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Beauty And The Alien Beast

Page 21

by Zara Zenia

  The crowd below me responded with a disgruntled commotion.

  I put my hand up, silencing them. “This leader gave us an ultimatum. We are to peacefully leave Earth, immediately. Or if we stay, we face war with the Humanity First Movement.”

  My soldiers and crew began to shout, “War!”

  Once again, I silenced them. “Leaving Earth is not an option. We are here with a purpose, to figure out how to save our dying race. We have found matches with the human females, but it is only the beginning. With human females, it is possible for our race to live on. We will not abandon this mission. I will not abandon the Trilyns. So I say… we fight!”

  A roar overtook the crowd.

  This time, I allowed them to enjoy the adrenaline running through them. The Trilyn were soldiers after all, this was what we did. This was what we lived for, always seeking a fight. They had a beast inside of them just as I did.

  Finally, I put my fist in the air, to silence them once more. It was time to get down to business. “We can be expecting an attack at any moment. Therefore, all hands are needed. Erect a perimeter fence, just as we have practiced before. I want teams along the fence at all times. I want the flight battle crews to sleep near their ships, get ready to jump in your fleet and fight at the notice of the alarm. I want my foot soldiers armed and ready for battle, starting now. This is the real thing. These Humanity First terrorist want to threaten our existence, we’re not going to let them. The guard and the government is on our side, holding to our initial agreement. This Humanity First Movement moves outside the law. We don’t know in which direction the attack will be coming, so man all perimeters. Be ready. We will defeat them. We will have victory!”

  They cheered and thrust their fists in the air. I thrust my fists in the air with them. They chanted ready for battle. “Victory! Victory!”

  My commanders shouted orders to each of their units, getting them organized and ready. I watched from on top of the balcony down at my units, precise and unified. They were a fierce army, and Humanity First had no idea what they were up against. We were far more advanced than any human army. We would annihilate them. It was not my wish, but it was what it had come to. I knew that my brothers would not approve, but they had no idea what I was up against. It was best that I not tell them until after the battle.

  “We are preparing, my Prince. What would you personally like prepared?” Danja asked me.

  “I want my ship charged and ready. I will be in the command center when the battle begins to best see where all fighting is concentrated. Then I will go out in my ship or on foot to battle with the soldiers.”

  “Then I shall be at your side, my Prince.”

  “No, Danja. If I leave the command center then you will have to take my place giving orders. I trust your skill. You are able to see the concentration of battle and direct with good military skill.”

  “But, my Prince, you cannot be unguarded,” Danja said, concerned.

  “I won’t be, Lieutenant.” I grinned at him. “If I am on the ground or in the air, I will be surrounded by our army. Now go and ready my ship.”

  “Yes, my Prince.” Danja nodded, but I could still see his concern in his eyes.

  I watched as the army unified and raged with war on their minds and mouths. I only wished that Andromeda could see this. I wanted her to be proud of her army that would be hers and our child’s. She would feel safe if she saw this.

  If only I knew where she was! I needed to know she was safe, away from the battle because I would need to concentrate all my energy on this fight. I couldn’t have any distractions, and wondering where she was, would be a great distraction. Distractions led to injuries and possibly even death.

  I walked off the balcony and went to join my army in preparations. I worked side by side with the lowest foot soldier or the highest commander. I was a soldier just as they were.

  The day went on with extreme preparations. After a couple of hours preparing the communications and battle operations rooms, I took the time to walk the entire palace ship.

  I started outside, making sure the land bridge road was secure. It would make it hard for them to attack us, seeing that there was water on both sides of the land bridge, but it also meant that most of the fighting would be concentrated out front before getting to the land bridge.

  That was fine, the further away from the palace ship the better. I walked the perimeter fence, it was an electrified laser fence. We placed posts ten yards apart from each other, then the lasers would light and connect from one post to the other. The fence went far out beyond the land bridge road and over the swampy water behind the palace ship. It would be unusual for them to attack from the water, but not impossible. Especially, with an air raid which they would surely have.

  All was set. I stayed late into the night on the command bridge, waiting for an attack that never came. I made my bed there, amongst my crew. There would be no use in sleeping in my own palace quarters. It was too far from the command communication rooms. I needed to be able to jump up and immediately take action. But I didn’t mind this. I enjoyed the focus of it. I also enjoyed not being reminded of an empty bed. Sleeping on a hard cot amongst soldier made me feel like the soldier that I was. I didn’t need the luxury, or the reminder that Andromeda was not in my bed.

  The next day held the exact same routine. I had scouts scouring the city for Andromeda and her father, while also scouring for any sign of movement of a vast Army. But there was none, not one that we could see. Even infrared penetration of the tunnels of New-New Orleans didn’t show any body heat movement, nothing vast like the gathering of an army. I knew that Leader Gogin had used the scrambled communication line because he must be too far away to attend himself. So he must be far with his army, but I didn’t know how far that was. That meant it would take time to move such an army. That or the fact that he was too much of a coward to face me.

  “Any reports?” I asked Lieutenant Danja after eating a meal and walking through my army of soldiers stationed all over the perimeters. My presence kept up their morale, and I didn’t want them to lose that.

