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To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2)

Page 17

by Davidson King

  He moved closer to me, and I knew he wanted to kiss me, but at the last moment I stopped him. “You’ll smudge your makeup—it’s not totally dry yet.”

  “I’ll have to remember that next year, so I don’t wear anything that will mess up my face when I kiss you.”

  Next year. He planned on us being together next year, and I couldn’t explain how much I really loved hearing that.

  “Go on, before Atlas comes looking for you.” I pushed him away lightly, and he laughed.

  “Okay, see you out there.”

  After he left I got busy getting my costume on and makeup done. The whole time I thought about what Max and I just did, I realized how much I needed him. I should’ve found it terrifying, but I didn’t. I loved being with Max, and my heart was just plain old in love with him.

  I’d just opened the door to step into the club, when Ledger started playing “Ghostbusters.” I immediately laughed when the entire staff began dancing and singing to it. They were opening in a few minutes and were all clearly loosening up before the many people flooded the floor.

  Atlas was doing the main lyrics, and everyone shouted, “Ghostbusters.”

  When Max saw me, he waved me over, and I joined in on the fun. Dorian was going to be here tonight, and I wouldn’t be able to be so lovey with him, so I was going to enjoy every second of this.

  I was currently on stage doing a silly, fun dance with a few other people to “Monster Mash,” when I saw Dorian sit at the bar. He was dressed as a mobster…no shock there. He smiled when he saw me, but I ignored him.

  Max was, thankfully, on the other side and hadn’t seen him yet. Shane went to Dorian and got him his signature drink. Everyone who worked here disliked Dorian a great deal because of what he was doing to me, but they also allowed him to be here because I’d asked them to. He had a couple of other men with him, the important people he was telling me about. He pointed at me, and they gave me almost-lecherous grins that made my skin crawl.

  For an hour I managed to avoid Dorian. I danced on the stage and—with his permission—snuck into Atlas’s office whenever I could. Ciro made me keep an earpiece and microphone on me, which I was happy to do. I didn’t want to find myself in a situation where I couldn’t do anything and had no way to get help.

  I had just exited Atlas’s office when I was met with a very angry Dorian.

  “Did you think hiding from me all night was a good idea?”

  I narrowed my eyes, letting the anger I felt bubbling in my veins come forward—he wasn’t doing anything to me in public. “I told you I was dancing and helping Atlas out tonight. You are the one who only heard what he wanted to hear when I told you that.”

  “I swear to Christ, if you continue to get lippy with me, I’ll make it so you can’t talk to a soul, you hear me?” He had moved closer, towering over me. “How you act tonight will determine the outcome for so many you care about. So, maybe knock it the fuck off.”

  “Dorian, is this the yummy morsel you have been bragging about all night?” A tall, skinny man came over to us. If I had to guess, he was dressed like Vincent Price and just as uncomfortable looking too.

  “Ahh, yes. Norman, this is Lane Ashley.”

  Just then, the theme to The Exorcist started playing, and wasn’t that apropos of this moment? I knew it meant Atlas was going to be taking the stage to announce that people could start lining up for the haunted house and that there’d be a costume competition.

  We all turned as the man of the hour started talking. I loved how he was dressed as a very hot and sexy werewolf…Damn, he was gorgeous.

  “Oh, the haunted house. We just must do that,” Norman said as he winked at me. “Care to join me, puppet?” He held his hand out to me.

  “I’m a marionette, not a puppet,” I snapped.

  “He’d love to go with you, Norman.” Dorian pushed me toward the man, and when my hand was in his, I was practically dragged to the line forming to go through the haunted house.

  I passed Toby, and I knew within a minute or two Max, Ciro, and everyone who had an earpiece would know I was being led up the stairs by a strange man.

  Ledger had set up a separate set of speakers up here. So while “The Time Warp” was playing downstairs, the second you stepped foot into the haunted house, sounds of creepiness filled your ears. Children laughing and humming. I don’t care what anyone says, kids singing to creepy music is very unsettling.

