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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 13

by Lali A. Love

  This galactic, psychic warfare had created fear and trauma in the masses since the beginning of time. Religious dogma, sexual distortion, violence, and gender issues were the most mind-controlled and influenced belief systems that enslaved humanity.

  My celestial downloads provided the knowledge on how mind control manipulated the human consciousness as I thought about the innocent victims captured on the island.

  My heart sank, realizing that the low-frequency electromagnetic waves signaled the brain to lock on to an external indicator and began to mirror its response. The carrier wave was designed to create distress that triggered emotional pain. This modified the brain chemistry, plunging the human’s consciousness into lower, negative states and confused perceptions.

  It dawned on me that when a human was mentally and emotionally compromised, they were more vulnerable to the Lizzie manipulation. When governed by fear, they were no longer in charge of their sovereignty. The conditioning and programming infected those exposed through large events of gatherings, executing these triggers in the quantum field.

  When their emotions and actions contradicted each other, it prevented them to distinguish between truth and falsehood, reality, and illusory fantasy. This state of confusion arose when they detached from their emotional compass, the guidance system for their life path.

  I had finally made the connection. The most predominant mind control arsenal used by the Dark Forces since the beginning of time was the dissemination of the sexual misery program. This was designed to relegate shame and guilt into the lowest forms of human distortion. These harvested sexual energies all fed back into the same artificial grid matrix.

  I swallowed hard at this realization, feeling the dryness in the back of my throat. I gazed at Conrad, hoping that he couldn’t sense my body’s electrical charge with the onslaught of data.

  Humanity had unwillingly participated in this sinister scheme facilitated by the Dark Forces. Sadly, this was even more evident in our society. The technology to reach the masses was perpetuated through electromagnetic pulses of artificial systems. The information was shared by networks to confuse populations with false data, corruption, manipulation, and meaningless external drama.

  When we focused our attention on a series of false sound and light images, it shaped our brain activity, our beliefs, and eventually our reality. I couldn’t imagine the amount of energy we willingly donated through our smartphones.

  I felt overwhelmed by this onslaught of information. But deep in my heart, I continued to project feelings of gratitude. I had learned to connect with my inner spirit through the daily practice of empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. And this was the precise remedy that defused mind control tactics to overcome this menacing attack perpetrated by the Dark Forces.

  I had hoped that the Higher Light Beings would guide our collective mission into a favorable future timeline that would liberate Gaia and all beings from this purgatory.

  I sensed the Arcturus energy circulating the spirals of Source light transmissions through the grid system. These intergalactic plasma waves had accelerated, reaching my core field, leading me through my sixth sense.

  As a result, I was more aware of the hypersensitive particles that gathered all around us but were unseen by the human eye. The shadows had emerged into my awareness, greeting us with their malevolent gloom.

  The Santa Cruz marina, situated at the edge of the city in Tenerife, boasted a variety of nautical activities. As one of the most popular marinas on the island, it featured impressive tourist attractions. I noticed the lively market square near the golden sandy beaches and gleaming turquoise waters.

  A strong gust of wind blew as a warning when we boarded the luxurious Tropicana vessel. The clouds in the sky gathered like phantoms as if they were preparing for a spectacle. I was glad that I had brought my favorite hoodie. The chill in the air prompted my spine with icy resonance, refusing to leave my Light Body.

  I watched Nisha, Daphne, Zax, Flynn, Conrad, Theo, and the rest of the group board in excitement, in awe of the fancy vessel. With the love in my heart, I felt a sense of tranquility that oddly washed over me. I was alarmed by the stillness within.

  “This is super cool! Don’t you think, Jo?” Conrad asked, eyes wide with wonder. He proceeded to sit next to me, ensuring his warmth touched some part of my body. I looked for Nisha and Daphne, who had already taken their seats across from us. Zax and Flynn tried to distract Theo with busy talk as I caught some of their conversations. I was impressed with Zax’s nautical knowledge and safety measures. Flynn shared his stories of working as a lifeguard with Theo, assuring him of his swimming capabilities.

