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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 17

by Fiona Murphy

  Blue eyes darken. “Have you seen someone, a therapist? What you went through isn’t something you shrug off.”

  Nodding, I answer, “I did in Dallas, for a few months. Now Luca is making me see someone too. She’s kind of mean but I think I like her.”

  Chuckling, “Those are the best ones. I’m glad Luca is taking care of you.”

  “Oh yeah, as much as he makes me crazy, he takes care of me.”

  An eyebrow goes up. “Ah, so you’re paying him back by making him crazy?”

  “I think it’s just we’re more alike than we think we are.”

  We pull up outside the building and Vito is out and holding my door open for me before my hand is on the door. Tony’s hand goes to my back to guide me up the stairs and into the building. As we make our way through the building, several people nod and greet Tony. He introduces me as his daughter-in-law, Bella Sabatini.

  Our steps are slow as we roam the building. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with Tony because he looks so much like Luca, or it it’s because Tony is so much like Luca. He’s calm, patient, and I find myself telling him things I’ve only told Luca. It isn’t until my stomach is growling I think of the time that has passed. Oh my god, we’ve been here for three hours.

  Tony laughs. “We haven’t even seen everything. Don’t worry, we’ll be back again. How about some lunch? At Dominic’s club, best Italian kitchen in the city besides mine.”

  “Sounds good,” I mutter as my stomach growls again.

  He works his phone. “Good, Cora is with Santino. And we have two hours before Rosie is out of school. Christy can meet us.”

  “Rosie has the cutest accent. Does she go to a special school to learn Italian?” I ask.

  “No, Sabatini babies are raised speaking Italian.” His eyebrows go up. “I see Luca didn’t mention it. Even Luca was, many Italians—especially those in the mafia—raise their children speaking Italian.”

  I consider his words. “Okay.”

  A half-smile. “Okay?”

  “I want our children to speak Italian. I’ll learn before he gets here,” I promise.

  “He? You are trying to make him crazy. I do believe I heard him demand girls. I’m already looking forward to more granddaughters.”

  Shaking my head, I shrug. “Too bad. I want a boy with Luca’s dimples. Regina is going to give you all the granddaughters you can handle. And I’m not saying no girls, I’m just saying I want my boys first.”

  Tony chuckles. “Thank you for taking on my boy. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

  “I make him happy?”

  “You doubt it?” Surprised, he tilts his head as he studies me.

  “I don’t know. I’m just me, and he’s just so...”

  “A god?”

  My eyes go wide. “How did you know?”

  “You remind me of my wife. Growing up her mother fed her all sorts of shit about herself. The shit had her doubting and questioning her value. You said this morning that you weren’t worth dying for. You’re wrong. My son is no fool. He would never fall in love with someone who wasn’t worth loving. But it isn’t his love that makes you worthy. You were worthy from the beginning. Your mother told you that you were. Remember her—she knew what she was talking about.”

  I swallow the knot in my throat as Tony opens my door and helps me out.



  The girl isn’t as young as I feared, yet at only twenty-two I do worry she’s too young for Manuel, who is thirty-seven.

  Nicolette isn’t interested at first. I’m not intent on talking her into it. Dominic pushes things a little, though, and shows her Manuel’s picture and explains thoroughly the benefits to her.

  When she sees his picture she goes still. “He was married?”

  Something is off. “His wife died almost three months ago.” The tension in her eases. “In that time his kids have been watched by his mother, but she’s too old to take care of the baby. This would be a marriage for the benefit of the kids. I don’t think it would be fair if I didn’t warn you the guy is the clinical definition of psychopath. He doesn’t do guilt, love, sadness—good thing is there’s also no anger or fear. Admittedly he doesn’t even feel lust. Sex is a thing he does like eating or sleeping, when his body needs it he does it. He promised his previous fiancée he wouldn’t demand sex until she was comfortable with him. He has a few other women he keeps as mistresses, one in Columbia and a couple of different ones here in the States. If him not sleeping around is important to you, then you have to be clear with him about that from the beginning. Whether he would respect your wishes or not, I can’t say, as he told his previous fiancée he had the other women because his wife told him she was fine with it.”

