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Avarice: House of Mustelid: A Dark Paranormal Reverse Harem

Page 9

by Emma Cole

  I felt like a fly in a spider’s web, getting stuck further with every maneuver meant for escape. "Uh, yes. He is." I stood, grabbing my bag, and would have fled the room had she not held up a hand, staying my move at departure.

  "I'll walk with you, just give me a moment to lock up."

  Cora dithered about, ramping up my apprehension, before she was finally done placing everything just so. With the point of a finger, she directed me to go out the back way, the direction that faced one of the training fields. Instinct had my gaze honing in on Lorca amid the other students as they ran laps. As he passed, he picked up a hand to wave then turned his attention behind me as Cora came out. The instructor yelled at them to hurry up, but I didn't miss the worry on his face as he went.

  The squat, plain, gray-stoned medical building came into view as we turned the corner, and I felt fairly certain she'd taken us that route on purpose. To what end, I didn't know, but she'd wanted Lorca to see us together. It was made apparent a moment later.

  "Your mate seems awfully possessive toward you. Especially since you haven't sealed the bond yet. I'd hate to see him get a demerit for not paying attention in class." Her not so veiled threat had my anger rising and my alter out for blood.

  "He knows of my predicament and where I was going after our meeting. Of course he'd be concerned. It would be a shame to punish one's mate for following his nature when that nature dictates that they protect said mate at all costs. Wouldn't it, Cora?"

  Her thin veneer of civility cracked, letting her true nature show. Hate seeped from her, and I ventured to guess she was mostly human and downright pissy about it. What better way to get back at a society for her lack of a pure bloodline than to take it out on students trapped and under her care?

  "I'd advise you both to curb those instincts or end up like the rest of his little Enforcer group."

  I'm going to kill this bitch. My alter was in full agreement. Too bad there were witnesses and so many people had seen us leave together. I glared at her as we reached our destination and went inside.

  After a brief discussion with the admittance clerk, we were shown to a sterile, white exam room. Cora was entirely too interested in my vital signs as the nurse took them, and I drew the line at getting undressed and into a gown.

  "I don't need a physical and you all well know it. I'm not submitting to one."

  The annoyed nurse left. If she was actually a nurse at all. Her duties so far could be learned in a few hours. Slap some scrubs on and presto— supposed nurse. Another female came in, this one with dark hair and pendants hanging on chains around her neck. The amount of magic she had piled around her made my nose itch. This one was definitely a witch.

  Hand on hips, she addressed me. “Any reason you’re giving my staff trouble in here, missy?”

  “I’m not sure how not wanting to get naked for no reason constitutes ‘trouble.’ I came for a specific reason; if that can’t be addressed, then there’s no reason for me to be here. Naked or otherwise.” I did my best to be polite, but I was done with Cora pushing me around and wasn’t about to let someone who was supposed to help me start.

  “And you would know what you need better than the professionals that work here?” Of course she was pissed.

  With a sigh, I tried to explain. “I’ve started my fertile cycle early, so I need the medication that’s used to stop it, and that’s all. I don’t need an exam; at this point it wouldn’t be comfortable anyway, and I don’t want my school counselor in the room.”

  The lady doctor relented— slightly. “I’m Dr. Wilson, also a hedgewitch, and I’ll be doing your exam today. If you don’t want Cora in here, that can be arranged.

  “It absolutely cannot be ‘arranged.’ Her guardian has given me medical rights over her.” She produced the same paper she’d shown me earlier.

  The doctor read it over and returned it with a shrug. “It looks legitimate. I can take it to the dean if need be and get his opinion.” She looked expectantly at me, waiting for my answer.

  There was no way in hell that this was happening. And that paper didn’t mean squat— I didn’t have a guardian. My uncle was pulling bullshit, and so was Cora. “I’ve reached my majority, so my uncle has no say in any capacity regarding me. If you want the theft of my medical rights to stand, then you’ll have to contact the Therian Council. And no, there isn’t going to be an exam today. If you don’t have the medication, I have a class to get to.”

