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Beauty And The Alien Beast

Page 20

by Zara Zenia

  “We Trilyns want a peaceful existence with all humans. Learning to co-exist is what the agreement was when we arrived. These attacks by Humanity First forces us to defend ourselves. If they would stop attacking us, then there would be no battles in the streets.”

  “And Leader Gogin, your response?” the governor asked.

  Gogin smiled from ear-to-ear. “What Prince Manzar says is true. But the reason for the Humanity First attacks, are necessary. This coexistence agreement that you speak of, not all humans agreed to it. The leaders took it upon themselves to make that decision for all people, and not all people want to coexist with the Trilyns. We represent those people, and we want the Trilyns to leave Earth,” he said, sounding smug.

  My rage was on edge. I was remaining calm in my seat, but I didn’t know how long I could contain the beast that was my temper. “And that is why you attack us in the streets? To prove to your groups of people that you can get rid of us on your own?” I asked.

  “Precisely. That is why I have participated in this meeting. I have a message for you Prince Manzar,” he said.

  Both of my fists were balled into a tight ball. “And what message is that?”

  “You have twenty four hours to leave the city of New-New Orleans. If you don’t leave, we will attack your palace ship. Our army has grown great, and we are ready to defend Earth against you mutants. Twenty four hours!” he shouted and then he disappeared.

  “What? Get him back on the line!” the governor demanded.

  The entire room went into frantic mode as everyone jumped up out of their seat to the news from this Humanity First leader.

  I stood up calmly and nodded to Lieutenant Danja who stood against the wall, knowing that we needed to prepare for battle.

  “Wait, Prince Manzar. Where are you going?”

  “You heard the man. There is to be war. I go to prepare for it.”

  “No wait! We can get him back on the line. This is to be expected. Let the council speak to Gogin and come to an agreement!” he shouted.

  “Is it not clear to you by now? Agreements mean nothing to the Humanity First and to this leader. They want what they want. I saw war brimming in Gogin’s eyes. Do you think he does this because he hates Trilyn? Or because our existence here on Earth gives him meaning?”

  “I don’t follow,” Governor Edwards said, frowning.

  “This war allows him to be powerful, it gives him the chance to play hero to the people who support him. His life now has meaning and he wants to act on that. He is done playing. He has made promises to his followers and now he must keep them or they will find a new leader. I know ego when I see it, Governor, whether it be on a human, or a Trilyn.” I walked out with the governor shouting behind me, trying to make peace.

  But he didn’t understand the leaders of Humanity First, I did. I knew this sort of thirst for battle and blood, because I also had it inside of me. There was going to be a grand battle, and we would be ready.

  Chapter 36


  I hugged my father intensely. I’d thought I would never see him again. “What bargain? What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry, Andi, I should never have left the palace ship and the protection of the Trilyns,” he murmured, shaking his head.

  “What bargain did you make, Father?” I asked feeling my frustration starting to blossom.

  He sighed. “You’re not going to like it.”

  I already knew what he was going to say, because leader Gogin had already told me as much. My father had given them information about Prince Manzar and his palace ship. Information…that could help them in the process of an attack.

  “They were threatening to find you and to take you hostage, to kill you. I made a bargain with them that I would tell them everything I knew about the palace ship as long as they would leave you alone.”

  “Oh, Father, you know better than to make a bargain like that with people like this. They have no sense of loyalty, or keeping promises. They were going to go after me anyway because of Jake. You know him well enough that he would do something like that.”

  “I did know. But I had to take that chance. I could only hope that they would keep their word.”

  “Look at you, Father. You don’t look well. Have they been feeding you? Do you have water? You look pale and sick.” I worried, as I looked him over.

  “I’m fine, daughter. I’m just fatigued and maybe a little hungry. The food they offer me is of little amounts. But it is enough to get by. I believe it is the cold in this cell that is getting to me.”

  “Yes, it is very cold in here. It’s cold in space. We need to warm you up. Your hands are ice cold.” I rubbed his hands between mine.

  “That does feel good. Thank you, Andi,” he said.

  I rubbed his hands and his cheeks and then held him against me. I couldn’t lose my father to the cold. That would be too cruel, after all that we had been through.

  “I’m sorry that you’re here and having to endure this.” He hugged me close.

  “It doesn’t matter now, Father. We just have to stick together, to figure out a way to live through this, both of us,” I replied. We couldn't speak about much else because the guards were right outside the door.

  “I am glad that you’re alive and safe. But not that you’re here. You should have been safe with the Trilyn. You’re not, here with these people. They are vile,” he commented softly.

  “I know. But I’m glad that I’m here with you. I didn’t know what had happened to you. I really thought that you had been taken from me, that you were dead. I’m so happy to see you, Father.” I hugged him tighter as I spoke.

  “And I you, daughter.” He pressed his cheek to mine.

  “I wish I could get out of here to warn Prince Manzar about what’s happening. I don't want anything to happen to him,” I whispered.

  My father pulled from the hug and looked at me curiously. “You really do love him? You love the Trilyn Prince?” he asked quietly.

