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Avarice: House of Mustelid: A Dark Paranormal Reverse Harem

Page 10

by Emma Cole

  I had to laugh again at his awkward teasing. It felt like that was a more normal way for him to be than the lost man he'd been displaying up until then.

  "If you carry me, I think I can handle ghosting, and then we don't have to take clothes." His silver eyes lit with delighted amusement.

  "Ghost streaking. That's so going on the bucket list."

  And that's what we did.


  We'd barely gotten clean when the first wave cramped low in my body. Lorca noticed immediately, having been keeping a close eye on me, and his eyes dilated with the scent I exuded.

  "Can you make it back to the room?" I shook my head, too afraid to try my abilities and have us pop up in the middle of the halls naked and falling all over each other. "May I?" Not sure what he was going to do, I nodded anyway, desperately hoping my trust wasn't misplaced and he could help me.

  Lorca dropped to his knees and hitched one of my legs over his shoulder then gripped my hips tight to steady me. His tongue was cooler than the flesh he was burying it into, but it soothed the demands of my body nonetheless. He looked up at me from his position and tentatively let go with one hand, never letting up with the licking and sucking. Figuring he wanted me to brace myself, I reached out to clutch at the top of the stall. His eyes crinkled in a smile, and then mine closed as he worked a finger in between my swollen lips to the tight opening that was causing my distress.

  He added a second, the only sounds in the room the echoes of my soft mewls and pants that mixed with the spray of the water hitting our skin and the tile of the cubicle. My climax came fast and fierce on a sharp cry while my muscles clenched around Lorca’s fingers. As my body relaxed, sated for the moment, Lorca withdrew and rinsed himself off in the spray. I took the opportunity to stare at the impressive erection that jutted out from his groin, surrounded by a patch of dark hair. He caught me, of course.

  “Does it pass muster?” I blushed in response. “I’ll take that as a yes, and the sounds you were making a moment ago to mean the same for my first performance.” He was only teasing, but I felt like my skin was on fire from embarrassment. “Mina, it’s okay. It’s a good thing. But I do have one question.” He reached out a fingertip to trace over my bare and swollen mons. “I thought you shaved or waxed, maybe, but you don’t have body hair, do you?”

  That was his question? “If you were trying to lessen my mortification, I just want you to know that’s pushed it to nuclear levels. And to answer your question, no, I don’t. Just my scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Is that a problem?”

  He grinned at me. “Hell, no. I was trying to figure out how to ask you to keep it up without getting kicked in the balls.”

  The mix of relief and amusement as Lorca tried to awkwardly request regular denuding had me cracking up again. “I can’t wait to get out of this place and back to normal. You’re kinda funny. On a more serious note, we don’t have long, so I suggest you run.” With that warning I leapt at him, turning us both incorporeal as soon as he had a steady grip. Once we cleared the bathroom door, he did indeed run.

  I didn’t have time to dwell on it with the next wave bearing down on me, but Iliam’s ‘nice ass’ let on that they could see me in this form. My bedroom door slammed behind us on Bane’s heated stare. At least it was only them, as far as I knew anyway. We barely made it onto the bed before I was yanking Lorca on top of me. Our first proper kiss and I was ready to devour him whole. In between nips to his lower lip, I demanded, “In now. Please.” He hitched my legs around his hips as he nudged my entrance.

  “Wait, I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you; things are extremely snug down there.” He pulled back to my dismay but only to prod at my pussy and make sure he was lined up properly. Then he was back, rubbing the tip of the wet finger across my lips before sucking on first one and then the other. His tongue demanded entry, and I could taste the remnants of myself on him but didn’t particularly care. Not with the steady press of his dick into me.

  By the time he was fully buried, my walls were strained, but the hormones demanded more. “Lorca, you have to move! I’ll be fine. If you don’t, I feel like my insides are going to combust.”

  Touching his forehead to mine, he experimentally pulled back before sinking in again. When I didn’t complain but instead wiggled my hips, he took up a steady, deep pace. “I’m not going to make it long,” he warned as he sped up.

