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Highlander's Untamed Lass (Highlander's Seductive Lasses Book 3)

Page 3

by Adamina Young

  Strange how the news had shaken her. Ness took a moment to collect his thoughts and choose his words carefully as he took the reins from Nicholas. He could just as easily leave one of his men, preferably not Alec who would have her skirts up around her waist before sunset, to escort the lass to safety, but for some reason, he was reluctant to leave her side.

  "I am early in my journey, and another day willna make a difference." Keeping his hands out, he walked toward the lass. "Ye have had quite a fight. We only want to see ye to yer destination safely."

  "Verra well. If I cannae change yer minds, then I will accept yer assistance." She stared down at the blade as if she didn't know what to do with it. Keeping his hands in full view of her, he gently removed the blade from her trembling fingers and wiped the blade clean on his trousers, which were already stained, before handing it back to her.

  He was impressed. Someone, perhaps a brother or father, had taught her to protect herself. That was good, but it would not have done much damage to the five who had surrounded her.

  “Thank ye for fetching Anu. I would be lost without her,” she said quietly.

  An old bedraggled mare, who probably could not canter any faster than a donkey, with the name of a goddess. For some reason, Ness found that fitting for the lass.

  Walking behind the horse for some modesty, she lifted her skirts and replaced the sheath. When she mounted, Ness reached up to stroke the Anu’s muzzle. "What is yer name, missus?"

  "A…Aslynn," she stuttered. "I am Aslynn. I am on my way to the inn."

  "And afterward?"

  She blinked in confusion. “Afterward, my laird?”

  Aslynn was obviously still rattled. He smiled patiently at her. “After the inn? Surely ye doona plan on living there. What is yer final destination?”

  “Oh, nay. How can one live in an inn? I am traveling to the McClures,” she said almost reluctantly. “My sister lives there. She is due soon, and I wish to help her through her birth, but I have no need fer an escort that far. The journey to my sister from the inn should be a peaceful one."

  Ness was familiar with the McClures. Like his own people, they were repressed by an overbearing laird who was stripped from power by King James. It was flourishing under the charge of Mack and Amelia McClure, although rumors were that she was the one who ran things. In any case, violence against women was harshly punished on their borders, so Aslynn should indeed have a smooth journey.

  "Verra well. My men would relish a hot meal and a tankard, so shall we?"

  She nodded mutely, and he made introductions to his guards as he mounted his stallion and turned the horses back to the road. The lass puzzled him. If she and her sister had separated, then the lass should have a male escort from wherever she hailed from. Why a husband or protector would send her on her way unaccompanied was alarming, he wanted to ask her way, but the lass kept falling behind in the group, and he got the sense that he made her more nervous than the others, so he didn't force her to ride near him.

  There was no need to get more information from her. After tonight, they would go their separate ways.


  Of all the ill-gotten luck. She'd been running to escape her groom only to fall right into his path. Thankful that she'd kept her wits about her enough to lie, she kept back in the small party to keep a close eye on him. He was handsome. She'd give him that much. Thick dark hair that swept past his shoulders. His strong square jaw matching his broad shoulders and powerful torso. She’d been riveted when she watched him move. Fast and deadly. He seemed like the kind of man who was used to danger.

  It rattled her enough that she'd nearly blurted out her true identity after his heroics, and then he was nothing but chivalrous and kind. Aiding someone he thought was no better than a servant to safety was a sweet gesture, but she reserved judgement until she could figure out his intentions. If he hoped that she might thank him with her body tonight at the tavern, he was sorely mistaken, and she would teach him a hard lesson about taking advantage of others.

  The bandits had come out of nowhere, and although Brodie had taught her to defend herself, she'd been woefully outnumbered. Her heart still hammered against her chest in fright, and she decided that the attack addled her mind, and that was the reason she was risking discovery by letting him escort her.

  And, even if she didn't want to admit it, she feared that the bandits would return. It was one thing to watch Brodie train with his men while she was safely by her window or to have him and his men teach her a few moves, but it was another to be right in the middle of things and fearing for her life.

