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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 19

by Lali A. Love

The Stargate

  “A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.”

  —Rita Mae Brown


  Theo looked crestfallen at the discovery that Alicia was not among the captives. He paled at the sight of the captured humans in their fragile state of mind and bodies.

  All of us took a moment to process the unfamiliar emotions of our current environment. We were in disbelief, with ashen complexions after taking stock of the crowded room. The enslaved victims waited in despair as they were being prepared for human trafficking. I could sense the energies within my friends switch rapidly from trepidation to anger at the horrific discoveries.

  “Theo, we will find Alicia. We are getting closer to the StarSeeds,” I comforted him, trying to provide a semblance of emotional support.

  “They better not have done anything to Alicia. We need to destroy these bastards, Jo! I can’t tolerate the sight of this anymore.” Nisha shook with fury. I filled her with my healing Light to calm her inflammation as best as I could.

  I understood the rage. I tried to process it while containing its explosive bite, knowing that this experience was a lesson. A message for me to find the strength and bravery within as I neutralized my emotive reactions.

  “Guys, stay focused. I know this is horrific, but we must remain calm and impartial to save Alicia and Roma,” I said, reminding them of the importance of maintaining their energies so they wouldn’t become compromised in the purgatory.

  I gazed down the dark corridor and sensed that the captives had incorporated my healing Light. The least I could do in the moment was to take away some of their pain and provide them with hope.

  “Alicia…what she must be going through right now!” Theo’s lowered tone exasperated his worry, his eyes fixated on the captives.

  “Theo, let’s not jump to conclusions, okay? We must be brave and trust in your sister’s strength. We need to keep moving forward.” Daphne inched closer to his drooping frame, holding him by his shoulder for support.

  I appreciated the sincere efforts of my friends in helping me and supporting each other through the harshest circumstances.

  “Jo, what’s the next move?” Conrad asked, waiting for my direction.

  I took a deep breath and centered myself, my inner eye spanning out toward the entrance of the compound. I felt several spots of heightened emotions at the end of the tunnel.

  There was a specific charge of energy in another chamber, where the StarSeeds were detained. I addressed the crowd that had formed following our every step. I lifted the Blade above my head in a swift move and activated more light. I was able to see dozens of faces huddled in the darkness of the long dingy corridor.

  “Everyone, we will need you to remain in the tunnel for a bit longer. Don’t worry, we are here to release you from this place, so please remain calm until we come back to retrieve you. I promise we’re not leaving you behind.” I expanded my healing Light and calming forces with my hands to cloak the suffering humans like a warm embrace.

  I tried something new using the Blade of Truth. Cupping my hands in front of me, I concentrated my cosmic power to form an irregular sphere of luminosity. I continued chanting the centering statement in my head as energy began to spark in the air between my hands.

  “Oh, my God, Jo! That is so cool!” Zax’s voice reached my ears amidst my concentration, and my lips quirked up in a smile at the incredible results.

  “I never knew you had these magical powers! What the heck!” Flynn exclaimed. All my friends surrounded me in intrigue and wonderment.

  “I AM the light that I AM, I AM the light that I AM.” My own words filled my being as the ball grew, floating in the air. My energy expanded with every second, strengthening my pineal gland. I intended to leave this floating orb with the captives, to radiate the energy of optimism.

  “We have a personal light bulb with us now. No need to waste worldly energy, guys!” Daphne joked, and everyone managed to chuckle. I could feel the sense of intrigue from the captive humans, their eyes focused on the spherical glow.

  I moved my hands upwards, and the Light adjusted with me, bathing everything around us in soft, golden illumination.

  I floated the sphere above the long tunnel of anguish, shedding the frequency of Light over every corner, exposing the shadows of humans and critters enslaved in darkness.

  “Thank you for being here with us, it feels nice to have someone care for our well-being.” A person toward the back of the corridor sobbed with relief. My healing Light amplified as I managed to transmute some of their pain. The Council had entrusted me with liberating these beautiful Souls, and I was willing to go to absolute lengths to ensure our success.

