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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 7

by Lali A. Love

His texts always put a smile on my face. It significantly brightened my mood.

  As I drove to Nisha’s place, my mind strayed toward her growing relationship with Alicia. They both seemed compatible and into each other. Their blooming friendship filled me with the hope that she would finally find a loving, worthy companion who would challenge and accept her fully.

  “Hey girl, why the heavy dark circles?” Nisha plopped down in the front seat, throwing her backpack in the back.

  “Well hello to you. Must you toss around your belongings in my car?” My greeting caused her to grin, one side of her mouth raised higher than the other as she rolled her eyes.

  “Come on, tell me. You left early last night to catch some sleep, but the moon craters have worsened. What happened?” Nisha nudged, her smirk subsiding into a concerned frown. This was why she was my best friend. Her ability to keep track of my appearance and moods always surprised me and made me appreciate and adore her even more.

  “Yes, that was the plan, but my mind wouldn’t shut off…” I began to explain my portal crossing and visit with the Council. Once Daphne joined us, I decided to get their views about the new history teacher, who continued to baffle me.

  “By the way, what do we think about Ms. Rolland?” I inquired as the thought swirled in annoyance, demanding attention.

  “She seems very strict, a no-nonsense instructor,” Nisha said nonchalantly. She didn’t have much regard for our archaic educational institutions.

  “I think she’s going to make history seem more boring than it already is, to be honest Even her appearance portrays the typical uptight master that wants to control with surprise pop quizzes.” Daphne brought my attention to her astute observation.

  Why did adults like to exert their control over other beings? Disempowering behavior was a nasty virus that needed to be extinguished, as I learned from the Hall of Ignorance. I discovered a significant lesson—nothing was really how it seemed.

  I was getting tired from playing in this holographic interactive, video game of life that responded to outdated belief systems we held within our vibratory fields. It was time for humanity to shift our dimensional gears.

  So, why had I pulled myself into the same types of events? Was it a dominant frequency that was residing somewhere in my blind spot within my consciousness? I wondered if there were residual negative convictions encased within my emotional body that had not been addressed? Or was this my intuition guiding me with clairvoyant signals?

  As I progressed between the physical and spiritual realms, I found it challenging to maintain the balance between my ethereal being and the human form. Lately, it had been a constant struggle, questioning and doubting myself.

  Driving up to our school, I noticed Conrad’s tall and lanky silhouette waiting for me anxiously. A warm sensation arose from my heart center in excitement.

  “Someone’s caught the love bug. No wonder you were driving faster than usual.” Daphne teased. I grinned at her through the rearview mirror, unable to say anything in my defense. Blood rushed to my cheeks as my face gave me away.

  I barely had time to park when Conrad ran up to get my door like a true gentleman.

  “Hey, you,” I greeted him. My lips curled up in a warm smile. He reached out and pulled me in for a sweet embrace. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I gave him a light peck on his cheek and continued to press my forehead in the space between his neck and shoulder.

  “Hello, how are we this morning?” Conrad asked. His fingers wove through my curly hair, pushing it back to reveal the smooth skin of my neck. With a gentle peck, he let go of me enough to lovingly stare into my eyes. His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb slightly grazing the dark circles beneath my green eyes, signaling that he noticed the lack of sleep.

  “We are better now.” I cracked a grin which was then mirrored on Conrad’s handsome face. The chuckle momentarily evaporated my fatigue, replaced by the jubilation of his warm welcome.

  The freshness of our interaction provided me with a brief escape from the ongoing tension tethered to my Soul. It brought me emotional balance and stability, at least temporarily. I relished these human moments with Conrad. Lately, my mind was always fine-tuned to function according to my ethereal form.

  Uneasiness began to fill my essence again, but I grounded myself with deep, conscious breathing techniques, through my nose, channeling down to my solar plexus. I visualized the vitality expanded and aligned through my spinning electromagnetic fields.

  The balance and connectivity of my mind and spiritual self were crucial. To graduate from the second level of the Ascending Angel Academy, I had to train myself to keep my emotions in a neutral state.

