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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 5

by Lali A. Love

  Transforming into my ethereal light form allowed me to move through the strings, bending the space-time continuum. These hidden dimensions were tightly wound using elementary particles, providing a cosmic superstring gravity wave energy that stretched across the vast distances of the Universe.

  The cosmic compass guided me back to the Pleiades to meet with the Council of Creation. The twelfth-dimension emulated heaven as humans would have described it on Earth. It was the headquarters for the Oversoul, a unified field of consciousness, where the Soul would journey before their experience and incarnation on planet Earth.

  I witnessed the different timelines of existence encapsulated in the multiverse much like a movie projection. These parallel worlds included an infinite number of cosmic patches, repeating several multi-dimensional realities through particle activities many times over.

  Since time did not exist in these realms, I traveled past the Ancient Egyptian civilization, marveling at the great pyramids and the fluorescent Nile. I observed the lost City of Atlantis with its fabulously affluent and scientifically advanced, divine masculine civilization that had been swept into the sea.

  Finally, I viewed the thermo-nuclear blast that heralded the demise of the enchanting continent of Lemuria. It was the home of magnificent magical creatures such as Pegasus, Centaurs, Griffins, and Unicorns.

  They really did exist!

  The peaceful continent had been filled with fertile, lush greens, blues, violet, and soft pink lands that exemplified the divine feminine energy. It was a vivid and captivating paradise.

  I felt ecstatic to be greeted by a magnanimous Pleiadean presence of plasma light again. There were no words to accurately describe the majestic beauty of these celestial Beings, with their bluish-violet tinge of energy that exuded pure love. They took my breath away as I gazed in total awe and appreciation, with feelings of total bliss.

  They spoke to me in light codes and telepathy that did not resemble human language. I observed with humility, knowing this experience superseded time and space—this was the highest expression of the Universe; it permeated absolutely everything in Creation.

  The Pleiadean Beings regulated the Council of Creation and were not governed by the past, present, or future, nor any karmic intersections. Their radiant energy pulsated with the Universal Core, rotating as sparks of light or consciousness units thrust directly from Creation.

  They existed in a perpetual state of connection with the Source power supply, occurring as the spiraling experience of Creation within the Cosmic Order. They connected and communicated with other beings through filament-like strings of light energy.

  They acknowledged my presence with a warm, peaceful embrace and I felt all the sensations of belonging and acceptance, without limitations or expectations.

  In a unified expression, they simultaneously communicated with me. “My Soul honors your Soul, dear blessed one. Welcome home.”

  They did not hide their faces this time as I recognized my mirror reflection in their representation. My holographic memory related and intertwined with every other segment of remembrance since Creation. I could only begin to perceive the frequency of reality through the perceptual filter of my uncrystallized pineal gland.

  “We acknowledge that you have been evolving on Earth, transforming your perceptions and beliefs of the collective mindset. As you work on controlling your emotional reactions to the experiences of the physical world, you will obtain more appreciation for humanity’s history. Through compassion and understanding, the sacred Light will continue to radiate the Divine’s expression of unconditional love with every experience. It will flow through your auric field and energy points, then will continue to upgrade your physical DNA. Only with rest, healing and meditation will you be able to integrate the increase of plasma light enhancements into your awakened state of consciousness.”

  The Council paused as they deliberated my next steps in my ascension journey. They proceeded carefully, not to overwhelm my system with celestial knowledge.

  “You will have to develop and fine-tune your intuitive gifts at your own pace, beloved. We will not be able to guide you through the Hall of Learning. Your next mission is to locate the truth about humanity’s integration.”

  “To do this, you must cross the rainbow bridge of the fourth-dimensional realm, where you will be called to challenge outdated belief systems operating in separation. You will encounter malevolent entities that have dominated humans on Earth. To defeat them, you must remember your history and continue to seek answers within to align with your higher purpose. Only the truth will set humanity free from the bondage of duality existence.”

