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Tareef (The Brothers Ali Book 4)

Page 20

by Celeste Granger

  “Come here,” he encouraged, lacing his arm around her waist. He invited Naomi to lean across his lap so she could get a better view. His hand caressed her back as she marveled at the sights they passed. As the car started to ascend a steep hill, Naomi sat back, resting her shoulder against Tareef’s frame. The circular winding ride up the mountain was just as beautiful as what they’d left behind. After a few moments, the hotel came into view.

  “Wow,” Naomi breathed. Breathtaking was not the word for the palatial estate that stretched before them. Every detail had been attended to from the perfectly sculpted shrubs and bushes to the manicured lawn that stretch the width of the mountain they were on.

  “This is gorgeous, Tareef,” Naomi said so effortlessly.

  “You deserve nothing but the best, sweet.”

  “Aww, that’s so nice,” she teased. “Does that mean you like me?” Naomi asked, holding up her fingers, showing a small measurement. “Just a little?”

  Tareef reached up and pushed Naomi’s fingers further apart, as far as they could go, and then he said.

  “And I like you much more than even that.”

  Before the words entirely passed through his lips, Tareef extended his hand further, gently cupping Naomi behind her head and pulled her in for a heated kiss. The breath snatching beauty of the hotel paled in comparison to the soul snatching ecstasy of his kiss. She still felt the enticing sensation on her lips when they parted.

  “You wanna go inside?” Tareef asked, a slight smile creasing his lips.

  “With you? Of course,” Naomi smiled in return.

  Almost on cue, the driver opened the back-passenger door. Lifting Naomi from his frame, Tareef stepped out and then reached back for her. He folded Naomi in against him, wrapping his arm snuggly around her waist as they walked together towards the entrance. The red carpet was rolled out for Tareef Ali, and they greeted him by name as the couple passed through the automatic doors into the lobby.

  “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Ali,” the reservationist greeted when they approached the marble desk.

  Naomi softly pulled at his shirt, lowering his ear so she could speak into it. “How often do you come here?”

  “Not as frequently as it sounds,” Tareef whispered back with a wink.

  “I have your suites ready for you,” the reservationist continued. She slid two keys across the countertop and then waved to the bellhop.

  “Jacque will take your bags upstairs, and if you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate.”

  Tareef was familiar enough with Chateau St. Martin and Spa not to need directions on how to reach the bank of elevators. He held Naomi close as they walked in sync. The button was already pressed when they arrived. Others were standing and waiting for the elevator as well. Tareef kept Naomi close. He liked to feel her next to him, to protect her even when there was no immediate threat. It’s just who Tareef was, who he was raised to be. And he did that as they exited the elevator onto their floor.

  “This is your suite, beloved,” he said, inserting the key and turning the lock. Tareef held the door open for Naomi to enter and allowed the door to close behind them.

  “The wow’s keep coming, don’t they,” Naomi said, turning to face Tareef.

  “You like, beautiful?”

  “Tareef, what’s not to like. This suite is incredible.”

  Naomi could see that from the door. The walls of the suite evoked relaxation in warm, cool colors of soft greens and blues. The décor, although classy and high end evoked a sense of comfort. From the sitting area to the bedroom to the wrap-around balcony, it was all incredibly beautiful. The balcony is the first place Naomi went to. Tareef followed a few steps behind her observing her take it all in. Opening the French doors to the balcony, Naomi stepped out, slowing her pace until her hands rested on the intricate rod iron railing. Tareef held back, stopping at the door and leaning the length of his frame there. Naomi was even more gorgeous with the late afternoon sun shining on her exquisite face, slightly upturned to feel the breeze that gently blew. Knowing she was smart, driven, family-oriented, and business savvy made Naomi even more attractive.

  “It’s beautiful here,” she breathed. “I see why you come back.”

