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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 14

by Lali A. Love

  I couldn’t believe what was happening under the surface, unbeknownst to the human eye. The new matrix of fabric reality was allowing us to rise in our ethereal awareness while we encompassed our physical bodies. The rainbow lines pulsated, awakening the sacred codes, energetically stimulating our human circuitry.

  We were entering the Lemurian timeline on our physical planet, birthed in our collective hearts. This realm acted as a custodian of the great dream of manifesting our paradise, Heaven on Earth once again.

  How was I supposed to explain this phenomenon to anyone? This reality was a simulation and as such, it was important to comprehend the rules of the game. The dynamics that humans needed to observe were the basic understanding of polarity and duality.

  Much like playing a video game, the rules were quite simple. All things on our Earth plane had their opposites. We always had a choice between the two largest undercurrents that governed and created our present moment experiences. Light and Dark. Love and fear. Helpfulness and greediness. Service to others and service to self.

  As sentient beings incarnated in this present moment’s existence, we were presented with a choice. It was up to us to determine our reality based on our actions. I affirmed this knowledge with every ounce of my being.

  I will always choose love, until my very last breath.

  As I infiltrated everyone’s aura, I transmuted their low vibrational emotions. I held this pattern, forming a white plasma light around the vessel. I became a conduit for the Council and all Celestial manifestation as they channeled pure consciousness energy through me. I focused on the rate of contraction and expansion, oscillating through everyone’s energy fields, increasing our collective vibration.

  I held space for our unfolding, while the angry waters continued their assault, rejecting our presence. All my senses had become ultra-sensitive to the Ocean’s parasitical disease. The demonic high-pitched frequency emanating from the Black Crystals hidden below the surface pierced my eardrums.

  “Roma, the ocean is fighting us. What’s happening with Gaia right now?” I asked in desperation.

  “You are now entering the purgatory turbulence, where Atlantis once existed. The Lizzies are harnessing and misusing the karmic powers of nature created from the catastrophic demise of the Atlantis vitality orb,” Roma explained.

  “Before the deterioration of Atlanteans, the civilization reached a moral and spiritual existence, operating with cruelty, torture, coercion, and corruption. Violence ensued with the discovery of the Black Crystals, brought over by the Lizzies from the Draco galaxy. The greed and hunger for power destroyed society and their advanced technology. Only scattered mountain peaks remain as the great islands crumbled into the sea. The souls have been imprisoned in this vortex, transcending all Universal laws of time and space.”

  “I’m not sure I can protect our boat from the energetic pull of these Black Crystals, Roma,” I cried.

  “Don’t resist, Jo. Surrender to your path. I won’t be able to guide you further, but I’m looking forward to seeing you on the other side. May you rise with blessings of the Goddess Gaia,” Roma delivered her final message.

  Our clairvoyant connection had dropped. Roma and her guidance were gone from my psychic wavelength.

  With hyper-focus, I gazed inward to my soul’s remembrance. An alternate universe appeared, projecting a movie screen in my mind’s eye. I emerged as a Lemurian Being of Light with wings, connected deeply to the energies of Gaia. I possessed a crystal sphere, guarding the airways and Light portals of future timelines. I surrendered to this feeling of nourishment and tranquility, remembering the paradise that once existed.

  For a split second, I felt the power of this sacred space in my human form, the connection to the absolute radiance of the Source energy. I carried the key that unlocked the experience I desired. But which portal in the great beyond was I supposed to choose to embody?

  The stark chill onslaught of the Atlantic Ocean brought me back to my present reality. Each encounter with the seawater resembled an angry lash of a salty whip. Nisha consoled Daphne, Zax and Flynn held each other, and Conrad shielded me from getting drenched.

  The coolness of the wind sent shivers throughout my wet physical body. As Conrad hugged me tightly for body warmth, I zoned out somewhere in the ethers. With feelings of gratitude and everlasting devotion for my friends, I visualized the sphere of plasma light, which glittered with the brilliance of a thousand diamonds, around the vessel. It embraced everyone with loving protection, and I understood that I was never truly alone.

  Calling on the Angels, I continued to affirm by revitalizing, safeguarding, trusting, and accepting the experience with compassion as I prayed for all our Souls.

  The salt water stung my eyes, burning my lungs as I gasped for air. I calmed my thundering heart with every valuable breath, hugging the turquoise waters.

  My energy radiated throughout the vastness of the enraged ocean, infiltrating it with the shimmering promise of the Light on its watery surface. I floated above the midnight depths of despair, my skin shriveled with salt flakes, and released my panic.

  I let go of old narratives and layers of fear, holding space for unconditional love to flow. I trust in the guidance and wisdom of my higher heart by honoring all expressions of Source. I give thanks for every breath and each moment, as this physical experience is a gift. And so, it is.

  I have been here before. But this time, it was not a dream.

  “What you give is just what you get. I know it hasn’t hit you yet. Now I don’t mean to get you upset, but every cause has an effect.”—Superstar by Lauryn Hill



  “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”

  —Dalai Lama

  Ms. Rolland

  The powerful twelve-foot waves of the Atlantic Ocean overwhelmed the medium-sized vessel. The boat capsized, stranding all its inhabitants on a thick, shrubby shoreline.

