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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

Page 19

by Celeste Granger

  “Okay,” she mumbled. “Shoes, shoes, shoes.” One more trip to the closet, and she added a few shoe options and a pair to wear for the day. When the doorbell rang, Naomi’s eyes widened, and her heart lurched in her chest.

  “His ass was on time as usual.”


  She zipped the suitcase as fast as she could, grabbed the travel bag, and made her way down the hall towards the front door.

  “Coming,” she called out, hoping Tareef heard her. She checked the hallway mirror, and her mouth fell open. Her hair was still hidden by the turban.

  “Ughera!” Naomi whimpered as she snatched the towel from her head. Thankfully, her mane was mostly dry. She threw the towel down the entrance to the hall so it wouldn’t be seen, then ran her fingers through her tresses for an impromptu styling.

  “That’s gonna have to do.”

  By the time Naomi reached for the door handle, she was panting. Taking a second to take a deep breath, she blew out slowly and opened the door.

  Why his ass got to be so damn fine, Naomi pondered as her eyes trailed the length of him.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning, Tareef.”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  “Is there anything I can help you with,” Tareef crooned, his eyes never leaving Naomi’s face. That only made her more self-conscious of the frazzled way she felt.

  “Sure,” she breathed as an alluring smile spread across his luscious lips.

  Focus, girl. I am, her inner voice revolted.

  “Shit! Oops, excuse me,” Naomi blurted as she remembered that she’d forgotten her laptop. She flashed Tareef a wary smile as she quickly padded from the door and back into her home office. She scooped up the laptop, remembering to get the cord and a back-up phone charger replacing the one she didn’t grab from her bedroom. Fortunately, the laptop case was close by, and Naomi packed it quickly. When she reentered the hallway, Naomi stole a glance at the hallway mirror to see if her hair was behaving. She was grateful it didn’t look too bad. Adjusting the laptop bag on her shoulder, Naomi pointed to her luggage.

  “If you could grab that one for me, it would be great.”

  Tareef was still smiling when she looked up. It was brilliant enough to stop Naomi in her tracks and stall every thought she ever had. He held her gaze as he stepped over the threshold inside her home and reached for the bag. That brought their centers closer than close, and they both simultaneously felt a surge of the most potent energy imaginable. Recognizing the force that existed between them, they both relished in that feeling. Neither wanted that feeling to end. And it didn’t as Tareef lifted the luggage with ease. Reaching up, Tareef slid his hand under the laptop strap, gently moving it from Naomi’s shoulder. But the effect of the touch to her clothed flesh was enough to send chills down her spine and register a low guttural feeling at the base of her belly.

  “Thank you,” she purred, slowly batting her long lashes.

  “Always,” Tareef crooned.

  He stepped out of the house and waited until Naomi retrieved her travel bag and purse before closing the door. He emptied her of both items as Naomi locked the house.

  “I can help with something,” Naomi suggested as she closed the screen door.

  “I’ve got it,” Tareef assured.

  “Okay then,” Naomi smiled as she stepped out onto the walkway, conscientious of the fact that she was walking in front of him and even more cognizant of the fact he was watching.

  “Let me get those bags, sir,” the driver suggested as he met Tareef on the walkway. Tareef relinquished the bags to him and then made his way to Naomi, opening the back passenger door for her and waiting until she was seated in the back of the limousine before closing the door behind her.

  Tareef made his way around the back of the vehicle and entered the other side. He noticed Naomi attending to her hair,

  “You look amazing,” he reiterated.

  “You’re just being nice,” she sweetly countered.

  “No, I’m just being honest.

  When Tareef lifted the palm of his hand to Naomi’s face and cradled it, her eyes automatically closed, feeling the suppleness of his masculine touch. The chiseled lines of Tareef’s mouth lowered on the curves of Naomi’s soft mouth.

  “You,” he kissed her lips sweetly and then eased away, hovering in tantalizing proximity to the satiny softness of her mouth.