  Dr. Wilson eyed Cora for a moment. “Who is she, Cora?” I was annoyed at being treated like I wasn’t in the room but kept it to myself.

  “Arimina Ruscov—the future head of the Ghost Clan if she survives. Her uncle is the acting Regent.” Cora’s sweet act was out in full effect, and I contemplated finding a shovel to smack her with.

  To my ever-lasting delight, the doctor shot her down. "Isn’t he the one under investigation by the Therian Council? And I thought the dean wanted… No, nevermind that.” I barely hid my surprise, maybe there was hope for my people. “I'm sorry, Cora, but this time I can't take your recommendation. Ms. Ruscov is correct. We'd need Dean Aero to petition the council in order to force it." She turned her attention to me, dismissing a fuming Cora. "As to the medication, I've heard of it, but it's not something we keep on hand. I'd need to order it, and that will take a few days. I'll send word when it arrives. Until then…good luck!"

  The doctor left me sitting on the crinkly paper runner that covered the exam table. How am I supposed to go to class? The symptoms would only intensify until they rendered me down to my basic reproductive urges. Lorca would be caught up in it as well, and his alter would go nuts if he tried to stay away. Resigning myself to the inevitable and hoping I could get a pass for the two of us, I exited the room. Cora was waiting for me, smiling facade back in place, but now that I knew what to look for, I could see the strain of holding it in the tightness of her jaw. Not wanting to deal with anymore of her shit, I turned away from her to get a pass from the front desk for class.

  I should have known better. In hindsight, I’m not sure why I thought that Dr. Wilson’s rebuke would have any effect on Cora. Something sharp slammed into my right buttcheek causing my steps to falter until the cold, burning rush of medication shoved its way into the muscle. Then I shrieked and dropped to one knee, reaching back to slap at whatever was stabbing me. Cora dropped the offending object on the floor— an auto-injector. I looked up in horror at her self-satisfied smirk. Don’t ghost, not in front of her, I begged my alter and any other entity that would listen. She’d just attacked me because I wouldn’t let her essentially molest me.

  “Enjoy, my dear. And let me know how that works. It’s one of my new blends I’ve been dying to try out.” She walked away, leaving me with a knotted muscle in my butt and fire beginning to course through my veins.

  “Hey,” I yelled after her, “what the fuck was in that?” An orderly popped his head out to see what the commotion was, and upon seeing Cora then me on the floor, disappeared back into the room. “Fucking coward!”

  Cora paused at the door leading into the foyer, apparently thinking that last comment had been directed at her. Back stiff, she turned. “Just a little something I whipped up. You already had a dose of it in my special tea. This time, it’s… concentrated.” She wiggled her fingertips at me and swept through the door.

  Apparently all the doctor had cared about was covering her own ass. There was absolutely no way she, or anyone besides the cowardly orderly, hadn’t heard that. I managed to get upright, but the spasm in my bottom wasn’t letting up, and I hobbled, more than walked, out to the foyer where the admittance clerk sat at her desk as if nothing was wrong. The woman even smiled at me when she held out my pass for missing class. At least I already had one from Cora; she’d given my scheduled visits to my instructors that it would affect so they knew where I was ahead of time.

  I made it out of the medical building, but there was no way I was going to make it to P.E. Even if I managed to get over there, I wouldn
’t be able to participate. The burning was turning all-encompassing, and sweat had broken out on my forehead. I need to get back to my room. Lorca would be worried, but if he left class, he’d be punished.

  It took excruciatingly long minutes to make it back to the shifter house. Students that I passed gave me a wide berth— supes didn’t really get sick, not unless something was very wrong. Hunched over, sweating, and limping, I probably looked like I had a plague. By the time I made it to the front door, my vision had black spots, and my head was spinning. I had to consider the real possibility that she’d poisoned me and that I was dying. My head hit the wood of the door as my legs gave out, and what I thought to be a few minutes later, it opened.

  “Oh, damn. Mina? Hey, what’s happened?” The voice was feminine and possibly familiar, but at that point I couldn’t even feel my own alter. All I managed was a moan, unable to even open my eyes. The sensation of being lifted and carried filtered in and out, and then I was laying on what I hoped was my own bed because I couldn’t even manage the semi-conscious state I was in any longer.

