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To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2)

Page 16

by Davidson King

  “Your face does,” I snapped, and that was the moment Ciro got in the middle.

  “This shit right here is great…if it was an act for all to see. Max, you need to get home, and I can get one of my security guys to watch your house when you’re working. Sparkles, if you’re okay with it, I’d be happy to have one of my guys, or myself, helping to keep you safe.”

  All of this was a huge clusterfuck, and I clenched my fists and turned away from the two of them. I wanted to find Dorian Birch and put my fist through his face until he…

  “He’s not going to stop as long as he breathes.” I spoke softly, but I knew Ciro and Sparkles heard me. I still had my back to them and a moment later, I felt a soft touch on my shoulder and turned.

  “I won’t let Dorian make you a murderer,” Sparkles said.

  “And I won’t let Dorian destroy you again.”

  We stared at each other, and I knew the animosity from a few minutes ago had passed. I cared more about this man than I ever had any other. Seeing how he was looking at me, I knew he was feeling the same about me.

  “Good, we’re all in agreement of neither one of you killing anyone or being killed.” Ciro clapped his hands together. “Max, you need to head home, check on your family. I’ll stay here with Sparkles tonight. Maybe talk with your family about being vigilant? You can just say some creeper at the club said some shit.”

  I hated lying to my family, and I hated having to walk away from Sparkles right now while he was so vulnerable, but Ciro was right. I had to check on my family and make sure they were careful.

  “If Dorian finds out another guy is staying here, he’ll just get pissed.” There was no question of that.

  “And Sparkles could say it was because he was assaulted. He’s made it no secret that he hates Dorian. Him having a friend over won’t be a huge surprise, and I have no one he can threaten.”

  It was almost sad to hear that from Ciro, and I had a million questions for him. I’d always considered him my friend, and he always had my back, but he was a secretive man too. I never asked about his life and by giving him that respect, I got little tidbits here and there.

  “That just means he’ll hurt you directly,” Sparkles said and Ciro chuckled.

  “I’d love to see him try.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t.” Sparkles went over to Tank and petted him. I could feel the sadness pouring off him.

  “Give me a few minutes with Sparkles, and then I’ll go.”

  Ciro nodded and walked into the kitchen to give us some privacy. Sparkles had his eyes trained on the dog, but I knew he was aware I stood behind him.

  “We’re going to figure this out.”

  He turned slowly, eyes lifting to meet mine. “I thought I had last time, and do you see where that got me?”

  Carefully, I brushed my thumb over his bruised cheek and smiled. “Last time you did it by yourself; this time you’re not alone.”

  He leaned forward, his forehead resting on my chest. “Would you think less of me if I said I was scared?”

  “No.” I caressed the nape of his neck. “It’s smart to be scared. I don’t think Dorian is afraid, and that will be why he fails. You need to feel fear in order to conquer it.”

  He looked up at me, cyan eyes smiling. “You’re sort of amazing, Max Fazio.”

  “And you’re completely amazing.”

  He chuckled. “Always trying to one-up me every single—”

  I shut him up with a kiss. I loved how he tasted, and I knew I’d miss this, even if it was temporary. When we pulled apart, there was a lingering sadness, knowing we’d have to stay away for a little while.

  “Be safe,” I said.

  “You too.”

  I couldn’t stay any longer. I knew if I did, I’d never leave and that could get us both hurt. With one last kiss, I walked out of Sparkles’s apartment, leaving my heart behind.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  It had been three days since Max walked out of my apartment. I’d avoided Joker’s Sin, knowing that seeing him would make it difficult. Ciro had been with me, or one of his guys was always in the wings. I felt safer. Even if Dorian did manage to get his hands on me, I’d have backup or they’d get help. I’d kept to the apartment or the studio and to keep my mind busy, I had just about finished packing it all up. The studio, on the other hand, was tricky. I hadn’t told Nolan and Alexandra a whole lot of what had been going on. They knew some, but I would have to inform them about the upcoming move.

