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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 18

by Lali A. Love

  Throughout my downloads, I had discovered an important lesson. When we were attached to our external circumstances, we allowed others to determine our feelings. This disabled us to become co-creators of our realities with this compromised mindset. Negative emotions that bubbled within us were alerts, signals that informed us we were not in alignment with our higher self.

  From the beginning of time, our Soul’s sovereignty enabled us to play with our beliefs. It was the ability to bounce around without being governed by anything through attachment because our intention was always pure. We were in service for humanity’s highest good, for the ascension of the collective. The unified mindset enabled us to rise against the tyranny and manipulation of these Lizzie forces as they assaulted humanity’s existence.

  I felt a pang of empathy for Theo. I couldn’t imagine the depth of his worry and angst.

  “We will find Alicia, no matter what. We won’t let anything happen to her, Theo. She is a StarSeed activated and summoned by Roma and, apparently, Mother Earth. She will be able to handle herself.” Daphne comforted Theo, locking her arms with his.

  I was in awe of my best friends and their compassionate hearts. Even in these dangerous circumstances, they soared above the traumatic events to embody their higher selves.

  Theo’s chaotic nerves calmed considerably, and he nodded at me in acceptance. His lips pursed while he concentrated on positive outcomes on our walk toward the vault.

  “Alicia is an extraordinarily strong person, Theo. I admire her so much for her resilient personality. She will be able to take care of herself, I have no doubts,” Nisha chimed in.

  I could sense her worry for Alicia, but she exercised the meditation technique I had shared with everyone to align their centers and control their rolling emotions.

  “We are a team, and we will fight and defeat this gnarly Wizard. He can join his buddy, the Lord of Darkness, in the black abyss.” Flynn chuckled as he slapped Theo on the back in support.

  All my friends came together for each other, providing me with contentment and peace. It was quite a feeling to be born into a supporting, loving family. But to also be so blessed with chosen friendships and deep soulful connections fortified my tribe as we experienced our journeys together.

  “What will we do when we come face to face with Ciakar? And how will we fight him, Jo?” Daphne questioned, apprehensive of the upcoming battle.

  “First, we find Alicia. Then we rescue Roma, that’s our priority. She is our guide on this mission and a Custodian of the Galaxy. But if we end up facing him or Ms. Rolland without Roma, then we fight. We fight with all the Forces of Light,” I replied, not having a concrete plan.

  I still relied on Roma to steer this operation. However, I trusted our intelligent Universe to guide us. I knew in my heart that my strong belief and the Arcturus energy force would protect my friends for whatever outcomes were ahead.

  “Hold on. I think we have found it.” I walked ahead and placed my hand on the cold, steel door. The aura of misery behind the entrance was unmistakable, and I could feel the anguish of humans trapped on the other side.

  “What is it?” Conrad stepped closer to me as he marveled at the engineering of the wall. I activated my ethereal wings with the Blade, illuminating the dark hallway.

  “We need to break through this lock. Alicia and others are on the other side. Everyone, step back.” As my friends moved away to a safe distance, I activated the Blade of Truth. With one swift movement, the galactic sword erupted through the gigantic concrete lock and chain. I pushed open the heavy metal door until it was only slightly ajar.

  “Ready?” I whispered, initiating the protective light shield around them as we entered the underworld.

  A strong stench charred our physical senses as dozens of terrified eyes reflected at us through the darkness. Their misery slammed into my field as I absorbed their agony. I took an involuntary step back. Their collective energy overwhelmed me for a moment, but I remained grounded and vigilant, erecting my protective boundaries. The sight of so many people tied up in this inhuman place was the most heartbreaking event I had ever witnessed.

  “Oh, my God…” Nisha whispered, taking a step forward toward the front of the large, cold room. She lit the lantern situated by the door, illuminating the horrors of this reality.

  They were so young, girls and boys, from every corner of the world. They cowered away in fear of our presence, their faces frightened by the prospect of further torment. Their hands were tied in front of them, restricting their movements.

  “It’s okay, we won’t harm you,” I whispered gently, raising both of my hands up in the air. My friends gasped in disbelief, overwhelmed by the poor conditions and surroundings.

  Tears streamed down Daphne’s face as she entered behind me, her hands also raised in a cautionary manner. None of us could have possibly prepared for this atrocity.

  “We are here to help you. Don’t be alarmed. Does anyone speak English?” Zax asked in a consoling voice.

  I stepped forward and filled them with my light. It required a significant amount of celestial energy to infuse the inflammation of their nervous systems. Their fear slowly subsided at my quest as their auras echoed a slightly muted aroma of terror.

  “Let’s go untie them. Hurry, before anyone finds us.” Flynn broke the silence, and everyone hopped into action, making their way around the room to free dozens of people with their tiny camping knives.

  Meanwhile, I took the pulse of our environment, locating the next spot that glowed with human auras within the compound. I found another area as I empathically connected to their frequencies of heartache and despair within my radar.