  “I do, Father. I really do. We have to get out of here, or find a way to send him a warning message. I’m so worried,” I fretted.

  “All the way up here in space, it will be hard to warn him. We would have to get into the communication room somehow and send a message. Is it really worth the risk of getting caught? They could hurt you, Andi.”

  “Yes, you’re right, I know,” I said. I did think it was worth the risk to send him a message, but not of getting caught. What if one of the guards were to punch me in the stomach? Then I would be putting my child in harm's way. I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t risk it, this poor innocent child. There had to be another way.

  “There you are. I have been searching for you. It didn’t take me long to realize you would be here,” Jake said as he stood in the doorway.

  My blood ran cold and a chill ran down my back. I had hoped to avoid him as much as possible.

  My father stood up. “You! Why did you bring her here? That was not part of the bargain,”

  I didn’t want him facing down Jake. He was no match for the military power that Jake was. My father was sick and pale, but it was good to see he still had the will.

  Jake let out a monstrous laugh. “Old man, did you really think that I have to keep any promises to you? You are a Trilyn lover, you both are. You are criminals as far as I am concerned and criminals don’t get treated with any sort of respect.”

  “Leave him alone, Jake. Look at him, he’s not well. You have done enough to him.”

  “Don’t speak to me as if we know each other.” He glared at me. “You will do as I say, Andromeda and it is about time. You will marry me. That will be the end of it. You two shall be reformed by the Humanity First Movement and you will finally understand why humanity should be put first in front of those filthy creatures. They will be pushed from our planet once and for all.”

  The anger inside of me burst out and I couldn't control myself any longer. “I will never marry you, Jake. You are the monster, not t
he Trilyn. You could never be half the man that Prince Manzar is. Not even close.”

  A flash of anger filled his eyes. He stepped into the cell directly toward me, towering over me. “You love him don't you? You love that disgusting alien? How could you? He is nothing but a filthy beast.”

  “That beast has more heart than you ever will.”

  “I will kill him. You will see!” he shouted.

  “No. Do not harm him,” I pleaded desperately.

  “He will be no match for our attack. I will find him personally and destroy him!” he yelled.

  “No!” I shouted back.

  “Sergeant Marsh!” Leader Gogin entered the cell.

  “Yes, Leader Gogin?” Jake bowed his head and stepped at attention like a soldier.

  “That is enough. You will leave Miss LaBelle alone.”

  “Alone? But she is to be my bride,” Jake said.

  “No. She’s not,” Gogin stated firmly.

  “But…that was…”

  “That is enough, Sergeant Marsh. Leave us!”

  Jake gave the leader an angry look, and then he glared at me.

  I knew he would take this out on me later.

  He stomped out of the cell.

  I moved back to my father, standing beside him, protecting him. I didn’t know what this leader wanted from us, but we only wanted to go home.

  “Apologies about the sergeant. His anger and temper is good on the battlefield, but is a nuisance anywhere else,” he said.

  “I’m very well aware of his temper and anger. Thank you for allowing me to visit with my father. He doesn’t look well, Leader Gogin. Perhaps a medic can look him over if it is not too much to ask?” I requested very quietly.

  The leader looked at my father up and down. “That can be arranged, if you are staying here.”

  I stared at him with wide eyes. “What does that mean? We’re being moved?” I started to think that the doctor had told on me after all. This leader knew I was pregnant with a Trilyn baby. Now he was going to separate me from my father, perhaps even kill me. I had to remain calm.

  “You and your father have served us well. I have the information that I need. You are both being released.”


  “To Earth,” he said.

  I looked over at my father confused. Hope appeared in my father's eyes as it did in mine, but I didn’t dare to hope until I knew exactly what was going on. “I don't understand.”

  “I have other matters to take care of that do not require you to be here. Your father kept up his end of the agreement to provide us with information on the palace ship of Prince Manzar. And in reward for that, we are sending you both back to Earth. You have served us well, James LaBelle.”

  “When are we to leave?” I asked.

  “Right now. I have a ship being prepared for you. I have come to escort you myself, seeing as we have wild cards like Jake aboard the ship. I suggest when you arrive, that you leave the city of New-New Orleans. It’s not safe there, nor is it safe in any city on Earth where the Trilyns have set up camp. Go, live your life far away from the drama between the Trilyns and humans. You will be safer in that capacity.”

  “Thank you, Leader Gogin. We’re very grateful for your benevolence,” my father replied.

  I nodded my head in agreement with him. Could this really be happening? Could we really be going home? Or is this some sort of trick? There would be no way to tell until we were safely back on Earth.

  “Follow me .” He nodded to the guards and they led the way in front of him.

  My father and I looked at each other confused, but we followed them, holding hands.

  “What is all of this?” he whispered to me.

  “I don’t know. Whatever happens, let's stick together. Either he’s telling the truth and we are going back to Earth, or it is a trick of some kind,” I murmured back.