  My friends had the most beautiful hearts, empathetic and caring, diverting Theo’s mind until we found Alicia. I gazed over at Nisha, who seemed to be lost in her own world, locking eyes. Don’t get consumed by the negativity, Nish. That’s it, keep my gaze, stay with me. You’re not alone.

  I could feel the intrusive thought patterns percolating around our vibrational resonance like a cloud of thick smog, waiting to consume our minds. Our self-talk, what we tell ourselves in the dark, was the most important and sometimes damaging weapon. Often, we reacted blindly, from the space of the mind, thinking of worst-case scenarios, causing ourselves anxiety and fear.

  This form of conditioned behavior was slowing down our evolutionary process as a race. We learned to act from our fight or flight response, not trusting the greater plan orchestrated by our Higher Self. It propelled us into an alternate direction, which prolonged our collective ascension.

  I had learned to trust the Divine intelligence that worked through my heart-center for my highest good. As I observed our collective patterns, I realized that most people functioned like a dam in the river, getting in the way and intercepting the Universal plan to complete our transformation.

  As I considered my friends on this journey, I realized that I didn’t want them to experience the unwanted layovers in this existence of life. We were all worthy of the direct flight, in first-class to paradise.

  I discovered that taking the difficult path of feeling and transmuting our stuck emotions could be a difficult process. Especially if fervently charged events from our past wounds were still haunting our daily lives.

  It occurred to me that my past traumatic emotions created by my subconscious mind had festered in my body, forming discomfort and breakdowns. Especially the negative charge of shame and guilt that chewed its way into my emotional body after Rey’s overdose on our last school trip.

  The stored experiences negatively impacted my thoughts and choices, releasing damaging energies around my heart center. If this had continued, it would have reduced my ability to provide and receive love. Was this the reason why I was resisting Conrad’s affections? I inhaled love for my inner child and exhaled forgiveness.

  I forgive myself and expunge the toxic energy from my auric fields. I release any attachments to the narrative that held my emotions hostage as I acknowledge my lack of control over Rey’s fate.

  With this awareness, I envisioned myself severing ties to the anchor that kept me tethered to the lower realms. I wondered if most of the human collective had this shroud of dense, insidious energy stored around their hearts, which created a form of protection from heartbreak, hurt, and pain—the cause of our suffering and illness.

  After all, human emotion was another powerful invisible force, just like gravity, radiation, and electromagnetism. It shaped our humanity through negative electrical charges of feeling the illusive, dualistic framework of fear, which perpetuated anger, hate, ignorance, and judgment. These stuck emotions were the real undetected epidemic that impacted our race and planet.

  As I pondered humanity’s shadow aspects, a quote that I had read from Mark Twain entered my awareness: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; the truth is not.”

  This profound insight impacted me significantly as my body tingled with electric currents. Every
human emotion had its unique vibrational rate of recurrence, which affected every other being on a mental, emotional, and physical level. I understood that now more than ever. Each of us had a great responsibility to process and heal our lodged anguish and stress deposited within our energetic fields to evolve.

  This transformation would accelerate our DNA, re-coding, and reconfiguring our physical cells for the new reality emerging in human evolution.

  “Listen, Jo, you’ve been a bit distant since we arrived on the island. Is everything okay with you?” Conrad interrupted my thoughts. I just didn’t have the strength to voice my true feelings for him in the middle of a rescue mission.

  “Just a bit jet lagged, I think. I will feel better once we find Alicia,” I replied reluctantly.

  At that moment, my throat engorged with an energetic blockage. I had difficulty swallowing my inauthentic response. I recognized that I was not going to be able to keep my true feelings from him any longer. Not if I was genuinely operating from my heart space. This was a test, a chance to choose my next path through my conscious behaviors and actions.

  Truth, integrity, honor, compassion. This was the vibrational wavelength of my Ascending Angel existence. These lessons were an opportunity for me to find my voice no matter the difficulty, operating from the pureness of love.