  He buried deep, pressing on a sensitive spot inside. Then something ridged caused a deep cramp. At my whine of discomfort, he held still, cautioning me to do the same.

  "Hold on, I'll make it better after, just please don't move. You're not ready yet." I didn't know what it was, but I wasn't fucking moving regardless. After a few pumps that were more or less a hard press, Lorca came, pulsing and flooding my insides.

  It was probably due to the swelling not leaving much room, so it pushed back out around him, but it still felt like a lot. The wave was temporarily sated, but my alter wasn't, and I didn't know what her issue was. Lorca clued me in.

  "We didn't fully mate, and mine isn't happy either." He pointed to my eyes. "You're glowing. Figured she was riding you, trying to make you go for round two already."

  I only nodded and flopped back on the pillow until Lorca's head between my legs had me partially jolting back up. His hand stopped me, and a warning glance from his own glowing eyes had me reclining again. If his alter wanted to clean up the mess, I wasn't going to argue. The pleasure was outweighing the embarrassment anyway.

  The next wave had barely started before Lorca had me flipped over flat on my belly. He braced his legs on the outside of mine before indicating for me to arch my back. By the time my ass was at the high angle he wanted, I could feel the strain on my ligaments. He notched the head of his dick at my slick entrance but paused just inside. Moving forward to cover me, he licked and sucked on my neck, speaking softly into my ear as his hands tunneled under me to slide up and grip my shoulder tight.

  "This will be more intense. I apologize in advance." I tried not to tense, and he still didn't move. "I wish the situation could have been better for you, but no matter what I'm proud to be your mate and hope you come to care for me as much as I do you. I adore you, Mina mine."

  A final lick to the soft spot in the crook of my neck preceded his sharpened teeth sinking in as he plunged in to the hilt below. It was the shock more than the pinch of pain that made me squeal, and Lorca rutted deep and swift as the door burst open.

  "Dammit, Bane, she's fine.” Iliam’s admonishment came as my eyes, languid with pleasure, slitted to make contact with Bane’s. Lorca let out a chuffing growl, teeth still buried in my neck while Iliam yanked Bane out and shut the door.

  I’d probably be embarrassed later, but I was too occupied with the man thrusting in me to care right then. Then he stilled and that hard prodding pressed at the entrance to my womb. My neck was released, and Lorca licked at it, soothing the punctures, but it couldn’t soothe the rough invasion deep inside. My shriek that time was all pain, Lorca apologizing profusely through it.

  “It’ll get better, just hold on.” He was right; it did settle, eventually.

  The flexing of his hips caused the hard, bone-like length extending from his dick to move the tiniest bit in that sensitive place, and when he slipped a hand down to work the nub at the apex of my sex, it brought on the hardest orgasm I ever remembered having. My pussy clenched around him until he came too; this time it didn’t come back out, and I had the brief thought that he’d ejaculated directly into my uterus. As we came down, thumping could be heard in the hall, and Lorca chuckled, causing aftershocks to fire off.

  “I think Bane and Iliam are going at it. Bane didn’t like you making those noises.” That was an understatement.

  “Well, get off me and go tell him I’m fine. I’m just going to lay here and wait for the mess to reappear before I try to move,” I replied sleepily. In a yawn, I added, “I think that might have done it. Good job, mate mine.”

  I felt his sm
ile against my neck, my eyes already closed. They popped open though at his next comment. “Uh, that’s not going to come back out. Not most of it anyway. I have a bone with a hook, and it goes in…” He trailed off as I flipped over onto my back and stared at him, eyes wide with shock.

  “You better not have just fucking knocked me up.” His face fell, and I felt bad, but from everything Marta had explained, or the lack of, my ovulation had to be forced by sex with my mate, which completed the estrous cycle. That was the only time the seed would stay… “Oh, my gods. That woman and her incomplete explanation. I should have asked more questions. This isn’t your fault; I didn’t mean that. I’m just...overwhelmed.”

  “If it makes you feel better, it usually doesn’t work unless it happens a lot. Each time, I ‘knock’ one out, and then it can take days to implant if it does at all.” I was sure I was staring at him like he had two heads. “What? My mom made me listen to all female stuff. Made sure I knew what I was doing.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you explain before?” I was going to smack him.