  We followed the group down the hallway, to the elevator. We took the elevator up, and true to his word, the doors opened in the flight cargo bay. There were rows and rows of ships and all kinds of people milling about. I thought it was strange that no one in New-New Orleans knew that the Humanity First group was up to something way out here in space. It was a massive presence. This made sense of why we couldn’t find them in the city or anywhere near it. They were clever and were hiding far from anyone’s reach.

  “You will be taken on a fast speeder. There is only enough room for you two, and the two pilots. This is a fast ship. You will be back in the city in less than an hour. Heed my words and leave the city. As soon as you land if possible, it’s not going to be safe,” Leader Gogin repeated.

  It was then that I thoroughly looked around the cargo bay. There were loads of weapons being prepared. There were guns, soldiers preparing for battle, and bombs being loaded. They were getting ready for an attack. I swallowed, but said nothing. One slip of the tongue and the leader could decide to not let us go.

  “These are the two you will take back to New-New Orleans,” the leader said to the two military pilots. “Return them safely to the destination that they want. And then come back swiftly.”

  “Yes, Leader Gogin.” They saluted.

  One pilot put his arm out, as though to tell my father and me which ship to climb into. I nodded quickly at the leader, not wanting to open my mouth to say anything that would make him change his mind. My father did the same thing and we stepped into the ship. I still felt nervous. At any moment, this could still be a trick. They could shoot us from space if they wanted, but why would they waste a ship and pilots when they could just easily shoot us where we stood?

  “We’re going home, Andi, we’re going home,” my father whispered excitedly.

  We sat down side-by-side and strapped into the seats in the back while the two pilots climbed in then began to make the ship ready to leave.

  I squeezed my father's hand, just another hour, and we would be home.

  Chapter 37


  We arrived back at my palace ship. I was beyond raged at this Leader Gogin. How dare the Humanity First leader treat me in such a way? He didn’t know who he was messing with. He wanted war, and he was going to get one. He had my Andromeda and my child, and I wasn’t even able to discuss that matter with him. If he knew how much she meant to me, she would never be returned to me. If they knew she was carrying my child, they would kill her.

  I couldn’t risk such a thing. Therefore, I had to remain silent. I didn’t get any information from that council meeting. “Anything?” I asked my communications commander.

  “The signal that hit the council building that patched in the Leader Gogin was scrambled. We cannot locate the source. It bounced off many satellites before it patched into the council building.”

  I growled. “Of course, he didn’t want to be found. Keep searching and see if you can unscramble it. I need to know the source of that signal. That will tell me where this leader is hiding.”

  “Yes, my Prince.”

  I walked to the command center. The palace ship was buzzing with activity as we prepared for an attack on the ship. I almost welcomed it. I was one to enjoy battle. It helped to relieve my rage, and I was overdue for a good combat. “Lieutenant Danja. Call for an assembly immediately. I want every soldier and every crew member in attendance. Do it now,” I roared at him.

  “Yes, my Prince, right away,” he responded and went to fulfill my orders.

  I moved down the hall and into the elevator. I took it down the few flights to the level of my living quarters.

  Over the intercom system Danja’s voice sounded. “All Trilyn report to the assembly hall. All Trilyn report to the assembly hall.”

  I stopped in front of the door that used to be Andromeda’s. I leaned against it. I knew that I shouldn’t go in, but I had to. I opened the door.

  As soon as I stepped in, my Trilyn senses went into high gear. I could smell her human scent. I was a strong soldier, but being enveloped in her scent nearly brought me to my knees.<
br />
  “Andromeda, where are you? I miss you.” I moved to the bed and sat on it. It smelled like her and like me…The scent of our bonding together in sex. I placed my face on the sheets and inhaled her. It made my blood run hot instantly. It was just what I needed to light the fire inside of me.

  I stood up and stomped out, down the hall to my living quarters. I peeled off my clothes and put on my battle gear. The shielded armor snapped over my chest and back. I pulled on the trousers that were made of a fine metal mesh to stop laser gun blasts and knife swipes. My arms were exposed from the sleeves down. I liked it this way. It was good for movement. I tugged on my boots and tucked my knife into them. My utility gun belt came last with all the tools I would need for a fight, including my blaster gun.

  Now I was ready.

  I walked out and headed for the elevator with war on my mind.

  We had a job to do now. This was not just about Andromeda and me, this was for all the Trilyns that were stationed on Earth. We weren’t going to be treated in such a way. This battle would be more than just deciding on a victory, it would send a message, a very important message.

  Fifteen minutes later, the assembly was gathered inside the palace ship, in the cavernous main hall assembly area. A very grand room indeed, with high ceilings that went all the way up to the top of the ship.

  I stepped out on the indoor balcony, overlooking all of my Trilyn soldiers and crew below me. “Trilyns! Hear me now,” I growled. My voice echoed down the chamber.

  Trilyns roared and hollered war cries.

  I put my arms in a victory V to encourage them. This was good. They needed this energy. Then I put up one hand to silence them and continued, “You are gathered here today to receive a very important message from your Prince. I have just come from a forced meeting with a Humanity First leader that calls himself Leader Gogin. This leader has the audacity to threaten us… with war!” I shouted.


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