  I listened with intent and managed to reply, “How do I locate the bridge and sharpen my telepathic abilities?”

  “Surround yourself with StarSeed energies that nourish and awaken your Soul, mind, and body. As your physical vessel becomes stimulated by the increased influx of crystalline light, a clearing process will continue to activate your DNA, to ensure spiritual detoxification. You must heal and clear the collective wounds, conditioning, distortion, imbalance, and energy blocks that are still running fear-based programs of victimhood within your vessel.”

  There was an edge to their energy exchange that I couldn’t pinpoint for the first time. Was it a warning? I wondered.

  “Once these vitality fields are processed and integrated, the emotional trauma stored within your nervous system will be released to make room for the light expansion, synergy, and elevation. Only then will your awareness deepen, allowing you to tap into powerful gifts.”

  I listened attentively with all my being as they continued to download their wisdom.

  “Rest, be patient, and trust the process. If emotional triggers arise, and you are concerned you might be falling back into old patterns, do not be afraid. Embrace your feelings fully, beloved. Embody your divine feminine energy and allow yourself to integrate and process the traumatic events before you resolve them. This is how you will heal your ancestral wounding patterns. Find ways to express what you are feeling through creativity, music, and conscious movement. Continue to explore your authentic, individual expression to allow for celestial expansion.”

  As the Council prepared me for my galactic mission through the Ascending Angel Academy, they blessed me with Sacred Light protection.

  “There are multiple timelines in your existence that may arise in the quantum moments to guide you toward future potentials. Take time to cultivate your innermost feelings of love and tranquility. Allow the intelligence of life to flow through you in whatever way it chooses. May the rainbow bridge empower you to elevate and ascend from your perceived realities. Find your voice and express your truth when crossing the dimensional overpass into infinite transcendence, dear one. Everything you desire is within you. You are ready. Embrace your power and knowledge.”

  The Council concluded their communication in cosmic codes, fully aware that the light language was beyond human perception.

  And so began my ascension mission through the Hall of Learning.

  In a blink of an eye, I found myself back in the stall of the girls’ bathroom, before I’d teleported from reality. I composed myself while looking in the mirror, processing the magical experience of my time travel.

  Breathing heavily, I left the bathroom and sprinted toward my locker, only to be stopped by Daphne. “Jo! Where have you been?” she shouted from across the hall. “For goodness’ sake, Nisha is still looking all over the school for you! You should text us before disappearing like that.”

  “I’ll fill you in after school, Daphne. Are you coming with me to the store? I need to pick up some stuff for Flynn’s homecoming party. Sorry, I look so jaded. I have a lot going on—I totally forgot it was today!” I responded.

  Daphne was determined to keep up with my pace. “I can’t believe you of all people forgot! Of course, I’ll come with you, Jo. As long as you don’t mind stopping off at my house for a bit so I can get a quick change of clothes—I fe
el totally huge in this outfit.”

  “Stop it, Daph. I think you look fabulous!” I responded. I didn’t appreciate when she referred to herself disparagingly.

  “Well, you know that guy, Matt?” she asked, ignoring my comment.

  “From our math class?” I recalled a shy classmate with thick glasses.

  “Yup, he was texting me all week nonstop. He kept chasing me, so I started responding over text, and we were having amazing conversations. But when I suggested that we meet up to see a movie, he totally ghosted me.” Daphne sighed, her insecurities on full alert.

  “I’m sorry, Daph. That must have felt really shitty. Do you think he might need some more time? Maybe Matt’s just intimidated by your magnetic charm?” I smiled, holding her hand as we walked toward my car.

  “Or maybe he thinks I’m too chunky and is too embarrassed to be seen with me,” she responded quietly.

  “Nonsense! You are a queen, and he would be so lucky to spend time with you. Matt’s probably projecting his own unconscious insecurities, Daph. Your energy is rising, and perhaps it’s too much for him to handle.” I supported my friend, sensing that her radiance was exposing some of Matt’s unprocessed shadows.

