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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 19

by Fiona Murphy

  “Ah, how sad. Rosie loves cats but she’s allergic. It’s so frustrating that she loves cats so much. If one crosses her path she’ll play with it as much as it will let her.” Christy shakes her head. “I love her but she makes me nuts. She’s sitting there with hives, red eyes, and a running nose and still won’t leave the cat alone.”

  “Oh no, that’s awful.” I cringe.

  “There are shots that you can give a cat weekly that will lessen the amount of the chemical people are allergic to,” Cora says as she adjusts a sleeping Santino in her arms. “My mom is just like Rosie and she has asthma so it’s even worse for her. For years she still kept cats but outside. When my dad heard about it he decided to give it a try. He started with her favorite cat, who managed to spend more time indoors than it should have. It really works, so now all those outdoor cats are inside and my dad joked he regretted it. Which he doesn’t really.”

  Christy and Tony look at each other.

  “I don’t know. She seems content with Dora and Kitten. Another animal would be a lot right now.” Christy sighs.

  Luca enters the kitchen alone. “You want to go look at your house?”

  I’m not proud of the way I squeal as I jump and run to him. “Thank you!”

  Laughing, he hugs me tight. “You’re welcome. Come on. They’re good with you doing a walk-through so you can get an idea of what needs to be done. Because pretty much every bathroom will need to be redone, it’s also in need of a new kitchen.”

  Tony and Christy come with us. I’m in love with the home. It is a lot like Tony’s home as far as layout; however, there are enough differences. There is a three seasons room that opens onto the backyard, with the entire wall to the outside a trifold glass door that folds open. Luca wants to redo it so it has heated floors in order for it to be used year-round.

  I wince at the amount of work the kitchen needs, and Luca wasn’t wrong—all of the four full baths and even the half bath on the first floor need updating. At the same time, I’m so excited at the idea of making the home our own.

  Back in the kitchen at Tony’s, planning begins in earnest as Luca pulls up pictures of the rooms Dante took and sent to Luca as well as the blueprint of the house.

  We stop for lunch, which we go to Dominic’s club for. From the club Luca and I go the Art Institute and Tony and Christy go home.

  “You know, you don’t have to take me to the Art Institute. I was really happy with my visit there yesterday with Pop.”

  Luca catches my hand in his. “Yes, I do. You love this stuff, it’s important to you. If you love it and it’s important to you then I need to know about it too.”

  “Have I told you how much I love you today?” I whisper as I fight not to throw my arms around him. He’s driving, it’s not safe.

  “Not yet. You gonna fix that?” he teases.

  “I love you, Luca Sabatini.”

  “I love you too, Bella.”



  The pilot has barely announced we can take off our seatbelts before Luca pulls me into his lap. A hand catches my hair, guiding my face up to his. “What’s going on with you?”

  I blush as I try to figure out how to ask him what I’ve been thinking about since it happened.

  An eyebrow goes up. “Talk to me, Bella.”

  Taking a deep breath, I study the knot of his blue silk tie. “Why did I like the spanking?”

  Oh my, Luca is getting hard under me. And just like that, I’m wet for him. He catches my chin. “You did like it?”

  Pressing my lips together, I nod. “Does that make me a weirdo or—”

  A firm shake of his head. “No, not a weirdo or anything like that at all. I thought you were turned on, but I wasn’t sure. There are a few different reasons and none of them add up to anything you should be ashamed of. Up to a certain point the brain sees pain the same way it sees pleasure. Another part of it is the reinforcement of boundaries makes you feel safe and protected.”

  Relief fills me. Even though I hated the idea of the spanking, for a moment hated Luca for hurting me in the same breath I knew he hated it too. Luca promised he would always protect me—even from myself. I knew deep down he hated the idea of hurting me, but he was doing it because he wanted to prevent me from going against him in the future. And I won’t ever defy him again, not just because I don’t want to be spanked because a part of me does want it, okay not quite so painful but close, I never want to put Luca through having to spank me. He loves me and all he wants is to make me happy. If he set a limit or told me not to do something I know it’s to protect me.

