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South Main and Gentry

Page 16

by A. D. Ellis

  I licked my lips. “You taste better than any damn thing ever served out of my kitchen.”

  “You fucker. You know that’s not true.” Tanner hissed as I tweaked his nipples.

  “Take the damn compliment. You deserve it.” I nibbled at his collarbone.

  My zipper was already down, and I grunted when Tanner shoved his hand inside my briefs to find my raging hard-on.

  “You know, most men don’t know how to use this properly.” Tanner stroked me slowly.

  “Is that so?” I barely managed to blurt out the words before rolling my head back. I wanted to howl at the moon like a wolf hunting for its mate.

  Tanner tugged a condom package from his pocket while he let his jeans drop to the floor. He tore open the packet with his teeth and slowly sheathed my cock.

  “I’ve been with too many men who only knew how to work it like a jackhammer—one speed and one direction. You put your hips into it, and yeah, I like that variable speed switch.”

  I rolled my head forward and buried my lips into Tanner’s neck. “Maybe you’ve got a career designing sex toys if this doesn’t work out.”

  “I’m going to make this work—all of it.”

  Tanner pulled away from my kisses and turned to flatten his chest against my desk. His hands gripped the sides, and that ass—that stunning, breathtaking ass. He pushed it up in the air, waiting for me.

  Some might kick me for being the shallowest asshole in the world if I ever said it out loud, but I knew it was the moment. Standing there with my cock at full attention and Tanner’s legs spread wide so that hole could wink at me, I knew. Finally. At last. I knew Tanner was my future.

  He grunted with the first thrust, and I steadied myself, digging my fingertips into his shoulders. With the second slow, steady push from my hips, I was inside. Tanner’s muscles gripped, and I knew we were both in for a perfect ride.

  I glanced around the office—framed newspaper articles on the wall and two bookshelves full of dusty cookbooks. Were we the first men to use it as a handy retreat for sex? I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know the answer to that question.

  “Fuck—Mitch—yeah. Grind—oh fuck—grind.”

  I knew how to circle my hips slow before launching into a full-barreled piston fuck. I wanted to blast Tanner out of any normal consciousness. I wanted his head to float in the clouds while I pounded his body to the edge.

  When I knew that I was close, I pulled out and growled at Tanner. “Flip over.”

  He instantly obeyed me, lying flat on his back with legs raised, and he had the goofiest smile I’d ever seen on a man’s face while having sex.

  As I entered once more, I started to pump his cock in my fist. “I want you at least close before I blow.”

  “Fuck, Mitch, then you better come soon. Don’t know if I can hold it.”

  I watched Tanner grip the desk hard and raise his head to watch. Somewhere deep inside me, an exhibitionist begged to be set free. I nearly pushed myself over the edge when a fleeting thought of a crowd of rowdy shirtless men watching us entered my head.

  Slowing both the stroking and the grinding of my cock down to a crawl, I reveled in the pause. The wait for an orgasm could be excruciating, but it was also sexy as hell. That desire welling up inside set every nerve ending on edge. I wanted to take us both to the cliff and jump off together so we could fly.

  When I started to pick up speed again, Tanner muttered, “Oh, fuck.”

  He closed his eyes, but I said, “No, look at me. I’ll stop if you don’t look me in the eye.”

  Our gazes locked, and we both knew we were only seconds away. I made it there first and roared as I erupted into the condom, and sweat broke out across my body.

  “I—can’t—” Tanner could no longer hold it if he wanted to. That handsome cock shot long white ropes of cum onto his bare chest. I gripped it tight in my fist until the last drops escaped. Tanner gasped hard for breath.

  I muttered, “Sexy fucker. You’ve gotta be mine.”

  Once the pounding of both of our hearts slowed beneath the danger zone, Tanner rose to a sitting position. He looked up at me as I started to tug my briefs and jeans back on.

  “Please don’t tell me I’m sleeping alone tonight.”

  “You might never sleep alone again.”

  Tanner beamed. He liked to smile and smirk, but I don’t think I’d ever seen one that big on his face. He said, “I’m good with that. Your place or mine?”

