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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 17

by Lali A. Love

  “I need that Blade of Truth to harness the Lemurian power force. Without it, I will not be able to unleash the fatal transgressions of malice needed to normalize this purgatory!” Ciakar hissed. “Once humanity’s sins have all been released, it will distract the Light Beings. While they try to save their precious pets, I will have complete access to the Galactic Akashic Records, without any impediments.”

  The Wizard finally conveyed his evil plans. The destruction of Gaia included the emancipation of the sinister cinders trapped below the volcanic plates that covered the Lost City of Atlantis on Earth.

  These forces made up the Dark Army that was originally created by the Founders to assist the Celestial Light in destroying nefarious unconscious cosmic entities.

  However, the Draco entities had managed to corrupt and program the Founder’s Army to perform their bidding on Earth, on a massive scale. They infiltrated the Atlanteans with arrogant eyes, a deceitful tongue, with hands that spilled innocent blood, a heart filled with hatred and wickedness, with a false propaganda and conflicting accusations.

  The Dark Army annihilated the entire civilization, contaminating the Divine Feminine energy to combat the creative force that brought everything into existence within the natural world.

  In Lemuria, the Draco Lizzies discovered their innate enemy, who threatened their galactic domination agenda. It was the universal frequency of Divine Feminine that exemplified the foundation of the physical and spiritual existence, the Great Goddess, spiritual mother, and the supreme life-giver.

  Lemuria’s Goddess Consciousness was a state of awareness that connected to the feminine life force energy of Source. It was the cosmic mother for all creation, a divine vessel for heart and soul wisdom required for natural laws to govern the goodness of humanity.

  This container disseminated peaceful, harmonious, and loving frequencies that influenced human behaviors, procreation, and warrior spirits. Over time, the Divine Feminine energy overcame the emotional struggles and upheld justice, equality, morality, and balance.

  The Ciakar sought to possess the Goddess energy that alchemized opposing negative frequencies for higher purposes, separating pure matter from the impure. By dominating and controlling the Divine Feminine, the Dark Forces would succeed in obliterating the sentient being, disconnecting it from the unified Source.

  As such, the Lizzies distorted the representation of the Divine Feminine through their version of the Dark Army. Ciakar planned to release Lion’s sinister ash of pride, to contaminate the planet’s farmlands with rotten larvae that would destroy all food consumption. Without the food source, humanity would plunge into global famine.

  The Wizard’s favorite weapon that easily enveloped humans was the Grizzly’s sinister ash of lethargy. Ciakar infiltrated the vulnerable, compromised humans through mind control and released the deadly vapor of impotence that caused immediate depression, internal conflict, lack of control, and feelings of powerlessness.

  Once Ciakar further polarized the human race from Source energy, he planned to unleash Fox’s sinister ash of greed. The intense and selfish desire entered the humans through their eyes, causing an infection in a form of black bile, engorging itself with its tentacles on humanity’s blood for zombification.

  The Wizard of Bondage could not afford any mistakes with his plans. His final act on Earth would involve the release of the Dragon’s sinister ash of wrath. This fatal transgression took the form of a malevolent mermaid with the head of a cyclops. The explosions and eruptions around Earth would weaken Gaia’s resources, grooming her into eternal oppression.

  Ciakar released his grip on Ms. Rolland’s throat after exerting his punishment for her malfunction.

  “Perhaps this will motivate you to follow my exact orders.” He raised a hand and a black mist formed in the air in the shape of a spear.

  Without hesitation, the Wizard hurled the smoky lance into Pierre’s head, completely vaporizing Ms. Rolland’s son, without any mercy.

  Failure was not an option.

  “I look at my environment and wonder where the fire went. What happened to everything we used to be?” —The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill


  Tunnel of Anguish

  “Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.”

  —Walt Whitman


  The sight of Ms. Rolland’s Lizzie form temporarily shook me to my very core. It was the most appalling and intimidating spectacle to witness as a human. While I processed her true intentions, I had to reject the nerve-twisting charge that attempted to evade my precious field.

