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The Cadwaladr Quests

Page 32

by S L Ager

  148 victorious (adj) having won a victory; winning, vanquishing, triumphant, conquering. (ant) defeated.

  10. The First Cut

  1 captive (adj) held, caged or locked up; imprisoned, incarcerated, detained, confined. (ant) free.

  2 conclude (v) decide on or judge something by reasoning; deduce, infer, determine, surmise. (ant) reject.

  3 vulture (n) a horrid person who exploits (misuses) others, a large bird of prey; predator. (ant) benefactor.

  4 leer (n) an unpleasant look; evil eye, grimace, sneer, smirk, stare, grin. (ant) smile.

  5 conceivable (adj) capable of being understood or imagined; imaginable, plausible. (ant) implausible.

  6 consistently (adv) in a consistent (steady) manner; reliably, dependably, constantly. (ant) inconsistently.

  7 tailored (adj) made to fit exactly; custom, smart, fitted, stylish, elegant, designed. (ant) misadjusted.

  8 complement (v) enhance; suit, set off, go with, add to, supplement, augment. (ant) contrast, diminish.

  9 starched (adj) stiffened with starch (substance to stiffen fabric); firm, rigid, inflexible. (ant) soft, pliant.

  10 exclusive (adj) available to only a few; high-class, restricted, limited, elite, select, special. (ant) inclusive.

  11 cologne (n) scent or perfume; aftershave, eau de toilette, fragrance, essence, toilet water.

  12 style (v) make or design in a specific way; cut, shape, form, adapt, fashion, tailor.

  13 cutting-edge (adj) the latest or most advanced; leading, innovative, progressive. (ant) old-fashioned.

  14 salon (n) place where a hairdresser or beautician works; barbershop, parlour.

  15 beguile (v) enchant or charm (sometimes deceptively); deceive, entrance, captivate, woo. (ant) repulse.

  16 suave (adj) confident and elegant; smooth, polished, refined, debonair, sophisticated. (ant) awkward.

  17 persuasive (adj) able to persuade (convince) well; compelling, believable, credible. (ant) unconvincing.

  18 covetous (adj) desiring things belonging to others; grasping, greedy, envious, avaricious. (ant) satisfied.

  19 influence (v) persuade to change in some way; affect, sway, manipulate, induce, impel. (ant) underwhelm.

  20 exploit (v) benefit unfairly from; abuse, use, illtreat, misuse, manipulate, manoeuvre. (ant) respect.

  21 ghoulish (adj) like a ghoul (phantom or evil spirit); weird, deathly, fiendish, macabre. (ant) inoffensive.

  22 fiendish (adj) cruel and wicked; evil, villainous, malicious, malevolent, cunning, devilish. (ant) pleasant.

  23 flimsy (adj) light and easily damaged; insubstantial, fragile, delicate, light, slight. (ant) substantial, robust.

  24 salivate (v) secrete (produce) saliva (spit); slobber, dribble, drool, slaver, water, froth, ooze.

  25 embark (v) board, begin or start; commence, enter, launch, venture. (ant) disembark, cease, end, stop.

  26 gourmet (adj) of high quality and prepared by an expert; luxurious, opulent, decadent. (ant) poor.

  27 devour (v) totally absorb or eat quickly; consume, engulf, gobble, overwhelm. (ant) reject, abstain from.

  28 simultaneously (adv) at the same time, all together; concurrently, instantaneously. (ant) separately.

  29 methodically (adv) in a methodical (systematic) way; coherently, carefully, precisely. (ant) randomly.

  30 imperfection (n) an undesirable feature or fault; flaw, deformity, defect, weakness, failing. (ant) perfection.

  31 defect (n) a lack or imperfection; shortcoming, flaw, deficiency, fault, weakness, failing. (ant) perfection.

  32 forage (v) search widely for (often food); look for, seek, hunt, rummage, scour, grub, root.

  33 ridge (n) a narrow, raised band or bump on a surface; furrow, groove, crest, fold, crease. (ant) flat, plain.

  34 identify (v) recognise or distinguish; spot, detect, discover, discern, pinpoint, locate. (ant) overlook, lose.

  35 chink (n) narrow opening or crack; gap, breach, crack, break, opening, split.