  As we approached my car, I couldn’t help but admire my sweet friend’s essence. My heart swelled with the immense love I was feeling for her. “Daph, you are so worthy of finding someone that will appreciate your kind and generous heart. Don’t let anyone dim your light, my beauty.”

  As much as I wanted to continue this conversation, I realized what time it was. “We have to hurry. Zax has already texted me a few times. He’s both excited and nervous. What a cutie!”

  Changing the subject, Daphne expressed her concern. “Let’s just hope Flynn stays sober this time. Are you worried Jo?” she asked attentively. Daphne struggled to play off the seriousness in her tone with a nervous giggle.

  We all cared about Flynn, and I hoped that he accepted his past behaviors and chose to rise above their energetic influence. I realized that Flynn’s recovery would take time. We needed to be loving, supportive, and understanding. After all, this was his journey, and we would honor his path without any preconceived notions or judgment. I couldn’t help but feel an exuberant amount of compassion for his innocence.

  “I think we should be mindful around him, Daph. I’ve decided not to smoke weed or drink any alcohol when we’re together. It will be hard enough for him to be surrounded by reminders and cravings at parties. Everyone can make their own choices, but I choose to refrain from all external stimuli completely.” I declared.

  “Actually, I don’t even yearn for bong hits anymore. It’s awesome!”

  “Ya, I should probably lay off the weed too. It’s not even enjoyable anymore,” Daphne responded.

  I grinned with relief as my mind drifted to the past couple of months. “Gosh, time really does fly, huh Daph?”

  “Pfft! You’re telling me! This dress used to be loose!” Daphne retorted.

  As I circled the school parking lot and headed toward the exit, my mind drifted back to Rey.

  Oh, how I miss you, sweet friend, but I know your angelic Soul is at peace.


  Daphne inhaled love and exhaled gratitude. Walking through the school hallway still gave her anxiety. The inner work that Jo had taught her helped ease her emotions, but she had to be diligent with the practice.

  As she passed the popular girls, with the perfect thin bodies and flawless skin, her heartbeat elevated. Her hands became clammy, sweat formed above her lip.

  Daphne had always identified herself through others’ perceptions of her physical attributes. This lack of worthiness and self-confidence had shaped her illusive reality as the toxic thoughts lingered in her mind. The focus on her limitations fueled her emotions of uneasiness, stress, and worry.

  Lately, Daphne had become more aware of these festering thoughts and was able to stop them before spiraling back into the void of despair. She didn’t wish to attract these potent views into her daily reality any longer.

  To gain back her power, Daphne decided to step out of the box of conformity with her limited, self-deprecating beliefs. She chose to rise above her fixations on others’ views of body image and to embrace her unique gifts and beauty. She realized that breaking old habits would be difficult, but she was determined to take the first step—to feel comfortable in her own skin.

  Before class, Daphne decided to remove her social media accounts completely. She recognized that she had developed an unhealthy dependency on technology. Daphne spent too much time on her phone, echoing the mainstream media’s perceived reality.

  Her obsession with trends that glorified the beauty industry with impossible standards was part of the problem.

  Throughout her adolescence, Daphne was sculpted like a malleable soft piece of clay by her surroundings. Her mother’s opinion of her imperfections completely distorted her view of self.

  From her mother’s perspective, the messages were emanating from a space of love, however, it was the unintentional subtle behavior and harmful words toward Daphne that had built up into conflict. Her mother was simply perpetuating a cycle of generational conditioning of her upbringing, projecting her Asian beliefs of striving for an elusive reality of perfection.

  Daphne’s mother was obsessed with maintaining control over her only child. She treated Daphne as an extension of her own identity and was filled with shame when her community viewed them with unfair judgment and disdain, based on Daphne’s physical appearance.