  Tonight, she would have to come up with a better plan. Once she reached McClure lands, she should be safe enough, but it was half a day's journey to the border, and she could not be caught unawares again. Maybe a pair of pants would serve her better than a skirt. Most inns had stable boys to look after the horses. If she were lucky, one of them could be persuaded to sell her a pair of trousers, a loose shirt to hide her breasts, and a cap to hide her hair.

  “Are ye married, lass? I find it hard to believe that a husband would allow his wife to travel these dangerous roads alone.”

  Ava easily identified the speaker. Although, curse him, Ness was the most handsome of the group with dark hair that flowed over his broad shoulders and impossibly dark eyes that flashed a little too intelligently her way, the guard they called Alec oozed confidence and seduction, and she could feel his eyes on her. If she wasn’t so worried about her predicament, she might be flattered. No one looked at her like that, possibly because they fear for their lives if the King finds out someone was flirting with her.

  “Ye must realize that yer question only serves to frighten me further,” she shot back. “Here I am, a lonely female surrounded by four strange men. Ye may be satisfying yer curiosity, but my marriage status is none of yer business. For all I know, ye are trying to discover if a man will be looking for me after ye dispose of my body somewhere along the road. Would it be better for me to tell ye that aye, I am married, and my husband is as large as a house and still smaller than his seven brothers, all who adore me and will slay anyone who so much as puts a finger on me. Expert hunters and trackers with lofty connections.”

  There was a snort of laughter in the group, and Alec’s eyes widened. “I didna mean to make ye less comfortable, lass.”

  Just like that, the seductive lilt in his voice was gone, and he turned away. Ava felt more than a little sorry. It might have been fun to flirt, but she found that the only one she wanted to pay attention to was the one she was trying to hide from.

  The inn came into view, and they rode to the stables behind. Quickly, Ava dismounted before Ness or any of his men could offer to help her. "Miss Aslynn, please allow me to pay for yer room," Ness said as he walked towards her.

  Gallant of him, but she would not take any more of his help. "No, ye have done plenty, but I thank ye for the offer." Keeping her head down so he couldn't get a good look at her, she removed her coin purse from Anu’s saddle. He was standing a little too close to her, and while she didn’t feel threatened, she certainly felt something curling inside of her. A desire for something that she couldn’t quite put her finger on but she knew felt dangerous. "I appreciate yer assistance, but I will not take up more of yer time."

  She wanted them to busy themselves with something else. It was her first time in a public tavern, and she wished to watch without being watched in turn. Part of her was excited and part of her was terrified. Listening to Brodie's men, she knew the taverns could be rough places. Would she see a brawl or some roughhousing? She'd had her fill of violence, but she wanted to see some life! She craved it.

  "'Tis not a safe place for a woman to be alone," Ness murmured. His low and velvety voice embraced her, and the strange feeling turning into a tingle that made her heart flutter. What in the world was wrong with her? She’d only just met the man! "Allow us to see ye safely to yer room. Ye can have yer dinner there."

  "I have no wish to be confined
to my room," she said airily as she waved him away. The more distance she put between them, the better. "I will dine downstairs."

  Before he could object, she led her horse to the stable boy and dropped several coins into his hand. His eyes widened, and she realized that she had probably paid him a fortune. “This is Anu, and she is just as special as her name suggests. Take care of her and my things for me," Ava said as she smiled gently at him. "I will return in the morning, and I expect to find a happy horse." Sizing him up, she thought that he might do nicely. Leaning down, she whispered further instructions in his ear. Another two coins if he'd fetch her the outfit that she wanted.

  His eyes widened as he stared at her, but he was no fool. "Yes, miss," he said with an eager nod of his head. Turning, she found Ness staring at her strangely. Had he surmised her plan? She'd hoped that if she left early enough and in the guise of a boy, he would not follow. What use did he have for a serving girl?

