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The Cadwaladr Quests

Page 33

by S L Ager

  70 opaque (adj) not able to been seen through; cloudy, hazy, filmy. (ant) transparent.

  71 remark (v) notice, say, or regard (look at) with attention; comment, observe, state, utter.

  72 mysterious (adj) difficult to identify, explain or understand; bizarre, queer, inexplicable. (ant) explicable.

  73 origin (n) where something begins or comes from; source, derivation, start, origination. (ant) conclusion.

  74 cleft (n) a split or fissure; crevice, opening, breach, chasm, crack, rift, chink. (ant) closure, ridge.

  75 startling (adj) alarming or shocking; surprising, astounding, astonishing, staggering. (ant) placating.

  76 entwine (v) twist, wind or weave together; intertwine, interlace, interweave, interlink. (ant) unravel.

  77 alluring (adj) powerfully attractive or fascinating; appealing, charming, enticing, beguiling. (ant) repellent.

  78 mesmerise (v) hold the complete attention of; hypnotise, captivate, enthral, spellbind. (ant) bore.

  79 simplicity (n) the quality of being simple; purity, plainness, austerity. (ant) complexity, intricacy.

  80 joyful (adj) causing huge pleasure and happiness; bright, enjoyable, pleasing. (ant) joyless, glum.

  81 extraordinary (adj) remarkable or extremely unusual; exceptional, phenomenal, particular. (ant) normal.

  82 lustre (n) sheen or glow; brilliance, brightness, splendour, gloss, shine, radiance, gleam. (ant) dimness.

  83 define (v) show or make clear the outline of; determine, establish, specify, distinguish, clarify. (ant) distort.

  84 intensify (v) make or become more intense (strong); strengthen, increase, escalate, sharpen. (ant) weaken.

  85 unambiguous (adj) not open to misinterpretation; unmistakable, clear-cut, explicit, definite. (ant) vague.

  86 participant (n) something or someone who takes part in something; contributor, member. (ant) observer.

  87 countenanced (adj) having a look or expression; faced, featured, expressed.

  88 daub (v) smear, coat or paint in a clumsy way; smudge, plaster, stain, cover, slop, splatter. (ant) clean.

  89 shock (n) a thick mass of hair; mane, head, crop, cascade.

  90 residual (adj) remaining or left over; lasting, surplus, remnant, enduring, outstanding. (ant) departed.

  91 extinguish (v) put an end to or destroy; terminate, annihilate, eradicate, snuff out, eliminate. (ant) create.

  92 depict (v) represent in some form; portray, show, describe, paint, picture, illustrate. (ant) misrepresent.

  93 miraculously (adj) in a remarkable and welcome way; astoundingly, unbelievably. (ant) unremarkably.

  94 withhold (v) suppress (put an end to) or hold back; stop, refuse, deny, resist. (ant) permit, yield to.

  95 onslaught (n) a vicious or destructive attack; aggression, assault, offence, ambush, raid. (ant) defence.

  96 quash (v) put an end to; suppress, quell, repress, crush, curb, overwhelm, defeat, conquer. (ant) allow.

  97 omen (n) a sign of something to come; signal, portent, premonition, prophecy.

  98 premonition (n) a feeling that something is about happen; forewarning, intuition, hunch.

  99 stammer (v) speak with difficulty; stutter, hesitate, falter, stumble, splutter, mumble. (ant) pronounce.

  100 feral (adj) (especially of an animal) wild and untamed; undomesticated, uncontrollable. (ant) tame, trained.

  101 concisely (adv) in a concise (short but comprehensive) way; succinctly, pithily. (ant) long-windedly.

  102 condescendingly (adv) in a condescending (superior) manner; imperiously, pompously. (ant) modestly.

  103 rank (n) position in an organisation; standing, grade, level, status, title, place, category.

  104 fellow (n) man or boy; person, individual, fella, character, chap, lad, bloke. (ant) woman.

  105 ramble (v) talk in a confused or unimportant way; prattle, blather, twitter, blether, digress.

  106 mystified (adj) completely perplexed or bewildered; nonplussed, bamboozled, stumped. (ant) enlightened.

  107 scruff (n) (animal or person) back of the neck; scrag, nape, nucha.