  When Naomi lifted her hand and waved Tareef to her, he didn’t hesitate to respond. He sauntered up to her and stood next to her on the balcony. They didn’t need to look at each other to feel each other, to experience each other, to enjoy each other. For Naomi, if they did little else but lounge on the balcony, that would be enough. She was in the south of France with the man she desired. She’d learned a lot about herself and Tareef over the past few months. There had been a lot that happened since she and Tareef first started going out. Those changes Naomi felt were for the better, although some were undeniably painful. But standing on the balcony of Chateau Saint Martin in the French Riviera, next to Tareef, what could be better than that?

  “We had a long flight. Do you want to get some rest?”

  “Uh, no,” Naomi replied. “I am in France, France, Tareef,” she smiled so much it reached her eyes. “I don’t want to rest until it’s unavoidable.”

  “A girl after my own heart,” Tareef smiled.

  “Be careful now, Mr. Ali,” Naomi coyly warned.

  “Why careful,” Tareef questioned, placing his hand covetously atop Naomi’s. The mere touch of his hand sent warming shivers surging through her.

  “Because I just might win you over,” Naomi purred.

  “Maybe I don’t want to be careful,” he challenged.

  “Then proceed at your own risk,” Naomi turned, fully facing him, her eyes trailing up slowly to meet his. “You’ve been warned.”

  In one smooth motion, Naomi was swept up into his arms. Tareef’s arms encircled her, one hand near the small of her back. Yet, his embrace encompassed more than Naomi’s waist. She relaxed, sinking into his cushioned embrace. It felt like heaven on earth for both of them. Tareef couldn’t take his eyes off Naomi, and he appreciated how naturally she felt in his arms; how right she felt in that space. Naomi noticed a faint light that twinkled in the depths of his anthracite eyes. She wondered what that hint of light was all about, and whether she may be at least partially responsible for it. Instead of speculating, Naomi asked.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “You,” he breathed. “How I’m glad to be here with you to experience this place with you.”

  “Good thoughts,” she smiled.

  “I know.” He meant every word of it and hoped Naomi felt it in his embrace.

  “Why don’t we do this,” Tareef began. “I’ll give you some time to get settled in. My room is right across the hall. Let’s meet up in an hour and see what the hotel and grounds have to offer. You like that idea?”

  “I do,” Naomi replied, relishing in the hold he had on her.

  “I’ll see you in an hour, then.”

  When Tareef leaned in and kissed Naomi on the forehead, it felt like her soul melted. She tried desperately not to show it and hoped Tareef didn’t sense it. Naomi didn’t want to be who she had been with him before.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she uttered.

  Naomi watched as Tareef strolled out of her room. As soon as the door closed behind him, she missed him.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  There was a knock at the door, and instantly a smile spread across Naomi’s lips. She padded there quickly.

  “What did you forget,” she beamed as she opened the door. “Oops! I’m sorry,” Naomi replied, embarrassed.

  “No problem, Ms. Singleton,” the bellhop grinned. “Just bringing up your bags.”

  “Come on in,” she replied.

  The bellhop entered the suite and set Naomi’s luggage down. She crossed the room to retrieve her purse for a tip. “Oh, that won’t be necessary, ma’am. The tip has already been taken care of. Have a good rest of your day.”

  “Thank you,” Naomi called out as the bellhop exited.

retrieved her luggage and sat the largest case on the bed, the other in the bathroom. It didn’t take Naomi long to unpack as she hadn’t brought too much with her. As she put her toiletries away, Naomi remembered something she forgot.

  “Racquel is going to kill me,” she mumbled as she retrieved her cellphone. Taking a seat on the couch that looked out onto the balcony, Naomi dialed her phone.

  “I don’t even know the time difference,” she thought to herself as the line connected. Racquel picked up on the second ring.

  “Hey, girl,” Naomi sang.

  “Hey, Na, how goes it?” Racquel asked.

  “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”

  “Wassup with you? I can hear you smiling through the phone,” Rocky commented.

  “Wassup is that I’m in the south of France.”

  “Wayment, hold on,” Racquel clarified. “Let me go to my office and close the door, so I can make sure I heard you correctly.”

