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Highlander's Untamed Lass (Highlander's Seductive Lasses Book 3)

Page 4

by Adamina Young

  Anu was patiently munching on her morning feed in the inn. The mare didn't seem at all unsettled by yesterday's activities. Smiling, Ava ran her hand down her flank. "Today, we will be more careful," she promised her. "You take care of me, and I will take care of you."

  "If ye need someone to take care of ye, I am more than willing," a male voice drawled from the corner. It was vaguely familiar. Whirling around, she stiffened when she realized it was one of the men from last night. Her heart pounded in her chest. Was it always this difficult for a lass to run away?

  "That willna be necessary," she said tightly as she tightened her hands around the reins. If he made a move against her, what would she do?

  "There is no need to panic," he said smoothly as he stepped toward her. "I just have a few questions for ye, and then ye may be on yer way."

  "Questions?" she asked wearily.

  "Aye. 'Tis Aslynn? I cannae help but notice who ye arrived with yesterday. What is yer business with Laird Fenton?"

  Instantly, Ava eased. He didn't have questions for her. He had questions about Ness. "I doona know ye, and I doona have to answer yer questions."

  The friendly demeanor was gone, and he moved quickly. Before she knew it, she was pinned against the back of the stall, and his hands were squeezing her arms so tightly, she feared that he would leave bruises. "I happen to work for someone who is verra interested in everything that Ness Fenton does. If ye get involved with him, then ye get involved with us. 'Tis in yer best interest to answer our questions and go on about yer business, lass. Now I will ask again. What are ye doing with Fenton?"

  "Nothing," she gasped. "I was traveling alone and ran into some trouble. Laird Fenton and his men rescued me and then offered to escort me here. I am leaving now. I plan to have no further contact with him."

  "Did he tell ye what he was doing or where he was going?" the man hissed.

  Ava swallowed hard. She had no reason to be loyal to Ness, but if she disclosed that he was traveling to meet his betrothed, then more and more people would learn that she had run. This man, whoever he was, might make the connection, and she couldn't risk that. "No," she whispered. "He didna say, and I didna ask."

  "Are ye lying to me?"

  "No," she cried out. "Please. I know nothing about him!"

  His breath was hot on her face, and her stomach rolled, but after a moment, he released her. "Interesting clothing choice," he said a little too nastily. "Take my advice. Leave now, and sever all ties with Ness Fenton. If ye are a lass looking for power and wealth, Laird Fenton isna the man for ye."

  There was something sinister in his words, but Ava didn't dare ask any questions. After he was gone, she scrambled back to her mare and squeezed her eyes shut as she pressed her head against the warm fur. "I knew that man was trouble," she grumbled when her breathing returned to normal. Gritting her teeth, she focused on the task ahead.

  Packing her things, she mounted the horse and rode her out of the stable. After what Ness had said, she wasn't surprised at all to find nearly a dozen men snoring loudly in the hay bales scattered around the barn. Careful not to wake them, she held her breath until she was back on the road.

  "We did it!" she cheered. "By tonight, we will be with Amelia and Mack and be free."

  Turning off the main road back into the woods, she followed a dusty path with some trepidation. Anu's ears moved back and forth as they plodded along, and she didn't miss that more times than not, the mare would try to look behind them.

  Swallowing hard, Ava closed her eyes and listened. There were birds in the trees calling to one another. Leaves rustling in the wind and beneath the feet of critters as they scattered. They must have been near a creek for she could hear the faint trickling of water and frogs croaking.

  And there. The faint sound of a horse's hooves that were out of sync with Anu's.

  Someone was following her.

  It sounded like just one person, but that didn't stop her hands from shaking. The best thing about the pants was that she didn't have to holster her dagger all the way up to her thigh. It was right there at her ankle, and she tried to look casual as she reached down for it.

  "Easy, lass," a familiar voice called out. "'Tis only me."

  Ness Fenton. The knowledge didn’t flood her with relief.