  108 faff (v) do something ineffectually (not having desired effect or outcome); fuss, fluster, flap. (ant) achieve.

  109 mislaid (adj) temporarily unable to be found; misplaced, lost, forgotten, dropped. (ant) found.

  110 exuberant (adj) full of cheer, energy or excitement; boisterous, buoyant, spirited, vivacious. (ant) lethargic.

  111 furore (n) a disturbance caused by excitement or anger; commotion, rumpus, hubbub. (ant) tranquillity.

  112 herd (v) gather together or move in a group; shepherd, assemble, steer, usher, drove. (ant) disperse.

  113 fiasco (n) a complete failure, especially a ridiculous one; debacle, shambles, farce, mess. (ant) success.

  114 uproar (n) a loud noise or disturbance; pandemonium, turmoil, hullabaloo, tumult, clamour. (ant) silence.

  115 exacerbate (v) make worse; aggravate, worsen, inflame, impair, intensify, exasperate. (ant) alleviate.

  116 bumbling (n) a confused or useless action; blunder, bungle, ineptness, incompetence. (ant) efficiency.

  117 enormous (adj) large in size or quantity; giant, massive, colossal, vast, huge, immense. (ant) tiny, minute.

  118 attempted (adj) failed despite effort to succeed; unsuccessful, futile, ineffective. (ant) successful.

  119 gravelly (adj) deep and rough in sound; husky, gruff, raspy, hoarse, harsh. (ant) soft, velvety.

  120 substantial (adj) of largish size, importance or worth; considerable, sizeable, ample. (ant) small, minor.

  121 girth (n) someone or something’s middle (waist) measurement; width, stomach, midriff.

  122 throng (n) a dense, tightly packed crowd; multitude, mob, mass, horde, gang, swarm. (ant) smattering.

  123 scupper (v) prevent from working or succeeding; ruin, wreck, foil, spoil, stymie. (ant) help, facilitate.

  124 prank (n) mischievous act or practical joke; trick, stunt, caper, jape, lark, hoax, antic.

  125 manifestly (adv) in a clear, evident or obvious way; noticeably, clearly, undoubtedly. (ant) doubtfully.

  126 ruse (n) an action intended to deceive (trick) someone; con, subterfuge, stunt, smokescreen. (ant) truth.

  127 irreparably (adv) in a way that is impossible to correct or repair; permanently, irreversibly. (ant) reversibly.

  128 impudent (adj) not showing respect for another; cheeky, insolent, impertinent, brazen. (ant) respectful.

  129 foil (n) thin, pliable (bendy) sheet or layer of metal; aluminium foil.

  130 apparently (adv) as far as one knows or can see; supposedly, seemingly, evidently. (ant) implausibly.

  131 skewer (v) pierce with something extremely thin and sharp; stab, impale, spear, bayonet.

  132 scamper (v) run with light, quick steps; scurry, scuttle, scoot, hurry, romp, trot, hasten. (ant) dawdle, stroll.

  133 simper (v) smile in an ingratiating (slimy, creepy, coy) manner; grin, beam, smirk, pout. (ant) frown, scowl.

  134 clammy (adj) unpleasantly damp and sticky; sweaty, slimy, moist, wet. (ant) dry, warm, parched.

  135 evidently (adv) it would seem that; apparently, seemingly. (ant) implausibly.

  136 analyse (v) examine in detail; inspect, study, investigate, evaluate, explore. (ant) overlook.

  137 substance (n) a specific kind of thing; matter, material, stuff, ingredient, constituent, element.

  138 deference (n) polite respect and submission; regard, esteem, reverence, admiration, awe. (ant) disrespect.

  139 overenthusiastic (adj) having too much enthusiasm; overzealous, ardent, fervent. (ant) unenthusiastic.

  140 inept (adj) showing or having no skill; amateurish, maladroit, bungling, incompetent. (ant) competent.

  141 giddy (adj) frivolous and excitable; silly, skittish, scatter-brained, foolish. (ant) serious, solemn.

  142 hapless (adj) unfortunate; unlucky, luckless, woeful, ill-fated, doomed, pitiful. (ant) fortunate, fortuitous.

>   143 matter-of-fact (adj) unemotional; impassive, deadpan, sober, aloof, cool. (ant) irrational, agitated.

