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Force: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 10

by Emma Louise

  “I couldn’t risk it! I couldn’t live with the chance that you’d end up resenting me!” she yells back.

  “Our future wasn’t your choice to make alone, Brooke.”

  “I did what I thought was right at the time. I wouldn’t take it back, Tuck. Not a minute.”

  “What?” I ask on an incredulous bark.

  “I’ve missed you every day,” she tells me as she moves to stand toe to toe with me. “But look at us now. Look at how far we’ve come. I gave up on us so you could do the one thing you loved, the one thing you craved, without me holding you back. Don’t you see that? I gave up ten years of my life with you for all of that, and I’ll be damned if that bitch is going to make my sacrifice be all for nothing. We’re not letting her win.”



  “We’re not letting her win.” Tucker’s slate gray eyes swirl with confusion as he stares down at me, and I feel a twinge of guilt at dumping all of that shit on him just now. But he needed to know. He needs to know that I’m not giving up. All these years without him have shown me that’s not the life I want.

  It was time for him to finally know the truth, that it was never his fault that I left. I spent years trying to convince myself and my family that it was because I didn’t want to come second to racing, but that wasn’t the case. Not really.

  “You should have told me.” His words are pained.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not letting you go again. If you try to run this time, I’ll find you and drag you right back.” I don’t answer because he steals the words when he presses his mouth desperately hard against mine. This kiss is a domination. His tongue is in a battle with mine. But this is one war I’m happy to lose. As long as losing means I get to experience this with Tucker.

  Lifting me in his strong arms, he starts to carry me toward his bed, but we don’t get more than a few steps before we’re interrupted by the sound of the front door buzzing. It takes a while for the sound to register through the lusty haze I’m in, but the door shouldn’t be ringing like that. We’ve had the press camped out for days now, and the security was increased to stop them from trying to sneak inside.

  The only people with access are Tucker’s legal team, Colton, and Zander. None of those should be here when it’s barely eight-am. Fear prickles at my spine. Unless there’s something wrong. My heart sinks at the thought of there being more bad news. I’m trying my best to appear strong, but I'm not sure how much more we can take.

  “Fuck. I didn’t realize the time.” Tucker drops me to my feet and drags a shirt off the floor next to the bed. “Get dressed, babe.” He drops a too quick kiss on my lips before he walks out of the room, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.

  Throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a crumpled t-shirt, I quickly race after him. The shirt is barely over my head when the sound of a familiar voice comes from the living room. What the hell?

  Tears well in my eyes and an overwhelming sense of relief hits me when I turn the corner and see Bailey standing there. My sister. I had no idea how much I needed her until right this minute. I fly toward her, almost knocking us both to the ground as I tackle-hug her full force.

  We’re both a tear damp mess by the time we let each other go. Turning to face Tucker, I see he’s wearing the first genuine smile I’ve seen on him since this nightmare began.

  “Surprise.” Opening his arms for me, I burrow into him.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, my Brooke.”


  Once we’ve finally gotten our emotions under control, I take Bailey to sit out on the balcony so Tucker can take a call from Colton.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “Tuck arranged it all. He was worried about you.”

  “It’s him that’s going through it, not me.”

  “That doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect you too, though,” she says, squeezing my hand that she hasn’t let go of since she got here. “How have you been?”

  “That first day…” I suck in a deep, fortifying breath, the memories of watching Tucker being handcuffed and taken away replaying in my mind on a loop. “I was a mess. I don’t even remember most of it after they took him.”

  “I wish I had been here.”

  “Me too. But you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”

  “You’re lucky it’s just me. I had to convince Mom and Dad to stay home. Duke was looking up flights when I was over there, and Mom was halfway through packing a suitcase.”

  We both let out a chuckle at that, and it ends with me letting out a long groan at the thought. I love my parents more than anything, but I don’t have the headspace to deal with my mom and her fretting right now.

  “How is he doing, really?” Bailey asks, watching Tucker through the glass door as he paces around the room. His phone is pressed to his ear, and his hand rakes its way through his mop of wild dark hair.

  “He’s up and down. One minute he’s ready to fight the world and take on this bullshit head-on. The next he’s asking why he should even try. He thinks his career is already over.”

  “You’re sticking this time, right?”

  “Like glue,” I answer without thought, not once taking my eyes off the man I love. The man I know I’ll do anything to protect.

  “I’m happy you found him again, sissy.” We both watch as Tucker ends the call. He stares at the ground a minute before he comes toward the door. Sliding it open, his tortured eyes find me.

  “They’re coming here now. Colton and Becks want to talk to me.” My heart clenches at the desolate sound of his voice. “They’re kicking me off the team, Brooke. I’m done.”



  Standing in my kitchen, my insides burn with the need to get the bottle of Jack down from the cupboard. Just a few shots. Just something to take the edge off what’s coming any minute now. It's taking everything in me to refrain.

  Brooke’s arms slide around me, and I feel her rest her head against the center of my back. “I love you. No matter what, okay?” Her hot breath seeps into me, soothing that need just enough for me to be able to resist it.

  "I should have known this was all too good to be true.”