  "If ye will excuse me." Dropping her head once again, she hurried past him and into the inn. From the volume alone, the place sounded packed wall-to-wall with people. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she was astonished to see so many people laughing and roughhousing. The tavern girls giggled and shrieked as men pulled them into their laps and stole kisses from their cheeks. One woman smacked a man upside the head with her pitcher and lashed out loudly at him, causing the table to laugh and the man to blush unabashedly.

  This was life. Being free to talk as she liked to whom she liked. Being able to move as she pleased, and watching the joy in others without wishing that she could experience it herself. It's the reason she was drawn to Grace's children. To them, she wasn't the King's ward. She was just someone willing to play.

  A bump from behind interrupted her open gawking. Looking up, she saw that Ness had followed her inside. His hands settled a little easily and possessively around her waist. They both stilled at the contact, but he didn’t apologize or remove his hand.

  “Ye will cause too much attention if ye continue to just stand there,” he all but growled as he tightened his grip and anchored her in place while he maneuvered around her to shield her from the crowd.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to remind him that he should not be touching her, but she couldn’t barely get a word out.

  "Ye need a room.” The reminder temporarily shook her from her reverie, and she blinked and looked around the crowded pub again.

  "What if they are all taken?" she asked in a hushed whisper. There were just so many people here.

  "Most of these men will be sleeping in the stables. They are here for a hot meal, but they cannae afford a room. Come on."

  At his prodding, she approached the woman at the counter, but before she could speak, Ness grabbed her arm and squeezed. "Two rooms for me and my sister," Ness said. "Side by side if ye have it."

  Sister?! She opened her mouth to object, but he shot her a warning look. He was protecting her. As her supposed brother, he could keep an eye on her without ruining her reputation.

  Ruining her reputation. Too bad she hadn't thought of that before. If she ruined her reputation, right before her prospective groom’s very eyes, he wouldn't want her.

  Suddenly, an idea dawned on her. Eventually, he was going to discover that he'd been duped. Now was an opportunity to turn him from the idea of marriage. If she acted as outrageously as possible, then he could declare her unfit for marriage. If his dismissal of her spread, no one would want to marry her, and she could be as free as she wanted.

  And, she could have some fun in the process.

  A smile curved over her face. Some fun indeed.

  There was something not quite right with Aslynn. First of all, the supposed serving girl just tipped the stable boy enough money to feed him for a month. Secondly, she seemed way too eager to get away from him. He didn't know what was going on, but he had a feeling that someone should be keeping an eye on her.

  After escorting her to her room and promising to have a tray of food brought up to her, he returned to the den of chaos downstairs and chose a table in the corner where he could keep an eye on the stairs. Ordering a meal for himself, a meal for his three men who had agreed to disperse along the crowd to watch for dissent, and Aslynn, he stretched out his legs, crossed his boots, and waited.

  Not twenty minutes had passed before the woman trounced down the stairs with open glee on her face. If he didn't know better, he'd say that she'd never been to a public inn before or never even been around a crowd. Her eyes darted from side-to-side as she threaded her way through the crowd and took everything in.

  Even in the drab dress and her hair tangled and dirtied from the scuffle, she was a standout in the crowd, and Ness’s whole body tightened with desire at the sight of her. Those beautiful green eyes flashed merrily as she stopped at a table to eavesdrop, and her lips were a plump rosy pink as they curved in a smile.

  For the strangest moment, Ness felt a spark of jealousy. Why couldn’t he get Aslynn to smile for him?

  The men had quickly taken notice of her. "Hey! Ballard's got himself a new girl!" one of them cried out drunkenly as he snagged her around the waist and pulled her down into his lap.

  Tensing, Ness waited for her to pull out her dagger to defend herself, and he was halfway to his feet when she just laughed and offered her cheek. "No lips, gentlemen, for I am saving that for my husband."

  To his surprise, the man didn't fight her on it but smacked his lips against her cheek while others cheered. She had a way about her that was hypnotizing, and the men were falling under the spell of her soothing voice. "Do you have a beau, lass?" one of them demanded. "Or will ye be taking one of us as yer husband!"