  “Alicia, are you in here? Has anyone seen my sister, Alicia?” Theo asked, hoping for some direction.

  No one spoke a word. I realized that they were too paralyzed with fear. I continued to focus on their inflamed nervous systems, infusing them with my healing energy.

  “No,” a quiet, feeble voice answered.

  “There’s no Alicia here.”

  “Hi, my name is Conrad. We are here to help you. What’s your name?” He approached the brave Soul, making initial contact with a frail dark-haired girl that had found her voice. Her large brown eyes blinked widely with panic. She had an exotic look, beautiful, elegant, and demure.

  “They call me number 369,” she answered softly.

  “Do you remember your real name, your family?” Conrad continued his questioning. The young girl shook her head solemnly, unable to respond further. Her traumatic response to her captivity had blocked her memory.

  I continued to evaluate the surroundings, feeling my friends’ emotions as they struggled to process this moment.

  “Listen, guys, this experience will be disturbing for us all. Let’s put up our boundaries, try to breathe through our emotionally charged reactions and remain calm. We must neutralize our energy, so we are not spreading their collective fear. Remember, we are here to free any person held against their will,” I quickly said to combat their imbalance.

  No matter how much I tried, I was unable to prepare my friends or myself for the shocking situation.

  “How do you propose we do that, Jo? We can’t get out of this hell hole without getting caught ourselves. What if the Wizard has enslaved hundreds of people?” Zax voiced his concern.

  “We’re here to help your mission any way we can, Jo. Just let us know what you need,” Daphne interjected, punching his arm. Zax winced at the sudden reminder, calming himself.

  “Thanks, Daph, and I hear you, Zax. You’re quite right, but we have to trust the Light Forces guiding us at this moment,” I replied sincerely. It was my truth.

  “Everyone looks so petrified in here. I hope we can gain their trust,” Flynn added with unease.

  “All I know is that we are the catalysts that will facilitate their internal healing, on a massive level. Just like we have done with our traumas from our trip to Spain.” I had noticed a similar pattern when we helped liberat
e the sleepwalkers.

  “Each one of us has a unique journey to counteract the shadow aspects of our experience. It helps if we think of ourselves as supercomputers. Through healing, we create more space and light, allowing ourselves the ability to open additional browsers within our quantum mind. So, our past experiences don’t crowd the space anymore, making it simpler to filter through the accumulated files. We can then decide to integrate what’s already processed or delete what no longer serves us.” I glanced at Nisha, who had been unusually quiet.

  “Ya, ya, we get it, Jo. We are un-identifying from our human roles and narratives of the past that we associated with. We understand that we are not the ideas and beliefs we were raised with. I think we’re all working on stabilizing our internal traumas. But what does this have to do with finding Alicia? We need to stop chatting and take action,” Nisha yelled in frustration.

  “I know, Nish. I’m just relaying and infusing these light codes into everyone’s system, so we are prepared for battle. When the light empowers us to connect with empathy, we can gain their trust and rescue the captives that have been traumatized by this purgatory.” I understood her annoyance as I reassured myself. I looked around the dark, dingy space, and I detected dozens of other chambers within the vaulted compound.

  “I can help guide you to the other sections if you wish.” The young girl known as 369 approached me with her slim hand, blank eyes, and quiet demeanor.

  “It’s quite dark, and the others know me. Maybe they can help locate your friend, Alicia,” she continued. I noticed her youthful essence, thinking she was not much younger than me.

  “Thank you, that is truly kind of you. How long have you been on this island?” I asked with caution.

  “I can’t really remember, but I know that I am the only surviving member of my family from Rwanda. I recall being homeless when some tourists approached me and offered me a housekeeping job. The next thing I know, I’m sold into slavery and brought here. I was eight years old,” she explained.

  My breath caught as my heart sank against my ribs with every word, tapping into her devastation. I continued to establish invisible boundaries around my center field for my protection. The Lizzie unconsciousness relied on our energy leaks, extracting our vital force fields like blood-thirsty vampires. I had to remain balanced and neutral, without assessing or reacting to the captive’s experience.

  I understood that only the higher echelon Draconian entities possessed the power to syphon a human Soul’s emotional or psychic energy. The Lizzies could hijack our thoughts, but they had not yet harnessed the skills to prey on our collective Souls.

  The thought frightened me as the momentary doubt disrupted my thoughts, diverting my attention to a negative outcome.

  Is this the intention of the Dark Forces, using fear-based propaganda?

  I dismissed the pessimistic thought out of my system, rejecting the malware. I wouldn’t allow it to fester into my mind any longer. If this was an experience that was meant for my ascension journey, I would deal with it as required.

  After all, some humans also preyed on others due to their unresolved pain and suffering. They drained the un-suspecting being with their attachment, co-dependent behaviors, leaving them chronically fatigued, depressed, and irritable. Developing healthy boundaries around these energy suckers was an important defense system for our protection.

  They latched onto our subconscious guilt and sorrow like leeches, manipulating us through emotional blackmail. The dysfunctional learned behavior of this type of predator most likely originated from their low self-esteem and severe abuse during childhood.