  As we time-travelled through the portal into the Wizard’s compound, all my senses remained on high alert, preparing the Blade for battle. Resolution slammed into me, and I expanded the span of my inner eye to detect the enemies in our radius.

  “Guys, get behind me. I will shield you from any unwelcome surprises with the blade,” I called out to my friends, getting ready to fight. The sword’s energy coursed through my veins, strengthening my momentum. I fixed myself in an offensive stance to ward off any potential attacks.

  “Jo, be careful!” Conrad exclaimed, still worried about my safety.

  “We need to make a half-circle around Jo!” Nisha commanded, and everyone jumped into action without hesitation. I sensed their fear. I didn’t blame them. This scary reality was something out of a science-fiction movie.

  I couldn’t deny that the gigantic cold-blooded beings were quite menacing; however, I had no time to dwell on their physical appearance. I altered my friends’ inflamed nervous systems with a peaceful healing chant.

  Their selfless ongoing support and protection demonstrated how much they cared for my well-being and humanity. Their love radiated with exuberant light, increasing my warrior essence with calm and serenity. I honored and acknowledged their willingness to assist on this mission, even in these dangerous circumstances.

  “What do you see, Jo? Keep us posted, I don’t want any surprises,” Theo remarked, encased in the protective light I had bubbled around him.

  “Stay alert. Ms. Rolland may have alarmed the Wizard’s guards. They are only after me and Roma’s blade.” I explained. “Don’t be afraid, I’ll make sure you’re all protected, even if it’s the last thing I do.” I was determined to keep my friends safe.

  “Don’t worry about us, Jo! We are here with you through thick and thin!” Daphne said.

  My ethereal wings shed light on my friends, bathing them in celestial energy. My code activation helped me formulate a plan, enabling further access to the celestial force embedded in the Blade of Truth.

  “If for any reason we encounter life-threatening danger, I will make sure to teleport you out of the compound to safety,” I warned my friends, briefing them about my ideas.

  “Jo, we can help you distract the guards. Don’t send us away too quickly,” Zax pleaded as my friends unanimously agreed with his selfless offer.

  The salty scent of the sea filled my senses as I inhaled deep, cleansing breaths. There was a calming effect before the foreboding storm. I closed my eyes and centered myself. I aligned my energy, visualizing a column of plasma light circulating through the vortex of my Light Body energy fields with peace and zero-point neutrality.

  I acknowledge the Forces of Light, requesting guidance, courage, and determination to reveal deeper truths and deceptions for the highest good. May the love of divine Source protect me and my friends from any forms of harm and lower vibrational potency, no matter the horrific obstacles we might encounter. Help us shed layers of illusory aspects of our lives to better embody our remembrance. May our triggers teach us and guide us toward our healing, integration, and ascension through these experiences.

  May we confront our fears and alchemize our emotions, turning anger and feelings of being lost into healthy boundaries as we navigate our path. May we heal the separation, the veil of density between our human existence and divine selves, to help restore th
e greater union of cohesive consciousness. May we respond to our situations, not from victimhood, but as transformers, as we convert the collective pain into compassion.

  Help me retain my inner peace and access all versions of my divine Spirit through the sacred Akashic Records, to fortify my mission in this now moment. And so, it is.

  With this affirmation, my pineal gland burst with high-frequency codes as I tuned in to all the information Roma had managed to relay. I tethered my energy to the fourth-dimensional frequency realm to secure the channel for further telepathic communication.

  The Lizzie censors popped up on my radar and helped me pinpoint our enemies. Surprisingly, there were a handful of guards on the premises. I kept tabs on them as I searched for similar dense energy textures, as well as Alicia’s and Roma’s auric hues. Before I was able to sharpen and determine their locations, I heard a deep, collective gasp.

  I opened my eyes just in time to witness a giant Lizzie rapidly slithering toward us. The green scales on its body shimmered in the fading light, emphasizing its strong, powerful thigh muscles with every movement. The alligator-looking heinous face stood in contrast with our human frames.