  36 placement (n) the act of placing, an arrangement or position; location, situation.

  37 ingenious (adj) clever, inventive and original; innovative, smart, enterprising, creative. (ant) ignorant.

  38 estranged (adj) no longer friendly or close to someone; parted, alienated, distant, separated. (ant) united.

  39 falter (v) lose momentum or strength; hesitate, stall, delay, waver, pause, fade. (ant) rally, continue.

  40 moderate (adj) medium or average, not intense; controlled, measured, balanced, normal. (ant) extreme.

  41 immaculate (adj) without flaw or mistake; impeccable, faultless, pristine, perfect, spotless. (ant) defective.

  42 quiver (v) tremble or shake; shiver, quaver, shudder, vibrate, quake, tremor. (ant) steady, still.

  43 impact (n) an instance of one object hitting another; collision, crash, bang, blow, contact. (ant) avoidance.

  44 reminiscent of (adj) reminding of or relating to, suggestive of; similar to, redolent of, evocative of.

  45 helix (n) of a spiral or coiled form; corkscrew, twirl, twist, whirl, whorl, loop.

  46 fascinating (adj) extremely interesting; engrossing, captivating, absorbing, riveting. (ant) boring.

  47 ricochet (v) rebound or echo off a surface, fly around; reverberate, bounce, reflect.

  48 gallant (adj) brave or noble; honourable, principled, decent, polite, upright, chivalrous. (ant) unprincipled.

  49 jeer (v) make mocking or rude remarks; ridicule, taunt, scoff, deride, sneer, insult. (ant) compliment.

  50 caustic (adj) bitter, scathing and sarcastic; cutting, biting, scornful, sharp, harsh, unkind. (ant) mild, kind.

  11. Teamwork

  1 erase (v) remove or rub out; expunge, obliterate, delete, eradicate, eliminate, destroy. (ant) preserve.

  2 rational (adj) based on logic or reason; sensible, wise, lucid, sane, reasonable, judicious. (ant) irrational.

  3 incoherent (adj) in a confused way; unclear, unintelligible, incomprehensible, inarticulate. (ant) coherent.

  4 holler (v) shout or cry loudly; bellow, bawl, roar, shriek, yell, howl, vociferate. (ant) whisper.

  5 unravel (v) fall apart or unwind; collapse, crumble, break down, fail. (ant) interlace, entwine.

  6 lintel (n) a beam that supports a wall, door or window; joist, girder, strut, rafter.

  7 torrent (n) an overwhelming outburst (often of emotion); flood, gush, rush, surge, deluge. (ant) trickle.

  8 inconsolable (adj) unable to be comforted; heartbroken, despairing, desolate. (ant) ecstatic.

  9 cope (v) deal with something difficult; contend, endure, handle, manage. (ant) fail, flounder, yield.

  10 dent (n) small hollow in a surface made by a blow or pressure; dint, indentation, depression. (ant) lump.

  11 involuntary (adj) done without will or conscious control; automatic, reflex, spontaneous. (ant) voluntary.

  12 thrash (n) flailing or jerking movement; toss, flap, swing, wave, whip, lash, flay.

  13 lash (v) move quickly and violently; flail, jerk, swish, flick, whip, wag, swing, twitch.

  14 spasmodic (adj) occurring in brief, irregular intervals; erratic, fitful, intermittent, sporadic. (ant) continuous.

  15 flail (v) swing or wave wildly; thrash about, beat about, whirl, flap, flounder, lash.

  16 emulate (v) copy the actions of; imitate, reproduce, match, mimic, mirror, echo, rival. (ant) differ from.

  17 vice (n) a metal tool with jaws for holding an object firmly in place; clamp, brace, press, clasp.

  18 wrench (v) twist or pull suddenly; jerk, jolt, yank, sprain, injure, rick, turn, crick.

  19 prong (n) protruding metal part; projection, point, tine.

  20 haphazardly (adv) in a haphazard (random) way; arbitrarily, chaotically, carelessly. (ant) systematically.

  21 shave (v) pass closely, narrowly miss. (ant) hit, collide, connect, impact.

  22 barbaric (adj) cruel and savage; barbarous, brutal, remorseless, fierce, ferocious, in
human. (ant) gentle.

  23 battering ram (n) a large object used for battering (hitting) something with; club, bludgeon, cudgel, baton.

