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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 20

by Fiona Murphy

  Wet heat floods me at his words, at the feral light in his eyes. I should be outraged. I’m not because he’s right. From the first night I belonged to Luca Sabatini. Except now as his left hand runs up my back to open my bra I feel the ring on his finger and I know it’s not just that I belong to Luca, “You belong to me too.” I whisper into his lips.

  Black glitters like brilliant diamonds. “That I do, my love. Heart, body, and fucking soul I’m all yours until I draw my last breath.”

  His tongue sweeps into my mouth, demanding, taking, savage hunger I cannot deny, don’t want to.

  My back meets the bed. Luca tears my panties off between us. He enters me like a man possessed, wild and desperate. My lungs are burning and I don’t care. Too fast, too painfully, I hit my climax and shatter with a scream. Luca follows me filling me full. His face in my throat, he rolls to his back, remaining buried deep inside me.

  Working to catch his breath, he shakes his head. “Damn it, that wasn’t the way I wanted it to be for our first time after we were married. It should have been slow and gentle—”

  I press a hand to his cheek as I slide my lips over his. “I loved it. It was perfect. Of all the ways you make to me while I love when you are sweet and gentle what I love the most is when you, Luca Sabatini lose control. It makes me feel as if I were a gorgeous, sexy woman capable of bringing the sexiest man I’ve ever seen in my entire life to his knees.”

  A rough hand goes into my hair. “You are the sexiest, most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life, and fuck me all to hell, Bella you brought me to my knees without even trying.”

  Seeing the truth in his eyes, I melt into him. “Say it.” I whisper.

  “I love you.”


  “I love you Bella Sabatini.”

  “I love you Luca Sabatini.”



  When we finally get out of bed, I find the present I had prepared for Bella. Tucking her into the corner of the couch while we wait for room service, I put the box on her lap.

  “Open it,” I invite her.

  Ah, she likes presents. She’s excited as she pulls open the ribbon then takes off the lid. It’s a black leather Yves St. Laurent handbag. She runs her hand over it. “Thank you. It’s pretty.”

  “Look inside.”

  Inside is a matching wallet. “Oh, okay.”

  “Look inside the wallet.” I smile at her confusion.

  Inside the wallet are all her cards and identification, as well as a black Amex with her name as Bella Sabatini. “Natasha will be by tomorrow for you to fill out paperwork for your name change, then when it comes back we’ll take you to get a new driver’s license.”

  She squeals happily and throws her arms around my neck, kissing me all over my cheek with cute little smacks of her lips. “Thank you, dear husband. I do have money. Not as much as you, obviously, but enough it will take a while to spend it all.”

  “You don’t need to spend your money. I take care of you in everything.”

  Opening her mouth to argue, she stops and tilts her head as she studies me. “You like taking care of me?”

  I nod, finally she gets it. “It makes me feel good to know I make you happy.”

  “Okay, it makes me feel good when you take care of me. It still takes a minute for me though. I’m not used to it.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” I assure her. The alert goes off for the elevator. “Food is here. Give me a minute.”

  I go let in the woman I asked for. I didn’t want Bella dressed, just wrapped her up in one of my shirts and carried her into the living room.

  After the woman sets up and I show her out, I come back to find Bella naked as she pours her Pellegrino from the bottle into a glass. My cock jumps at the way she thrusts her breasts out when she sees me watching her. I’m doing my best to remember she hasn’t eaten in several hours and I’ve spent hours inside her.

  “Bella?” I croak.

  An eyebrow goes up. “Yes, Luca? Are you going to eat?”

  “Why are you naked?” My mouth is watering and I lick my lips as her nipples pebble.

  “You said your idea of heaven is me naked at all times. This is my wedding present to you. Your wedding present of the purse and my stuff was more—”

  I can’t take it anymore and yank her head back as I lick her lips open for me to invade her delicious mouth. Her hands are in my hair as she presses against me. Ending the kiss isn’t easy, but damn it, if I let it go on, eating won’t happen for hours. “Thank you, best damn present I’ve ever received.”