  Naomi could hear Racquel moving. She heard a door close, and then a noise that sounded like Rocky was getting comfortable behind her desk.

  “Ready now?”

  “Yes, so say it again. You’re where?”

  “Rocky, I am in the south of France, girl.”

  “That sounds amazing and completely unexpected,” Racquel observed.

  “Do you wanna know with who?”

  “Lord, I hope it’s Tareef and not that other guy,” Rocky mumbled.

  “Yes, girl! I am with Tareef. Can you believe it?”

  “I can because I know how the Ali men get down. But how did all this come about?”

  “He asked,” Naomi replied. “After he won the clemency case and I got the PR job with Ali International, he asked if I wanted to celebrate with him. How could I say no?”

  “I’m glad you didn’t say no,” Rocky laughed.

  “Me, too, Racquel. It’s amazing here.”

  “And Tareef? Is he equally as amazing?” Rocky felt she already knew the answer to that question. She could hear it in Naomi’s voice. But she wanted confirmation. Naomi had been hurt by Tareef in the past for reasons that didn’t bear repeating. As her best friend, Racquel wanted to make sure that whatever Naomi felt was more than reciprocated.

  “He is,” Naomi beamed, “and I’m not just saying that because that’s what I want him to be. We had a heart to heart; he explained his past actions, and I came to grips with mine. So even though I am loving every minute of this, my eyes are wide open. I’m trying to keep a level head and let him be the man that he is. It’s hard though, Rocky, ‘cause he is so just, whew chile! This man is everything and two bags of chips!”

  Rocky burst out laughing.

  “You are so corny, Naomi, oh my God!”

  “You know what I mean,” Naomi giggled.

  “I’m glad things are going well. How long are you going to be gone?” Racquel asked after their collective laughter died down.

  “I have no idea,” Naomi admitted.

  “Ahnnn, it’s that kind of celebration, huh?” Rocky hummed.

  “I certainly hope so,” Naomi laughed.

  “Alright then, girl,” Rocky snickered. “Be safe, here? And if you come up for air, text, or call me.”

  “What time is it there anyway,” Naomi asked.

  “It’s noon here.”

  “Okay, and it’s six o’clock in the evening here,” Naomi calculated. “I’ll try to keep that in mind when I come up for air.”

  “Love you, girl. We’ll talk later.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Naomi disconnected the line, and once again, she found herself rushing to get ready to see Tareef. “Got to be more careful,” Naomi playfully chastised herself as she bounded from the couch and padded towards the bathroom. What she didn’t know is that Tareef wasted no time in preparing to see her again. He felt much like she did the minute he left her room. Tareef couldn’t stop thinking about Naomi. He missed her in the few minutes they’d been apart. As he stood on his balcony, peering out over the horizon, he evaluated how he felt. No woman had ever made him feel the way Naomi did. Missing someone after only a few moments, thinking about them constantly, concerned with more than just their welfare, and caring what they thought, felt, sensed? It never happened before. Naomi was special, more than memorable. He recognized that with his heart and soul. Tareef was ready in advance of the time he would see Naomi again. He checked his watch and rechecked it, watching the time tick down.

  Naomi took a hot shower quickly and then executed her self-care regime just as fast. Scurrying around, getting dressed only heightened the excitement for whatever was to come next. What Naomi realized as she hustled about was that it really didn’t matter to her what Tareef had planned. He could have absolutely nothing planned, and that would be just fine with Naomi because it wasn’t about what they did together at all. What mattered the most is that she was spending time with Tareef. And this was more than just girly infatuation. Naomi felt like her emerging feelings for Tareef were based on more than what she thought he was, who she thought he was. Her current feelings were based on who Tareef showed her he could be and was to her. Naomi felt goosebumps rise on her flesh with the mere thought that what she felt was real, that his display of affection towards her was genuine.