  When I entered the studio that morning, Alexandra approached me with a worried expression. “What’s going on?” It was all the opening I needed to tell them the rest of the story.

  Nolan and Alexandra listened without interruption. I saw the moment they both had no problem with the move or doing whatever we had to do to make Dorian disappear.

  “I wish you’d told us sooner,” Alexandra said as she hugged me.

  “I knew some but not all that.” Nolan joined the hug, making it a threesome, and I chuckled at the thought.

  “I didn’t want you two to get hurt, and if I’m being completely honest, I didn’t want you two judging me.”

  “Judging you?” Alexandra pulled away. “You did what needed to be done. I’m in awe of you, Lane Ashley!”

  “Same,” Nolan added, and we all hugged once more.

  The rest of the morning and afternoon was teaching classes and a small lunch where the three of us sat on a blanket on the floor, eating deli sandwiches and talking about what our favorite Netflix shows were. It was the first time since Max left that I didn’t feel utterly shattered.

  It was nine that evening when Ciro replaced the guy who was watching me. He said he’d stay out of the way, and I told him I didn’t mind the company.

  “But we don’t want Dorian knowing you have anyone watching you.”

  I knew he was right. “You’ve been thinking for almost four days, have you come up with anything?” I asked as we walked into my office. He scooped Tank up from his doggie bed and hugged him close. Tank made everyone turn to mush…except Dorian.

  “I have some options. I’m thinking—” The sound of the bell indicating someone had arrived surprised me. Nolan and Alexandra had both left half an hour ago.

  “One of them may have forgotten something,” I said. But my gut told me I was wrong.

  “Go on out there, I’ll stay here and listen. If you feel threatened, say the words ‘Leave me alone.’ ”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’d likely say that anyway, but yeah.” I left the office and walked out onto the floor. Dorian stood there in yet another of his stupidly expensive suits.

  “Ahh, there you are. I thought maybe you’d left for the evening.”

  “And left the door unlocked, Dorian?” I moved toward the chairs and sat. “What can I do for you?”

  “I came for the lease.”

  I wondered how long he’d let me sit on it. “I don’t have it on me. I gave it to my attorney to read over. I’ll give him a call in the morning.”

  He seemed appeased with that answer and moved closer to me but not enough that I felt afraid.

  “Halloween is in two days.”

  I waited but when he said nothing else I asked, “Okay, Captain Obvious, what’s your point?”

  “How about you lose the sass,” he snapped.

  “Now why would I do that?”

  He closed his eyes and took a breath. It was almost like he was trying to calm himself, so he wouldn’t hit me. “Anyway, Halloween. There’s a big thing at Joker’s Sin. A few very important people will be there, and I need to go.”


  “You’ll be going with me.”

  I was supposed to have gone with Max. I had to paint his face, and Atlas said I could go in early and through the back to do it. I was excited to have a few moments alone with him, and this would ruin it for me.

  “I actually can’t go with you.”

  “Why?” His face turned that familiar red
it did whenever he was livid.

  “Because Atlas asked me to go early to help with some makeup for his staff. I promised over a month ago. Plus, I dance on the stage for big events. Sorry, you’ll have to torture someone else.”

  Dorian’s hands clenched, and I could easily see the tic in his jaw. I had no doubt that if there wasn’t a possibility of someone seeing us, he’d rip me off this chair to get his point across.

  “You can do what you must, but you will be my date for the evening.”

  That was just like the Dorian I knew. He never asked; he told people what to do and who they were to him.

  “Or what?” I knew the “what,” but maybe if I heard it again, or Ciro heard it personally, it would mean something.

  “Or Alexandra and Nolan suffer for your mistakes. And I go visit Max’s family for some special bonding time.”

  “You made me break it off with Max; that means you stay away from his family.”

  Dorian chuckled. “You don’t ever tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  Every part of me wanted to shout and fight him but it was too risky, and if I acted out now, any plan that came to fruition would be ruined.