  “We are leaving now, but I assure you that we will be back soon. Do not be afraid! Focus on the orb of light until we return,” I reassured the masses.

  “Okay, guys, let’s go find Alicia and Roma.” I guided my friends up a narrow staircase, toward an opening.

  “Just keep an eye out for the Wizard’s security guards. They are humans, guarding the complex from intruders.” I raised the sword to ignite its powers. The blue crystal gleamed as I soaked it with my vitality, expanding the camouflaging energy amplified by the sword. My senses heightened further as I concentrated on building a mental tether between the StarSeeds and our location.

  “Jo, what happens if we encounter the guards? They will be armed. Do you plan to open another portal?” Flynn inquired, grabbing my attention. He raised a valid point, and my friends began to offer their thoughts before I could answer.

  “I don’t think we need to worry about that, Flynn. Jo is a strong Light Warrior, and I trust her completely.” Conrad replied in my support.

  “Jo can definitely crush them with the Blade,” Nisha interjected.

  “I don’t think Jo will kill anyone, even if they are partnered with Ciakar,” Daphne said. She was right; I had no intention on harming another human. Not if I could help it.

  “These humans who work for the Wizard are compromised and have been seized by Ciakar. Just like the sleepwalkers, their thoughts have been programmed through mind-control technology. Their brains have been polluted by nano-bites, assimilating with artificial energy. That’s the reason humans fall prey to low vibrational beings like Ciakar. They strike when humans are weak, vulnerable, and have their guard down. Set your boundaries because an eruptive mind perpetuates the low-density pulsations, fueling the Wizard’s powers. We have the ability to disarm their weaponry and reverse the sinister programs through our internal ascension,” I continued to preach as we discovered an opening on the second level of the large basement.

  “What about the people dealing with trauma? How do we help them manage their emotions?” Conrad questioned, getting nods from the rest of the group.

  “We can help by clearing Earth of the pollution and toxicity that has penetrated the planet’s core. Our weakness only amplifies the density within this reality, the dimensional purgatory that we’re trying to cross over. Every negative thought, emotion, behavior, and action diminishes Gaia’s power,” I articulated in my limited human capacity.

  “Alicia is a StarSeed, Jo. How did she fall prey to Ciakar? Didn’t she have the same activation as you did?” Theo’s voice pierced my auric field. I could sense his light force spiraling down the vortex of his energetic spheres. It was imperative to keep his emotions balanced and aligned without blame or judgment.

  “That, I do not know, Theo. Alicia has been initiated recently, and she could have been dealing with an unprocessed trauma during her capture,” I replied truthfully. “In my first phase of the Angel Academy, I found it equally difficult to manage my emotions as a Light Being. Everything was deeply overwhelming.” I said, hoping it would help Theo feel less anxious about our current predicament.

  We made our way in silence through another set of hallways, as my ethereal wings illuminated our path. My radar picked up the strong
StarSeed energy.

  “We are close. Get ready.” I instructed my friends as we encountered a tall iron galvanized door with two padlocks. Suddenly, erratic energy slammed into me like a wall of concrete. I paused and took a step back. The alarm penetrating through the doors was strong.

  I raised the Blade of Truth and signaled to my friends to keep moving. I pierced both deadbolts with the sword to break them open. They fell to the ground with a loud clang. Before I knew it, Theo passed me by and pushed open the door.

  Inside, we found six StarSeeds affixed to the wall in rusted iron chains, seemingly unconscious. As we approached each person, I realized they had been immobilized with toxic drugs.

  Theo spotted Alicia toward the back of the room. She was not moving. I focused my Light on all their physical bodies, extracting the drugs from their veins with my hands. I pooled my core with the Arcturus cosmic energy to strengthen my powers. The removal began to take form as we witnessed their movements in their captivity.

  Each StarSeed began to gain consciousness. Alicia moved her fingers, clearly in a daze. Her eyes met Theo’s. Her brother hovered over her with worry, and her expression morphed into one of confusion as well as relief.