  His fingers run over my cheek. “You trust I never wanted to hurt you? Right?”

  I nod fast. I want to and don’t want to know. “I did, from the beginning. Is it something you’ve done before? Something you like to do with women?”

  He sighs. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to discuss what I’ve done with other women in my past. However, in this case, the answer is no. I’ve never spanked another woman.”

  “Then why did you with me?” I’m not sure if I’m relieved or not he’s never done it with another woman.”

  A shrug. “Because spanking isn’t something I’m into it. I like to be in control, I think you’re well aware of that but pain doesn’t interest me. I’ve never felt the need to discipline another woman because I didn’t care what she did. If a woman displeased me enough to make me angry I usually just ended the relationship. I got the idea of a spanking from Pop and Dominic. Apparently it was needed in the past with Christy and Regina.”

  I’m not sure why I’m disappointed. “So I would have to do something bad before you spanked me again? And it would hurt as bad as it did?”

  His smile is so wicked I melt into him, slowly shaking his head. “Mi amore, I told you, anything you want, I’ll give you. Including a spanking, and no it doesn’t have to hurt as bad as the first one did. I wouldn’t ever want to spank you that hard again. I’m more than capable of tempering the next spanking so all you feel is pleasure.”

  Sliding my hands around his neck, I lick his lips. “How about now?”

  His arms hold me tight as he stands and begins walking into the bedroom. “Now works for me.”



  Once we’re back in Vegas we’re both busy, me with finishing plans for the wedding and the renovations on the house and Luca with work. I’m trying not to complain, Luca is making changes in order to lighten his load in order to spend more time with me. In order to do that he’s making changes in how things are run within the hotel and casino. For now, he’s doubling his work to ensure the people are meeting expectations.

  I’m in my studio every day. Now that I have the time and freedom to create my own art, I don’t really want to go back to working for anyone else. Luca is a little hurt I won’t show him what I’m working on. I try to make him understand it’s going to be hard enough to show him when I’m done because I’m so self-conscious but my nerves wouldn’t be able to show him before it’s done.

  I try pretending the hours he’s working doesn’t bother me. Between the renovations and the wedding I should be too busy to notice myself. Except when I’m making plans, he isn’t there for me to ask his opinion. Luca’s answer for any question I have is, whatever I want. I’m aware most women would be overjoyed to pick out what they want, but it’s our home, I want us making decisions together. Only I don’t dare say a word.

  We’re so busy I’m not even worried about looking for a house in Vegas.

  Drained from my therapy appointment, I cling to Luca as we go up in the elevator. It wasn’t as bad as the last two sessions have been. No tears this time, which I’m proud of.

  “I don’t want you proud of not crying. Bella. If ever there was a place where it’s safe for you to let your pain out, it’s at therapy. I don’t want you thinking you have to be strong. Should I not be in there with you?” Luca frowns down at me.

  My hold on his arm tightens at the
idea of him not with me. I try to tell him I need him, but my throat is too tight for words.

  He picks me up and walks me out of the elevator. “Hey, it’s okay. If you want me with you then I’m with you. I only asked because I was worried you think you need to be strong when I’m with you.”

  We’re in the living room on the couch when I’m finally able to get the words out. “I’m proud of myself for not crying because it doesn’t hurt as much. Instead of not crying because I’m ignoring it or pushing it down and trying to pretend it never happened. It’s me not crying because it’s not as painful as it used to be. Thank you for coming with me. I wish I was strong enough to do it all by myself, but you make me feel so safe, and I’m not ready yet to do it alone. It just kind of feels like with you beside me, I can do anything.”

  His hand cupping my face, a thumb wipes away a tear I hadn’t realized I was crying. “The things you say, I love you, Bella. Thank you, mi amore. You are stronger than you know. I’ll never take for granted the way you let me into your heart, as broken as it was.”