  “I’ll see you there, I’m sure,” was all I could muster.

  Dorian took a few steps toward me and as much as I hated how I flinched, there was no part of this man that was predictable. He’d loved when he surprised me with a fist to the face, or told me we were having a quiet night and then locked me in a room with three men he was trying to impress and passed me around. No, to predict him was foolish; he’d surprise you every time.

  “You’re still the whore I remember you for, Lane. All the fancy things in your life, all the happiness you feel in your heart over your perfect life, was paid for by my money. Money I did horrible things for. So, don’t act all high and mighty. You’re everything you hate me for.”

  He wasn’t completely wrong, but I’d never admit it. “I’m nothing like you.”

  He gave me an evil smile. “I’ll see you on Halloween, Lane. Don’t disappoint me.”

  After Dorian left, Ciro stepped out from the back. “I’m going to enjoy making that man eat his words.” Ciro growled, and for the first time I saw the darkness that lived inside him.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  My family had been great after we had a long talk about the situation…although I had to tell some white lies. I didn’t want them looking at Sparkles like he did anything wrong, so I kept to the story about a creeper and asked them all to be vigilant. They agreed and told me to be safe. Ciro had a guy watching over Ma’s and Teresa’s houses, and I felt a lot better going to work knowing someone was shadowing Ma and my niece and nephew as well. It was Halloween morning, and my mom was baking up a storm with her candied apples. We loved this time of year, and there were always so many kids who visited the house. Maria, Frances, and Teresa would be with her tonight, and Barney would be going out with the kids, trick-or-treating. I had to work because we had the big party at the club. Knowing I’d be seeing Sparkles excited me beyond words.

  The two of us had talked on the phone and texted a lot since keeping our distance, but it wasn’t the same. I missed his touch…his taste. But tonight, I was going to make the most of the time we had together before the club opened.

  I said good-bye to my family, hopped on my bike with my costume tucked in the carry case, and drove to Joker’s Sin.

  Atlas had the outside of the club looking very festive with hanging ghosts, lit up pumpkins, orange lights, and signs that said “Turn back” and “Enter at your own risk.” I parked and went in the side entrance. I could hear Ledger doing sound checks and smiled when “Monster Mash” started playing. Inside, it was spooky and perfectly Halloween. The smoke machine was going to run on the stage, making it look ghostly. We couldn’t have things popping out at people and risk hurting them, so mostly it was hanging spiders, skeletons, and cobwebs. Upstairs was set up as a haunted house people could walk through.

  “Hey,” Shane said. He was dressed to look like The Human Torch. After I got my Ghost Rider costume, he came up with the idea for all the bartenders to be Marvel Superheroes. When they agreed, we made sure not to duplicate.

  “Hey, you look great. How’d you get your hair to stand up like that?” He had his red hair looking like flames; it was impressive.

  “Hair wax and a lot of spray. I’ll be in the shower for a week after tonight.” He laughed.

  “Well, you look great. I’m going to head to the back; Sparkles is coming to do up my face. Can you make sure everything is in order and that everyone knows how to do the Halloween drinks? The dry ice is the key.”

  He nodded. “You got it.” I moved to the room and hung up my outfit. I was going to change into it but was sort of hoping I’d get some skin-on-skin time with Sparkles, so I sat and waited for him to arrive.

  I didn’t have to wait too long, and when he entered the room he froze, eyes locked with mine. It had only been a few days, but it felt like a lifetime since we’d been in each other’s presence.

  “Shut the door,” I said, breaking the silence.

  He did and put his garment bag on the chair closest to him. He was devoid of all makeup and was wearing a T-shirt and stretch pants. I hoped the reason he wasn’t in costume was because he wanted me the way I longed for him.

  “Come here.” I sat on the small couch and opened my arms. He locked the door and came running over, straddled my lap, and crushed his lips to mine.

  “I missed you,” I said between breaths.