  “It’s really strange how Alicia just disappeared this morning. If that happened to you Jo, I would be beside myself. Promise me you’ll stay close so I can protect you.” Conrad gazed into my eyes. His heart was so genuine and full.

  It dawned on me that when I chose to bypass my true feelings, no matter the situation, I disconnected from my sacred heart space. It led to my imbalance, dismay, and discord within my vibratory fields. And I couldn’t save Alicia and Roma without my full energetic alignment and armor.

  I took deep cleansing breaths, expanding my abdomen, calming, and aligning my center. I found the courage I needed to ride the emotional currents that ebbed and flowed. I chose to rise above the limitations of my self chatter and observed from my Higher Self. It enabled my celestial guidance to defrost my perspective, much like a windshield, removing the conflicted emotions that had blinded me.

  Operating from a state of denial was circumventing what needed to be felt for my Soul’s integration. This was not the right relationship for me, my Soul’s echo. With this acknowledgment, I refused to make all the unwarranted pit stops along the way toward my ascension.

  I swallowed hard, searching for my courageous voice. “Listen, Conrad, I care for you so deeply. I don’t want to mislead you in any way. You are the best boyfriend, and I feel so lucky to have experienced our relationship.” I spoke from my open, vulnerable heart, surrendering all fear and control.

  “Thank you for loving me. I just think that we should continue caring for each other as best friends. I’m so sorry to dump this on you, but I’m just not in the headspace for any romantic entanglements right now. I hope you can understand.” My heart pummeled while I watched his facial expressions. The last thing I wanted was to hurt him, but my honesty was the kindest deed that would release him from any misperceptions.

  “Oh, I see,” he responded calmly, looking away as he momentarily diverted his attention on the ocean waves crashing into the shoreline.

  “You don’t have to worry about me, Conrad. I don’t think Ms. Rolland will allow any one of us to wander off. I’m sure she’s freaking out under that cool exterior.” I smiled, trying to break the awkward silence.

  Before Conrad had a chance to respond, the captain of the twenty-two-foot bowrider began to welcome us on his beautiful, extravagant craft. He instructed us to remove the life jackets stored under the long seating area. We were encouraged to buckle into the colorful vests as part of the marine safety protocol.

  The wind caressed my face, nourishing my soul with every gust. I gently reached for Conrad’s hand, my energy flowing into his being. I loved the goodness of his heart, his wholeness and kindness. He squeezed my hand in acknowledgment as we sat silently, lost in our emotional deluge.

  “Jo, my energy fields are diminishing. I may not have much time left.”

  Roma’s words alerted my sensations. “Finally, I’ve been trying to connect with you, Roma. Are you alright?”

  “The Wizard has captured a few of my StarSeeds, holding them hostage. The Fark Forces are growing in power, feasting on the density,” she telepathically replied.

  “I have called on the Arcturus Light force assistance to help us with our mission. How will they appear?” I asked, hoping for celestial tips.

  “They are here, Jo, incarnated in human form, activated with light code transmissions. The Arcturus are the Keepers of the Akashic Records. They work closely with all the ascended masters and are quite versed in every Soul’s imprint since creation. As Guardians, they process the reincarnation of each being in between the quantum timelines,” Roma explained.

  “Do they possess celestial powers on Earth? Since I don’t have my galactic compass, I’m not able to travel through the dimensional portals, Roma. We need the strength of the Light Force for this rescue mission.” I tried not to emphasize our limitations, but I was operating without direction, on a moment-to-moment basis.

  “Yes, many of the incarnated StarSeeds know that they are not of this world, once activated. They are beings connected with the Pleiadean civilization and other star races of this galaxy. This Quest will re-unite the warriors who have fought the great galactic war against the Lizzies from their beloved planet, Avalon. They are here to save Gaia, as a cohesive force. Trust and embrace the process, Jo.”