  And now I’m crying even more. Luca kisses me through my tears. A meow comes from nearby. I pull back in shock. Right beside on us on the couch is a fluffy kitten in varying shades of gray. “Luca?”

  “Hey, we were having a moment. You were supposed to stay in your room. How did you even get out?” Luca frowns down at the kitten. He scoops up the small kitten in his large hand and sets it on my lap. “It’s a female Siberian. Siberians have less of the thing most people are allergic to in their dander, and females even more so. Hopefully she’s safe for Rosie to play with when she’s over at our place. If not we can get the shots Pop mentioned.”

  The kitten is purring and kneading my thighs as it settles onto me. “How did you know?”

  “Pop, of course. He wondered if we had picked out a cat yet. When I asked him what the hell he was talking about, he told me about you wanting a cat. You weren’t going to ask for one?” I melt at how gentle he is with the kitten as he strokes it.

  “I was, but not until we picked out and moved into a house here. I’ve heard animals don’t do well being moved around,” I admit. “Thank you, she’s adorable.”

  “So what’s her name?”

  “Hmm.” I study the contented kitten on my lap and run a finger along her small head. “How about Georgia?” I ask the kitten as I scratch under her chin. She begins purring. “It doesn’t seem like she hates the name.”

  “It’s cute. Why Georgia?” he asks.

  “For Georgia O’Keeffe. I prefer Cassatt as a painter, but Mary seems like too much of a people name for a cat,” I explain.

  A small chuckle. “I agree. Are you ready to look at houses now?”

  “Yes, I finally got on a website last night and was looking. I didn’t really see anything I liked.” Not one single house, which had surprised me.

  Luca pulls out his phone and brings up the website I had been on. I watch as he begins to set search parameters. “Seven thousand square feet minimum?”

  “Hell yes. We also need a double lot or at least two thousand square feet around. Since we won’t have the security of being in the casino, we’re going to need several layers of security. One of those will be full-time men at our place. I would prefer if we had a guest house or pool house so they aren’t in our home—out of sight. But if not we’ll need things inside our home for that security.” I cringe a little but understand he’s right. “What about this one?”

  I look at the house. Ugh, it’s a faux Mediterranean style.

  “Okay, that’s clearly a no.” Luca chuckles.

  We spend the next hour looking through houses, only three of which appeal. Luca promises he’ll contact a realter tomorrow and have them schedule us to view them. After dinner Luca shows me the basics purchased for Georgia, a food bowl and a water fountain Georgia drinks from as well as plays with as we watch her. There’s also an automatic kitty litter box which I love then am told I’m not allowed to change.

  “You don’t touch the litter box. Housekeeping will clean it out in addition to the other cleaning they do. This is her room, all her toys, cat tree, and everything else goes in here for now. This will also be where she sleeps. No cat in our bedroom.”

  “In my studio?” I sigh as I look around. It’s a big room but I’m worried about the kitten getting into paint and canvases.

  He laughs. “This is just until we move then she’ll have the run of the place, except our bedroom. And she’s free to roam now. It’s just going to make it a little easier for housekeeping.”

  “Okay. Can I go shopping for her tonight? Please, the pet store is open for another few hours.”

  “Sure, Phillip will go with you. I’ll tell him on my way out.” Luca kisses my cheek then he’s gone.

  As Phillip steers his full cart up to the checkout behind my own full cart, I wonder if I might have gone overboard. Then Georgia meows at me from the kitten pouch carrier I have her in, and I shrug. It’s for her, not me. Until the total flashes and I wince, then wonder how the hell I’m going to pay for it. Only to watch Phillip pull out his wallet.

  “Um, I—”

  “This is a card Luca gave me specifically to cover your expenses,” Phillip explains.

  “I do have money, if Luca would give me access to it,” I mutter with embarrassment as the clerk looks from me to Phillip.

  When we get out to the SUV I’m ordered inside while he unloads everything in the back.

