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The Darkness Within

Page 40

by Taylor K. Scott

  Coming in 2023:

  Historical Romance

  Out now on Amazon Unlimited:

  Learning Italian

  Taylor K. Scott

  An enemies to lovers, romantic comedy, set in beautiful Italy, where Elise Wilde finds a little more than she intended to!

  Who is Elise Wilde?

  A strong, confident, self-assured woman driven by a clear-cut plan for her future?

  Pfft! Just give me a moment to quiet the hysterical laughter currently going off inside of my head. More like an insecure, self-deprecating, haphazard kind of a gal, meandering through life, just trying to find out who she is.

  And who knew taking a trip to Italy to stay with my cousin, a Chief Inspector of police for Rome, no less, would help me to find her?

  For starters, I can’t speak the language. I’m surrounded by body beautifuls. And I’ve somehow got mixed up in the middle of an ongoing feud between my host and a ridiculously attractive Armani Arsehole, who is also rumoured to be some sort of criminal don. Put together with a trip to Sicily, where I meet said Arsehole’s uncle, who may, or may not, be my father, and you’ve got a hint of the twists and turns my adventures seem to have me running smack bang into!

  One thing I can guarantee you though, is my unfailing talent for ending up in rather compromising, often humiliating, sometimes naked, situations.

  Caution: contains a little bit of naughtiness, some heartache, tap dancing spiders and way too many wolfish grins!

  Click on the link below for more:

  Learning Italian eBook: Scott, Taylor K.: Kindle Store

  Excerpt from 'My Best Friend'

  Taylor K. Scott

  My next release is another standalone romantic comedy. I had so much fun writing this one, particularly as it includes so many anecdotes and characters from my own life.

  Check out my website and social media pages for further updates on release dates and other upcoming novels.


  “And now, a special treat for you all! Please welcome the recent winner of the coveted Oscar for ‘Best Actor’, for his role in Broken Bridges; a Hollywood hero with one of the best reputations in show business, Mr Henry Morgan!”

  The shiny, bright studio erupts into deafening cheers and wolf whistles as the audience claps on stage a man who regularly features in many a lady’s romantic, sometimes saucy, daydreams. The man oozes sex appeal and emits confidence no mortal guy could ever hope to achieve. But then, Henry Morgan is one of the most sought-after actors in the industry. At nearly thirty years old, he is entering his prime and already breaking hearts with his stellar performances in countless blockbuster sell-outs. He’s won so many awards he would need to add an extension onto his multi-million-dollar pad just to house them all in one place.

  Looking at his cool, calm and relaxed saunter onto the stage right now, you wouldn’t believe he was setting foot in front of a crowd of raging fans, some of whom are shouting out offers of marriage and other, less salubrious, activities. He waves casually towards the screaming women, exuding both charm and grace. Henry Morgan is well known for his quintessential English Gentleman aesthetic, with a tall, broad body, slicked back, raven coloured hair, and dazzling, cool, blue eyes. His looks have helped to land him many leading roles, which span from the hero of an epic war story to the wicked vampire who falls head over heels for the damsel in distress. Whatever the part, Henry always leads, conquers, and takes people’s breath away, and with a talent for causing many a lady to become hot and flustered with her arousal.

  Henry Morgan, the actor, the leader, the pin-up, the alpha, the once upon a time victim, who overcame years of torment, only to come out on top.

  When the crowd finally begins to quieten down, apart from the odd hardcore, lustful female, who can’t quite calm themselves when in the same vicinity of the British heart-throb, Henry takes a seat opposite the mature host, another Hollywood legend, Kent Jackson. Henry expertly unbuttons his suit jacket and offers a beaming smile, which only serves to up the wolf whistles, thus interrupting the host, who is desperately trying to begin the interview. Henry laughs breathily, now looking a little embarrassed by his popularity, and runs his finger along his lips, an anxious habit leftover from childhood. He turns to the older gentleman host who looks to the audience as if asking permission to finally welcome his guest onto the show.

  “Good evening Henry, you certainly have the following, don’t you?” Kent, who has been hosting since before Henry Morgan was born, laughs softly, then gestures out towards the crowd before them.

  “Good evening,” Henry replies, laughing nervously again when some of his ‘following’ whoop and call out his name with over-enthusiastic screaming. His finger automatically returns to his lips, where they begin to work at soothing his nerves, though it is only for a few moments before he remembers he needs to act the part of being cool-headed and confident.