  “Are,” he kissed her again, this time more intensely, pushing his tongue into the tender interior of her mouth. And he eased away from her, toying with her willingness to kiss him in return. The prolonged anticipation was almost unbearable as Naomi breathed on a pant, her eyes opening between kisses to see the brilliance of the man in front of her. Naomi’s yoni thumped so hard it sent a jolt to her soul.

  “Beautiful.” This time when Tareef kissed her, it was with reckless abandon as though he’d been waiting an eternity to find solace within her. Naomi’s frazzled nature was shattered with the hunger of his kiss, replaced with soothing excitement as her desire for him revved higher than she ever wanted to admit. Tareef’s kiss sang through Naomi’s veins. Even seated, she felt her knees weaken under his dreamy assault. Tareef didn’t immediately move away from Naomi; instead, staying and studying her up close. He wanted to make sure she felt his heart, the apology that existed in the kiss for allowing so much time to pass without telling her what she needed to know. And Tareef would apologize again to make sure Naomi understood just how much he wanted her.

  “I thought you said you’d behave,” Naomi whispered as they lingered.

  “I am.”

  Neither realized that the car was moving. That movement was nothing compared to the mesmerizing movement created when their souls collided, their auras entangled, and their hearts pounding hard in response to the other. They stayed close as the driver navigated to the private airstrip where the jet was parked. It was only after the limousine stopped did Naomi and Tareef temporarily separate. The driver ensured their suitcases were loaded on the plane, and the lone stewardess greeted the couple warmly as they stepped onto the luxury aircraft. The jet was larger than Naomi imagined as she padded down the center aisle. It was weird being the only two passengers, but Naomi quickly acclimated as she sat down in one of the Italian leather captain’s chairs that sat close to the window.

  “Is my laptop close,” Naomi asked as Tareef took up residence in the seat immediately across from her. She wanted to take full advantage of her time, and there was a table between them perfect for an impromptu office set up.

  “It is,” Tareef replied, lifting his hand. The stewardess responded post-haste.

  “What can I help you with, Mr. Ali?” She asked with a smile.

  “Can you make sure Ms. Singleton’s laptop is brought to her.”

  “Of course,” the stewardess answered. “Once we’re in the air, we can start bottle service and serve the meal. Does that meet with your satisfaction?”

  “Absolutely,” Tareef responded.

  “You still haven’t told me where we’re going,” Naomi mentioned as she settled in her seat.

  “You said you trusted me,” Tareef coyly and sexily reminded. “Second thoughts?”

  “Not a chance,” Naomi seductively countered.

  “Welcome. This is your captain speaking. In just a few minutes, we will be taxiing down the runway for takeoff. Please make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened. The weather is nice here, and where we’re going, so we should have a great flight.”

  Tareef noticed Naomi shaking her head.

  “What’s the problem, beloved?”

  “Not even the pilot said where we’re going,” she smiled.

  “Exactly,” Tareef smiled in return.

  “A whole mess,” Naomi giggled.

  “But I think you have a thing for this whole mess. Don’t you, Naomi?”

  She eyed him through narrowed lids. Her mouth was pursed with her lips slightly turned up at the corner. She adjusted
again in her seat, this time crossing her long legs, exposing their length just past the knee. Naomi watched as Tareef’s eyes followed her movement. His mahogany eyes were like summer lightning as they moved from her face downward, measuring every inch of her until the table obscured his view. The trail of his eyes upward was just as intentional, languishing on every characteristic, every feature of her curvaceous form. There were so many dirty thoughts that ran through Tareef’s head that he closed his eyes in an attempt to keep Naomi from seeing just what he was thinking. But he didn’t close them fast enough. She got a glimpse of his intentions. When their eyes connected again, Tareef saw that hers were a pool of appeal, enthralled by what she saw in his. If the intensity between the two continued, it would make for a long flight.

  The captain’s voice could be heard again, reminding the duo of their seatbelts and that he was making the approach for takeoff.