  I’m up for hours setting everything up, although Phillip won’t allow me to put the cat tree together myself—certain Luca wouldn’t want me to. As I do it, I’m tense, wondering if Luca will ever give me back my personal documents and why he hasn’t yet. He also told me all my things were in a storage locker I could sort through whenever I wanted. I’ve been so busy I haven’t even thought of it.

  Rolling over, I see it’s almost three in the morning. I’m not tired, not really. It’s bizarre to me that I have no idea how to call Phillip. I don’t want to bother Luca for him to call Phillip. So I get dressed first then go out into the living room. I wonder where the cameras are; shrugging, I give up and simply say out loud I want to leave and go through my things in storage. Then I begin pacing, waiting for Phillip.

  I jump when the phone Luca had pointed at for me to call for downstairs rings. “Hello?”

  “Mi amore, why in the world do you want to go to your storage locker at three thirty in the morning?” Luca asks.

  Crap. “I don’t know. I can’t sleep. You said I could go anytime,” I remind him.

  He sighs. “Tell me what’s really the matter.”

  I walk out onto the roof. “I don’t have a cell phone of my own or a wallet with my ID and my own money. I’m completely dependent on you in every way. Most of the time it makes me feel safe and protected, but I don’t know, tonight it made me feel claustrophobic.” Even as I’m saying it, I want to take it back. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I do love you.”

  “I’ll be home in an hour. Get dressed for me, wear something white.” Then he hangs up.

  Even though I’m confused, I don’t hesitate to follow his instructions and go inside. Looking through my clothes I’m torn between a white cotton eyelet dress and a white silk cocktail dress that on most women would be above the knee, but with me being so short falls almost to my shins. Where are we going at five in the morning? I decide overdressed is better than underdressed and go with the cocktail dress.

  I’m playing with Georgia on the couch, teasing her with a feather on a string when I hear the elevator. Luca comes into the living room followed by Sandro, Phillip, and another man carrying a briefcase. I’m wondering what’s going on as Luca tells them to wait out on the roof for us.

  Catching my hand, Luca pulls me to him. “You love me?”

  “Of course.” I wonder how he could ask, worried I hurt him by saying I felt claustrophobic.

  “Marry me, right now. Just you, me, and two witnesses. For us alone. We’ll still do the bi
g wedding for everyone to see.”

  I’m nodding before he finishes speaking and Luca starts laughing. I throw myself at him and he catches me, holding me so tight I can barely breathe.

  With Luca’s arm around my waist, we go out onto the roof. It’s a clear, cool night. The man in the briefcase is introduced as an officiant who will marry us. It happens quickly, but every minute is precious and pressed into my heart, as I look up into Luca’s eyes and we speak our vows. Luca slides a slim platinum band with sapphires inlaid all the way around the band onto my finger. When it’s my turn, Phillip hands me a ring. It’s also a platinum band, but there’s a square sapphire that matches my engagement ring set into it. Then Luca presses his lips to mine; too quickly he pulls away.

  “I don’t dare kiss you right now or I’ll have you blushing in front of them,” Luca whispers into my ear. I blush down to my belly button anyway, because I feel the need and hunger coming from him in waves.

  It takes only a few minutes to sign paperwork, then the men are gone. They’ve barely left the room when Luca picks me up and takes me into our bedroom.

  Beside our bed he lowers me down to my feet. I’m pressed against him. His heart is thumping powerfully against mine. “I know a big wedding is the expectation, but tonight was exactly what I wanted. Just you and me.” I admit.

  He finds the zipper at the back and lowers slowly. “This is what I wanted from day one. The ability to call you my wife and have everyone see the ring on your finger. For me the idea of you roaming around without me, without a ring on your finger was unacceptable—even with Phillip at your side.”

  “Ah, so it was a case of me needing to have what amounted to property of Luca Sabatini across me before I was allowed out without you.” My dress falls to the floor.

  Luca’s hands grasp my ass then lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, his hard cock pressing into my aching hollow. “You do belong to me. You are my property. And everyone needs to know that.”


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