  Her smile is pure woman confident in her beauty, and damn, it’s stunning. My wife, my heart, my soul.



  Bella is an easy read. She doesn’t like the three houses we look at—not really. Although she lies and says she likes one of them. I tell the realtor I’ll call him when we’re ready. In the back of the car I consider not pushing it until we’re alone .Johnny is driving us today, only I’m not pleased with Bella lying, so I send the partition up. “I don’t like it when you lie to me, Bella.”

  Her eyes go wide. “I’m not.”

  “It makes it worse when you double down on it. You didn’t like the house and you said you did.”

  “I like it. Do I love it as much as our home in Chicago, no. But I can live with it.”

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, trying to keep a leash on my anger. She doesn’t understand. “Bella, I don’t want you to just live with it. I want the home we have here to be as loved as the home we have in Chicago. I’m aware what makes that home so special is it’s surrounded by our family. But this home will be where we make our life, bring our babies home from the hospital. It will become special in other ways by us living our daily lives in it.”

  “You’re right. You’re always right. I’m afraid to say I want something else than what you’re offering me, willing to give me, and that’s not fair to you any more than it’s fair to me to just accept what you offer. I don’t love the houses, only I couldn’t say why exactly, so I thought it was just because they aren’t in Chicago.”

  “How about you figure out what it is you want in a house and I’ll build it for you?” I offer. I laugh at the way her jaw drops. “It will take some time, do you think you can manage putting up with the penthouse for a few months?”

  She nods. “I think I can manage.”

  “All right. Tomorrow we’ll look and see where we want to put it, then make a call to an architect,” I promise her.

  “Thank you,” she whispers as she leans over to kiss me.



  As soon as Luca leaves for work for the night, I run for bed. I’m so freaking tired I want to cry. It didn’t make any sense—I fell asleep last night before ten. For the first time I was counting the minutes until Luca went to work so I could go to bed. I wonder if I’m sick or something, but fall asleep before I can think any deeper on it.

  The sound of the alarm going off is painful. I’m too hot, Luca is a furnace. I push away from him, needing space. Oh fuck, I roll off the bed and run for the bathroom. But by the time I’m standing over the toilet, it’s passed already. Good, I hate vomiting. What is going on? I press my forehead to the cool marble tile.

  Luca catches me, picks me up, and puts me on the vanity. Then he opens a drawer of the vanity and pulls out a box. It’s a pregnancy test. Why do my eyes go wide and my heart start pounding violently?

  “Already?” I gasp.

  Laughing, he hands it to me. “Take it and let’s find out.”

  I nod and take it from him then shoo him out of the bathroom. He goes, with a frown. “I can’t pee in front of you. As soon as I’m done, I’ll let you back in.”

  With a sigh, he leaves the room.

  My hand is trembling so badly I’m grateful the wand is wide. Cleaning up, I set the test on the vanity then open the door to the bathroom. Luca is right in front of the door. He takes the
box and reads it again, then runs to grab his cell phone and set the timer on it.

  I’m pacing the large bathroom. Luca reaches out and pulls me into his arms. “You okay?”

  I nod. “I’m just... he used to make me take them every single month. Every month for four years. While he waited for the results he’d tell me if this was the month, then he’d be so glad he wouldn’t have to fuck me anymore. Even though I knew I had the implant, I was both afraid for the result being negative because he would beat me, and then terrified of what if it wasn’t. I don’t know why, when I saw the box it just brought it all back again. But I hate the way I’m letting myself even think of it when I’m so happy right now. I want our baby,” I try to explain.

  Sighing, he squeezes me tight. “I’m sorry, mi amore.”

  “I’m sorry. This is our moment. It should be a happy one—”

  “Don’t do that—” The timer goes off.

  We both go still. Luca moves to the test, and keeping one arm around me, he turns the test so we both can see it. The digital readout says pregnant. Grinning wide, his arms go around me. I blink and we’re back in bed. I’m flat on my back with a large hand over my stomach.