  “Oh, this is delightful,” Norman said as he gripped my hand.

  I jumped when things popped out, and Norman simply laughed. It was so well done, and I wanted to appreciate all the hard work, but the deeper we got into the haunted house, the more uncomfortable I became.

  Norman took a turn, and at that moment I knew something wasn’t right. It was sectioned off and dark, but there were no Halloween decorations or anything.

  “I think we made a wrong turn,” I said and went to move but he stopped me.

  “No, dear puppet, we’re right where we need to be.” His hand traveled down to cup my ass.

  Flashbacks of all those times Dorian had trapped me with men just like Norman came crashing into me. I was a helpless seventeen-year-old when I was with Dorian, but I wasn’t that kid anymore. Never again would I let someone take advantage of me.

  “Norman, I don’t know what Dorian told you, but if you don’t get your hands off me, I will kick your nuts so hard, you’ll taste peanut butter for the rest of your life.”

  He chuckled, and I felt his tongue lap my cheek. He clearly didn’t care about the makeup I wore.

  “I’m not fucking around, Norman. I’m trying to give you a chance here.”

  “Mmm, I do like it when they get frisky.”

  Okay, that was enough of that. I jerked my knee up, glad when it made contact with his balls.

  “Motherfucker,” he shouted, and I took the moment to feel around for the exit. It was so dark, I couldn’t see anything.

  “I’ll make you pay for that, you little shit.”

  I dare not say a word for fear he’d know where I was. I went to the ground and started crawling. Eventually I’d find a way out of this room. Just as I felt the opening, Norman grabbed my ankle and pulled me to him.

  “Not so fast. I paid a lot of money for you, and I’m not letting you go until I’ve had what I came for. I was going to be sweet about it, but I can see you like it rough. So, let me oblige.” Then one of Norman’s hands pressed against my neck, making it hard to breathe, while his other started ripping my costume from my body. I tried to hit the microphone button on my wrist. I smacked it a few times and screamed. I hoped someone heard it and would find me.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  The sound of a scream rang out in my ear. I looked at Shane, who also had an earpiece in and had to have heard it. His head jolted up, and he met my gaze.

  “Who was that?” I said into my mic.

  “Check in,” Ciro answered.

  One by one everyone sounded off…except Sparkles.

  “Sparkles, come in,” I said, but there was nothing.

  Ciro went about ordering his men to locate him, and Shane waved me to go. I leaped over the bar and began frantically checking the crowd. I searched the bathrooms, everything. Then Toby spoke over the mic.

  “The haunted house! I saw him go up there with a weird guy. I told Atlas, and he was going up there.”

  “I can’t find him,” Atlas’s voice came through, and I made for the stairs. The line was pretty long, and I was about to start shoving people when I saw a familiar face.

  I didn’t give a fuck what the repercussions would be; I ran and with all the force I could muster, tackled Dorian to the floor. I didn’t hesitate to punch him right in the jaw.

  “Get the fuck off me.” He pushed but I was ready for his struggle.

  “Where’s Sparkles?”

  He chuckled exposing blood covered teeth. “Oh, your sweet Sparkles. Well, I’m not at liberty to—” I didn’t give him a ch
ance to finish before I punched him again.

  “Where. Is. He?”

  He lifted his head, anger showing clear on his face, his cheeks red. “No one. Not a single person ever treats me like he did and gets away with it. He’s getting what he deserves. And when there’s nothing left of him, I’ll toss you the scraps.”

  “I’ll kill you,” I growled loud enough for him to hear.

  “You may try, but men like me don’t die.”

  I gripped his jacket and slammed his body against the floor, smiling when his head smashed back.

  “You’re not a man, you’re a monster, and they die every day.”

  “I got him!” I heard Atlas say in my earpiece.

  I hit the mic. “I need security by the stairs.”

  “Kicking me out again?” He sneered. “That wouldn’t be a smart move.”

  Two of Ciro’s guys came over. “Get this piece of shit out of here.” I stood and without waiting, I made my way up the stairs.