  “Jo! Watch out!” Zax yelled, throwing his arms out in front of me.

  “Guys, huddle! Together, we can defeat this ugly beast!” Conrad raced behind me and circled his arms around my waist, ready to whip me out of the ensuing attack.

  “Stay back! The sword will shield us!” Everything happened in an instant, and I shrugged off his protective hands.

  It was my duty to defend them, not the other way around. I raised the Blade of Truth and channeled the Lemurian crystal energy, the sword crackling with light. I slammed the blade into the ground, satisfied with the gathered power, and the energy exploded in pale blue sparkles all around us. The intensity of the light blasted the Lizzie creature, sending it into the air and crashing it onto its back.

  I utilized the time to focus my third eye on launching a gateway. I connected to the high frequency, sifting through the multiple auras popping up on my radar. One area with several mixed types of energies blipped on my galactic detector, and I didn’t waste a moment to visualize the victims held against their will.

  Tethering myself to the energies, I raised the Blade into the air and opened another portal. A void appeared in the atmosphere, encircled by high static electric energy.

  “Everyone, move! Hurry!” I shouted, holding the portal open long enough for all my friends to make their escape.

  Once we were on the other side, I sealed the entryway behind me, and I slammed into the cemented floor with force, gathering myself to explore our surroundings. Rubbing my arm in agony, I found my friends lying on the ground in various positions, their breathing rapid from the narrow escape.

  “Well, that sucked. I wasn’t expecting to crash face-first into hard cement,” Daphne mumbled, breaking the silence.

  “That was a close one!” Nisha exclaimed, crawling toward Theo to help him up.

  “Is everyone okay?” I asked, ensuring no one had sustained any serious injuries. The sword’s crackling energy subsided as I released the dimensional grip on my galactic powers.

  “Phew. Jo, are you alright?” Conrad hobbled toward me, his limp on full display.

  “Yes, I am fine, thanks. I didn’t anticipate the intensity of our narrow escape, as you can tell.” I laughed, tapping into everyone’s auric field to take their pulse. The energetic chaos subsided as light passed through them, and my strength defused their emotions.

  “Where are we now, Jo?” Nisha asked.

  We were surrounded by cement walls, with low-bearing, rounded ceilings. It resembled a dark tunnel with a few barrels scattered in corners. The dank smell of human feces permeated the space. I could sense the intensifying frequencies of fear, pain, and suffering.

  “I think we are in the underworld of the Wizard’s compound.” I expanded my awareness and detected multiple hues and their exuberant Lights. I reached out telepathically, hoping Roma would answer.

  “Roma? Can you hear me?” I tuned into the secure channel.

  “Yes, Jo. Where are you?” Roma answered immediately. “I think they’re holding me on the main floor.” Relief washed over me with her confirmation and my heart elevated in anticipation. We were finally close.

  “I am in a dingy underground tunnel with my friends, Roma. I was able to open a portal with your Blade that we located within the island’s shrubbery,” I explained. “Gaia was protecting it from the Lizzies. That’s how we entered the private mansion.” I relayed the good news, still marveling over Gaia’s defense.

  “Thank you for finding it, Jo! I knew the Goddess Gaia would protect my powerful sword from sinister beings,” Roma said.

  “Make sure you follow the tunnel in the direction of the massive vault. Use the force of the Blade to unlock its entrance. You should be able to find Alicia there with the rest of the detainees. Brace yourselves for what’s to come,” she continued in an ominous tone.

  “I’m not sure how I will be able to free everyone, Roma. How many are enslaved within the compound?” I asked.

  “There are dozens of innocent beings that have been captured for personal entertainment, Jo,” Roma explained as I prepared myself.

  “This type of slavery has a huge energetic impact and consequence that creates a serious negative imbalance within all grid timelines of existence, through cause-and-effect karmic retribution. The Lizzies have evolved their weaponry to steal other humans’ soul energy. We must stop them from subjugating and causing intentional harm to innocent people. Blood sacrifices and pedophilia are the primary methods by which the elite can delay responsibilities for their actions. Once you free me from my bondage, I will be able to put an end to this wretched bloodline cycle. Just hurry, Jo.”