  “I never liked this part,” Naomi uttered as she felt the power of the jet move underneath her. Naomi’s eyes traveled to the window as she watched the jet taking its position. Tareef noticed her brow was furrowed. He didn’t like it.

  “Babe, give me your hands,” he suggested sliding his upturned hands across the table. Naomi turned in his direction, and her eyes lowered to see his outstretched hands. She didn’t hesitate to fold hers into his. She felt Tareef close his strong hands around hers, covering them completely.

  “Be in this moment with me,” he crooned, encouraging her to return his gaze. “It’s just you and me, babe. There’s nothing and no one else.”

  Tareef’s thumbs traced gentle circles against her flesh. It was difficult to return the fervor of his gaze. Naomi felt like his anthracite eyes penetrated her completely like she couldn’t hide from him even if she tried. But she didn’t want to hide. As probing as she felt his gaze was, there was also softness and concern registered in his eyes. The jet picked up speed as it moved down the runway. Naomi’s grip on Tareef’s hands tightened as she felt a surge of power from the aircraft combined with adrenaline coursing through her. Tareef didn’t mind. He could handle Naomi squeezing his hands.

  “Hey, beloved. Remember, it’s you and me. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. Understand?”

  “Mmhmm,” Naomi mustered as she tried to level her escalated breathing.

  When the jet lifted into the air, her eyes widened at the feeling of weightlessness. Tareef continued to reassure her with his touch and, with his words, coaxing Naomi through what was uncomfortable for her. Even as the jet leveled off, Naomi continued to hold on to Tareef’s hands. She wasn’t quite ready to let him go. She may never be ready to let him go, not physically but surreally, as he was so good to her. The demonstration of his care and conviction was something Naomi wasn’t used to, but she could learn to.

  “Better, sweet?” Tareef asked.

  “Yes, better,” Naomi answered.

  He nodded his head in acknowledgment as the captain’s voice came over the intercom again.

  “Alright, lady and gentleman. The seatbelt sign has been turned off. Feel free to move about the cabin.”

  Naomi had settled some, growing accustomed to how the jet felt 30,000 feet above the ground. It was just the takeoff and landing that unnerved her. She wasn’t afraid to fly. But she still hadn’t let Tareef’s hands go, liking the way her hands felt covered by his. It felt safe, secure, desired.

  “Here’s your laptop, Ms. Singleton,” the stewardess said after approaching the table.

  “Oh, thanks so much.”

  Necessity bred their release, as Tareef relinquished the hold he had on her.

  “Is there anything I can get for you, Mr. Ali? Your laptop, maybe?”

  Tareef smiled. “That would be great, Corinne.” “Naomi, would you like something to eat, drink?”

  “That would be good,” Naomi commented as she unzipped her computer bag.

  “I’ll take care of everything, Mr. Ali.”


  “So, your idea of vacation and celebration is to work,” Tareef challenged, watching Naomi set up her station.

  “No, it’s not, babe, but so much has happened over the past twenty-four hours. I feel like I need to try to get in front of it so that it doesn’t consume me while we are vacationing and celebrating.”

  “Babe?” Tareef echoed.

  Realizing what she said, Naomi rolled her eyes and then rested them on Tareef.

  “Out of everything I said, is that all you heard?”

  “But I love the way that sounded,” Tareef trilled. “Say it again for me.”


  “Come on, Naomi,” Tareef entreated. “Just once more.”

  She stared at him, nose flared, and a smile teasing the edges of her mouth.

  If he wasn’t so damn fine. Ugh, she thought to herself.

  “Babe,” she purred.

  Tareef sat back in his seat, with his hand over his heart as though that one word was enough to send him reeling. Naomi laughed out loud. His action was so cute and endearing.

  “But what about the other things I said, Tareef? Don’t you want to know what I was talking about?”

  “Of course, beautiful. I want to hear everything.”

  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Tareef reassured. “If I weren’t genuinely interested, I would say so. But since I am, talk to me.”

  “This morning, I signed the contract with your family’s company. I’ve got so much to do.”