  “A baby,” Luca whispers in awe.

  “A baby.” I pull him down to me. “The first of many adorable little boys with their daddy’s dimples and big brown eyes.”

  Shaking his head, “Girls.” Then his mouth is on mine and neither of us says a word for a very long time.



  I hate leaving Bella for work, but the meeting I have for tonight cannot be rescheduled. In the back of the car on the way there I freeze at the ringtone, it’s Valdez.


  “He’s gone. Although he’s still in bad shape, he disappeared from his hospital bed. The hope was he died and his men carried him out. However, if that were the case Mundo would be answering his phone, and he’s not. I just got word on it two hours ago. I’m trying to find him but I can’t. We’re alert on her tracker, no bogies in sight.”

  Fucking hell. “Did you hit up Mundo to kill Augusto already?”

  “Yes, his answer was vague. He wouldn’t commit. I told him if he did it there was no limit to the benefits to him and his business. My hope is his next call is telling me he offed Augusto already. There are no guarantees in this business though. He said Augusto had him on a leash. It’s the reason why it took so long for him to contact you about the truck Bella was on. I’m concerned Augusto will kill Mundo first.” His voice is tight with tension.

  “I want one of your men here within the hour for Bella. He’ll be in the background. Something happens, I’m putting Bella on a flight to Chicago to Pop and Dominic with your man. Once she lands I want four people on her and Pop’s place for Christy and the kids. Bella’s pregnant. I don’t want a bruise on her,” I warn him.

  “Congratulations. We’ll keep her safe. I’m sending you Tomas Cruz, he’s one of my best and just got off a job. He lives in Vegas and can make it to her within a half hour. I’m sending you a picture of him so your men know who he is. The second I know anything on Augusto or Mundo, I’ll call you.”

  I end the call. Then call Phillip and warn him about Cruz and send him the picture. I warn him to take security up a notch on Bella and the casino overall, Augusto is in the wind without any idea where he is. My next call is to Sandro. I tell him what’s going on in order to pull in more security for the city overall.

  “I think you should send Bella to Chicago now. Especially with her pregnant. If she knows Augusto is in the wind it will stress her out.”

  He’s right, I know he is but I can’t. The idea of her away from me fucks with me too damn much. It’s the safest move. There are so many variables, this could all be for nothing and in a few hours Valdez could be calling me to tell me Mundo killed Augusto.

  I’m on edge for the rest of the night. For once I’m grateful Bella is already asleep when I get home. Undressing, I get into bed. She’s naked and I love how comfortable she has become in her gorgeous body. Gone are the worries about her weight; remembering Pop and Dom talking about their women’s concerns while they were pregnant, I hope she stays this way. Running my hand over her stomach, I’m in awe our baby is growing inside her. I had Natasha researching the best OB/GYN in the city so we can go this week to confirm everything is good.

  This should be the happiest fucking time, not her stressing about her father. I can’t send her away, there isn’t a single good reason I can think of. Telling her the truth isn’t something I can bring myself to do either. Alicia, Bethany, and Christy have endured miscarriages. When Christy spoke of hers she said miscarriages were more common than anyone talked about and she believed stress played a part in the cause of her first miscarriage. I will do whatever it takes to make sure Bella’s pregnancy is as stress free as it can be.

  Pulling her into my arms, her happy little sigh as she settles into me hits me right in the chest. No, I’m not sending her away unless there is no other option. She’s mine; she belongs with me.



  My phone ringing wakes me. I grab it, hoping it doesn’t wake Bella, and answer.

  “He’s on his way to Vegas.” It’s Valdez. “The tracker was hit twenty minutes ago. I’m not sure how, but he knew it was a setup and his going in was a distraction. Contacts have alerted me he’s due to land in Vegas within the hour. Move now.”

  Fuck! I turn and find Bella sitting up with tears in her eyes as she shakes her head. She heard every word.

