay a million for her. Rodriguez would take it. The guy is dead inside. He wanted Bella as a mother to his three kids. I wasn’t good with the idea of asking anyone to take Bella’s place,” I admit.

  Pop shakes his head. “It’s an offense that should be rectified by replacing what you took, especially for what he needs. Bella said he told her he wouldn’t even ask for her to share his bed until she was ready. I believe we should ask Nicolette if she were willing and see what she says.”

  Dominic nods. “I agree with Pop. It won’t hurt to ask her and let her decide. And you’ll pay Richie for her if she agrees.”

  I consider their argument. “Fine. As long as the girl is given a choice and no one is forcing her.”

  Standing, Dominic runs a hand through his hair. “I’m hungry. You scared the fuck out of me with your text this early, Pop.”

  “Come on, I’ll make you both breakfast and a nice hot espresso,” Pop says.



  I make my way upstairs slowly, wiping my eyes to see the way. At the landing a sound catches my attention, it’s coming from Santino’s room. As quietly as I can, I open the door. His white crib is against the opposite wall. There is a mural on the wall of giraffes, elephants, zebra, and a lazy lion. Santino chuckles at the sight of me then rolls over to his hands and knees before clinging to the rails of the crib to stand. Even though he’s only ten months old, he’s constantly teasing Christy with the threat of walking.

  One baby hand is reaching for me as the other clings to the rail. How can anyone deny a face like his? Oh my, he needs his diaper changed. I’ve never done it before, but last night I’d seen it up close several times. Santino is a good baby who makes it easy. I’m relieved there is no poop in sight though.

  Picking him up, I sigh at how good it feels to have him in my arms. I sit down in the rocking chair and he babbles for a moment before resting his head on my chest. I’m not sure when I closed my eyes, but I wake up to find Tony standing over me.

  “Found her,” he says over his shoulder.

  I blink fast as Luca appears, clearly upset. Without a word, he takes Santino from me and hands him to Tony.

  Seeing his father, Santino laughs as he throws his arms around his neck.

  Luca’s hand is tight around my wrist as he pulls me from the rocking chair. Then back into our room. I’d felt it since the moment he stepped into Santino’s room: barely leashed violence is coming from him in waves. The moment the door is closed behind him, Luca’s hand goes into my hair in a punishing grip that brings tears to my eyes.

  For the first time since that first night, his eyes are dangerous black ice. “I told you, Bella. You belong to me. I am never letting you go. You will never get away from me. There is nowhere you could go I would not follow. Into heaven or hell, I’ll always be right behind you. No one and nothing could keep me from you, not my father, not Augusto, not even you. Do you understand me?”

  I’m trying to remember he said he would never hurt me. Only I can’t suppress the shiver that runs up my spine at the feral anger shimmering all around him. “I’m sorry, Luca. I love you so much the thought of you dead terrifies me. Even if I couldn’t have you, I could endure that. I could take anything as long as I knew you were okay. But if you died, I couldn’t, Luca, I just couldn’t—"

  Jaw clenching tight, he shakes his head. “You don’t trust in me—”

  “I love you, but you are one man. He has an army at his back. He once went into a village and used rocket launchers on three houses with families in them because someone from the village gave information on him. Santino, Rosie, you. I would rather he killed me than hurt you, but he wouldn’t, not until I knew what he had done to all of you because of me. My heart beats for you alone. If I lost you, Luca, I couldn’t—I wouldn’t be able to survive that. I could take anything but that.”

  Closing his eyes, he lets me go and I almost fall—my legs won’t hold me up. He catches me by the arm. The moment I’m able to stand on my own he turns away from me. “Hands flat on the bed. Bend over.”

  Confused, I reach for him.

  “Hands flat on the bed and bend the fuck over.” The words are cold.

  I obey without thought. The moment my hands are on the bed, he moves. In one movement he has my yoga pants and panties down to my knees. A hand goes down on my back, pressing me down into the bed.

  “You disobeyed me, Isabella.” Why does him using my full name sting? “I cannot allow what you did to go unpunished. Do you understand that? I told you I protect you from everyone, including yourself. Without punishment you won’t respect the rules and boundaries I set for you. If you don’t respect them you could wind up hurting yourself. Who do you belong to?”

  I’m trembling now. I want to argue with him. To beg him not to punish me, but I can’t find the words. Only one word escapes me. “You.”

  “Remember that. Always.” His hand comes down on my right ass cheek, so hard I fight not to scream. Before I can take another breath his hand comes down on my left cheek. This time I can’t hold it and bury my face into the bed as I scream, unwilling to let anyone hear it. Another smack to my right cheek. Oh god, I see stars behind my eyelids as he moves back and forth between each cheek. By the time I count to eight my legs have given out from under me. Finally, once he gets to ten on each cheek, he stops.

  I’m gasping for air as I feel him pull up my pants and panties. Then I’m up, cradled in his arms on his lap. I burrow my face into his neck as I cry, and his hand runs up and down my back soothingly.

  “Your father had a massive heart attack. He’s had a quadruple bypass. They still aren’t a hundred percent he’ll live. If he survives, I’m going to reach out and talk Mundo into doing what he’s wanted to do for years—and that is to kill your father. Mundo will do it and when he does, there will be nothing to be afraid of ever again.”

  Stunned, I pull back to look up at him. “That’s brilliant. I know Mundo hates him as much as all of us do. Luca, why didn’t you tell me this sooner? I was sure you couldn’t get to Augusto, and you can’t, but Mundo can.”

  Wiping my tears away, he raises an eyebrow. “I told you I had it under control, to trust me.”

  The pain is clear in his flat bla
ck eyes. “I’m sorry. That’s what everyone says to calm someone down. It doesn’t mean they stop worrying. I’m sorry you had to punish me. I will never disobey you again. It’s just—I couldn’t lose you, Luca. Promise me I’ll never lose you,” I plead.

  “Never. You will never lose me.”

  “I love you, Luca.” I capture his hand and press it to my heart.

  “Again,” he demands.

  “I love you.”

  “One more time.”

  “I love you.”

  His kiss is a tender vow. “I love you, Bella; do not ever forget that. Do not ever try and leave me again.”

  “Never.” I nod as I whisper the word against his lips.



  When Tony offers to take me to the Art Institute over breakfast he made for me, Christy, and Rosie, I jump at his offer. I’m a little surprised it will be only the two of us. Luca has business to handle and Christy groans at the idea of spending more than an hour on her feet.

  “Tony knows every room like the back of his hand. Even though he’s been in there so often he’s lost count, no visit is ever less than an hour. I would hate to hold you guys back or rush you through it. Hopefully, you’ll be back often enough to get your fill, but the first time you deserve the opportunity to linger.”

  An older man is waiting outside in a black Cadillac Escalade. He smiles at me in the rearview mirror. “I’m Vito, good to meet you.”

  “Hi, I’m Bella. Are you coming too?” I ask as I put my seat belt on.

  He chuckles. “I’m security.” I lose my smile. “I’m always here. It’s my job. You’re safe here.”

  I force a smile I’m far from feeling.

  “I understand it will take time for you to believe, but you are safe. If Luca didn’t think you would be, he wouldn’t have allowed you away from him,” Tony assures me.

  “I was a little surprised,” I admit. “It’s not that I didn’t think I would be, I’m just not used to... honestly, I didn’t get out of my apartment much. Which didn’t make much sense when for six years I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, ever—not even with a guard. I would daydream about leaving the house every day and just doing normal things like go grocery shopping or to the library. Instead, I got my groceries delivered and borrowed books on my phone and only left my apartment once, maybe twice a week for things like doctor and therapy appointments.”


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