  I was momentarily distracted from my troubles as Conrad, and I gleefully hopped toward the archaic entrance of our school. The stone gray and black building stood tall like a cryptic ancient edifice. It was built in the early nineteen hundred, and the existence of a mysterious portal that led to the black hole within the universe added to its overall charm.

  Conrad and I discussed yesterday’s homecoming gathering as we walked to the main hall. Words flowed easily with him. It felt natural, spontaneous, and uncomplicated.

  We had built a strong connection over the winter break, with frequent dates and hang outs with friends. Our compatibility only enhanced our relationship, and he made me feel respected and appreciated.

  “I am getting excited about spring break. Can you guess where we’re going?” I asked curious about his preference for the two-week vacation.

  “I’m not sure yet…there are many possibilities. It depends on which teacher is assigned to the trip.” Conrad mused, his eyes squinting slightly at the prospect of our intimacy.

  “It will be a voluntary trip for the teaching staff, and I heard through the grapevine that we’re going to the mystical Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Since the island has a strong link to ancient history and the Legend of Atlantis, Ms. Rolland will be responsible for coordinating our trip,” I replied, nonchalantly.

  “Oh really? I was personally hoping to see the white lions’ wildlife reserve in South Africa.” Conrad laughed.

  “Africa? That would be such an incredible experience, especially to bond with Mother Earth.” Conrad was familiar with my esoteric lingo.

  “I thought Atlantis was just a myth. Imagine the gorgeous coastline. I could really use a tan,” he joked.

  “Greek legend has it that Atlantis used to be larger than Libya and Asia combined. It was the dominion of Poseidon, God of the Sea. It was inhabited by royalty and immense wealth. They observed their laws of justice and were a peaceful, generous society. Unfortunately, they degenerated, due greed and war,” I said.

  “How did the entire empire perish?” he asked, amused by my enthusiasm.

  “Well, according to our history books, Zeus, King of Gods punished Atlantis with disastrous volcanic eruptions and tidal waves. Legend has it, the only reminiscence of this ancient civilization is scattered at the bottom of the ocean in the Azores, Madeira, Canaries, and Cape Verde. Imagine finding its golden palaces and temples?” I could barely hide my excitement as I thought about the true saga behind this mystical society.

  “Wow, how do you know so much about this, Jo? Honestly, you amaze me every day,” Conrad gushed as he squeezed me affectionately.

  If only he knew my truth. As we walked through the hallway hand in hand, I noticed Daphne standing by Flynn’s locker. Judging by their demeanor, I could tell they were arguing. I felt immediately alarmed at the sight of my best friends criticizing each other.

  “So, you think I’m weak? You think I won’t be able to handle it?” Flynn tried to control his anger, his lips setting in disappointment.

  “When on Earth did I say that, Flynn?” Daphne stepped back; her movements reflected her defensive tone.

  “Didn’t you just say that you guys deliberately didn’t bring any alcohol or weed to the party yesterday?” Flynn raised his voice extremely agitated. I stepped in, trying to defuse th
e tension as I pieced together the reason for the argument.

  “Hey, guys, what’s all the fuss about?” I stood between the two of them, with my back to Daphne. I didn’t want her adding fuel to the blazing fire.

  “Daphne said you guys think I am too weak to handle myself around substances.” Flynn’s tone was accusatory. I flinched by the energy exchange of his word as it speared a twinge of hurt to my heart.

  “Oh my God, Flynn, I literally never said that. We just wanted to support you that’s why we didn’t bring any alcohol to the party!” Daphne expressed with disappointment.

  “Well, that’s what Pierre said right before he took off with Lavender,” Flynn argued, as I paused in confusion.

  “Wait, who is Pierre?” I asked.

  “So, you’d rather believe someone you literally met ten minutes ago, but you won’t trust me?” Daphne ignored me, struggling to hold back her tears.

  I decided to become the voice of reason and prevent this argument from blowing out of proportion. We had been through way too much together over the past semester, and I wouldn’t let anything, or anyone tear us apart.

