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Force: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 11

by Emma Louise

  “Do you remember the last time we were here?” I ask when we finally come up for air. She’s quiet for a second, and I think she must have forgotten. She rests her head against my chest just like she did that day.

  “I’m going to marry you one day, Tucker Neal.” It’s barely a whisper, but those nine words are the best I think I've ever heard.

  Sweet relief.

  She remembers.

  “I suppose you better start wearing this then.” I sigh, pulling out the ring that’s been burning a hole in my pocket for the last few weeks. It’s probably too big for her tiny finger, the series of diamond-encrusted white and rose gold bands all knotting together to surround the huge square diamond. When I had it designed, I told them I wanted something to represent us, tied together forever.

  “What?” Brooke gasps. Pushing off my chest and sitting up, her mouth drops open and closes again as she searches for something to say.

  “Marry me,” I declare, not bothering to ask, because I’m not giving her the chance to say no. “I want you to be my wife. I want you by my side forever.

  “Yes. A million times yes!” she cries. Both of our hands are shaking as I slide the ring on her finger.

  “I’m going to love the fuck out of you forever,” I say against her lips, and then I spend the rest of the day making love to my future wife under the late Savannah sun.



  One year later

  “There’s still time to escape. I could have us out of here and in another state before anyone would even know it,” Duke whispers against my hair as he holds me tightly.

  “I don’t know, Dad. I’m kinda excited to wear my dress.” His huge body moves as he chuckles.

  “You kids and your mom…” He sighs, pushing me back so he can look me in the eyes. “Hands down, best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Stop making me cry,” I say in a wobbly voice.

  “Love you, kid.”

  “Love you too.”

  “Okay, that’s it! No more mushy shit,” Bailey announces as she wipes her tears away. “I refuse to have a splotchy face for the pictures.”

  “I’m going to get dressed. I’ll see you in a little while.” With one last kiss pressed to my hair, Duke leaves my mom and sister to make a fuss of me.

  “Your boobs look insane in that dress!” Bailey gasps as Mom pulls the zip at my back into place.

  “Bailey!” Mom gasps back at her, but she’s not really surprised. My sister rarely engages her filter before she speaks, so we’re all used to the inappropriate things she spews on occasion.

  “What? I’m not lying! Tucker’s going to swallow his tongue when he sees her like this.”

  “Is it too much?” Moving to the floor standing mirror, I get the first full look at myself with my hair done, makeup on, and my dress. When I picked it, I thought I'd feel covered by the long lace sleeves, but the deep, deep, V-neck shows more skin than I anticipated. The white silk skirt is full and falls to the floor in soft ripples, but when I walk, the long slit shows my leg almost up to my thigh. The first time I tried it on I felt pretty, like a bride. My body has obviously changed more than I anticipated because I’m looking at it now and wondering why I ever chose it.

  “What was I thinking?” I gasp, doubt rushing through me.

  “Brooke.” My mom’s stern voice cuts through my racing thoughts. “You’re stunning. I can’t believe my little princess is all grown up!” she wails. Catching a glimpse of Bailey in the mirror, I watch as she rolls her eyes at Mom’s dramatics. I can’t contain my laughter, and soon we’re both laughing so hard we have tears in our eyes.

  “Seriously, enough with the tears now. I’ve fixed your mascara three times already.”

  The room starts to fill with people as they fix me up for the last time. First to arrive are my brothers. Jude follows after Dad and not just in his dark, handsome looks. He broods just like him too. We lucked out having him back stateside from another tour with the Army in time for him to be here today. “If he hurts you, I’ll kill him.” I’m sure he forgets that I'm almost seven years older than him sometimes.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I try to keep the smile off my face, but he looks so damn serious.

  Zeke is next to take me in his arms. He’s got Dad’s looks and build, but he’s all Mom. Soft blond hair and laughing eyes make him the gentle giant to Jude’s much more intimidating giant. He shocked all of us when he opted to join the police force and stay here in Savannah instead of joining the Army with Jude.

  “Dad said we’re kidnapping you and running away. Let's go!” Zeke yells, picking me up and pretending to start for the door.

  “Put her down, you oaf,” Mom yells, swatting at his arm. “You’ll crease her dress.”

  “You look beautiful,” my brother tells me as he plants me on my feet and gives my shoulders a soft squeeze.

  Looking around at my family, I realize how utterly blessed I am. All those years I felt alone without Tucker, but I had these guys at my back.

  “Let’s go get you married then,” Duke announces, taking my arm and leading me out the door.

  The wedding is being held at an old mansion in Savannah. We discussed having the ceremony at home in California, but we finally decided it made more sense to do it here where all my family is. The house is huge with more than enough rooms for us all to stay for a few days, but it is the pavilion hidden away in the massive gardens that I had fallen in love with. As soon as I saw the wooden structure nestled between the huge pine trees, I had a vision of us saying our vows right there. I knew without a doubt that this was the place I wanted to marry Tucker.