  Chapter Twelve

  “She needs medical care!” I knew that voice but didn’t have time to think of who it was before another argued with it.

  “She was at the medical center when this happened. I’m not sending her back there. You don’t know what’s been happening here! You’ve been MIA for almost three days, Vaughn.”

  Vaughn, that’s right. And Lorca… “Lorca.” My throat was dry, and everything hurt. The intense burning seemed to have settled down to a dull roar, but my skin felt too tight all over.

  A hand I hadn’t realized held mine gently squeezed. “Right here, Mina mine. You should have come and gotten me instead of trying to make it back here.” I cracked my eyes open at the nuzzle to my cheek. The tip of his nose was cool in contrast to my hot skin. His face was drawn with worry, silver eyes bright, and I’m sure his alter rode him hard with wanting to surface.

  “Hope you’re up for some marathon sex.” I tried to smile, but it turned wobbly at the corners, and my eyes dampened.

  “Hey, we aren’t doing a thing unless you want to. Can you tell me what happened?” He’d been blocking out the rest of the room as he leaned over me, but as he sat back, the others came into view.

  My eyes narrowed on the three who’d chosen to show up now. “I will, but then I want to hear where they’ve been. Nothing can be done about my situation anyway.” Lorca made as if to protest, but I turned the full force of my pout on him, and he let out a defeated sigh.

  “Cora happened. Apparently, she gets her jollies by dosing students and participating in forced medical exams. Only my status as the Ghost Clan heir and the fact that my uncle is being investigated made the doctor decide not to go through with it." Lorca's hand tightened painfully on my own, and he eased up with an apology. The others were tight-lipped but silent. “You knew, didn't you?” Again, they didn't answer, but their carefully blank faces were confirmation enough. Lorca’s energy seeped through my skin, and I could feel my alter stirring along with my anger. “The tea she gave me the first day had something in it. I think that’s what brought my cycle on early. She told me to ‘enjoy’ when she left me on the floor in the hallway of the medical center after injecting me with a more concentrated version.”

  “To what end? Just to fuck with you?” Lorca was incredulous at the revelation. I didn’t have an answer for him, so I stared at the others, willing them to talk.

  Bane was the first to crack. “We can’t tell you anything, Mina. If we do anything, we won’t even be allowed to stay and observe. Among other repercussions.” His honey-colored eyes were sad, his dimple nowhere in sight. At Vaughn’s grunt of displeasure he clenched his square jaw and turned on his leader. “We can tell them that much. It’s obviously not a secret. Fuck, this blows.” He ran a big hand through his dirty blond locks in frustration.

  “It’s okay. Well, not okay, but I understand. I’m sure Lorca does too.” I nudged my mate sitting on the bed and mouthed, ‘team’ to him, reminding him of his explanation on what having one means His eyes widened in comprehension, and an air of chagrin enveloped him.

  “Fine, she’s right. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” The relief from the others at his short statement was palpable in the room. Turning to me, he asked, “Do you think you can stomach some of the stock you picked up last night?”

  It didn’t seem like last night; it felt as if it had been much longer, but I nodded. My stomach was empty, and we really hadn’t been eating enough as it was. Lorca had anticipated my needs and went to a little table behind where the guys stood. A table that hadn’t been there earlier. Or the chafing dish that sat on top of it.

  I’m sure I had a goofy ass smile on my face as he came with a hot, oversized mug of beef stock. “For my mate,” he said, handing it over with a flourish before he totally ruined it. “Better keep up your strength if we’re going to be humping like rabbits soon.” He immediately grimaced and shrugged awkwardly. “Sorry?” Bane was glaring at the back of his head, but the other two seemed amused at his ineptitude.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s true anyway. Besides, you’re going to be the one doing all the work. Better get some for yourself now while you still can.” I gave him a wink to let him know I really wasn’t upset. But there was still one issue. “Uh, guys… I know you’re my mates too and all, but at this point I’ve barely seen you, and I can’t touch you. I’m not sure that I’m okay with you hanging out and watching.”