  “Me too.” He licked inside my mouth, down my neck, and I felt his fingers reaching for the hem of my shirt and damn, I wanted to be naked with him.

  “Take off your clothes.” My voice was raspy, filled with incredible need for him.

  He slid off my lap and without any finesse, undressed in record time. I chuckled as I, too, quickly removed my clothes, not caring that they were in a heap on the floor. At that moment, I wanted to wear Sparkles and Sparkles only.

  “Stand between my legs,” I said.

  Sparkles smirked but did as I asked, stopping when he could get no closer. I looked up into his enchanting eyes, and without even a blink, I took his cock into my mouth. I didn’t want to miss a single reaction. I loved how his mouth opened slightly, releasing a soft gasp. As I sped up, he bit his lip, moaned, gently pushed his cock into my mouth, and gripped my shoulders.

  “Max…stop, I’m gonna—”

  I didn’t let him finish. I slipped his cock out of my mouth, grabbed his hips, and tossed him onto the couch. He smiled as he adjusted himself, and a second later I was hovering, holding myself back from ravishing him.

  “I want to be gentle, I do but—”

  “Please don’t.” And damn, just hearing those words, I almost came.

  I reached down to my jeans on the ground and took out a condom and a packet of lube I had brought with me in hopes he’d want this as much as I did.

  “It’s great how prepared you are.” Sparkles was breathless, and I loved how I did that to him.

  “I’ve missed feeling you, tasting you. Damn, Sparkles, I hate this so much.” I tore open the lube and handed it to him. As I slid the condom on, I watched as he squeezed it on his fingers and started fingering himself.

  “Shit,” I whispered. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

  He smiled and with his other hand pulled me closer. “Fuck me, Max.”

  That was all I needed to hear. He slipped his fingers from his hole and I replaced them with the tip of my cock. Slowly I pushed in, loving how he moaned so wantonly for it.

  When I was all the way in, I didn’t move for a moment. I simply kissed his lips as he wrapped his legs and arms around me. I was surrounded by Sparkles, and I never wanted to leave this spot.

  “I want to feel you for a week, Max.” I pulled away, Sparkles’s arms sliding from my neck.

  “Oh, you will.” I took his hands in mine, pushed them over his head, holdi
ng them in place as I fucked him slow at first. When he was begging for more, I began thrusting faster until I had a punishing pace going.

  Sparkles’s legs were wrapped around me tightly, and while I could feel him struggle to get his hands back, I marveled at his surrender when he smiled as I held them over his head, making it impossible for him to move.

  “Harder, Max.”

  Sweat poured down my face and I loved the sheen that covered Sparkles’s whole body. I pulled almost completely out and slammed into him. I did this a few times before releasing his hands and lifting him, so he was sitting on my lap.

  “Fuck yourself on my dick,” I growled.

  He grinned, and with his hands on my shoulders, he started to move. I slid my fingers over his powerful legs, loving the feel of the flex as he rode me hard and fast.

  I wanted this to last forever, but there was no way I could hold on anymore. “I’m coming,” I shouted as I held his hips and came. His head flew back, and ropes of come painted my chest as his orgasm shot through him.

  When he collapsed against me, I adjusted us so I lay on the couch, his body on top of me. We were a mess, and I didn’t give a fuck. I wanted to stay like this forever…just like this.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “There,” I said as I made one last swipe of my makeup brush over Max’s cheek. “You look hot as a skeleton.”

  “Ghost Rider, not a skeleton.” He rolled his eyes and moved to get his jacket to complete the ensemble.

  “Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but Ghost Rider is a skeleton…on fire.”

  I loved these carefree moments with Max. Not seeing him for days was killing me, and I hadn’t realized how much I was falling for him until we were together again.

  “If I had red hair like Shane, I could make it look like fire.” He shrugged.

  “Okay, big guy, you get out there and be ready to save the day from drunken horny boys. I have to go make myself into a marionette.”


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