  144 mirthful (adj) full of mirth (amusement); amusing, merry, light-hearted, joyful, jolly, jovial. (ant) mirthless.

  145 truant (n) a pupil missing school without permission; absentee, non-attender, skiver. (ant) attendee.

  146 grave (adj) serious or solemn; sombre, sober, thoughtful, unsmiling, stony, gloomy. (ant) cheerful, upbeat.

  147 devise (v) plan or invent; conceive, formulate, concoct, contrive, create, develop. (ant) copy, replicate.

  148 alibi (n) a claim that one was elsewhere whilst a wrong was done; excuse, defence, proof.

  149 corresponding (adj) similar or agreeing; equating, suitable, parallel, relating, concurrent. (ant) differing.

  150 corroborate (v) give support or confirm something; agree, verify, endorse, validate, justify. (ant) disprove.

  151 fluorescent (adj) vividly bright in colour; luminous, shining, glowing, vibrant. (ant) dark.

  152 laden (adj) heavily loaded or weighed down; full, burdened, encumbered, overloaded. (ant) unburdened.

  153 paramedic (n) a person skilled in emergency medical care; ambulance attendant, medical technician.

  154 instrument (n) a tool or implement; device, gadget, apparatus, contraption, mechanism.

  155 vital signs (n) measurements that indicate the function of a person’s body (pulse, blood pressure, etc.).

  156 unorthodox (adj) contrary (opposite) to what is usual; unconventional, unusual. (ant) orthodox.

  157 belligerent (adj) aggressive and hostile; threatening, confrontational, bellicose. (ant) peaceful, friendly.

  158 cuff (v) put on handcuffs; handcuff, secure, shackle, restrain, fetter. (ant) uncuff, release.

  159 concoct (v) devise or create a story or plan; dream up, fabricate, invent, contrive, conceive. (ant) copy.

  160 amid (prep) surrounded by, in the middle of; among, within, amidst, between, during. (ant) outside.

  161 gazelle (n) a small, slender antelope with long, slim legs.

  162 understated (adj) not excessively showy; modest, simple, tasteful, sensible. (ant) flamboyant, ostentatious.

  163 flatter (v) show off to the best advantage; enhance, complement, suit, improve. (ant) mar, spoil.

  164 beige (adj) a pale fawn colour (like sand); buff, taupe, oatmeal, biscuit, stone.

  165 sashay (v) walk in an exaggerated yet casual manner; swagger, prance, strut. (ant) slouch, shuffle.

  166 masterful (adj) powerful and able to control others; imposing, commanding, dominant. (ant) feeble.

  167 insufferable (adj) too extreme to deal with; intolerable, unbearable, obnoxious, impossible. (ant) bearable.

  168 profuse (adj) abundant; plentiful, copious, generous, gushing, effusive. (ant) scant.

  169 servitude (n) the state of being subject to someone more powerful; subjugation, subjection. (ant) freedom.

  170 swoon (v) be overcome with admiration or other strong emotion; weaken, be overwhelmed. (ant) fortify.

  171 crimson (adj) deep, rich purplish-red colour; ruby, scarlet, rouge, carmine, cherry, cerise.

  172 gawk (v) stare stupidly; gape, gaze, gawp, rubberneck, ogle, goggle, watch. (ant) glance, ignore.

  173 emit (v) produce and discharge (give off); release, effuse, issue, vent, secrete, radiate. (ant) absorb.

  174 magnetic (adj) attractive and alluring; charming, irresistible, compelling, captivating. (ant) repellent.

  175 aura (n) a subtle (fine) impression or quality exuded (given off); air, quality, characteristic, feeling.

  176 eager (adj) wanting to do or have something keenly; impatient, enthusiastic, ready. (ant) unenthusiastic.

  177 abashed (adj) embarrassed, ashamed or disconcerted; humiliated, deflated, mortified. (ant) undaunted.

  178 deliberate (adj) careful and unhurried; measured, steady, cautious. (ant) hasty, careless.

  179 eloquent (adj) indicating or expressing something clearly; articulate, expressive, fluent. (ant) inarticulate.

  180 polite (adj) showing respectful and considerate behaviour; civil, courteous, deferential. (ant) rude, aloof.