  "Are ye following me?" she demanded as she whipped her head around. "We made no agreement that ye were to continue escorting me."

  He flashed her a cocky grin. "True, but I was intrigued when I saw ye slip out dressed as a stable boy. What did ye hope that this would accomplish? Are ye trying to sneak away from me, lass?"

  It was as if he knew that she'd dreamt of him last night. She was very angry that he had followed her. Yet, impressed as she was only an ordinary girl in his eyes. Why would he care? Well, kind or not, he was stubborn and did not own her just because he saved her. Straightening in the saddle, she raised her chin and stared straight ahead. "If ye had any brains in that head of yers, ye would realize that I was trying to thwart more bandits. They have no need to attack a stable boy on an elderly horse."

  "No man worth his salt would mistake ye for a stable boy," he said in a low and smooth voice. Despite herself, she felt her heartbeat speed up. "I can't help but wonder if the disguise is for someone specific."

  He was onto her. Quickly, she looked behind him. "Where are yer men?"

  "Since I had decided to escort ye to McClure lands, I sent them on ahead to let my host know that I may be delayed for a couple of days." He continued to watch her. "Do ye really have a sister in labor?"

  "Aye," she managed.

  "See, I doona believe ye. First of all, ye are no laborer. Yer hands are as smooth as silk.” The reminder of his touch did nothing to calm her pounding her heart. “Even seamstresses have calluses, so I cannae believe that ye are a worker. Secondly, ye have more money than most laborers see in a year."

  "I have saved my coin," she explained quickly. "And I take care of my skin."

  "Excellent speech," he continued as if she hadn't spoken. "Excellent posture. Uneasy atop a horse."

  Outraged, she glared at him. "I am hardly uneasy! I am simply untrained."

  He smiled in triumph, and she groaned. What normal Scottish woman was untrained on a horse? She was making far too many mistakes. "My personal history is none of yer concern as is my reasons behind a journey, and ye are watching me far too closely. Please leave."

  “Do ye not like it when I am close?” he teased.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried to subdue the flush that was warming her cheeks and chest. “What part of please leave makes ye think that I still want to talk to ye?”

  "On my honor, I willna leave a wee lass out here to fend for herself." His promise only annoyed her further, and she rolled her eyes. His honor. As if that meant anything to her. She didn’t know anything about him!

  "Is it yer honor or yer desires that keep ye with me?" It was absurd, but she couldn't help but be a little jealous, even if she was jealous of herself. He was supposed to be promised to her, and yet he’d nearly kissed what he thought was another woman in a tavern! On the one hand, it was nice to see that he had honor, but she couldn't trust that he wasn't aiming for something in return. On the other hand, what kind of man detoured from meeting his future bride?

  Even she knew that she was being unfair, but she didn't want to like Ness. She wanted to get on with her plan of freedom without any guilt.

  "If I wanted ye in my bed, I would have made a move last night.” He paused and studied her. “I doona think ye would have tried to stop me.”

  “How dare ye!” she hissed.

  “Ye arena married. Ye have never even kissed a man, have ye? Is that what last night was about? Ye were hoping to explore yer own passions?”

  “That is ridiculous!” Her skin was getting hotter.

  The grin from Ness’s face slipped, and he looked away. “As much as I would like to help ye with that, I cannae. I am on my way to meet my betrothed, I willna be untrue to her."

  He was talking about her. Honorable. Noble. The man was making her heart flutter and irritating her all at the same time. "Is she beautiful?" she asked, unable to help herself.

  Keeping pace with her, he stiffened just a little. "I doona know," he said finally. "I have never seen her. She has been sheltered for most of her life, so not many know what she looks like."

  "And if ye find her hideous to look at?"

  "I cannae break a promise, so her looks are of no matter to me. I hope that she is pleasant and obedient."

  Pleasant and obedient? Wasn't he in for a rude awakening. "Ye make is sound as if ye already know that she isna."