  “Mine. That king-sized bed needs another body.”

  I woke up the next morning with Tanner’s head pushed into the crook of my arm. His breath tickled my bare chest. I held my watch up to my face and blinked until my vision cleared enough to read 5:22.

  It was far too early. Neither of us needed to be thinking about work yet. A few minutes later, I drifted back to the world of sleep.

  Waking up the next time wasn’t quite so peaceful.

  Tanner yelped, “Mitch, wake up! We’re late.” He slapped my chest with his bare hand until I opened my eyes.

  “Ow. Hey, can’t you be a little more gentle?”

  “You sleep like a log. A handsome log that I love to cuddle up with, but still. I tried a gentle push on your shoulders.”

  My watch read 7:45. Tanner was right. If I were going to work, I was already late. That was a big “if.”

  I asked, “Are you sure that we need to go? Don’t you have employees that can run your place in your absence? I think that’s called redundancy. I read it in one of those restaurant biz mags once. We don’t really have to be anywhere until we meet Beverly at three.”

  Tanner smirked at me and rested his forearms on my chest. “Are you trying to encourage me to play hooky?”

  “I’m only providing options.”

  Tanner traced my lower lip with an index finger. “I hope you realize that if I stay here all day, and I don’t go into work, it could become a habit.”

  “Would that be so awful?”

  Tanner gritted his teeth. “Damn, you’re dangerous.” He kissed my lips. “And sexy.” Our lips met again. “And the man I want at the center of my life.”

  I wrapped my arms around Tanner’s slim body and rolled over to pin him to the bed. “We’ll call this a mental health day. I’ve heard those are all the rage. Surely, we’re both crazy as loons together like this. We need a day off to see if there’s any possible cure.”

  “I think it’s a hopeless case.”

  “Dr. Mitch agrees with you. I think there’s only one way to deal with the ailment.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “A big dose of Mitch Aiken first thing in the morning, and then an even bigger dose at night. You can’t miss a day. That would only send you into an ugly, unpleasant decline. Constant, regular doses are the only hope for a cure.”

  Tanner blinked as he looked up at me. He wiggled his slim body against my beefier frame. “I’m ready to follow your lead, Doctor. I’ve never been more ready in all of my life. Serve me up the first big dose of that medicine.”

  Epilogue - Tanner

  A perky reporter named Saundra said, “Welcome back. We’ve reached the point in our show where we feature local interest stories, and, let me tell you; we’ve got a great one for you today. I’m lucky enough to have Mitch Aiken and Tanner Gentry join me, both from our neighboring town of Willow Springs. Gentlemen, you’ve recently had the opportunity to take part in a national television show.”

  Saundra turned to face the camera. “Celebrities right in our studio.” She was a morning show personality and turned back toward Mitch and me with a dazzling, toothy smile. “Can you tell the viewers what they can expect from the first season of Scrumptious Small Towns on the National Food Network?”

  I started. “Well, the National Food Network had this great idea for Scrumptious Small Towns. Each season is a short six-episode series and focuses on a certain theme. Season One highlights Willow Springs, and the theme is old and new.”

  Mitch, seeming comple
tely at ease under the bright news set lights, piped up about the show and truly glowed. “My diner, South Main, is the old, and Tanner’s place, Gentry’s Java, is the new.”

  We were on our seventh local news morning show in just over a week. Scrumptious Small Towns was premiering the following night. Fortunately, the conversation with Saundra wrapped up over a month of promo spots ranging from commercials for NFN to interviews with local TV and radio stations.

  “How did your involvement in this project come about?” asked Saundra.

  “Mitch and I met barely over a year ago. I came to town with big plans for Gentry’s Java and was lucky enough to find a friend in Mitch, the owner and operator of the best diner in Willow Springs. He’s also a tremendously talented chef. We had some ups and downs—experienced some friendly, and sometimes not so friendly, competition as business owners, but finally, we concluded that Willow Springs had plenty of room for both of us. It’s a place where the old, the tried and true, and the new and trendy thrive.”