  181 faultless (adj) free from error or defect; perfect, flawless, spotless, immaculate. (ant) imperfect, blemished.

  182 cordially (adv) in a cordial (warm and friendly) manner; pleasantly, genially, convivially. (ant) unpleasantly.

  183 embrace (n) act of holding in one’s arms; hug, cuddle, clasp, grasp, squeeze, clinch. (ant) exclusion.

  184 keen (adj) sharp and intense; astute, perceptive, deep, bright, responsive. (ant) insensitive, indifferent.

  185 cryptic (adj) having a mysterious or obscure (unclear) meaning; enigmatic, puzzling. (ant) straightforward.

  13. Exhibition Case 111

  1 fragrance (n) a pleasant smell; scent, perfume, bouquet, aroma, cologne, eau de toilette. (ant) stench.

  2 indelible (adj) unable to be forgotten; lasting, permanent, enduring, ineradicable. (ant) fleeting.

  3 address (v) speak to; lecture, talk to, discuss with, make a speech to.

  4 flounce (v) move in an exaggerated manner; sweep, prance, sashay, mince, stomp, strut. (ant) shuffle.

  5 incompetence (n) inability to do something successfully; ineptitude, stupidity, ineffectiveness. (ant) ability.

  6 ineffectually (adv) in an ineffectual (unsuccessful) manner; incompetently, fruitlessly. (ant) effectively.

  7 rebellious (adj) tending to rebel (fight) authority or control; defiant, disobedient, unruly. (ant) obedient.

  8 have a ball (v) have a great deal of fun; enjoy oneself, party, celebrate, make merry.

  9 blanch (v) become white or pale; whiten, lighten, grey, blench, bleach, drain, fade. (ant) blush, colour.

  10 flabbergasted (adj) greatly surprised; stunned, astonished, staggered, flummoxed, stupefied. (ant) sedate.

  11 bedraggled (adj) dirty and dishevelled; disarranged, messy, unkempt, rumpled. (ant) neat, clean.

  12 spindly (adj) tall or long and thin; skinny, lanky, gangling, gangly, twiggy, spindling. (ant) sturdy, stout.

  13 buckle (v) bend and give way under strain or pressure; crumple, collapse, fold, warp. (ant) straighten.

  14 compose oneself (v) calm oneself; pull oneself together, recover one’s composure. (ant) fluster, panic.

  15 renegade (adj) rejecting authority and control; rebellious, mutinous, traitorous. (ant) loyal, obedient.

  16 extrovert (adj) friendly, confident and outgoing; sociable, gregarious, uninhibited. (ant) introvert.

  17 ineptitude (n) lack of know-how, skill and ability; incompetence, incapacity. (ant) competence.

  18 spectacularly (adv) in a spectacular (dramatic) way; enormously, magnificently. (ant) unspectacularly, dully.

  19 official (adj) relating to a position of authority or power; authorised, formal, lawful. (ant) informal, casual.

  20 feminine (adj) having qualities associated with a woman; womanly, womanlike, ladylike. (ant) masculine.

  21 lark (v) have fun and mess around; joke, prank, cavort, caper, romp, frolic.

  22 lenient (adj) easy-going, not harsh or strict; tolerant, gentle, forgiving, moderate, merciful. (ant) severe.

  23 sack (v) dismiss from employment (one’s job); get rid of, kick out, fire, can, discharge. (ant) employ, hire.

  24 demote (v) move to a lower rank or position; downgrade, relegate, reduce, lower, devalue. (ant) promote.

  25 reputation (n) general opinion of someone; character, name, stature, renown, repute, status.

  26 tarnished (adj) less respected or valued; sullied, blemished, blotted, soiled, harmed. (ant) enhanced.

  27 unequivocal (adj) with or leaving no doubt; plain, clear, unmistakable, unambiguous, sure. (ant) equivocal.

  28 disgraced (adj) fallen from favour; dishonoured, discredited, tarnished. (ant) dignified, honoured.

  29 veiled (adj) partially hidden, disguised or obscured; covered, shrouded, masked, cloaked. (ant) revealed.

30 inwardly (adv) in an inward manner; internally, secretly, privately, silently. (ant) outwardly, openly.

  31 rehearse (v) practise or prepare (sometimes mentally); recite, list, review, repeat, iterate. (ant) improvise.


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