  Over the past few months, Daphne understood the existence of energy and how darkness resided in everyone’s vibratory field of perception. These negative energetic charges were frequencies that existed in the thoughts, behaviors, or actions of everyone around her.

  Although her mother loved Daphne, she violated her free will by unconsciously projecting her inadequacies onto her only child. She did not possess the emotional intelligence required to positively communicate her feelings with Daphne. Without these abilities, her mother was unable to relieve her stress and overcome the onslaught of challenges to defuse their ongoing conflict.

  As part of her therapy and healing, Daphne wrote her intentions in her journal. She stripped down to her very core, facing her truth with vulnerability.

  Her unhealthy relationship with food was a symptom, a defense mechanism, that consoled her inner child who only yearned to be accepted, loved, and acknowledged.

  She longed for parental security and reassurance, seeking to be cherished unconditionally, protected, and emotionally nurtured.

  Daphne partly understood why her mother had such unrealistic expectations from her only daughter, projecting her insecurities and failures. She began to appreciate her mother’s sensitive needs, paying more attention to her emotional cues. Daphne was determined and motivated to resolve the ongoing conflict with her mother.

  This was the primary mother-daughter relationship that required healing in her life if she desired to stop operating from a fragmented and disempowered state of existence.

  Moving forward, Daphne wished to resolve her struggle in a healthy manner. She didn’t have any control over their past experiences, but Daphne recognized that she had the choice to settle the mother-daughter issues with respect and by setting healthy boundaries.

  Daphne recalled one specific session with her therapist that had stuck in her mind.

  “Daphne, our emotions are vital pieces of information that inform us about our feelings. However, stress takes us out of our comfort zone. When this happens, we become overwhelmed and lose control of our actions,” she explained.

  “By learning how to cope with pressure and anxiety due to external tension, we provide ourselves with an opportunity to remain emotionally present. This means, no matter how upsetting the situation or information that we receive, we can compose ourselves without allowing the stress to override our thoughts.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of the importance of self-chatter and negative thought
patterns,” Daphne replied.

  “Wonderful, so when you are cognizant, you are empowered to manage your emotions by adapting to changing situations,” her therapist further clarified.

  “Dealing with your stress hormones is just the first step to developing emotional intelligence as you progress through life experiences. We know that your attachment patterns reflect your childhood perception. As you work on healing yourself from the past, you must continue to manage your fundamental feelings of sadness, resentment, and panic.”

  Inspired by her therapy and Jo’s support, it took Daphne a few days to find the courage to speak her truth. She unearthed her voice and confronted her mother at the right opportunity.

  “You look like a stuffed marshmallow, Daphne. Take off that outfit. I have something more suitable for your physique,” her mother remarked.

  “No,” Daphne replied in defiance, with a quivering voice.

  “Excuse me?” She snapped back in disbelief. “Do as you’re told, young lady. I don’t have time for your insolence this morning.”

  “Mom, I am almost seventeen years old. I don’t need your inappropriate comments. It’s painful.” Daphne swallowed hard, gulping the sobs forming from deep within her core. She forced herself to continue, by taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. Her entire body shook with trepidation as she broke old patterns and relayed her emotions.

  “I’m sure you don’t intend to hurt my feelings, but as my primary caretaker, you were responsible for my childhood emotional experiences. Since I found your derogatory words confusing, I learned to distance myself from my feelings because I didn’t know how to process them. But it needs to stop now.”

  “I am your mother and know what’s best for you. I’m not trying to hurt you, Daphne. I’m trying to protect you from the cruelty of the outside world.” Her mother stood in astonishment as the bitter chill of truth shocked her system.

  “Well, I don’t need you to shred me down first thing in the morning. If you want to help me, please keep your negativity to yourself, Mom. I’m already judging myself, believe me.” Daphne let out a sniffle as tears stung her eyes. She was determined to refrain from crying, but her resolve was faltering.


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