  “Nothing yet, my Prince. The sun is setting soon, what would you like us to do?”

  I looked out over the setting sun, across the swampy bayou. I wished that Andromeda were at my side watching the sunset. How I missed those peaceful times of being able to just visit her in her living quarters. Now I knew that I had taken all of that for granted.

  “Keep everyone on high alert. I have a feeling about this night. It is in the air, blood. Look at how orange that sunset is, as though telling us, warning us. I believe tonight is the night that Humanity First will make an appearance. Have all soldiers been given the routine rest schedule? I want those that need rest to get it immediately. Those that need it should be sent to rest now, my bet is on the hours after sunset. Sometime before midnight, the Earth hour. These earthlings will be exhausted, so it will be before then. Send my soldiers to rest now, those that are due rest this night, for they will not get it then.”

  “Yes, my Prince. Right away.” Lieutenant Danja left my side to call out my orders and make sure they were done.

  I however, couldn’t get any rest. I was too ready for battle. I paced back and forth on the command deck. I check the drones every now and then that were flying around the ship. After another hour, there was a sign of war to come.

  “My Prince, you’ll want to see this,” a communications soldier said waving me over to his station.

  I jogged over. “What is it? Do you have movement on the radar?”

  “Yes, but not where we were expecting. It is not coming from the city, the swamps, or anywhere on the ground or under it.”

  “Then where?” I asked.

  “In space. It is more traffic than we usually see on any given day. It looks like an entire fleet has entered the Earth Moon area, and coming straight for Earth, above the city.”

  “Those clever humans. It looks like they have been hiding in space. This entire time we h
ave been looking for them on Earth. Good move, Gogin, very good move.”

  I was impressed by this movement. This leader would at least be a good opponent for me, somewhat of a match. But then it hit me, if that was where the base was, that meant it was quite possible they had Andromeda out there, in space. That meant I would have to do a rescue mission out in space. I could do that. We were a space traveling race after all. It would make things more difficult but not impossible.

  “How long before they enter Earth's atmosphere?”

  “Five hours and counting.”

  “Good, keep me informed of every movement they make. I want a one hour warning before they enter the atmosphere. That is when we will sound the alarm to man the battle stations.”

  “Yes, my Prince.”

  “I’m going to find Lieutenant Danja and inform him of this new information. Stay at your station.”

  Now, I had something to work with. The Humanity First were definitely coming, and knowing that a battle was happening this night was good. I hadn’t liked the anticipation and not knowing. We were prepared and we could anticipate it. Now I was much closer to getting Andromeda back, no matter the outcome of this battle. That was incredibly important since she carried my child. I finally knew I loved her deeply and couldn’t be without her.

  Chapter 38


  “Did you ever see anything so beautiful, Andromeda?” my father said as we peered out through the windows into deep space.

  The black was so black and the stars twinkled millions of miles away. The moon was glowing so bright it almost hurt my eyes to look at it.

  “No, I haven’t. It is absolutely stunning, Father. Isn’t it?” I said with a breath of air.

  “I must say all of this has been very stressful, but at least we get to see this. Seeing space, it is a dream come true for me,” my father said with watery eyes.

  There was a spark of bewilderment in his eyes like a happy child. It made me overjoyed to see him looking so excited and I thought it was even bringing color back to his face.

  “It’s been my dream too, Father. At least we got to see all of this, finally.” I squeezed his hand as we sat in the back of the ship, whispering to each other. His had was feeling warmer. I could feel that this small ship was warmer than the cell he’d been living in. I was glad for it. These two pilots liked to travel in comfort and I felt grateful.

  Then the radio communications came on, loud and clear. It was directed at the two pilots, but there was no separation from where we sat so we were able to hear as well.

  “Ship 792, report your coordinates.”

  “This is ship 792, coordinates are 72 degrees by 34 degrees we are just outside of Earth's atmosphere, entering in T-minus 10.”

  “Copy that 792. You have new orders to remain on Earth, after dropping your package. Remain in cruise altitude over the ocean until you receive new orders.”

  “Copy that, orders confirmed,” the pilot said.

  I panicked hearing that transmission. I knew that the Humanity First organization was mounting an attack on the palace ship. But I didn’t know when. Now it seemed that with the Humanity First communications team telling this particular ship to stay on Earth meant it could be happening soon.

  My heart raced. I have to warn Manzar. I have to. It was very important that someone warn the Trilyn. My father had given some information that led Humanity First to believe there was a weakness to the palace ship.

  “Where would you like to be dropped Dr. LaBelle?” The pilot turned in his seat looking at us.

  My father squeezed my hand. But he didn't need to talk, I already knew where we needed to go.

  “Please, if you would, drop us on the roof of the council building. I believe that would be safest for the both of us, don’t you agree, Father?” I looked at him.

  “Yes, please,” he agreed with me, but didn’t look very sure of what I’d suggested.

  “I think they will be better able to help us get out of the city immediately just as Leader Gogin suggested we do,” I added.

  The pilot nodded his head.