  “First, congratulations, beloved,” Tareef uttered. “Secondly, do what you need to do. I’ll work while you work, okay?”

  “Thank you,” Naomi smiled. “And I promise to get as much done as I can so we can celebrate for real.”

  “That’s a promise?”


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The flight ended up being the perfect working situation. Naomi lost track of time as she tackled several things on her to-do list. The stewardess brought wine, fresh fruit, various cheeses, crackers, and fresh bread, and other finger foods for the duo to nibble on while they worked. And they worked, each on their own projects. There were lots of stolen glances, alluring looks, inadvertent brushes, leg against leg, and good conversation in those moments when they both decided to take a mental break. When the captain’s voice pierced the atmosphere, they both listened.

  “Please prepare to land.”

  The seatbelt light lit up.

  “We should probably put our things away,” Tareef encouraged.

  Naomi nodded her head, her eyes returning to the computer screen. She made sure to save her work before powering down the system.

  “You know it’s kind of sexy working together like this,” Naomi hummed.

  “I think so, too. We’ll have to do it again soon.”

  “Maybe on the flight home?”

  “Maybe,” Tareef uttered.

  Naomi packed her things and did so just before she felt the jet starting to descend.

  “Will you hold my hand?” Naomi asked as a knot formed in the pit of her stomach.

  “Both of them,” Tareef lovingly replied.

  They connected across the table as they had done before. Naomi felt immediately comforted by his touch.

  “Can I know where we’re going now?” Naomi asked, trying to steal a look out of the window. But the only thing she saw was points of light that were unfocused because of the distance. She gained no insight from her sneak peek.

  “Whew,” she mumbled as the incline of the plane tilted downward.

  Tareef held her still, assuaging and allying her fears through their mutual connectedness. The jet dropped lower and lower. Naomi didn’t even bother to try and look out of the window. It almost didn’t matter where they were going. The real truth was that as long as she was with Tareef, the destination failed to matter. Naomi kept her eyes focused on Tareef as the plane touched down. The power of the jet being thrown in reverse was chilling, and she gripped Taree
f’s hands a little tighter.

  “Mmm,” Tareef moaned.

  Naomi smacked her lips, tilting her head to the side.

  “That is so not fair.”

  “I said I would behave. I didn’t say anything about being fair.”

  “I am in such trouble,” Naomi groaned.

  “I promise you’ll like it.”

  “Oh my God,” Naomi groaned again.

  The jet taxied to a stop. The seatbelt sign deactivated, and Tareef and Naomi released their seatbelts. When the door to the jet opened, the duo was greeted by another driver.

  “I’ll get those bags for you, sir, ma’am.”

  Tareef lifted from his seat, rounded the table, and extended a hand to Naomi, assisting her to standing.

  “Thank you, handsome,” Naomi chimed, batting her lashes as she spoke.

  Tareef leaned in. “You better stop flirting with me, girl,” he whispered against her hair.

  Naomi lifted onto her toes to reach Tareef’s ear.

  “I get the feeling you like it, babe.”

  “Aw shit,” Tareef chortled. “I do.”

  “Now, will you tell me where we are?”

  “Sure, beautiful. Welcome to the south of France.”

  Instantly, Naomi knew why he’d chosen their destination and smiled. Tareef eased her from around the table, and once she was clear, he ushered Naomi in front of himself, placing a hand to her back as they exited the jet. The captain came out and tipped his hat.

  “Thanks,” Tareef replied.

  “Of course, sir.”

  They walked down the few steps until they were on solid ground. The driver ensured the back door was opened and his passengers safely inside before loading their luggage into the trunk.

  “I think there will be quite a bit of wine drinking on this trip,” Naomi pondered.

  “I think so, too,” Tareef agreed. “But first, to our accommodations.”

  The ride was more than picturesque. Naomi found herself sitting up and looking out of the window to take all of the incredible views in. When she turned to look out of Tareef’s window, he accommodated her.


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