  I continued to take deep breaths as the boat rocked back and forth with velocity. Shadows grew darker within the clouds, producing an ominous feel, and a veil of blackness hovered above us. The boat ride to El Hierro island was approximately two hours. With the increased wind intensity, the waves seemed to be crashing against us, delaying our voyage.

  “The Galactic Council has deployed a major offensive in the sub-lunar space against these nefarious beings that are holding Gaia hostage. The Light Forces will emerge triumphant from this final galactic war against these dark Draco entities. The clearing will provide Mother Earth and humanity magnificent liberty, joy, and grace across the entire collective mind. Don’t lose hope, no matter what obstacles appear in your reality as the divergence unfolds,” Roma continued.

  I noticed my friends’ demeanors, as they sat quietly, fighting the imminent seasickness. Ms. Rolland had not moved from the front of the boat, perched high on the bow. I accidentally made eye contact with her son, Pierre, as he sneered with a vile gleam in his eye, his tongue flicking in and out of the corner of his thin mouth.

  “Oh my God, Roma, I think we have a shapeshifter on the boat with us! One of the students’ eyes changed in front of me. Is this possible?” I inquired, holding on to my neutral state.

  “I’m not surprised, Jo. We are all surrounded by Lizzies posing as humans on the Earth plane. They can metamorphose from one physical form into another in this fourth-dimensional reality. They brought these powers with them from Draco. You are encroaching on dangerous territory. Keep a watchful eye for other shapeshifters among you.”

  As Roma guided me telepathically, I gathered my intuitive powers. I focused my pineal gland as a beacon, reading every person’s energy on the vessel. Everyone, including the captain, emanated warm hues of love-consciousness. Everyone except for Ms. Rolland, Pierre, and Lavender.

  “There was something strange with our history teacher and her teenage children from the very beginning. I was not able to read their auric fields. I guess now I know why.” I confided the shocking revelation with Roma.

  “Jo, what’s happening? Why are the waters so rough suddenly? I’m going to puke if the storm gets any worse!” Daphne broke the silence, looking pale.

  “Here, take some of my anti-nausea chewable, Daph. Maybe it will help,” Nisha interrupted, distributing her medication with the rest of the group.

�Thanks for sharing, Nisha. Let’s all just concentrate on taking deep breaths. Don’t pay attention to the water movement, look ahead in front of you. That may help with nausea,” I said.

  Halfway into our journey, the captain announced that we should all remain seated.

  “Please buckle your lifejackets as we make our way through the eye of the storm. Hold on-to your seats!” he warned.

  The waves began to crash against us, soaking our clothes with the coolness of the Atlantic water. Everyone screamed. I sensed the dense vibrations of fear gripping my classmates’ hearts.

  I diverted my attention and energy, projecting calmness with my light. At that moment, we were dragged into the illusory reality of dread and panic. This duality matrix kept assembling the energy of the collective mind. But I remained grounded within my heart, integrating my Light Body and higher self. It allowed me to maintain my balance and clarity.

  Every experience that we encounter is an opportunity for potential growth and ascension. The Council had downloaded the information, firmly encoding my being. I believed passionately that the Divine Light would prevail through any storm, tapping into the cosmic timeline of various probabilities.

  After all, I had discovered through my celestial training that time was linear. All versions took place within the quantum field, tapping into the golden framework grids of the Universal Time Matrix.

  It occurred to me that there were five mass levels in the cosmic template. Each of them held three density points, a spectrum of trinity frequencies that manifested blueprints of the collective perception and expression.

  The first density level within the Harmonic Universe network held aspects and layers of physical matter of planet Earth and the human light body. Through evolution, the first three dimensions of consciousness existed in this timeline.

  As the planet evolved into the second level, it was infused with interactive beams to propel Gaia from the fourth to fifth-dimensional timelines, as she shifted and progressed through the sacred gateway. The funnel-shaped lattice of light positioned Gaia on a pathway within the multiverse as part of her ascension and transmutation process.


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