  “I thought you knew all that and just weren’t sure about the heat and the swelling and stuff. Those I don’t know about. I would have told you.” And now I’ve hurt his feelings again.

  “No, you’re right, I should have asked. At least it’s over for now.” His expression said it all. “It’s not over, is it?” He shook his head. “How long?”

  “Probably a few more days, give or take a couple. It always varies some, especially the first time.” He winced as he imparted the news.

  I felt like I was going to pass out, but that wasn’t an option. “Alright, well, it is what it is, and if that’s going to keep happening, I need another shower and food. So do you.” And then another thought occurred. “The guys are going to be in here for the rest, or I kick them out, and they don’t get to come back.” My stomach twisted with anxiety at having to make the call.

  Lorca nodded but didn’t try to sway me either way, and I kinda wanted to kiss him for it. So I did.

  “What was that for?” he asked as I finally let us both come up for air.

  “Because you’re kind of an awesome mate so far.” His freckles disappeared in the flush of pleasure that overtook his cheeks. He looked very boyish with his sweat spiked hair and glowing face.

  Chapter Thirteen

  We showered and ate, and the guys came back, Bane sheepishly apologizing for interrupting. Vaughn wanted to know what happened, but no one was forthcoming with the information. "It's not your business, and it wasn't his either," Iliam closed the conversation, pointing at Bane.

  I gave them all a tight smile, hoping Lorca would be back soon. In the meantime…"So you guys can't say anything, and I can't ask any questions, or you poof again? This time for good? And whatever chance Lorca and I have would be rescinded as well?"

  Vaughn grimly answered, "Yes, yes, and no comment."

  "We'll figure it out eventually— I hope." I didn't have much, but positive thinking, and speaking, was worth a shot. "Um, so what can you tell me? Like how did you get to be Enforcers and quadmates?"

  Iliam started when the other two hesitated. "We went through the training academy right about the same time. I'm the oldest by a few months, then Vaughn, Bane, and Lorca." He indicated the guys, and I patted the bed, seeing no reason they had to stand up all the time. They settled, close but not touching, before he continued. "When our placement testing was done, the overseer thought for sure we'd be part of a Quint, but only the four us matched. When our marks appeared at the binding ceremony, we knew we were a group for sure."

  "Hold on," I interrupted, "what marks? I've never heard of that before. And why don't I have one know." I gestured to the bed we sat on, blushing ten shades of red.

  Bane picked up, eyes shimmering with mirth at my awkwardness. "It's not a secret, but the Enforcers don't advertise it either. Lorca's is on his ankle, and it's only a bit darker than our skin, so you probably wouldn't notice it unless you knew to look for it. Vaughn's is on the back of his neck, and Iliam's is on his chest. You might get one if we all sealed the bond, or we might have to do the ceremony again, I'm not really sure." He looked to Vaughn and Iliam, but they both shrugged. "A lot of the groups haven't found their mates, so I guess we never thought to ask. Anyway, we've been with each other since then."

  He'd left something out. "Where's your mark? And what do they look like?" It was Bane's turn to blush.

  Iliam gleefully spoke up when Bane remained silent this time. "What he's trying to avoid saying is that he got a tramp stamp." Iliam and Vaughn busted out laughing at Bane's constipated expression.

  "It's not fair!" he declared, flipping his quadmates off. "Here, since they're such awesome partners, I'll show it to you." But when he pulled up his shirt and turned around, his skin was smooth and unmarred.

  "That's a nice back and all, but there's nothing there." Bane glanced over his shoulder at me, confusion wrinkling his features.

  Vaughn peered around and pointed. "It's right there. See the shape of the—" His hand went from pointing to gripping his throat.

  Iliam started cursing. "You've got to be fucking kidding me right now. We can't talk about anything? She's our godsdamned, MATE!" I didn't know who or what he was yelling at, but he paled rapidly before his face went stony, and he gave a sharp nod. "Guys, no more sharing."