  While Bane’s ire with Lorca turned to disappointment, Vaughn and Iliam exchanged a glance. “Uh-uh. You can’t tell me, that’s fine, but you aren’t doing the silent man-speak and expecting me to just suck it up my first time. We’re already in a fucking shared house, little privacy, and in the godsdamned school from hell for trying to do the right thing! I refuse to have the ONE thing that should be happening well after bonding be any more messed up than it already is. No offense, Lorca, and I mean that— really, I do. I’m just frustrated that it’s all happening at once, here of all places. I’m not going to be observed like a bitch in heat with her stud at a breeders outfit.”

  The shock of my tirade had eyebrows climbing into hairlines and mouths gaping. Lorca was surprisingly the first to recover, but he was also pale enough to have his freckles standing out starkly. “You’re a virgin?” He turned accusing eyes onto his quadmates. “Get us out of here. I know there’s something going on behind the scenes, and it’s important, but I can’t do this to her. She’s right; this is so very wrong.” He crossed the room to scoop me up into his lap. “Mina, I’m so fucking sorry. I just assumed… I don’t know what I thought, really. Do you want to try to get out of the barrier? I’m game for whatever you want to do.” His woodsy scent and his willingness to do anything I wanted went a long way toward calming me.

  "You know," I started, pulling my head out from under his chin, "being a virgin isn't the end of the world. I just thought it would be different, and my hormones are a bit wonky at the moment. It's making my emotions fly all over the place. Sorry for the freak out." I shifted to face the others. "I still don't want an audience. If we ever manage… well, we'll figure that out then," I finished off lamely.

  The curling heat spiraled through me, ramping things up in my nether regions, and I panicked, glancing up at Lorca. "Guys, time to go."

  Vaughn seemed torn, forehead creased in concern he finally divulged the reason for his hesitation. "If we leave now, we can't come back." That fucking figures.

  "Leave this room, or leave to wherever you go when you're not here?" I asked, then added, "As in, can you go out into the hall?"

  They did that silent conversation thing, and I wondered if they really were conversing. I made a mental note to figure out how to ask later without them poofing on us again.

  It seemed they’d come to a consensus when Vaughn addressed us. "We have permission to stand guard, inside and out, due to the circumstances. But only for tonight. Anything after that…"
At a loss for what else to say, he turned to Iliam, who was already pulling Bane out of the door.

  "Try to wear it out before daybreak; otherwise, we'll need blindfolds and earplugs. And a vat of lube and handtowels because I know I won't be able to handle it for days." He ushered Vaughn out too before he quietly addressed Lorca. "Don't let it out the first time, no matter what. Try to wait until she's softened up; the swelling will be...intense, so prepare to hold out against it. And leave the rest of us some neck space. There's four of us, make it as unobtrusive as possible, or she's going to look like she got chewed on by a rabid animal." He left, closing the door on a mutter about next time he's the one escaping.

  Lorca had progressively gotten more tense as Iliam gave him instructions until the last bit. Then he burst out laughing. My amused confusion must have been apparent because he explained, "He's jealous. I'm the one they nominated to escape, and I didn't even want to go and leave them. My orders were to save our mate. Now I get the privilege of being her first, and he wants me to make sure I do it right."

  "Oh." That's all I had. I was certain my IQ was going down the more the blood trapped itself below my waist. "Uh, Lorca, I need to pee first. Now that we've kicked them out. Do you think there's time for a shower too? All that sweat is dried and feels gross." Even as it annoyed me to be uncertain, I still wanted his reassurance and for him to take care of me. My alter was capitulating to the hormones as well. The gist I got from the hussy was head down, ass up, reminding me of an old song Marta had called a guilty pleasure when she sang along with it. I pushed the thought of the woman who’d raised me away. Not the thing to be thinking about at the moment.

  "We can do whatever you want. There are three of the best Enforcers out there to give you the deflowering of your, well, I'd say dreams, but I'll settle for the best the situation warrants."


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