  “Everyone move away,” one of the security guys said, but he let me through.

  The lights were on in the haunted house, so it was easy to move through. I followed the sounds of shouting.

  “You have no right to ban me, nor do you have any right to put your hands on me,” some guy was saying.

  “You had no right to put your hands on Sparkles, but you did that anyway, didn’t you?” Atlas’s voice was thunderous, and I rushed toward it.

  As I turned the corner I saw Ciro standing, blocking everything. “Let me in,” I said.

  “Max.” Ciro grabbed my shoulders. “You need to calm down. If you go in there like this, it won’t do Sparkles any good, you hear me?”

  “Let me in, Ciro.”

  “Not until I know you’re calm.”

  I took a breath…then another. “I’m calm. The longer you hold me back, though, the worse it will be.”

  He nodded and stepped aside. A man, tall and creepy looking, was being restrained by Atlas. My eyes darted around the room until I found Sparkles, sitting on the floor, his costume crumbled but still fairly intact. His makeup was smeared, and he was crying against Toby. When Toby mouthed that Sparkles was okay, I knew my immediate assumption that he’d been sexually assaulted was wrong.

  “Who are you?” I gripped Creepy Man’s shirt.

  “Max, I got this. Take care of Sparkles.” Atlas jerked the guy forward and left the room. I’d find out later, but right now, I needed to be with Sparkles.

  Toby saw me approach and whispered something to Sparkles, who lifted his head. He sobbed even harder when he saw me, and I fell to the floor and pulled him onto my lap. All questions and everything else could wait. This was where I needed to be.

  I knew Atlas had to get the haunted house open again so I stood, cradling Sparkles in my arms and made my way out. He pressed his face into my neck to cover it from gawkers and as quickly as I could, I went to Atlas’s office.

  “Sparkles?” I kissed his head as I sat on the couch. “Sweetheart?”

  When he lifted his head I got a better look at him. There were marks on his neck, and it made me see red.

  “I’m gonna kill him, Sparkles.”

  He pressed his lips to mine. I tasted his tears, and it was fuel for my anger.

  “I don’t know what to do.” His voice was strained, no doubt from the bruising, and I gently caressed the mark with my thumb.

  “How about you don’t worry about it and let me handle this…please?”

  I thought he’d argue, being the firecracker he was, but he nodded and laid his head on my chest.

  Sparkles and I didn’t want to stay at his place, and we certainly didn’t want to draw attention to my family. So we got a hotel room. It was nice and quiet, and for the last five days it was where we’d called home. Tank took to the change well, but I knew Sparkles was feeling the cabin fever.

  I’d taken a week off work, and Sparkles had done the same with the studio. Dorian had tried calling Sparkles, leaving voice mails filled with anger.

  Ciro was trying to work out a plan, but I knew he was hitting walls. Sparkles made some calls to the realtor and got the owner of the new building to agree to let Sparkles move in sooner rather than later. When we got the word on that news, all the Joker’s Sin guys and a few of my friends came by to help get everything over there.

  We weren’t fool enough at this point to know Dorian wouldn’t find out, but he was helpless to stop it. Sparkles was worried he’d do something awful, so we were all being vigilant. I knew he’d try, and part of me hoped he would.

  That something came in the form of a photo of my ma out at the park with my niece and nephew. More than one photo. One of her at the farmers market, another going to church. Each one making me angrier and angrier.

  Ciro immediately had a few of his guys watching my ma and sisters around the clock, which made me feel better.

  And then an idea struck me.

  I knew exactly how to end Dorian Birch and never have the blood on Sparkles’s hands—but still make sure it ended for good.

  After Sparkles was all moved in, I pulled Ciro aside and told him my plan. It was very risky, but he agreed it would be perfect if it worked. I knew I’d have to tell Sparkles, but I also wasn’t sure that would be a good idea right now. He might hate me when it was over. My only hope was that he’d understand why I had to keep him in the dark for now.