  “Theo…is it really you?” she questioned in a raspy tone as she struggled to pick herself up from the stone floor.

  “Yes, of course it’s me. Are you okay, sis? Did they hurt you?” Theo’s frantic voice exhibited relief, tears flooding his face.

  After a brief embrace, he helped Alicia sit up. Nisha could barely contain herself as she jumped in to assist Theo. Alicia wobbled to her feet but quickly stabilized. I felt her using her energy to rejuvenate herself, and I was relieved to see that she retained immense control over her galactic powers.

  “I am all right. Oh, God, Theo, I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I wanted to clear my head on the beach and saw you waiting for me. When I reached the waterfront, I was knocked out cold and brought here,” Alicia explained, breathing heavily as she found her words.

  She had been tricked into thinking the Lizzie shapeshifter was Theo. Her concern and worry for her brother had always been her weakness, making her vulnerable to Ciakar’s insidious energy.

  “Alicia, thank goodness you’re okay. We don’t have much time. We must rescue Roma; her light force is diminishing with every minute. Are you able to restore the rest of the StarSeeds?” I asked, fully aware that she needed a reprieve from her guilt.

  “Yes, I haven’t been here long so I’m much stronger than the rest of them. Thank you for finding me.” Alicia’s heartfelt gratitude emitted a frequency code that infused the StarSeeds with the vital galactic force, activating their powers.

  I joined forces with her, providing healing and strength as the StarSeeds awakened from their constrained slumber. As we all began to help each other, I invoked an invisible shield of light around them as well, safeguarding them from external threats.

  “Stay close, everyone. I have activated the armor to protect us. We cannot risk our safety. Just know that we are now invisible to the guards and all Lizzie shapeshifters on the complex.” Alicia smiled, impressed by the powers of the galactic sword.

  As we reached the main floor of the massive complex, laden with marble and gold trimmings, we passed the guards tasked with securing the entrance into the tunnels. We entered the great room that boasted high ceilings and expansive windows. The sunlight beamed through the Draconian Garo tree branches, barely infiltrating the compound. I noticed the opposite wall of the great hall, decorated with three-dimensional mirrors.

  “Roma, can you see us through the two-way mirror?” I reached out to her telepathically. She didn’t reply. I sensed that she was conserving her energy.

  I used the Blade of Truth to detect her exuberant light. It pulled me toward the mirrored wall. I found and activated the hidden compartment with the blue crystal encasing the handle of Roma’s sword.

  The panel slowly slid open, exposing another dark chamber filled with whips and leather-bound artifacts. We all gasped in shock as we discovered a thin, tall figure hanging from the vaulted ceilings, in chains. The sword pulled me towards the suspended body. It was Roma.

  The blood rushed through my veins as my heart thundered against my rib cage, pounding in a jagged rhythm. Dampening my lower lip with my tongue and teeth, I felt woozy, unstable. Her bruised condition momentarily horrified me, but I controlled my reaction, searching for inner strength.

  I noticed the dark blood that trickled down her temples and wrists as the chains dug deep into her flesh. Her human form had been brutalized with burns and cuts. She was unconscious from the torture, and I could sense the toxic drugs that coursed through her veins.

  I was finally in the presence of the enigmatic and powerful Roma who had resided comfortably within the crevices of my mind over the past few weeks. We had forged a deep soulful connection that felt like I had known her over many lifetimes.

  I rushed toward her while maintaining the invisible bubble of protection around my friends. Alicia guarded the door as I reached Roma and unshackled her with the sword.

  My knees wobbled as I inspected her beautiful face with the thick, dark lashes that draped her elegant, almond-shaped eyes.

  As my heart erupted with unfiltered and limitless, potent love for this incredible Light Being, my energy imbued the entire room, bursting into a million shards of ethereal light.

  All my Ascending Angel Academy training and downloads from the Council flashed in front of my eyes, suspending the space-time continuum. My rise through the Hall of Learning and integration was marked by this very moment.