  She’s chewing on her bottom lip as she studies the photo. “I need some time to think about it.”

  “I understand. Call me when you know. No time limit or anything.” I hand her my card.

  Taking the card, she runs a finger over my name and cell phone number.

  As we get into the car I look to Dominic. “Am I reading something wrong?”

  “Nope, I think she’s run into him before. Her pupils dilated at the sight of his pictures. Where the hell would she have run into him?” Dominic wonders as he checks traffic before pulling out.

  “I have no idea. I’m thinking she’s going to say yes,” I muse.

  “I think so too. That million you were willing to spend on Bella, you’re going to need to kick some of that Nicolette’s way to ensure she’s protected down the line. Even though the cartels are even worse about the word ‘divorce; not existing in their world than we are in the Italian mafia.”

  “It’s why I wasn’t looking for someone to replace Bella. Although the more I think about it, Pop is right.” I sigh.

  Dominic laughs. “It never gets easier when he’s right. At least he doesn’t rub your face in it the way some dads do. You let him take Bella to the Art Institute as an apology to him or her?”

  “Both. I love her, god, I do, but I will never be able to spend all the time she will want to in that place. Pop will never spend too much time in there. I’ll take her and let her show me her favorite things before we go. And we’ll be back soon. Probably not before we get married... then there’s the week I want to take off with her for a honeymoon, so actually it will be a few months.” I groan at the idea of fitting in the time I want to spend with Bella against the time business requires of me. “Sandro may be getting even more responsibility.”

  “Maybe also look into a third you trust. You wanting her to give you three girls followed by a boy... if you don’t ensure you have time with her and the kids, she will go from loving you to resenting the fuck out of you very fast. And she’s not going to be down with the nanny thing. Regina mentioned Marsha got hurt and Bella was shocked at the idea of having two nannies. But four kids and one mom makes for a stressed as fuck mom who will hate you for not being there to help her,” Dominic warns.

  Rubbing my face, I nod. “It’s one of the main reasons I never wanted or thought I would get married again. I work too damn much, but even if I was just running the casino it’s a full-time job.”

  “There’s a reason only old guys run cities. They have the time, kids are grown, wives hate them already. Pop’s territory is here for you whenever you want it. He’d love to retire and spend all his time with Christy and the kids.”

  I sigh. “I don’t know.”

  Dominic slams on the brakes and the seat belt catches me hard.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Jesus, are you serious? Sorry,” he mutters as he turns. “I just said it. I thought you were going to give me the usual ‘no, not happening’ you have the last two years.”

  I shrug. “I’m thinking. Don’t tell Pop,” I order him. “I’m just thinking. I don’t want her resenting me or the mafia. If I can make Vegas work, then I will. If I’m not giving her all the time and attention she and our kids deserve, then I’ll leave Vegas and come t
o Chicago.”

  Dominic laughs. “Damn, what a difference a few weeks makes.”

  “It is crazy it’s only been two weeks. Then again, it feels like I’ve known her forever. Is that weird?” I ask, waiting for him to tell me it’s very weird.

  “Nope, same thing happened when I met Regina. I’m glad you didn’t fight it the way I did.”

  “Watching you and Pop, I vowed I wouldn’t make the same mistakes you both made. The moment I saw her, I knew she was it. I wasn’t going to fight it or do anything that could end up hurting her the way you did with Regina. I never wanted her to doubt what she meant to me like Pop and Christy.”

  Dominic frowns at me. I shrug. “All you did was waste time and end up hurting yourselves. I didn’t want that for us. The last thing I wanted was to fall for anyone and have my life flipped upside down. At the same time I know I’m lucky to have found her. I wasn’t going to let her get away.”