  Chapter Forty


  Nolan made sure to inform all the dancers of the studio’s new address, and we were glad no one was bothered by it and quit. We announced a special grand opening party next month, and everyone seemed so excited.

  I was feeling a lot better since Halloween. I doubted I’d ever forget that night. How Norman pressed on my neck so hard, I was almost unconscious. I could feel his fingers on my skin, and I kept trying to fight, but I was weak and unable to breathe. Then like a rush of air, Norman was thrown off me, and Atlas stood there like a lion ready to devour his prey.

  “Hey, you okay?” Max said as we pulled into his mom’s driveway. We were here for an early dinner and a surprise for her and his sisters.

  “Yeah, just thinking.”

  “What about?” He smiled and I knew I loved this man. I knew it and I couldn’t wait to tell him. But not here and not like this.

  “How surprised your mom and sisters are going to be about their evening.”

  He chuckled. “It’s going to be great.”

  I’d sensed something was off about Max for a few days, but I didn’t say anything. I figured he was on edge, between the photos of his mom and Dorian’s harassment, but I assumed he didn’t want to talk about it for fear he’d upset me. I’d told him and Atlas what Norman had said, and it was clear Dorian was taking money from important people in exchange for favors. Norman’s favor was obviously to have sex with me. I also knew anything that involved me was more about humiliation than it was about money.

  Max’s ma asked us about the creepy guy, and we played it off that we were keeping an eye out but hoped he was gone. Max and I didn’t want to worry her, but we also didn’t want her to stop watching her back either.

  After a delicious dinner, Max told her and his sisters, Frances and Maria, to sit in the living room, as he had a surprise.

  “Oh, I hope it’s a good surprise and not like the time you surprised me by telling me how you successfully made a fish tank out of my washing machine,” his mom said as she sat beside Maria.

  “I’ll be wanting to hear that story.” I nudged Max’s arm.

  “No, no, that’s just…no. Okay, good surprise time.”

  Max handed them each a ticket. It took a moment, but then Frances squealed.

  “No way!” She got up and ran over to Max hugging him then me. “Ma look!” She pointed to the ticket.

  “A music show?” She appeared confused, and I wondered if maybe she’d never gone to a concert. I knew their dad had kept her pretty isolated.

  “The Night of Music concert at the fairgro
unds. It was sold out. Barry Manilow will be there and Tony Bennett!”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, my heavens.” She looked at us and I loved the joy on her face so much, I smiled until it hurt. “When is this?”

  Max made a show of looking at his naked wrist. “In two hours, so you better go get ready.”

  I never saw three women move so fast. Each hugged and thanked us again, and we sat there, thrilled they’d have a wonderful evening. I loved that Max’s friend Biggs was able to get tickets for them.

  We stayed to help them sort out their outfits, hair, and makeup. Well, I did that. Max smiled and said they were pretty.

  “Thanks, guys. This is way cool,” Maria said as she slipped her coat on.

  “You’re welcome. We’ll lock up, you three just head on out.” Max and I walked them to the door, accepting hugs and kisses before they scrambled away, talking a mile a minute about how excited they were.

  I had assumed we’d do as Max said and lock up and go to the hotel. So when he sat on the couch and asked me to join him, I was surprised.

  “I’m not having sex with you on your mother’s couch,” I joked as I cuddled next to him.

  “I don’t think I’d be able to get it up on this couch.”

  I slid my hand over his cock. “Is that a challenge?”

  He chuckled, his hand covering mine. “I need to tell you something.”

  The seriousness in his tone got my attention, and I sat up. “What’s going on?”

  He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “You’re going to hate this, maybe even hate me, but this is the only way I could guarantee your safety.”

  “Just fucking tell me, Max. What the hell! You’re scaring me.” Just then, there was a knock on the back door. “Who is that?”

  “Just stay here, okay?” He got up, went through the kitchen, and answered the door. Ciro came in with another guy I’d seen at the club. “Hey.”

  “What are you two doing here? Max, what the hell is going on?”


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