  "Truth? She was raised in wealth. Given everything she wanted and no doubt provided nothing in turn. I half expect to find her a spoiled brat or a shell of a lass with no personality, but, as I said, if she is pleasant and obedient, I expect we will find a way to get along. 'Tis hard to expect more from a political alliance."

  Ava clenched her teeth and resisted the urge to lean over and punch him right in his arm. All this speak of duty and honor and the man was an arrogant ass! Spoiled brat? Shell with no personality? "I can only imagine what she is thinking of ye.” Her voice was light, but she was hardly teasing. "Laird of the Fenton clan? Now they have certainly been the subject of gossip over the last several years."

  "I am not like my uncle," he growled suddenly. "And I doona appreciate ye saying otherwise."

  Turning her head, she gave him a pointed look. "I imagine she would not appreciate ye making assumptions of her either."

  Silence fell between them, and he shifted a little in the saddle. "Fair point, I suppose."

  He supposes? Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him. "Have ye done anything to ease any anxiety that she might have about this wedding?"

  "I…ye think she may be anxious?"

  Were all men this thickheaded? "Ye just admitted that she is sheltered. Maybe she is not used to the world. Maybe she has never left her lands, and yet she has to make a three day journey with a complete stranger that she has just married. I saw no women in yer group to help ease her fears. Have ye written to her? Explained what she may find on your lands? Told her anything about yerself? Given her any assurances that she will be safe?"

  Opening his mouth, he then shut it again and turned a little red. "'Tis a political marriage. She cannae expect me to think of everything!"

  "Not everything, but something? Anything?" she asked knowing full well that he had not. "'Tis easy for ye men. Ye lose nothing in this marriage but gain a powerful ally, but what of her? She loses proximity to her friends, and she must wed a man who already believes her to be a spoiled brat. She is likely to be scared and anxious, and all ye are worried about is whether she will be obedient and pleasant."

  With a wicked smile, she gripped her reins. "I hope she is as ugly as an ogre and every bit as spoiled as ye believe. That will be the wife that ye deserve, Laird Fenton."

  He said nothing as they crossed the bridge over a little stream, and she felt the swell of satisfaction. "And here we are. The McClure lands. As ye have already pointed out, no harm will come to me here, so I suggest ye be on yer way and think about yer actions before ye meet yer bride."

  After her little tirade, she expected him to be more than happy to let her go, but he glanced at the path ahead and then back at her thoughtfully. "I will ride the rest of the way ye to make sure ye get to yer destination safely."

  Her luck was only growing worse. Now what was she going to do? She had no pregnant sister to show him! "Really, 'tis not necessary."

  "I insist," he said shortly with a glint of mischief in his eye. "'Twill only take me several more hours, and ye've just given me kind words of advice. 'Tis the least I can do."

  He was punishing her. Why was it that everything she did to get rid of him only served to intrigue him? Holding back her growl of annoyance, she plastered a smile on her face. "Verra well, but I doona think my sister will appreciate me bringing a stranger into her home during this delicate time. Ye may escort me to the village, but then ye must be on yer way."

  "I would certainly not want to intrude." The laird's voice was a little too merry, but she gritted her teeth and plunged ahead.


  The farther they rode into the McClure lands, the more Aslynn shifted nervously on her horse. Ness watched her carefully as her eyes scanned the countryside. He had absolutely no idea why he was still escorting her. This was one of the safest places for her to be, and yet he couldn’t tear himself from her side, even after she’d verbally whipped him for his actions and shamed him.

  It was true. He’d been so concerned with his own shock and remorse that he hadn’t considered that of his future bride. If she was as sheltered as he believed then she might very well be terrified.

  As they rode, her eyes grew more and more attentive, and Ness could see the rapture on her face.

  “Do ye remember where yer sister lives?” he asked conversationally.

  Immediately, the smile slipped from her face, and she scowled at him, and he regretted the remark. It stung to know that he could so easily steal her happiness, and he had no idea why. All he wanted to do was keep her safe.