  Vaughn coughed, catching his breath. I wanted to ask why they needed to breathe if they were technically dead but couldn't. And maybe they weren't dead, just other.

  The atmosphere became strained until Lorca returned. Thankfully, it hadn't been too long as the glowers and silent conversation they shared were getting on my nerves. No one liked to be the odd one out, and even if they were my mates, it really didn't feel like it.

  From the disappointed set of his features and slumped shoulders, I knew the answer before he spoke.

  "I barely got the form turned in before that animated blow-up doll of the dean's caught up to me in the lobby saying we didn't qualify. She wouldn't let me in to talk to him or let me appeal it." He came to sit on the bed, far enough away not to intrude on my personal space. "I'm sorry, Mina, I tried."

  Scooting to the end of the bed, I hugged him from the side. "I'm not blaming you for the fucked up situation. We knew it was a long-shot; nothing has gone right in days...why would this?" His arm slipped around my shoulder, returning the hug. The silence lingered, but it wasn't uncomfortable or strained anymore. I hadn't mentioned missing classes but knew it had to be on his mind as well— there was nothing to be done for it since only time would tell when my cycle ended.

  The next wave did start just as Lorca had predicted, and after the third round I didn’t even care that we had an audience. Lorca had ankles nearly next to my head, bone prodding deep, when Bane caved. “I can’t do it.” He whipped his dick out, spat in his hand, and had one stroked off in the time it took me to come around Lorca. Vaughn and Iliam were flushed and took the request for food as if it were a lifeline. Apparently they could leave for necessities, and we were taking full advantage of the loophole.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It took five days for the chemically-induced heat cycle to abate, and the minute we emerged from the house a summons came for both Lorca and me to report to the dean’s office. Knowing it wasn’t going to be pleasant, Lorca took my hand in his, and we made our way to the admin building.

  The secretary was at her post this time, and she ushered us directly in. Dean Aero sat at his desk with Cora in one of the other chairs.

  “Arimina, Lorca, have a seat, please.” It wasn’t a suggestion, and the dean didn’t look happy. Cora did though, the bitch. “It seems you two have been absent from your classes all week?” He looked up from the files open on his desk to stare directly at me.

  “Yes, but it wasn’t our fault. Cora—” He interrupted my explanation, much to Lorca’s displeasure, and I put a hand out to keep him in his chair.

  “Cora says she gave you passes f
or her sessions only and medication for your estrous cycle— which is why your furlough request was denied.”

  “Oh, she gave me something alright. She dosed me twice, causing an early cycle. She’s the one that said she would help get the paperwork filled out too. Did you ask Dr. Wilson? She was there.” I fudged that part a bit, but if he’d talk to her, it would at least help.

  “Dr. Wilson seems to be missing...after a disagreement with you. Her pass hasn’t been used to get off of school grounds, so I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of it soon enough. Is there anything you’d like to tell me now? Either of you?” He glanced between Lorca and myself, both of us in complete shock at being railroaded.

  “No,” I answered.

  Lorca was a bit more vocal. “Cora caused this issue, and regardless of whether she hadn’t, there are a dozen witnesses that can attest that we have barely been out of Mina’s room in days. We’re not making it up. We’re grown adults sent for bogus charges.”

  The dean’s dark gaze turned sinister. “Seems that’s a theme with you both. Nothing is ever your fault. And for your information, none of the other inhabitants can attest to much of anything because they haven’t been able to get near your rooms. Quite the inconvenience to your fellow students, I’d say. And a perfect cover to sneak around and do who knows what. Poor Dr. Wilson, is she even alive?”

  “Are you serious? We didn’t do anything wrong.” I was losing my temper and about to say screw it and take our chance that I could ghost us through the barrier, but the dean had other ideas.

  Darts hit me before I could get to Lorca, and as the poison in them coursed through my veins, he was hit with a volley of them as well.

  “Take them to behavior modification,” the dean commanded someone behind me. “Oh, and Cora, I trust that you won’t let this become a habit. We must be more discreet than this.” It was the last thing I heard before I fell out of my chair and into a black void.


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