  I flashed a smile toward the camera. “A very talented filmmaker friend of mine, Shane Rogers, made a short movie that he entered into the Heart of the Midwest film competition. His work earned boatloads of praise and recognition, and the National Food Network saw it. They loved Willow Springs and the little theme of old and new that Mitch and I used in our restaurants. They approached us, we loved the idea, and here we are, a day away from the big season premiere.”

  Whenever I talked about the TV show in public, I was sure to mention Shane’s film. He deserved the shout out; without his film, Mitch and I wouldn’t be on national TV. I was excited for Shane that NFN used clips from his short movie. It ensured that he received royalties and name recognition from his project.

  Saundra directed her next question toward Mitch. “Can you tell us a little about what filming the show was like?”

  “It was a fun experience. We filmed the six episodes over two months and focused on a food-related business’s day-to-day operation. The producers challenged Tanner and me to showcase our best recipes. We had fun competitions in each episode and got the chance to highlight some of the great local businesses we rely on for running our restaurants. We had a great time sharing Willow Springs with the viewing audience.”

  I got lost in Mitch’s energetic embrace of the project. “We even switched places in one of the episodes, which brought about plenty of hilarity for all involved. There’s a subtle but significant theme that flows through all six episodes. Please don’t ask me to give out any spoilers. You’ll have to watch to see what I’m talking about.”

  Mitch winked at me, and my heart fluttered.

  Beverly asked if we were okay with including our relationship in the show, and we both agreed. It wasn’t the main focus, but since our relationship was part of who we were as people and business owners, it made sense to include it.

  I picked up where Mitch left off. “The final episode is the ultimate pinnacle of combining old and new. We’re pleased with how the whole season turned out. Not only will foodies love it, I think fans of local interest shows will find it interesting. It’s not exactly a reality show, but it’s got just enough of that to pull in a lot of those fans, too.” I shifted in my seat as the interview segment wound down. “I know I’ll definitely be watching the next seasons.”

  “Now, you mention the next seasons.” Saundra pressed on. “Will each season have a new small town with the same old and new theme?”

  Mitch fielded that question. “The way I understand it, each season will focus on a different small town and a theme that fits them best. But all of the seasons will highlight the amazingly delicious food from places off the beaten path. I love that this show will give some recognition to overlooked quality restaurants and the great foodies who run them.”

  “Well, I, for one, will be watching.” Saundra turned to the camera. “What about you, viewers? Are you planning to watch our Willow Springs neighbors tomorrow night on the National Food Network?” She turned back toward us. “And I will be visiting South Main and Gentry’s Java very soon.”

  With a smile and a nod, Mitch said, “Can’t wait to show you what Willow Springs has to offer.”

  “Thank you to our Willow Springs celebrity neighbors, Mitch Aiken of South Main and Tanner Gentry of Gentry’s Java, for spending time with us this morning. Best wishes for your season of Scrumptious Small Towns premiering tomorrow night on the National Food Network.” Saundra turned toward the camera. “Join us after the commercial break for our heartwarming segment, Joy’s Joy, where Joy Melkin shares some of her joys. Today’s joy is of the furry companion variety.”

  When the cameras were no longer filming, Saundra stood. “Gentlemen, thank you for being with us today. I am looking forward to the show and my upcoming visit to both of your places.”

  We said our goodbyes and left the studio.

  On the way to the car, Mitch took my hand. “While I’m starting to feel exhausted after seven of those in just over a week, they are fun.”

  “Agreed. The NFN ones are fun too, but it’s neat to be on all the local news sets.” I turned on the ignition and headed toward Willow Springs. “Our friends in town are getting a kick out of seeing us on local and national commercials.”

  Mitch chuckled. “That they are. Barry asked me if he could have my autograph.”

  I chuckled. “I hope all the local businesses see an uptick in revenue from the show.”

  “Shane’s film boosted Willow Springs. I think a national television show will have the same if not better impact.” I took Mitch’s hand.