  Roma concluded relaying her instructions as I sensed her deteriorating energy. Her guidance troubled me, but I centered myself and separated the human emotions on the rise around me.

  I recalled all the celestial downloads and wisdom from the Council to prepare for this moment. I was ready to overcome any obstacle that stood between me and my mission.

  “Okay, guys, we are going back into the compound, through the vault doors at the end of this tunnel,” I explained to my friends. “Everyone, please be vigilant. We never know what will pop out of the corners,” I warned them, making sure they understood the implications. I was amazed by their continued valor and fortitude to assist with the rescue mission. I continued to pray silently for all our Souls.

  “What the heck is this place?” I heard Theo comment behind me as we continued through the tunnels. I hoped we all had the strength to face the horrific acts perpetuated by these sinister entities.

  “Jo, I’m getting a bad feeling about this. It’s worse than our battle with the Lord of Darkness,” Zax said, inching closer to Flynn for comfort.

  “I have no idea what’s on the other side of the vault, but we need to prepare ourselves. Ciakar is running a human trafficking ring from this tiny island. Once we locate the ones captured against their will, our goal is to help liberate them from the Wizard of Bondage,” I replied, preparing them for possible scenarios.

  I couldn’t fathom the fact that human trafficking had become a modern-day slavery ritual. It was difficult to believe that something so heinous was taking place on the island. How many of these types of compounds exist around the world? And how many humans have been detained by these Lizzies?

  Roma was right. We could not allow the same fate to occur for the human race as that of the Lyrians.

  “I’m freaking out, Jo. My sister is in there! What if something horrific has happened to her?” Theo cried out in disbelief and concern.

  “I understand your worry, Theo. Please, try not to focus on the worst-case scenarios. That’s what the Lizzies want. You can visualize Alicia in your mind’s eye, safe and sound once we remove her from this place. You will be reunited very soon, I promise,” I tried to console the poor guy. Th
e whole experience was overwhelming as we rummaged through the pits of hell.

  It was our collective responsibility to assist Gaia through this process as she cleared herself of these Dark Forces. They had infiltrated every aspect of our planet with their sinister fleas. The Lizzies polluted and poisoned our food and water to weaken humans and all-natural life for far too long.

  No matter the difficulty, we needed to stay strong and resist their mind-control and manipulative energy through this holographic shift. Roma had described their evil agenda clearly. I was confident that we would all be united in our victory as we embraced the powerful Light Force.

  Nisha provided further comfort and explanation. “Theo, we all have to be mindful of our thoughts, not allow our emotional reactions to fuel the negative energy, especially now.”

  “If we’re acutely aware of every now moment, we will be able to shift our timelines and reality, with preferable probabilities and outcomes,” Nisha said in a soothing voice. She had been listening to me all this time.

  “Thanks, Nish, you’re absolutely right! Together, with conscious thought, we can collapse the veil of density, pulling our combined energy into higher timelines. We need to be willing to allow whatever outcomes are meant for us, not resist. Once we choose with our visualization, we will transmute the shadows in our path into the light.” I continued to relay the knowledge and guidance to my friends.

  Everyone needed to understand how the shadows unraveled through the delusion under the veil of density. Fear was powerful and potent, a cunning influence. We had the choice to stand in our understanding of the truth as sentient beings. It was our divine birthright.

  “When we pay attention to what emotions we are emitting, we can take responsibility for our actions. This is how we can unravel the false belief systems and constructs that have brought us to this moment. Only empathy, compassion, and love will prevail,” I explained.

  I realized it was a lot of information for my friends to process. My words were activating their light codes within their DNA structures as I provided healing with every intention. Once we mastered the art form of recognizing events objectively, clearing all judgmental views, we were not easily polarized. It allowed us to receive and attract information from the quantum field that was not distorted.


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