  “Stay cool, girl,” Naomi coaxed herself. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

  She paused momentarily and took a deep cleansing breath, closing her eyes and focusing on the breath she took, feeling her chest rise and feeling it fall. When Naomi felt like she had it together, she finished slipping on a colorful off the shoulder dress. The hem stopped just at the knee, and the dress fell away from her waist. It was one of Naomi’s favorites. It could be dressed up or down, and it had pockets – a major bonus. She pulled her naturally curly tresses up in a messy bun on top of her head and put on a pair of thin gold hoops for accent. Anticipating that they may be doing a lot of walking, Naomi pulled out a pair of gold flats that were sassy enough for the dress.

  Naomi finished just in time. She heard a knock on the door, not hard and abrasive but compelling and coaxing. Naomi didn’t call out, preferring to sashay up to the door, lifting on her toes to confirm who it was and then opening it. She was greeted with a devastating smile. It never got old, seeing his handsome face. That just never got old for Naomi.

  “I missed you, beautiful,” Tareef uttered unexpectedly. The surge Naomi felt in her heart nearly choked any words in response. But Naomi didn’t let that stop her.

  “I missed you, too,” she rendered, “which is crazy because it’s only been an hour.”

  “But when it feels right, beloved, even an hour apart can feel like a long time,” Tareef assured.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she uttered.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” Naomi answered, finding it hard to pull her gaze from his. “Let me grab my key.”

  If she didn’t tear herself away from Tareef, they might never leave the room at all. Naomi compelled her feet to move, and she briefly left Tareef at the door only long enough to pick up her room key from the cocktail table.

  “I’m ready,” Naomi said when she returned to the door.

  Tareef lifted his arm, bent at the elbow. Naomi laced her arm around his while Tareef held the door with his free hand until it closed and locked behind her. They weren’t in any hurry as they made their way to the elevator and then down into the lobby. Tareef directed their movement into a section of the hotel that was even more picturesque than the rest. It was a museum with original art that spilled out onto the landscape with architectural art pieces that were also original.

  “All of the art on display is by local artisans,” Tareef explained as they meandered hand in hand through the exhibit. Naomi was fascinated by what she saw, and Tareef’s periodic commentary made the experience personal and even more enjoyable. At one point, he released her hand. He took a step back to see what drew Naomi’s attention. Tareef believed at what attracted the eye said a lot
about the soul. Although he looked at some of the artwork himself, the most appealing work of beauty was Naomi. He kept her profile in his periphery, watching when she paused, gazing more intently when she stopped. The aesthetics that drew Naomi’s eye were reflective of her personal aesthetic. She seemed to fancy clean lines, neutral tones with pops of color, direct more than imaginative artwork. But also, she was drawn to things that were whimsical and suggested freedom—free-thinking, dreaming, where there was no solitary figure but an illusion of what was there.

  When he returned to her, Naomi knew it without hearing his footsteps or seeing him. Tareef stood behind her. Yet, even without making physical contact, her senses awakened to his presence. That feeling was hard to describe, the sensory awareness that came over her, but she recognized that it only happened when Tareef was near.

  “Do you like that one?”

  “I do,” Naomi sighed, her eyes never leaving the canvas.

  “What is it about that one you like?” Tareef asked, trailing his finger and tucking a loose curl behind her ear. Naomi felt him, drawing ever closer, close enough that she could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke against her ear. Although Naomi’s eyes had been fixed on the picture, when Tareef touched her, she felt compelled to lower her gaze and bring his form into view. Her back was still to him, and Naomi felt the gentle press of his form against hers as she answered Tareef’s question. The hand-drawn picture she’d been looking at was in black and white. There was no color, just black lines against a white canvas.

  “It’s more suggestive than formed,” Naomi began as her eyes slowly lifted back to the artwork. Naomi’s eyes traced the lines the artist intended and the spaces the artist left bare. She looks so carefree, without worry, like that feeling you get when you dance in the rain with no umbrella and splash in a puddle you find is deeper than you ever thought.”

  Naomi’s explanation was so compelling Tareef found himself trying to see what it was she saw. They stood together in conjoined silence and observation.


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