  As I learned about the importance of shadow work in this trauma-based, third-dimensional existence, I understood that these types of problems occurred from a lack of nurturing, love, validation, and support as children.

  From my experience dealing with the sleepwalkers, I knew most of these human energy vampires emitted frequencies of unworthiness. Their despicable treatment of others was merely a reflection of how they viewed themselves. They projected their insecurities and reinforced their inflamed egos by belittling others, making them feel ashamed and pathetic. They searched and extracted these emotions from those around them as they drowned in their own perpetuated torments.

  In such situations, it was important for us to remain vigilant in protecting our own precious, energetic spheres. I tried to always remind myself that true self-worth dwelled within.

  With this knowledge, I had gained much empathy and awareness of the pain these individuals projected when we dealt with the bullies at school. I learned to dispel the hurtful comments and never responded from a defensive space. The best way to shield and nurture our energies around such beings was to maintain a balanced and aligned essence.

  It was evident that the lessons I was to integrate through this stage of the Ascending Angel Academy were to understand the truth of why people reacted from the state of limitations and deficiency. It temporarily relieved them of their uncomfortable feelings that they had not processed or healed.

  To master my mystic, I had to learn not to be triggered by external forces. It was how I would outgrow my program and attachment to my past emotional reactions of gossip, blame, or victimhood.

  At this moment, I began transcending the animalistic tendencies of survival encoded within my DNA through the limited lens of my conditioned mind. My challenge was to remove all judgment and blame against others, no matter the gravity of their unconscious behaviors.

  I discovered that the integration of the unified Source blueprint necessitated the harmonization of all twelve cosmic spheres and energy fields. Over time, the human heart center field split as our souls fragmented from our eternal selves. My mission was to unite those separated aspects, paving our path back into our crystalline wholeness of infinite love consciousness.

  Emboldened by this reminder, I inhaled the desolation of my surroundings, and recognized how difficult this lesson was going to be. I paused to self-regulate, waiting for my body chemicals to settle down before I continued with the mission.

  We followed the young girl known as 369 through a gloomy tunnel into another area filled with humans. I could hear my friends focusing on their breath-work. The human odor that emanated from the rooms continued to overwhelm our senses. An unpleasant sensation hit my stomach as nausea assaulted my body with every breath.

  “This is number 136, he’s been here longer than me. After his father died, he was forced to live with his grandmother in Cambodia. She didn’t approve of his gender preferences, so she sold him to a brothel. He tried to escape, but he was captured, beaten, and brought to the island.” The young girl introduced us to a few more victims. Most were so youthful, in their early teens, trafficked for sexual exploitation.

  They were all ensnared and captured by force, coercion, or deception. They scraped by, trying to survive in the darkness, merely to witness another day of horror.

  “Our friend 57 has twelve siblings and was sold by her family to a wealthy man who owned young, blonde girls as his property. This is 159; she thought she found a way out of Romania with a modeling job offer. When she went for the interview, she was drugged and abducted, then disappeared from her family without a trace. They destroyed her passport and identity. She’s been here for a while as well.” The stories persisted as we met more of the captives.

  While we continued to search for Alicia throughout the tunnels, I received a telepathic message from Roma.

  “Jo, this compound is just one of many hidden on private islands and mansions around the world. There are millions held in captivity, moved from location to location in this billion-dollar human trafficking trade. The value of human life has diminished, replaced with greed and materialistic gain from this lucrative criminal behavior. The Wizard is perpetuating this darkness, satiating the demanding inhuman appetite for lust and gluttony,” Roma explained quickly, sensing my anguish.

  “What’s the plan, Roma? How do we save everyone?” I asked, keep
ing my anxiety at bay.

  “Just find Alicia and get me down from my captivity. The rest will occur quite quickly. Don’t allow yourself to absorb the pain and suffering all around you, Jo. Use your training and discernment, observe from your higher self, without judgement. This is how you propel yourself from this web of density.” Roma stopped emitting her signal. She was getting weaker by the moment.

  The petrified energies of the victims’ suffering lingered around us like thick gray smoke. The mortifying trauma endured on a massive scale, imprinted in this dimension, cementing their grasp into Gaia’s roots.

  My mission sharpened my understanding and I experienced sudden clarity—we were here to displace the collective frequencies that had been stuck within the planetary grid. The greatest service to humanity was to integrate these dark shadows with compassion, empathy, and mercy. Our planet’s environmental demise was a manifestation of humanity’s collective anguish that we could no longer ignore.

  We were experiencing this timeline to light the torch for mankind’s future with examples of love, generosity, and caring for one another. This was the new paradigm shift of our collective perception.

  The light would eventually release the excessive distress signals that were lodged within the vibratory fields of the captives. These blockages would be transmuted within their collective wounds, liberating their consciousness from the purgatory generated by the wicked Wizard of Bondage.

  “I hear so many cries for help, searching outside of themselves. Now I know that His strength is within me.”—The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill



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