  Snagging a biscuit off the man's plate, she winked as she bit into it. "I will not wed just anyone. Only the man who steals my heart will stand with me before the priest."

  Before he could protest, she was off his lap and waltzing through the crowd to another table. All eyes were on her, and Ness clenched his teeth. Did the woman not realize how dangerous she was? Any minute now, she could cause a riot that might trample her. These men were hardly gentlemen as she had so gaily said, and most of them were half in their cups already. Before another man could put their hands on her, he was on his feet and striding through the crowd. "Aslynn," he growled as he pulled her away. "What are ye doing?"

  "Hey!" someone protested. "It was my turn next for a kiss!"

  "As this is my sister, there will be no more kisses." Unwilling to let her go, he pulled her to the base of the stairs. "Have ye lost yer mind? Before the night is over, some man will have reached up your skirts and find that valuable dagger you have secreted away. How do ye think the night will go then?"

  To his surprise, her eyes flashed in anger as she glared at him. "Ye were my hero, earlier, and I am thankful for that, but ye are not my brother nor are ye my husband. Yer offer of an escort does not make ye my armed guards, and I will do as I please. What makes ye think that I doona want to take one of these men to my bed? Ye speak of my virtue, but ye know nothing of it."

  It was true. He didn't know anything about the lass, but he'd bet every coin in his purse that she hadn't felt the touch of a man. His blood heated, and he wanted nothing more than to lower his head and claim those luscious lips for his own and prove to her that she'd want no one in this tavern but him, but he could not forget his mission, and he could not, in good conscience, bed another woman while traveling to vow loyalty to another.

  “Just how badly do ye want to bed someone, Aslynn?” he demanded as his fingers squeezed her waist and pulled her a little closer.

  The flecks of gold all but disappeared as her eyes darkened with lust, and Ness groaned. She wanted him, but there was still that strange puzzled expression on her face as if she didn’t understand why.

  She was not his bride, and he couldn't seduce another on the way to his wedding.

  With a growled oath, he pulled back. "My offer to escort ye includes my protection. If ye so wish to watch the inn, then
ye may sit with me and my men and dine with us."

  "And if I say no?" she breathed.

  "Ye seem to be a smart lass. I am sure ye know what might happen to ye if we let ye continue to flirt yer way through the tavern."

  Fear sparked in those eyes, and the doubt in him grew. She obviously knew that she was making a spectacle of herself and knew what might happen. What exactly was her plan?

  "All right. I will join ye for dinner," she said with a nod of her head. "As a thank ye for yer actions today."

  He'd won the argument, but somehow, he felt like the strange woman had gotten exactly what she wanted.


  Last night had been exhilarating, and she'd fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Instead of dreaming of her adventure, she dreamed of Ness. For a moment, she'd thought for sure that he was going to kiss her. She'd seen Brodie look at Grace with heated eyes that simmered with desire, and she often wondered what it would feel like to have someone look at her like that.

  Now she knew. It had curled her toes and warmed her skin and left her breathless, and he didn't even have the good manners to follow through.

  The next morning, in the hour before sunrise, she found herself sad that she was going to have to leave him behind. Marrying him just to feel what it would be like to be kissed was absurd, so she changed into the pants and shirt that the stable boy had snuck to her. Tucking her dark hair under her cap, she surveyed herself in the mirror. Up close, no one would mistake her for a boy, but in the distance, it might be enough to keep the bandits at bay. No one would suspect that a young boy was carrying wealth.

  Stuffing her things in a sack, she slung it over her shoulder and eased the door open. It creaked, but there were several rooms on this floor, and she was confident that Ness had drunk enough to keep him asleep until the sun was shining through his window.

  Tiptoeing down the stairs, she looked around the empty dining room with a smile on her lips. It had been terrifying when the man had grabbed her and pulled her down, but he'd been surprisingly sweet with only a kiss on the cheek and a hand on her arm. Hopefully it was enough to warn Ness away if he did discover her identity, although the King would be furious. She needed to be careful.


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