  I figured, just in case he reported back to Gogin where he dropped us, he could tell him the reason that I gave for dropping us at the council building. Though, I also had a completely different reason in mind for going there. The council building was protected and if for some reason after dropping us, they gave orders to abduct us again, it would be nearly impossible.

  My father looked at me again, and I knew he was about to open his mouth to ask me why the council building. But I put my finger on his lip, stopping him. He nodded his head yes, in acknowledgement that we would speak of it later. I was glad that he didn’t begin to ask questions about it.

  Twelve minutes later, the pilots dropped us on the roof of the council building. I was very glad for it, as it went without a hitch. My father and I stepped out of the ship, and immediately, the ship took off. Two council guards emerged from the door, and pointed guns at us. This was to be expected, as we didn’t have permission to land. It was a government building after all.

  “Halt!” one of the guards shouted.

  My father and I put up our hands.

  “My name is Andromeda LaBelle and this is my father, Dr. James LaBelle. We request an audience with the governor. He will want to speak with us,” I said.

  The guard nodded and then spoke into the radio on his wrist cuff, “We have two persons on the roof, a Miss Andromeda LaBelle and a Dr. James LaBelle. They are requesting an audience with Governor Edwards. What actions do you suggest?”

  We waited for a reply.

  “They are clear. The governor wants to speak with them immediately. Escort them to the meeting room CSEA three,” was the response that came from his wrist communicator.

  “Follow me,” the guard said.

  A few moments later, we entered a conference room. Governor Edwards entered with a relieved smile. “LaBelles! There you are! We thought we had lost you. The Prince is—”

  “What? The prince is what?” I asked frantically. I was afraid Manzar still thought of us as spies. And in truth, my father had inadvertently become one by being captured and having to tell Humanity First what he knew about the palace ship, in an agreement that they didn’t keep since Jake still captured me. But in the end, Gogin did allow us to leave, so I supposed that part of their bargain worked out. But I didn’t know what Manzar had ordered. He could think of us as fugitives for all we knew.

  “The prince has been beside himself searching for you. He hasn’t stopped since you left his ship. His scouts have been working day and night to find you.”

  Relief overcame me. He still cares. He wanted to find me and now, I needed to help him.

  “Where have you been?” the governor asked with a frown.

  “We don’t have much time, Governor. We have vital information. Humanity First is on its way to our city to attack Prince Manzar and the palace ship. Probably within an hour or so, maybe less. You must send them a warning. Communicate with Prince Manzar and let him know. The Guard must be called upon to join the Trilyn army to defend against Humanity First. There is no time to lose,” I said.

  “What? How are you aware of this information? Do you know where Gogin is? What is happening here?” the governor demanded to know.

  “You must believe me, Governor. There is no time to explain right now. See for yourself as there is an entire fleet entering the Earth atmosphere. Check your radars,” I said annoyed by the lack of movement going on.

  “I will do that, but…”

  I didn't know how long Governor Edwards was going to take in order to believe me and then also to get the message to Manzar. I have to find him and tell him myself. I have to warn them. I was too panicked to listen to Governor Edwards, as I grabbed my father by the shoulders. “Father, I must go to him. Stay here in the council building where it’s safe. Humanity First wouldn't dare launch an attack on this building. It’s a safe place. I will come back for you!”

o! Andi, stay here! You mustn’t go, it’s not safe!” my father said grabbing my arm.

  “I must, Father,” I pleaded, “I love him.”

  “But, Miss LaBelle—” Governor Edwards tried to interrupt me, but I ignored him.

  I couldn’t count on the council, I had to go. I pulled my father close then gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “I’ll return for you.”

  “Miss LaBelle! Please, where are you going?” Governor Edwards shouted after me.

  I had no time to lose. I continued running out of the room and down the hallway. I burst out of the front doors of the lobby, and onto the streets. What I saw shocked me. I’d forgotten that it was Mardi Gras season. The streets were flooded with people everywhere. This isn’t good.

  Not only would these people be put into harm's way if the battle moved toward the city and didn’t stay in the swamp, but it was also going to make it very hard for me to get to Manzar.

  “Coming through! Emergency!” I shouted, but it was no use. I couldn’t be heard over the loud sounds of horns from the band that was part of the massive parade. People were celebrating, causing great commotion and noise. I pushed my way through the crowds of people, trying to get to the other side. I ran hard for several blocks. Finally, I was away from the commotion, but the palace was so far away. I looked around at all the cars parked around me. I picked up a heavy piece of concrete that had broken off of the curb and broke the window of the backseat of an older model car that I knew I could hot-wire. It wasn’t something I was proud of, but Jake had done one good thing for me when we’d dated. He’d showed me how to hot-wire my car when I’d lost my keys shortly after we’d started dating. I hadn’t known at the time, but I hadn’t actually lost them, he’d stolen them and had copies made. I pulled open the back door, leaned in and unlocked the driver’s door. Nobody was around. I assumed they were all at the parade. I quickly jumped inside the driver’s seat and yanked out the covering on the steering panel. With a few twists of the right wires, the car started and with a quick prayer for the owner to forgive me, I pulled away from the curb.


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