  Ms. Rolland sensed that they had entered the safety of the Atlantic hologram, shedding her human form. She slithered onto the sand with her two Lizzie warriors masquerading as her human children, Pierre and Lavender. She took inventory of the humans, with a realization that Jo and her friends were missing.

  The Wizard would be furious. She felt Ciakar’s evil presence; his power was mounting on this fourth-dimensional realm. The surge reminded Ms. Rolland of their last human conquest, the sinking and downward spiral of Poseida, Arian, and Oz.

  After the first flooding, the island of Poseida governed by the masculine species developed a hierarchical system of corruption and division. They built the Temple of Knowledge and Regeneration, located on geodesic grids, within proximity of electromagnetic energies that spiraled through the Earth core.

  These temples housed the Arcturus crystalline gems, required to fuel Poseida’s advanced technology. These grid crystals were triangulated and connected through gold-copper pipes, under a spherical dome. Magnificent architecture existed within these domes, using sacred geometry that amplified the light force field.

  Ciakar infiltrated the aristocracy by shapeshifting into one of their giant forms, convincing the higher political groups to develop artificial genetically engineered mutants to serve their masters. The Wizard used mind control and hijacked the leaders’ thoughts. He gained access to the Arcturus crystal technology that was housed in dimensional locks.

  When he penetrated the energy of peace with the Draco Black Crystal infernal vapor, the dimensional locks imploded with a thermal flicker, exceeding its antigravity bolster. This caused a colossal nuclear explosion, devastating all of Atlantis and weakening the Atlantean plate on planet Earth.

  Ciakar had ruled in this realm since the demise, between massive clouds of black smoke that veiled the sun. The wave of earthquakes and tsunamis was triggered by the Wizard whenever Ciakar time-traveled from this portal into another dimensional reality, transcending time and space.

The Galactic War ensued above the Earth Plane as Gaia spiraled in between, fighting for her survival. Ciakar planned on obliterating the StarSeed Quest so that the balance between the Light and Dark would shift in his favor, finally enslaving Mother Earth into the fourth dimension.

  When the ethereal crossing to the fifth dimension was shattered, the Lizzie agenda would be fully realized, eradicating all freedom of choice from every sentient being.

  Ms. Rolland searched for Jo and her friends using her peripheral senses. Somehow, they had managed to sneak away into the dense shrubbery while she shapeshifted from her human form. Ms. Rolland’s mind projected the violence and death of the feeble, intolerable ascending angel as she relished the taste of her impending victory.

  But she wouldn’t dare defy Ciakar’s wishes. He would vaporize her in an instant with the power of the Black Crystal crown, perched securely on his head. Her time would come. Ms. Rolland had her own self-serving agenda and destiny to fulfil.


  His whole world flashed before his eyes as the ocean threatened to consume their boat with ferocity. Zax held onto Flynn for dear life through the savage waves pounding their anger into their soaked and chilled bodies.

  In those moments, remorse and regret filled his mind as he replayed his life’s narrative. Zax reflected on all the wasted moments of his past, squandered with feelings of anger, insecurities, and shame. The sinister thoughts infiltrated his being, plummeting him back into victimhood patterns, which he associated with quite well.

  Before coming out and pouring his true feelings for his best friend, Flynn, Zax had the temperament of a wild bull. A minor aggravation would set him off immediately. He chose to blame it on his upbringing; after all, it was his father who had ingrained the rage within him physically.

  The rigid authoritarian background of his childhood fostered a deep sense of fear in Zax from an early age. His father’s excessive demands created feelings of incompetence and hopelessness, which perpetuated into his youth.

  Zax completely shut down his emotions as he tried to measure up to the perfection ideology of his childhood environment. Ultimately, it led to a level of mistrust of his own identity, muzzling his truth, which developed into intense anger issues from unresolved childhood pain, lack of safety, and an inability to love himself.

  With Jo’s help, he had become more aware when feelings of anger ignited within his core with a fiery intensity. The sense would surge through his veins in an intoxicating way, often leading him into physical outbursts.

  Growing up, Zax was taught to suppress his fury in unhealthy, defective ways. It was so dreaded and condemned in his family that he was driven to channel it in playing football or other competitive sports.

  His unnatural behavior resulted in a corrosive emotion, tainting any type of connection with himself or others. During their chats, Jo had explained it to him as an inner fragmentation initiated by a traumatic shock to his mind and body.

  Before Zax was able to acknowledge his real feelings for Flynn, he had suppressed his emotions, numbing his vital essence. It eventually resulted in his unhappiness until he began to courageously explore more wholesome alternatives for understanding his truth.

  After all, anger was a life force energy within Zax, manifesting his reality in the rawest way possible when provoked. He was beginning to learn new tools and practices to harness this energy and alchemize it into a positive attribute that instilled his persona power.