  “‘Tis been awhile, but she lives near the keep, and I’m sure that I will recognize it.”

  “We could stop and ask. What is her and her husband’s name?”

  “That won’t be necessary,” she said a little too hastily. “I am enjoying the adventure. If ye are in a hurry, then ye are welcome to leave. There is no reason for ye to be here.”

  There it was again. That sneaking suspicion that she was lying to him. What was she trying to hide?

  “When was the last time ye saw your sister?”

  “‘Tis been several years.”

  There were no additional details. She didn’t mention where she lived now, but based on the meager items in her pack, she couldn’t have been traveling for more than a couple of days which limited the lands she’d hailed from. Donohue, where he was supposed to be, Ramsey which was still a dangerous clan after the death of their laird, and MacCallahand. She wore no colors to help narrow it down, nor did she talk about her laird or any landmarks.

  “How long do ye plan to stay with her?”

  She shot him a quelling look. “Ye ask too many questions. If ye are bored…”

  “I know. I know. Ye want me to turn back. ‘Tis not going to happen. I promised to see ye to yer destination.”

  A small gasp in her throat cut him off, and he followed her line of sight. The McClure castle rose over the hills and cut through the mists rising from the moors. It was a small clan and a small keep, but she looked at it like it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  “Are ye a McClure by birth?” She looked as though she missed her home. He thought back to all the time that he’d been forced to travel. Did he ever look at the Fenton keep the way that she was looking at the stone castle before her?”

  “Nay, but I wish I were.” Aslynn’s voice was soft and regretful. He knew few people who didn’t have an immense amount of pride in their home. What had happened to her?

  Once again, he asked her how long she planned to stay. If she were moving, she didn’t carry much with her, but surely if her life was so terrible where she hailed from, her sister and sister’s husband would take her in.

  A thought struck him almost blindingly. Was she promised to another?

  Immediately, he dismissed the thought. No man would let his betrothed travel on her own, and it was no business of his. He was betrothed to another. He needed to remember that.

  “‘Tis beautiful, aye?” She still sounded like she was trapped in a pleasant dream. He envied her, and for the first time, he quelled his desire to ask her more questions. There was nothing that he wouldn’t do to keep that smile on her face.

  Ness found most of Scotland beautiful, but the McClure lands didn’t stand out. It was almost always shrouded in fog from the moors, and more than half of it was uninhabitabl
e, but he just nodded his head in agreement.

  As they rode closer to the keep, her eyes sharpened, and she began to scan the area once more. Finally, they’d reached the village closest to the keep, and she pointed her finger. “There. That is where my sister lives. I am sure of it. Thank ye for yer escort.”

  With a raised eyebrow, he merely grinned and followed her as she turned down a path. “I will stretch my legs a bit and make sure that ye have found the right place before I abandon ye.”

  Looking pained, she wrinkled her nose. “Fine, but ye must let me go first. I doona think my sister’s husband will take kindly to me barging in with a strange man. Wait here, and I will signal ye when ye can enter.”

  Slipping out of the mount, she unclasped her bag and slung it over her shoulder. After a hesitant look at him, she bowed her head. “I know that I have been difficult for most of this trip, but I do appreciate yer heroics and yer honor.”

  “My lady, ye are most welcome.”

  With a final glance his way, she strolled up to the door of the cottage and knocked on the door. When no one answered, she looked back and shrugged before she walked around.

  Dismounting from his own horse, he held his reins and glanced over at her mare. A niggling thought entered his mind. Why had she not taken her mare to the pasture?

  Tying his and her reins to the post outside the cottage, he risked the wrath of a pregnant woman’s husband by walking around the back of the cottage and peering in the small gardens growing in the back.

  It was clear.

  Swearing under his breath, he walked back to the front and pounded on the door. A minute later, an older woman answered it. She was hardly pregnant and well past the age the child bearing. “Aye? Is there a reason ye are beating down my door like a maniac?”


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