  “The only thing I’m worried about is Willow Springs becoming too commercial.” Mitch fiddled with the radio.

  “Nah, I don’t see that happening. A little new and trendy here and there is fine, but the townsfolk won’t stand for getting swamped by commercialism. Plus, the only place to really build any new businesses would be the springs, and we know that’s not going to happen.” I squeezed Mitch’s hand.

  “Mmm, you smell phenomenal.” Mitch came up behind me in the kitchen and nuzzled my neck.

  I tilted my head to allow better access and smiled. “It’s probably the wonton tacos.”

  Mitch nibbled and licked at my sensitive skin, and I shivered.

  “No, the tacos smell delicious, but you smell even better. Like soap, sex, and sunshine.” Mitch teased my earlobe with his tongue.

  I laughed. “Have you been reading romance novels again?”

  “Not without you.” Mitch ran his hands up and down my chest as he rocked his hips against my ass. “What time are people getting here?”

  I turned in his embrace and wrapped my arms around his neck. “We have about an hour. Do you have something in mind?” Our friends were coming over for dinner, drinks, and watching the season premiere of Scrumptious Small Towns.

  Mitch growled before devouring my mouth. After he pulled away, he murmured against my lips. “Have you showered?”

  “This morning. Why?” I teased his bottom lip with my tongue.

  “I thought maybe you got dirty and need to shower again.”

  “I’m down with that.” I checked all the dishes and turned the oven down. “We now have fifty-five minutes. Let’s make them count.”

  Within seconds, we were in the bedroom. We stripped out of our clothes and tossed them around the room haphazardly. I found myself on the bed with Mitch between my legs as his hot mouth engulfed my cock. We kicked everything into high gear to be ready for our dinner guests on time. The urgency of the situation and Mitch’s touch had my blood on fire, and I knew that I wouldn’t last long.

  “Condom and lube, quick.” I reached for the bedside table, but Mitch beat me to it.

  He rolled me to my right side after sheathing his dick. Mitch whispered, “Won’t need this much longer—you’re mine, and I’m yours.” He rubbed a smear of lube against my ass, teased me with a finger, and then his thick head pressed against my hole.

  “I love you,” whispered Mitch as he
entered my body.

  The sting took my breath away, and I gasped. “Love you, too.”

  Mitch thrust into me. I turned toward the left, my left leg hitched up, and Mitch fucked me into the mattress as my hands balled up a fistful of the sheets. I reveled in the moment as my senses neared overload. The sounds of our bodies becoming one, the scent of sex filling the air, the slap of our damp skin, and the time limit all pushed me closer and closer to the edge.

  When Mitch pulled out and removed the condom, I rolled to my back and jerked my cock. Watching him jack off and come over my body was one of my favorite bedroom activities. He stroked his cock as he played with my balls.

  “Come for me—wanna see you explode,” panted Mitch.

  I groaned and unloaded my load just as Mitch roared and painted my stomach. He lowered himself onto me, my legs spread to accommodate him, and our cum mixed while our spent cocks rubbed together gently. We kissed.

  We were both breathless when the kiss ended. “When we don’t have guests coming over, I’m going to take my damn time and savor every square inch of you. Eat your ass, suck your balls, finger your hole..”

  I whimpered, and my dick made a valiant effort to stiffen. “Love it when you talk dirty.”

  Mitch said, “But for now, we do have guests, and we both nee to shower. Wanna share the water?”

  The shower turned into another round of playtime, and we found ourselves pushing the deadline. We rushed to dry off, dress, and skid into the kitchen with only moments to spare before the doorbell rang.

  I worked to finish the food while Mitch answered the door. Barry, Travis, and Mitch joined me in the kitchen a few moments later, and the celebration began.

  We feasted on wonton tacos filled with steak, chicken, or shrimp and spicy Asian slaw on the side. Mitch concocted an out-of-this-world salsa, and we scooped heaps of it up with salty, crispy tortilla chips. A fiesta lime rice dish completed the main course, and we all drank a crisp cranberry cider with our meal.


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