  My pulsating pineal gland projected my experiences through my third eye gateway. It emulated a movie theater, exposing the screen through the curtain of amnesia. It revealed the dramatic scripts occurring through the planet’s electromagnetic templates into the divergence.

  I witnessed the initiation of the trauma-based third-dimensional, unconscious matrix that oscillated at a lower speed within the quantum field.

  It was difficult to ascertain that we helped form this existence based on the agreements we had made through bloodlines and controlling structures over past lifetimes.

  Ancestors, parents, society, and institutions had passed down this energy—absorbing, imprinting, and perpetuating the same generational patterns in every child until the cycle was finally broken.

  These programs were installed and embedded into our systems. It had been difficult for humans to evolve into a higher state of frequency due to conformity and lack of shrewdness. These disseminating mind-control realities were survival-oriented, unintentionally allowing entities to feast on our stress hormones.

  I finally comprehended the simple truth of every Soul’s existence on Earth. Our journey was internal, personal, and secluded. When our external reality was in a vibrational accord with our inner vortex of frequency, we purged the dense energies housed in our systems from birth.

  As I came back to the present moment awareness of linear time, it dawned on me that Roma had been preserving her human form by quantum leaping her spirit back to her home-based frequency, Lemuria.

  I cuddled Roma’s frail body into my arms, carefully laying her on the floor. My warm touch sparked the heat between us, igniting our soul connection. I drew in a shallow breath, confused by the sweaty palms and feelings of jitteriness in the pit of my stomach.

  I gently brushed the hair away from her face as I trailed my finger down her neckline, feeling for a pulse. It was weak and scattered. I continued to focus on moving my hand down to her chest, watching for the rise and fall of the swell of her breasts.

  Come on, Roma, come back to me! In a final attempt, I decided to place the Blade of Truth into her hand. The contact immediately spurred an electrical charge with her human vessel as we witnessed a miracle.

  Within seconds, Roma’s wounds began to heal, her body regaining the strength and vitality of her ethereal essence. A Light Warrior, the Custodian of the Galaxy.

  In complete awe, respect, and humility, I watched her slender limbs twitch as she opened her stunning crystal sapphire eyes to gaze into mine. Our energetic connection sent a bolt of electricity through my entire Soul.

  With a ruckus of sensations, we blended blue codes of unification, upgrading my entire body. I could feel the change in my DNA as my eyes mirrored the same oceanic crystalline orbs. This merge reflected our Souls’ bond for infinity, revealing the sacred union of existence within the higher-dimensional realms of Lemuria.

  Roma smiled at me with a warm embrace, as if we had known each other for eternity. My cheeks warmed as I fully acknowledged her magnificent presence.

  “You did it, Jo. Took you long enough,” she teased, lifting herself with all the might of a powerful warrior.

  I was astounded by the force she exuberated in just a few seconds. She had been tortured and malnourished for weeks but still managed to heal herself instantaneously. What an incredible ability to self-regulate oneself with all the intelligence of cosmic capacity.

  Roma’s resolve enriched my determination, and I knew in my heart that the Light would always prevail. Before I could find my voice to speak to her for the first time without clairvoyance, Alicia interrupted our exchange.

  “Roma, a large Lizzie is slithering toward us. Take cover!” she yelled as she positioned herself in a fighting stance at the entrance of the door.

  “They can’t see us through the invisible shield, Alicia. But Roma is still too vulnerable to engage in battle. Everyone, just remain quiet!” I quickly moved Alicia out of the way in time to observe Lavender enter the room. She had shapeshifted into her human form, totally unaware of our presence as she addressed Roma.

  “So, I see you managed to break free, you pathetic stardust. Let’s see how you escape from my superior Lizzie powers!” Lavender immediately morphed back into her original grotesque shape. She glared at Roma, who was holding her position calmly, with her hands behind her back.

  As Lavender lunged toward her with her gargantuan, green, cold-blooded force, Roma rapidly raised her Blade of Truth and plunged its pure cosmic power into her center. In what seemed like slow motion, the Lizzie dismantled and evaporated in the dust of black, eerie smoke.


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