  Pulling into Pop’s driveway, he doesn’t turn off the car. “I’m happy for you, both of you.”

  “Thanks.” I open the door. “See you for dinner.”

  “Regina is looking forward to it. She likes Bella a lot.”

  I smile. “She’s hard not to like.”

  I go into the house to find Cora with Santino and Christy lying down for a nap. Checking the time, I decide a nap sounds very good, especially after only getting three hours this morning.



  Lunch is so good, I worry I’m eating a little too enthusiastically. Discussion is of our favorite art and artists. Then Tony shows me the club with pride. I’m in awe of the gambling in the lower level.

  When we get back to Tony’s home, he shows me the art he has in his basement. Cora tells us Luca is sleeping still, then hands off Santino so she can pick up Rosie from school. I want to see Luca, but I know he didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night.

  Instead I help Tony make pasta for dinner. It’s fun. He’s patient as he shows me how to knead the dough then roll it out. The rest of the Sabatini clan will arrive for dinner in a few hours.

  We’re almost done with the pasta when Luca comes downstairs, a few hours after we get back. Tony’s head comes up, and I turn to find Luca watching me from the doorway of the kitchen. He’s in a black polo and dress pants with his arms crossed over his wide chest.

  “Hi, did you sleep okay?” I wipe my hands on a kitchen towel.

  “I would have slept better if you came upstairs when you got home.” He motions me to him and I move fast.

  Hugging him tight, I sigh. “You would not have slept if I went upstairs. You needed sleep after only getting a few hours. When you don’t get enough sleep you get all cranky.”

  I’m up in his arms then his lap as he sits at the kitchen table. His mouth comes down on my neck. “I might not have slept, but if my cock was buried in you I can guarantee you I would not have been cranky,” he whispers.

  I blush as I feel his thick cock stir beneath my ass. “Behave. Your dad is right there,” I hiss at him.

  Then Rosie appears carrying her puppies and asks both Luca and me if we would take the puppies out to potty with her. We go, close behind her. The big yard with a deck is inviting. Luca pulls me into his lap in one of the Adirondack chairs as we watch Rosie show off her tumbling skills.

  I can’t hold it in any longer. “Luca, you said we could buy a house and I could pick it out. Can we buy a house here?”

  Luca laughs as he leans back in the chair and his hand slides up my tummy. “I knew it was coming. I thought you’d wait until we were in bed, though, and use sex as inducement.”

  I’m confused. “Um, is that what—”

  He shakes his head. “I love your honesty and lack of guile. Yes, mi amore, you want a house here then you’ll get a house here. This means I get to have the last say on our home in Vegas, though.”

  “We can have a house here in Chicago and in Vegas?”

  “Of course. You don’t like the penthouse. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.” Luca presses a kiss to the edge of my mouth. “I’m dying to really kiss you, but with Rosie here I don’t dare.” He groans.

  The French doors to the deck open. A pretty woman is holding a baby girl who can’t be more than a few months old. When she sees me she smiles. “Hi, I’m Chloe. It’s so nice to meet you. Excuse me.”

  With a glare she thrusts the baby at Luca, who takes her with a sigh. “Four days, Allegra wouldn’t leave the castle tent thing you got her for four days. Consider this payback.” She takes my hand and gently but firmly pulls me out of Luca’s lap. “Come meet the family.”

  It’s a whirlwind of babies, children, laughter, and even hugs. Seeing the men all together, I blink rapidly as I try and find the differences between them, but there aren’t many. The pictures Luca showed me didn’t do anyone justice. Cesare is the oldest and married to Alicia. Enzo is married to Chloe and the second oldest. Dante is the youngest and married to Bethany, who is also Alicia’s little sister. I’m tucked into the corner of the table with the women around me as they gently, but firmly make sure I’m where I want to be. I assure them I am.