  With this maturity, Zax was able to reflect on his past. Instead of understanding the conditions of his parents’ background from their perspective, it was easier for Zax to unload his burdens of unworthiness. He was too afraid to face his truth, so he blamed everyone around him for his sorrow and insecurities.

  His father continued to operate from his state of habituation, perpetuating the cycles of attachment, expectations, and dependencies. He came from a proud, traditional African American family, fighting for acknowledgment, equity, and control.

  Zax had two older brothers, in whose footsteps he was expected to follow, whether he liked it or not. Brad and Jamie both graduated as their respective team’s star players and won scholarships to prestigious universities.

  Nothing less was expected of Zax. His father was strict due to his upbringing, growing up in an environment plagued by racism.

  Even as an accomplished professional, his father still struggled for legitimacy in his career based on his ancestral history. He was constantly proving himself in his patriarchal law firm dominated by the rich male perspective. Every day, he fought for his inherent rights, substantiating his belonging in the upper-middle-class society.

  As Zax reflected on his childhood, he realized that his father demanded the same level of idealized achievement from his boys. He felt sadness in his heart, thinking about the difficult path that his father had to tread to provide his children with better life opportunities.

  This melancholy broke through the barriers he’d built up around his heart, initiating feelings of empathy and understanding for his parents.

  Zax spent his young life struggling with his emotional and psychological well-being, living with anxiety and with the pressures his parents placed on him.

  He decided to change his mindset of playing the blame game with his father. Instead of compromising his values and giving up his inherent power, Zax vowed to collaborate with his father with reverence and healthy communication, to improve their father-son relationship in a wholesome manner.

  He was extremely grateful that his love for Flynn had liberated him from his state of discontent. He felt more vulnerable and open to experience joy and peace within himself.

  As he weathered the storm, Zax decided that he was not going to allow his future to be taken away from him. Not by the catastrophic ocean waves, nor by the volcanic eruptions of his emotional density.

  Once they survived the harrowing voyage, Zax was determined to improve his relationship with his family, with compassion and forgiveness.

  He was prepared to fight the malevolent forces that were attempting to devour his Soul and the love of his life with all his strength and human abilities.


  “I’m freaking soaked, and I smell like sushi!” Daphne complained.

  “Shh, lower your voice! We don’t want to alert Ms. Rolland to our whereabouts,” I whispered back, grateful to have my friends with me. We endured the ferocious storm, barely getting our sea legs underneath us for our escape.

  Flynn demonstrated incredible resilience, pulling people onto the shore.

  “Do you even know where we are, Jo?” Nisha asked.

  “I think we’re actually on El Hierro Island. I feel closer to Roma’s magnetic pull, but we must find her blade before we look for Alicia. Let’s keep moving.” I led with a sense of confidence as I surrendered to the energy of the Arcturus. They were guiding me with a gentle push toward the obscured blade of truth.

  As we forged our way through the plush wetlands of the island, I received a thought from my higher self. It was a piece of intuitive advice that sprouted within my mind’s eye in this precise timeline. There was a pull to mentally recite the Soul contract revocation for additional energetic protection as we navigated the dense astral plane.

  I was grateful to be armed with this previous download from the Council. They were always with me with their wisdom, assisting me in recalling my powers from external forces.

  I call all spiritual contracts that exist for the revocation of the divine feminine and Goddess Gaia within my past, present, and future existence, in all dimensions.

  At this exact, ever-present, co-creating moment, I summon all DNA lineage ancestors to establish a unified spiritual court of equity so I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.

  I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal.

  I revoke all spiritual contracts with earth-based cultures, belief sys
tems, and industries that dominate and control the divine feminine power in our world and create an energetic imbalance that affects every man, woman, and child on the planet.

  I hereby revoke contracts of all cultural belief systems that place the feminine in a position of inequality. These include the projections of unequal pay, the inability for a woman to earn a living or receive an education of her choosing.

  I do not consent to all social systems that have been put in place to oppress females, make a woman feel like she is too sensitive, emotional, or out of control in an effort of gaslighting a woman’s Soul, to make her feel like she is unstable or insignificant.

  I hereby revoke all contracts of cultural belief systems where female children are murdered at birth, sexually mutilated, sold off into a billion-dollar child pornography industry, or trafficked as sex slaves.

  I declare that I am now clean from these programs of distortion, and I return to the Source of innocence as a divine feminine sovereign being.

  I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with the entertainment and advertising industries that have created programs of self-hatred, low self-esteem, self-medication, self-mutilation, and eating disorders.

  I hereby declare that I am more than good enough; I am infinite consciousness. I am Goddess embodied. I am a sovereign being, and I hereby reclaim my divine feminine power in this spiritual court of equity. I am connected to the sacred feminine heart space of introspection, retrospection, and reflection.

  I call forth all the ancestors to honor my free will and enter it into the Akashic Records for all sentient beings. And so, it is.

  “I’m so relieved everyone survived the sinking boat, although I feel bad for the captain. That was a beautiful vessel,” Zax said, interjecting my energetic transmutation, his arm resting lovingly around Flynn.


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