  We decided that it would just be family and close friends with us today, and there was a part of me that worried Tucker would be affected by having no family to invite. I seriously underestimated how close he had grown to the guys at Team Donavan. I might have a room full of siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins, but he's matched that in the family he’s built for himself. Zander is here with Getty, Colton and Rylee along with their son, and even Becks and Haddie made it. Not to mention the countless others that are too many to name. I’ve gotten to know them all as I’ve traveled with the team more and more over the last year, and they truly are like a family.

  Butterflies swarm in my belly as the wedding march starts. My bridesmaids have already walked, and now it’s my turn. I’m not nervous. It's excitement that fills me as my dad guides me down the rose-petal aisle toward the man of my dreams.

  The second he sees me, Tucker’s eyes slide closed. He squeezes his lips together, and I know he’s trying to keep it together. I give up the fight immediately, and the tears coat my cheeks before he even takes my hand in his.

  “Proud of you, kid.” Duke pulls him in for one of those man hugs with his hand wrapped around his neck, and it ends in them slapping one another on the back.

  “You looking fucking stunning,” Tucker whispers when we’re finally facing each other, gaining a disapproving look from the guy who’s marrying us.

  The ceremony passes in a blur. We exchange vows of love and devotion without taking our eyes off one another; the rest of the room fades away until it’s just us here in this moment.

  Tucker slides a slim diamond-studded band onto my finger, and I press a wide titanium one to his.

  Before I know it, he’s wrapping his hands around my face and kissing me breathless as we’re declared man and wife.

  “Thank you for making me the happiest man on this earth, Mrs. Neal,” he says against my lips as the crowd around us stands and cheers.

  Pressing my hand to my belly, I can’t help but think this day is only going to get better when I finally share the secret I’ve been keeping for the last few weeks.

  We’ve talked about having kids, and we decided I’d stop taking my pill after the wedding. I didn’t want to wait, considering how long I’ve been on it, so I secretly stopped a few months ago. Not in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be stari
ng at a positive pregnancy test just over two months later.

  I somehow manage to stop myself from blurting it out while we pose for what feels like an endless stream of photographs. I love my mom, but if she asks for any more pictures to be taken, I think I’m going to scream. Bailey, the only person I’ve told so far, must sense I’m close to losing it because she loudly announces that she’s had enough and wants to go inside to get some Champagne. Soon enough, everyone trails behind her leaving Tucker and I alone out in the gardens with the photographers.

  I want this moment caught on film because I already know I’m going to be struggling to see Tucker's reaction through the tears I can already feel are just waiting to fall.

  “One more pic of the happy couple?” She asks us, already knowing what’s about to happen. Looping my arms around his neck, I lean in and rest my head against Tuckers chest, breathing in his fresh scent.

  “Love you.” He murmurs against my head as he pulls me closer.

  “Thank you.” I tip my head back, oblivious to the many clicks of the camera coming from a few feet away. “I have a gift for you.”

  “You made me promise no gifts.” He scowls down at me.

  “I couldn’t resist.” I shrug as the photographer’s assistant approaches with the small box in her hand.

  “Well it’s a good job I didn’t listen and got you something anyway.”

  “You did not!” I gasp.

  “You’ll see when we get back to California.” His smile is smug as I glare at him. He knows it will kill me to wait to find out what it is.

  “Maybe I should wait to give you this then?” I wave the box around but he plucks it out of my fingers before I can move it out of his reach.

  “Nope.” He tells me as he yanks the ribbon undone and pulls the lid off. He freezes as he stares down into the box at the pregnancy test that’s inside. The word pregnant lighting up the screen. Reaching in, he grabs the stick in his hand and strokes a finger over the display reverentially.

  “Brooke...” His voice cracks before it trails off.

  Tears coat my cheeks as I watch him hold that cheap bit of plastic like it’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen.

  And then I’m in his arms, being crushed against him as he whispers words of love and gratitude against my lips.

  When we finally make it to the reception, Tucker can’t keep his excitement to himself and soon enough everyone knows our happy news. I don’t have it in me to care, because I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

  Happier than I ever thought possible.

  And it’s all thanks to the man I’ve loved since we were kids.

  The man who forced his way back into my life and crashed into my heart.

  The man I’ll love forever.

  Want to keep up with all of the other books in K. Bromberg’s Driven World? You can visit us anytime at and the best way to stay up to date on all of our latest releases and sales, is to sign up for our official KB Worlds newsletter HERE.

  Are you interested in reading the bestselling books that inspired the Driven World? You can find them HERE.



  Want to know more about Hayden and his adventures in California? You can read his story in Filthy Firefighter.

  He looks like he belongs on stage, stripping out of his firefighter uniform, not running into a burning building to save me. But thank God he did.