  24 bludgeon (v) strike with a bludgeon (thick stick or club) or heavy object; bash, batter, beat.

  25 bawl (v) cry or shout noisily; howl, wail, sob, weep, blubber, blub, roar, bellow. (ant) whisper.

  26 squall (v) cry continuously and noisily; yowl, wail, rage, bluster, howl, screech. (ant) laugh, smile.

  12. Trust

  1 goad (v) annoy or provoke into a reaction; spur, hound, badger, incite, prod, push, stimulate. (ant) calm.

  2 adversary (n) an opponent (rival); enemy, foe, nemesis, challenger, opposition. (ant) supporter, ally.

  3 empathy (n) the ability to understand the feelings of another; compassion, sympathy. (ant) indifference.

  4 defiantly (adv) in a defiant (disobedient) way; boldly, rebelliously, cheekily, insolently. (ant) compliantly.

  5 devout (adj) completely committed (dedicated) to a belief or cause; devoted, staunch. (ant) uncommitted.

  6 perpetual (adj) never changing or ending; constant, eternal, permanent, undying. (ant) temporary.

  7 insipid (adj) lacking the qualities that excite; dull, vapid, boring, banal, bland, characterless. (ant) exciting.

  8 ridicule (v) subject to unpleasant language or behaviour; mock, humiliate, deride, tease, scorn. (ant) praise.

  9 morality (n) principles discerning right and wrong; ethics, decency, integrity, standards. (ant) immorality.

  10 retaliate (v) react to or fight back; respond, retort, reciprocate, counter. (ant) excuse, forgive.

  11 stance (n) a person’s outward attitude and behaviour; bearing, pose, posture, position.

  12 provocation (n) action or speech that stirs anger; incitement, aggravation, vexation. (ant) pacification.

  13 rasp (v) say in a harsh, grating way; croak, bark, snarl, growl. (ant) soothe.

  14 vengeful (adj) seeking to gain revenge (payback); unforgiving, resentful, ruthless, vindictive. (ant) forgiving.

  15 repressed (adj) restrained or oppressed; suppressed, controlled, curbed, inhibited, stifled. (ant) expressed.

  16 erupt (v) explode physically or with emotion; overflow, vent, burst forth, flare, rage. (ant) subside.

  17 composure (n) feeling of being calm and in control; self-control, serenity, tranquillity, poise. (ant) agitation.

  18 contort (v) bend or twist out of normal shape; distort, deform, warp, misshape. (ant) align, straighten.

  19 immoral (adj) not being moral (good); wicked, depraved, dishonest, unscrupulous, corrupt. (ant) moral.

  20 soul (n) a person’s moral or emotional nature; personality, spirit, persona, identity, inner self.

  21 churn (v) turn and move (often in an anxious or excited way); heave, mix, shake, roil, agitate. (ant) abate.

  22 fiery (adj) burning, or having the colours of fire; sizzling, hot, bright, brilliant, vivid, vibrant. (ant) icy, dull.

  23 spew (v) expel or pour out rapidly; eject, emit, spout, spurt, gush, flow, stream, spill. (ant) dribble, trickle.

  24 acrid (adj) unpleasantly pungent or bitter; choking, harsh, acidic, sharp. (ant) pleasant, sweet.

  25 demented (adj) behaving irrationally (crazily); deranged, unhinged, insane, lunatic, frenzied. (ant) rational.

  26 outlandish (adj) unfamiliar and bizarre; peculiar, eccentric, weird, queer, freakish, grotesque. (ant) usual.

  27 hideous (adj) extremely unpleasant; ugly, revolting, repugnant, appalling, monstrous. (ant) attractive.

  28 unearthly (adj) mysterious or unnatural in a disturbing way; weird, supernatural, eerie. (ant) normal.

  29 capacious (adj) having lots of space inside; spacious, vast, sizeable, extensive, huge, ample. (ant) cramped.

  30 rift (n) a split or crack; fissure, fracture, cleft, gap, hole, crevice, aperture, separation. (ant) closure.

  31 network (n) a complex system of something; maze, structure, web, arrangement.

  32 venous (adj) relating to (like) veins; veined, venose, veiny.