  “You don’t know what he’s going to say yet—”

  “Brooke,” I cut her off, not wanting to hear her saying I’ve gotten it wrong. Colton might not have said the words on the phone, but there’s no other reason he would be coming here. Not now. “It’s fine. I’ll deal with it. At least I got a chance at the dream. Not many can say that.”

  She’s silent after that. I know she wishes she could take all this shit away; she’s just as frustrated as me. We stand there, her at my back for long, quiet moments until I feel her body jerk in surprise at the door buzzer.

  I don’t move as she goes to let them in. Pull yourself together, Tucker.

  I’m stuck in place as I listen as Brooke introduces her sister to Colton, Becks, and Zander. I don’t move as she offers them all a drink, and they all decline politely. My mind races with thoughts, none of which are good. I can’t find the strength to get through much more of this shit.

  Brooke’s soft hand slides into mine. Squeezing me gently, I know that’s her way of saying she’s got me. She’s by my side.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I mutter as I squeeze her back gently.

  “Thanks for letting us come over this morning, I know you have a lot going on.” Colton starts as the others watch him. I avoid looking anyone in the eyes. I can’t stand to see the pity they’ll be showing. “I’ve asked someone to meet us here. He shouldn't be too much longer now.”

  “Just say it,” I manage to get the words out.

  “Say what?” Becks asks, his Southern accent sounding a little too amused for my liking.

  “You want me off the team. Fine. I’ll sign whatever you need. No arguments.”

  “What the fuck?” So
meone barks, but it’s the thick snort of laughter that comes from Zander that grabs my attention.

  “You’re a fucking idiot sometimes,” he says, but any response from me is cut short by the sound of a heavy knock on the door. Bailey scurries over to answer it, and a man I’ve never seen before follows her into the room. He’s an older guy, with thick gray hair and a weathered face. His black suit pants look well-worn, and his shirt looks like it’s never seen the hot side of an iron.

  “Been a while since I got a call like this from you, Donavan.” He grizzles as he moves to shake Colton’s hand.

  “Kelly, it’s great to see you again man.” He takes his time to shake everyone’s hand as Colton introduces him around the room.

  “Tucker Neal. Fantastic race in Florida last year, kid. Won a shit ton of money on that one.” He chuckles, and the sound grates out like he’s been smoking twenty a day since he was a kid a long time ago. He grabs my hand and pumps it firmly in his.

  “Can someone tell us what’s going on?” Brooke asks the question that I’ve been struggling to formulate. “Who are you exactly?”

  “I’m the guy that just saved your ass,” Kelly announces, getting a round of laughter from the other guys, but Brooke and I don’t join in.

  “Kelly here is a PI,” Colton says. “I called him the day you were arrested. I knew there was no way those claims were true, and if there was a way of proving it, Kelly would find it.”

  “And I did.” He grins cockily.

  Hope bubbles inside me, and I feel Brooke deflate at my side. Her grip tightens on my arm as she tries to keep herself from falling to the floor.

  “Tell me.” My voice wavers with desperation for him to hurry up.

  “She’s been touting the press with an exclusive interview. A buddy of mine at the Enquirer had a face-to-face meeting with her. I have to say, she’s a damn good actress. She turned it on good when they met. What she didn’t know was I was there for the whole thing, sat at the table behind. Once the journalist was gone, it was like a switch was flipped. She had a friend with her, and the two of them celebrated screwing you over with a few Cosmos. I got the whole thing on tape, including them talking about how the money was just a bonus, but you getting what you deserved for dumping her was the prize she was really after. She admitted it all. The lies, the fake witness at the bar. Every damn word.”

  The room feels like it’s closing in. There's no way it’s that simple.

  “Your lawyers have the tape; they’re taking it to the judge to get this whole thing thrown out,” Becks adds, but I can’t focus on him. The room fades away as I struggle to process what the hell is going on.

  Brooke is the only one to break through the rioting thoughts in my head. Her smiling, tear-streaked face is all I see. Dragging her into my arms, I cry for the second time in my life.


  It’s late at night, and we’re finally alone.

  The rest of today has been nothing short of chaos. I’ve had multiple phone calls from my team of lawyers as they talk me through the next steps. They got an emergency hearing with the judge, and she agreed that there was no case.

  Not only that, but there never should have been. It seems like the cops were trying to make an example of me because of my apparent celebrity status. They never should have arrested me in the first place.

  I have to decide if I want to pursue a complaint against them, but right now, I've had enough of the whole situation. All I want is to get back behind the wheel of my car. Becks already has me scheduled in for track time tomorrow. After that, I plan to take Brooke away for a week on a deserted island. We both deserve it.

  As for Karlyn, she’s been arrested and charged with a variety of crimes. While most of the news outlets have picked up the story and have changed their tune to show me support, there’s still a few holding out and sticking to the original story.

  I don’t have it in me to care. The truth is out there. I have Brooke, her family who have all called to show me support through this whole mess, and I have my team. There’s nobody else I care about it.

  Once the excitement of the day died down, Colton dragged me to the side and berated me for thinking he was going to kick me off the team.