  “Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to be fine, you’re going to be fine, our baby is going to be fine. Trust me,” I say as I pull her out of bed and drag her into the closet. “Pack a bag. You’re going to Chicago. Pop and Dom are going to keep you safe.” I let her go and turn to get dressed.

  She still wears my shirts around the penthouse. I grab one for her to wear today until she’s out of the city. Pop and Dominic also have bullet proof suits, Pop is the one who introduced me to them in the first place. Although the shirt is good up to 50 caliber bullet, it’s better to wear both the shirt and the jacket. Once I’m dressed I decide Bella needs a jacket too.

  I press the button for the hidden bottom drawer. There are three more guns and five magazines. I grab another gun and the magazines and stuff the magazines in my pockets. The drawer also holds four grenades, an AR-15 modified for rapid fire and loaded with a cartridge that holds a hundred rounds. In this drawer there are three backup cartridges. There is a drawer just like this one in the kitchen.

  I grab a long duffle bag for the AR-15 and see Bella is still standing where I left her. Crying and trembling.

  “Bella,” I bark at her. Her eyes go up, but she doesn’t move. I grab a pair of the damn yoga pants she loves so much and I would normally never leave the penthouse in and give them to her along with the shirt and suit jacket I pulled out for her. “You need to get dressed and pack a bag. Get it together and move. Deep breath and wipe your tears, it’s not good for the baby.”

  Thank fuck. My phone goes off with a text, it’s Phillip telling me he and Tomas are in the living room. He’s called the pilot and they’re filing a flight plan. We’ll be ready for takeoff by the time we get to the airport.

  I check on Bella and she’s finally dressed, but she’s not packing a bag. “Bella, pack a bag.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m not going to Chicago. I’m staying with you.”

  “This is not up for debate. You’re safer in Chicago, for now. He’s coming at me and I cannot be worried about you. You already make it hard for me to think straight.” I move around her, grab a suitcase and open her underwear drawer, grab a handful of stuff and throw it in. Then I’m yanking shit off the hangers and throwing it in until I’m not sure if it will fit.

  “You said the safest place for me was with you.” Her voice is shaking.

  “Damn it, Bella, that was in general—not when your father is coming straight at us,” I growl as
I zip up the suitcase.

  “Please don’t make me leave. I love you, Luca—”

  I send my hand into her hair and pull her neck back to look up at me. “If you love me and you love our baby, then you will get your ass on the damn plane.”

  She shakes her head. Goddammit. I lower my head and kiss her. Then as she’s kissing me back with a desperation I taste, I press two fingers into her carotid artery until she goes limp in my arms. Carrying her into the living room, I find Tomas standing at the ready. He’s got a gun on his hip and another strapped to his thigh.

  “I need you to go grab her suitcase. I packed a long duffle with an AR-15 and rounds. From the airport we’re going to the Sloan safe house. Call and get it prepared.” Sloan is right out of the city to the south.

  “You want me to take her?” Tomas asks.

  I shake my head. “How many cars are in the convoy to the airport?”

  “The two you asked for, three men to a car. All of them have enough firepower to make it a very bad day for Reyes.”


  Phillip comes down the hall with her suitcase and duffle.

  “Let’s move.”

  The drive to the airport feels like it takes forever. I never fly out of McCarren with the civilians. Driving the hour north to a tiny municipal airport is worth the privacy. Today is the first time I wish I flew out of McCarren. The quicker Bella is on a plane out of Vegas to Pop and Dominic, the less stressed I’ll be.

  Pop—fuck, I need to call him. He answers on the first ring. “Reyes is coming at me. I’m sending Bella to you. We’re on the way to the airport now. We’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Valdez should have four men waiting at the airport for her, they’ll protect you all.”

  He sighs. “When the plane gets here, I’ll take it back to you.”

  “Pop, no—”

  “Don’t tell me, no. I’m not sitting on my fucking hands while someone who wants you dead is on your ass.” The words are hard, implacable.

  “Bella is pregnant. I want you protecting her.”


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