  33 hack (v) cut with harsh, rough, heavy blows; chop, slash, lacerate, hew, gash, slice.

  34 pivot (v) turn as if on a pivot (central point); rotate, revolve, spin, swivel, whirl, pirouette.

  35 hubristically (adv) in a hubristic (arrogant and presumptive) way; conceitedly, haughtily. (ant) humbly.

  36 vindictive (adj) seeking revenge (payback); vengeful, revengeful, rancorous, malicious. (ant) benevolent.

  37 hysterical (adj) expressing (showing) uncontrollable emotion; frantic, frenzied, frenetic. (ant) composed.

  38 resignation (n) acceptance of something undesirable yet inevitable; tolerance, sufferance. (ant) defiance.

  39 perceptible (adj) able to be noticed or seen; audible, detectable, discernible. (ant) undetectable, inaudible.

  40 capitulate (v) stop resisting an opponent or demand; surrender, yield, submit, relent, cede. (ant) resist.

  41 supernatural (adj) inexplicable in scientific terms; paranormal, mystical, ghostly, uncanny. (ant) natural.

  42 fissure (n) narrow opening, split or crack; crevice, chink, cleft, rift, slit, fracture, breach. (ant) closure.

  43 apathy (n) lack of concern, interest or enthusiasm; indifference, unconcern. (ant) curiosity, passion.

  44 reliable (adj) trusted to perform without fail; dependable, consistent, steadfast. (ant) unreliable, erratic.

  45 maniac (n) a person behaving wildly, violently and dangerously; lunatic, psychopath. (ant) sane person.

  46 outraged (adj) very indignant, shocked or angered; incensed, enraged, offended, affronted. (ant) placated.

  47 ferocious (adj) great and extreme; strong, vicious, aggressive, brutal, savage, barbarous. (ant) gentle, mild.

  48 lamentably (adv) regrettably; unfortunately, sadly, unluckily. (ant) fortunately.

  49 wilted (adj) having lost energy or confidence; languid, droopy, withered, faded, shrivelled. (ant) bolstered.

  50 livid (adj) furiously angry; seething, infuriated, incensed, enraged, outraged, fuming. (ant) pleased, calm.

  51 plant (v) set or place in a specific position; stand, deposit, lodge, put, stick, fix, set. (ant) move, uproot.

  52 bemused (adj) confused or muddled; bewildered, perplexed, flummoxed, stumped. (ant) understanding.

  53 inadvertently (adv) in an inadvertent (unintended) manner; accidentally, unwittingly. (ant) purposely.

  54 adept (adj) highly skilled or proficient (good) at something; competent, adroit, consummate. (ant) inept.

  55 spectate (v) watch rather than take part in; view, observe, look, witness. (ant) participate.

  56 skilful (adj) showing or having skill; expert, accomplished, proficient, adept, competent. (ant) incompetent.

  57 despatch (v) deal with quickly; finish, discharge, conclude, settle, destroy, kill. (ant) restore.

  58 fashion (v) make into a specific form; shape, mould, contrive, create, construct, fabricate. (ant) destroy.

  59 incredulous (adj) not able to believe, unbelieving; sceptical, doubtful, unconvinced. (ant) believing.

  60 vaporise (v) vanish or disappear without trace; evaporate. (ant) appear, emerge.

  61 smouldering (adj) burning gently without flames but often emitting (producing) smoke; glowing, smoking.

  62 dominant (adj) influential and powerful over others; strong, superior, forceful. (ant) submissive.

  63 fractured (adj) broken, cracked or snapped; shattered, splintered, split, ruptured. (ant) fixed, repaired.

  64 crazed (adj) having lots of fine cracks; flawed, damaged, shattered, splintered, split. (ant) unblemished.

  65 razor (n) incredibly sharp cutting or shaving instrument; blade, knife, shaver, cutter.

  66 sliver (n) a small, thin, narrow piece; splinter, slice, shaving, fragment, shard, flake. (ant) whole.

  67 snag (v) catch or tear on something sharp; rip, gash, cut, jag, hook, lacerate.

  68 crevice (n) narrow opening or crack (especially in rock); gap, fissu
re, cleft, fracture, cranny. (ant) ridge.

  69 jostle (v) push, bump or elbow something; collide with, knock, shove, manhandle, shoulder.


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