  “Guys! Stop fighting!” I stomped my foot on the floor, the motion releasing my energy in a rippling effect.

  It created an aura around me, palpable enough to jolt Daphne and Flynn as they stumbled back into their lockers. Shocked at the sudden interruption, both looked at me with eyes wide in astonishment.

  “Jo…your eyes…” Daphne stammered.

  “Good, I appreciate you letting me finally get a word in!” I didn’t need a mirror to confirm her words. My eyes were blazing with bright shades of sparkling emerald.

  “Jo! Someone will see you!” Flynn glanced around, trying to hide the pulsating energy orbs around me.

  “It’s the only way to get your attention. Don’t worry, the momentum will dissipate in a minute,” I reassured them.

  “Now that we have all calmed down, who the heck is Pierre?” I asked again in a composed manner.

  “Pierre and Lavender are siblings, fraternal twins to be exact. They transferred here at the start of the second semester. There! That’s Lavender,” Daphne pointed toward a brown-haired girl with glasses toward the end of the hallway.

  I turned to observe this newcomer and eyed her through my peripheral vision.

  “That’s strange…I am unable to read her energy,” I said. “The funny thing is, I was not equipped to decipher Ms. Rolland’s aura in yesterday’s history class as well. It was grayish-white, which signifies blankness.”

  “Is it because she’s new?” Flynn asked innocently.

  “No…I don’t think that matters, Flynn. So far I’ve been able to read the auric fields of all the humans I’ve come across.” I paused, realizing the significance of my words. All humans I’ve come across. Humans!

  I glanced at Lavender who was now standing by her locker, texting someone. The prospect of Ms. Rolland and Lavender possessing extraterrestrial properties sounded ridiculous, but I had seen worse. However, it would be accusatory of me to be suspicious of innocent people without facts or evidence.

  “Are the siblings related to our history teacher? Oh my gosh, what if they are not descendants of the human race?” I cracked a smile, unable to stop my excitement from seeping through. It certainly made for a fun conversation. I turned toward Daphne and Flynn who were staring at me wide-eyed. Their reactions made me laugh out loud.

  “That’s…a little extreme, Jo…” Daphne trailed off as she tried to make sense of my response. She glanced back at Lavender who was getting ready to attend a class like a normal teen.

  Daphne seemed to share my twisted humor and chuckled. Even though I wasn’t completely joking, I was still relieved to see her smile.

  “You guys are ridiculous! Of course, they are human. Look, she’s texting. Would aliens use Wi-Fi?” Flynn mocked, shaking his head.

  “Hey! I’m a supernatural being, and I know how to text!” I replied. His rationale made me laugh. I faked being offended at his words, causing some major eye-rolls. I pushed him playfully by the shoulder into his locker. Daphne giggled at our banter, which relieved the tension between them.

  “So, what exactly did Pierre say that caused the fight?” I asked again, trying to get to the bottom of the argument. The fact that this Pierre had so much power over my friends rubbed me the wrong way.

  “They looked lost, trying to locate their class. Somehow, we ended up talking about last night’s party for Flynn, and I mentioned that we were being supportive by staying away from alcohol and drugs. I have no idea why I felt the need to share that with them, to be honest,” Daphne stated, exasperated.

  “Pierre questioned the real motives behind this decision. He thought you guys left out substances because you think I’m pathetic,” Flynn added. I understood why he would feel hurt by such an atrocious accusation. He had just returned from rehab and wanted us to believe in him. He was in dire need of our encouragement, trust, and compassion.

  “Flynn, I would never invalidate your feelings. I just wish you had asked us first. We are in this together, remember?” I reasoned with him. “Our intentions were pure, we just wanted to show our support. I’m really sorry for any misunderstanding.”

  I tried to read his mood, hoping my words softened his energetic inflammation.

  “Also, Pierre is new. He doesn’t know us, or what we have been through together. Don’t give anyone the power to affect your well-being, okay? We are always going to care for you and have your best interests at heart,” I continued, hoping to satiate his feelings.