  “We’re not just a team, Tuck. We’re a damn family,” he made his declaration, pulled me in for a hug and strong slap on my back. I’d gotten similar lectures from Becks and Zander before they all left.

  “What are you thinking about.” Brooke’s voice cuts through the quiet.

  “Nothing. Everything.”

  “Same.” She sighs.

  Pulling her closer, I roll us so she’s tucked underneath me. Her legs part, letting my hips drop down to rest between hers.

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” I tell her. “There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t give up for you. Not a single damn thing.”


  “No. You need hear this. Really hear this, Brooke. I love you, and part of that is me needing to make sure you’re okay. If you ever feel like you can’t deal with something, you tell me and we work it out. You don’t get to run away from me again.”

  “Okay.” Her eyes gleam with tears in the moonlight that shines through the open blinds.

  “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” Zero hesitation.

  “You’re my world, Brooke. Now that I have you back, I can’t go another day without you; do you understand that?” She nods, causing a tear to streak down her cheek. I wish I could make her understand what she means to me. She came back in my life with so much force, it was like I'd crashed and was spinning out of control. We might be back on track right now, but I know if I ever lost her again, it would be game over for me.

  “Now kiss me,” I demand when the feelings coursing through me become too much to bear. She drags me down so I'm flush against her.

  “I love you too,” she adds, and just hearing those words soothe me. She’s here, she’s with me. And that is how it’s always going to be. I'll spend the rest of my life making sure of it.

  The rest of the night is spent in my favorite place, buried deep inside my Brooke.



  “This place hasn’t changed a bit.” Brooke’s voice is wistful as she stares out the passenger window at the lush green scenery as it flies by.

  “Not even a little bit,” I murmur back, stopping the truck in a familiar spot. “Wait for me to come around and help you out.” She rolls her eyes at me, but she does as I ask. Opening her door, I take her hand to make sure she doesn’t go wandering off. Pushing the door closed I use my body to crowd her against the side of the truck. “Close your eyes.”

  “What?” her adorably confused eyes gaze up at me.

  “I have a surprise for you, keep your eyes closed.” She looks like she’s about to start asking questions, so I take her mouth in a deep kiss. Once we’re both breathless, I drag my lips from hers. “Please.” She gives me a cute pout, but does as I ask.

  Putting my hands over her closed eyes, I walk her to the back of the truck. “Can I trust you not to peek?”

  “You do realize I already know where we are, right?” Her light giggle rings out into the field of wildflowers that we’re parked in. The sound still causes my insides to dip every single time I hear it.

  “Just do as you’re told.”

  “Yes, boss.” She gives me a mock salute.

  “I like the sound of that.” Pressing my hips into her ass, I show her just how much I really do like it.

  “Just hurry up and show me my surprise.” She swats my arm lightly, pretending to be annoyed, but I don’t miss the way she pushes back against me.

  I move my hands down to her hips and pick her up without warning.

  “Tucker!” she squeals, grabbing onto my shoulders as her feet leave the ground.

  “I got you.” Her face softens at my words, and a playful smile pulls at the edges of her lips. She’s intoxicating. “Keep those ey
es closed,” I demand, giving her a swift kiss. When I pull back, I swear I see her roll her eyes, even though they stay tightly closed.

  Making sure everything is set up just right, I gently pull Brooke back so she’s resting against my chest. “You can open your eyes now,” I say, leaning in to speak against her ear.

  “Tuck—” She gasps softly, looking down at the soft quilt that’s spread over the back of the truck. “Where did you find this?” she asks, running her hand over the soft cotton reverentially.

  “I asked you mom if she still had it.”

  “We’ve had some fun times on this old quilt.” She giggles, a faint pink blush coating her cheeks, no doubt remembering all the times I laid her on this very same blanket and made love to her. I’m pretty sure we lost our virginity to each other on it when we were both seventeen.

  We're back in Savannah. For me it’s the first time since I left here as an angry eighteen-year-old. Not much has changed. Well, none of the important places. I’ve not bothered to reach out to my dad. As far as I know he’s still in the same house I grew up in, but I’ve got no interest in catching up on old times with him.

  We’re here to see Brooke’s family. When I learned that she hardly ever came back here after leaving, I felt guilt. She loved it here, but like me, she didn’t want to face the memories. I understood that the second we arrived here. Everything brings back memories. All of mine link to Brooke.

  “The old truck is gone, but we’ve got your mother’s quilt and this.” Pulling out my phone, I press play on the song that’s lined up ready to play.

  “Tucker—” Brooke sobs as the first notes of “Yellow” by Coldplay rings out through the speaker. She buries her face against my chest, and it’s not long before her warm tears leak through the thin cotton of my shirt.

  “You’re not supposed to cry, baby.” I tilt her chin up so I can see her damp face. So fucking beautiful.

  “Happy tears,” she croaks, reaching up to cup my cheek in her hand. Dragging her body up mine, I lean us back so we’re laying on the quilt. Chest to chest, I pull her in for a kiss. It's a soft, gentle brush of lips on lips. The taste of the strawberry lip crap she uses all the time is addicting. It doesn’t go any further; it’s just about us being connected, here in this moment.


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