  Bethany sighs. “I told you, Alicia. I never thought in a million years Dominic would fall in love so if he can, then so could Luca. We’re so happy for you both. It’s just Luca—even after two years, it’s hard to picture him with a woman. I mean no duh, he’s gorgeous, but he just seems so shut down and getting him to talk isn’t easy. And Pop says Luca talks to us all even more than he saw Luca speak with the girlfriend he had. So while I could totally see any woman falling for him, we were all wondering how he would go to marriage so quickly.”

  I laugh at her description of Luca—she’s not wrong. “Okay, he didn’t really give me a choice on the marriage thing. But I’m grateful for it. I love him.” I shrug as I watch Luca help Allegra crawl into his lap while he still has the baby in one arm. He handles the baby with ease, and his smile down at the little girl steals the air out of my lungs. “Why wait when you know what you want?”

  “You aren’t wrong. Enzo asked me after only a week, and there are days I wonder how things might have gone if I did say yes,” Chloe muses as she stares at her husband.

  Bethany shakes her head. “I remember thinking you should have said yes. I was shocked when you told me he asked you. I was wrong. Enzo totally needed the time to work harder for you. These men are so used to getting what they want. Sometimes it’s good for them to work for things. Working for things makes them appreciate it more.”

  “Tony said the same thing to Luca.” I nod.

  “I’ll admit I was worried. Bethany said if you didn’t really want to be here, then Regina or Christy would have said something. But I couldn’t agree. If Pop thought you were right for Luca, there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his sons. Going against Pop isn’t something I think even I would have the guts for, and I love him like he’s my father. And I couldn’t imagine Regina or Christy going against him, ever,” Alicia admits as she sips on her glass of wine.

  Regina laughs. “I couldn’t imagine going against Pop. I’ll admit it. Then again, when I asked for help from Lydia, she refused to help me. She said she could tell I would regret it. She was right too.”

  Tony announces dinner is ready, and I’m impressed with how quickly chaos is controlled getting the kids and babies settled. I’m introduced to Lillian, Chloe’s grandmother, who is considered part of the family. Luca catches my hand and firmly presses me into a chair before sitting down beside me.



  I’m never sure if it’s by chance or planning that at the end of family gatherings, the men are in one room and the women in the other. After dinner the kids were ushered into the backyard to let off some energy. Now all the guys are outside watching the kids play, and the women are in the house. I’m holding Carmen. Che holds Elisabetta, admitting he misses when his kids were this small.

  “I think I’m going to give in and say yes.”
Che mutters. “But if she does it, it’s the only thing she gets done. Fuck no on the tummy tuck she wanted.”

  Dante shakes his head. “I’m telling you—you give in and we all have to give in. Please do not. Bethany said if Alicia’s goes well, when she is done breastfeeding Gia she wants to do it.”

  Running his hand over his face, Che looks to Pop. “What would you do?”

  Pop studies his wineglass. “We have two different women. We live our lives very differently. The question instead should be: What should you do?”

  Chuckling, Enzo nods at Pop. “Now I’m going to need to know what you would do.”

  “Tell her no.” Tony shrugs. “If she asks again spank her ass raw, as a punishment not as sex. Christy, however, would not think to ask after I already told her no. She knows I don’t want to punish her. She wouldn’t ask the same way she doesn’t want to be punished. In our marriage she would not push against my decision of what is right for her and our family. Christy has no doubt what I say and do is done with thought for making her happy. If I say no it’s for a good reason and not as a power play.”

  Santino crawls back from where he’d been playing with Nicky and Matteo and demands to be held. Pop leans down and picks him up. “What I think you should do, is ask her if she wished she didn’t have the kids so her breasts remained as they were before them. Yes, her body changed because she had three children, creating them from her body. To undo the changes in her body would be like denying the things that brought the changes—your children.”

  “Damn you can be so cold. Get her with the bad mom angle. That’s the one Che, Alicia will fold like a wet paper bag.” Dante laughs.


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