  When the smoke clears and my eyes focus on my savior, one look at his gorgeous face and tattoo-covered muscles, I know he’ll be too much for me to handle. It’s a good thing I never have to see him again, right?

  Except, losing my home in a fire means finding somewhere new to live, and guess who just happens to be my new roommate? Hayden Flynn. The filthy-talking firefighter who’s been front and center of all of my dreams lately.

  Our attraction is undeniable, but it’s the adventures he takes me on that has me falling for him, each new experience chipping away at the wall I’ve been hiding behind.

  He wasn’t supposed to see past my scars.

  He wasn’t supposed to break me apart piece by piece, then put me back together again. He was just supposed to be a firefighter. I didn’t expect him to end up saving my life, in more ways than one.



  She was my first love.

  She was my everything.

  We were college sweetheart. The all-American couple.

  Until the big time came calling.

  Misunderstandings and miscommunications lead to broken hearts and broken trust.

  But fate throws me a second chance when our paths cross again.

  Now Poppy has to decide if she’s ready to take another try at forever with me, or if the past is better left behind us.

  I know this is my final down. My last opportunity to make it right, but Poppy's going to need a little more convincing.

  Throwing out a Hail Mary, I’ll give it all I’ve got.

  With a little luck, this time I may just be able to Score.

  Available in Kindle Unlimited



  He's my best friends' brother.

  She's not over her ex.


  I should have seen it coming, my world being shattered by the man that was supposed to love me. But I didn't and now I'm trying to find the pieces of me he left behind.


  I can't fix her, not when I'm just as broken as she is. I should leave her alone, she's too good for me. But, fighting the attraction that pulls us together is getting harder every day.

  It doesn't take long until we're a tangle of limbs and pleasures.

  No promises are made, no guarantees.

  Just a vow to keep our hearts out of the bedroom.

  Simple, right?

  Except, now we both have to try and avoid getting cut on each other's broken parts.

  Available in Kindle Unlimited



  Notorious playboy.

  Gym rat.


  I’ve been called them all.

  Until one night changes everything.

  Changes me.

  Trying to drown a broken heart in cheap whiskey and a willing body leaves me with the last thing I ever expected.

  All that matters now is my son.

  There’s no room for anything or anyone else.

  Until her.

  A free spirit.

  A nomadic soul.

  She intrigues me.

  She excites me.

  She’s everything I never knew I needed.

  In the end, loving her was the easy part.

  It was letting her go that almost killed me.

  Available in Kindle Unlimited



  It was supposed to be one night.

  One night to let my hair down and forget all the heartbreak, all the disappointments.

  One night to forget that the guy I thought I loved is marrying someone else.

  One night, just for me.

  He was supposed to be a stranger.

  An escape.

  No strings attached.

  Instead, he made me believe we could be more.

  But when one night turns into something more and my guard starts to fall, it only takes one slip of the tongue for him to walk away.

  He’s impossible to forget, especially when I’m left with a reminder of our brief time together, a life-long tether.

  Little did I know, our lives were already inextricably linked.

  Or that our paths were destined to collide in the most explosive way.

  Available in Kindle Unlimited


  Getting the opportunity to write a story set within the Driven World is a dream come true for me. One I jumped at as soon as it was offered.

ven wasn’t just a book for me. Colton and Rylee were not just two-dimensional characters on a page. The world that Kristy created stayed with me long after the last page was turned and the book was closed and placed back on the shelf.

  Driven defined everything I love about reading romance.

  I hope you love getting to see some old favorite faces while reading Force.

  Thank you for reading!



  Kristy Bromberg – thank you for this amazing opportunity! Thank you for giving us Colton, the inspiration for so many book boyfriends. Thank you for your kindness and support throughout this project.

  Brenda – My right hand. I’d be lost without you.

  Jennifer Pon – My blurb whisperer. Your input and opinion are invaluable to me. Thank you for answering the most random questions from me.

  Silla – Here we are, five or six books down the line and I can’t imagine trusting anyone else with my words. Thank you!

  Emma Louise Reader Group – you guys are the best! Thank you for giving me inspiration. For letting me use your names and for just generally being the best reader group out there.

  EL Review Team – You guys have no idea how much I appreciate you. Your help is invaluable. Every single like, comment, share means the world to me. Thank you isn’t enough.

  Bloggers & Bookstagrammers – I can’t thank you enough for your continued support. I know how overwhelming it can be to pick which authors and books to support. It means the world to me each and every time you sign up to help promote something from me. I appreciate you so much.

  Readers – Thank you for all your support! Thank you for allowing me to continue doing what I love most, writing love stories! I couldn’t do this without you.


  A longtime lover of all things romance, Emma Louise is a book blogger turned author. She's a die-hard bibliophile, addicted to tea and speaks fluent sarcasm.


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