  I opened my arms wide, reaching for an embrace. He accepted the notion and drew me in, stress releasing from his body.

  “Yeah, okay. I’m sorry, Daph.” Flynn turned toward her, pulling her in for a bear hug.

  “Aw, it’s okay buddy. All good in the hood.” Flynn let out a chuckle at Daphne’s goofy wit, and she echoed his laugh, hugging him tighter.

  Immense relief washed over me at the resolved conflict. I suddenly realized that Conrad had been waiting for me patiently, standing five feet away from us. His right shoulder was propped up against his locker as he browsed through his phone. I walked over and gingerly tugged at his shirt to signal that the friend drama had been contained. At least for now.

  After our morning classes, I had a chance to quickly update Nisha on Flynn and Daphne’s squabble.

  “I don’t know, Jo. I don’t trust this Pierre guy. It was so easy for him to convince Flynn to turn against us with just one false statement,” Nisha said. She held a strong opinion about the morning occurrence and strongly believed that we should stay away from the puzzling siblings.

  “I get your point, Nish. I felt weird about that too, but maybe we are overthinking it? We don’t want to make quick assumptions.” I tried to defend Pierre and Lavender, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire.

  Even though my gut agreed with Nisha, I didn’t want to feed her skepticism. I had to practice patience and emotional stability, and for that, I needed to stay non-judgmental and impartial no matter the obstacle.

  As we entered the cafeteria and walked to our usual table, we were both surprised to find Flynn and Zax sitting with Pierre and Lavender. Nisha turned toward me with a frown of disapproval.

  “Hey, guys.” I took a seat beside Flynn and Zax, opposite the twins. I dragged Nisha down beside me, and she huffed into her chair, her face set in a sulk.

  “Jo and Nisha, this is Pierre and his sister Lavender. They are new to our school,” Zax greeted enthusiastically.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you,” I responded politely, not letting the situation get any more awkward. I gently pinched Nisha on her thigh, prompting her to reply.

  “Hey.” Her tone was off, but at least she managed to utter the word without sounding too upset.

  “Which classes have you been assigned this semester?” I continued to make idle conversation as we ate our gourmet meals.

  “We have Calculus, History, Music, AP Physics, Neu
robiology, and…” Lavender swiftly answered. She seemed to be the nervous type, fidgety, refusing to make eye contact.

  “…Chemistry, Psychology, and American Literature.” Pierre completed her sentence with a smug attitude and dark piercing eyes.

  “You’re both in the exact same classes?” Nisha asked, astonished that the siblings had matching schedules.

  “Yeah, we’re just not comfortable being apart. They didn’t have any issues approving our application since our mom works here,” Lavender replied, not giving much notice to Nisha’s icy tone.

  “Oh really? Who’s your mom?” Zax asked.

  “Ms. Rolland. She teaches History,” Pierre replied, glaring into my soul with his smoky black eyes, sending shivers down my spine. And not the good kind.


  Ever since she could remember, Nisha had always been distrusting of the opposite sex. She realized that she wore her childhood wounds on her sleeve, sometimes judging boys unjustly. However, she clutched her daddy issues like blazing armor.

  The experiences she endured over the past few months had helped her navigate through her panic attacks. Nisha was grateful for Jo. Even after the huge fight they had before their Barcelona band performance, they were still able to patch up their friendship. Their shared experience of loss formed a deeper level of connection and trust.

  Nisha’s best friends provided her with a safe space to process her issues of anxiety stemming from her upbringing.

  Her struggle to fit into a prescribed world continued to plague her. However, Nisha had decided to stop questioning her self-worth based on the opinions of others and the void she had felt from her father’s neglect.

  She was tired of playing the same worn-out narrative of her isolated existence. As she reached adolescence, Nisha grew distant from both of her parents, harboring feelings of resentment from the emotional abandonment.

  Nisha’s parents had vastly different backgrounds. Her mother was accustomed to the luxuries and privilege of her ancestral wealth, and her father only knew the struggle of poverty from his upbringing. He prioritized work over his family time, disregarding both his wife and daughter.


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