  “I am nothing without them, so what can I say, but thank you!” he calls out towards the audience, an expert response that earns him yet more applause.

  “And congratulations on your win, well deserved might I add,” Kent smiles charmingly. “The film itself won best motion picture.”

  “Yeah, it was an amazing opportunity to work with some of the best in the business. I saw the line-up, read the script, and couldn’t sign my name fast enough. It was just one of those stories you knew was going to be huge on the cinematic screen.”

  Henry begins to regale the audience with a recount of his time filming one of the best-selling films of the past year, past decade, in fact, complimenting his co-stars and selling the blockbuster in such a way you wouldn’t know he was giving you a mini sales pitch. Henry is well established in the film industry and knows how to market his films, his talents, and his brand as a successful actor who can rely on his performances rather than just his pleasing looks. Though, there’s no denying they do add to his appeal.

  He continues to entertain the audience with amusing anecdotes, proving he has the personality as well as the attractive wrapping, consequently succeeding in making the audience fall in love with him that little bit more. No matter what he chooses to share with them, he is able to hold both the spectators and the host captive with his ability to speak confidently and self-assuredly. A far cry from the boy he used to be.

  “Now Henry, I hate to do this to you, but you have quite the reputation for being on the receiving end of ‘kiss and tell’ stories, and with a number of A list celebrities no less-”

  The audience whoop again while Henry smiles bashfully and feels his fingers itching to return to his lips. Years of questions surrounding his love life means he can control his nervous twitch to a certain extent, so instead, he manages to calm himself with a discreet exhale of breath.

  “Though, they are always very complimentary! Would you say you live up to their appraisals of your talents off-screen?”

  “Er, well, I try…” he shrugs with a cheeky grin, making one over-excited woman holler out, ‘Take me Henry!’ to which everyone laughs zealously.

  “However, the only woman we ever see you with more than once, and at your premieres and award ceremonies, is a mysterious brunette. Is she someone special to you, Henry?” The host leans in that little bit further towards Henry, as if they are both conspiring together on something of international importance.

  “Mr Jackson, are we snooping?” Henry asks with a smug grin on his face, to which the older man shrugs innocently, before rigorously nodding his head with a sheepish smile. Henry throws his head back and laughs heartily at the nosy old man, while the audience chuckles alongside, taking great delight in sharing Henry’s mirth.

  “We are on a talk show are we not? Your love life is prime time news Henry!” Kent throws his hands out wide and looks to the audience for support, which they give to him in spades.

  “Well, in answer to your question, she is indeed, a very special person to me,” Henry teases but has now returned to running his finger anxious
ly across his lips.

  “Is there a romantic attachment there? What’s her name?” Kent leans in again, just as theatrically as before, almost rubbing his hands together over the thought of being the first to have Henry reveal his new girlfriend. Something he has never been seen to have in all the time he’s been living in the States.

  “No!” Henry laughs, causing both Kent and the audience to slump in disappointment. “But she is my very best friend and has been ever since we were at infant school together. She’s my biggest supporter and I love her very much. And if you’re watching Sephy, see you in three weeks!”

  He gives a toothy grin and points into the camera, his eyes seemingly looking right into hers, just as the audience all descend into a resounding, “Ahhh!”

  As Sephy stares at his familiar and handsome face on the TV screen, a fifty-inch plasma no less, she sinks to the floor and lets out a moan of despair, all the while thinking to herself, “Oh God, I’m never going to get a boyfriend!”

  Excerpt from 'Gabe' Taylor K. Scott

  Gabe is getting his very own story which I plan to release next year! He may have sworn off love but he’s not getting away from it that easily. A Romantic Comedy with a few cameos from The Darkness Within.



  Sicily, Italy


  It’s early but my eyes have well-adjusted to the dim light so I can see more than enough to reach out for the small, black, velvet box, currently sitting inside of the hotel room safe. Pulling it out like it’s something fragile, something which might break if I so much as breathe on it, I hold it in the palm of my hand for a while, then glance over to the naked man still lying on the king-sized bed I just vacated. Gabe’s huge body is wrapped around the white cotton sheet, cuddling it as though it’s a warm body. With his gentle breathing, I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he’s safely sleeping. I wait for the guilt to creep through me, but it doesn’t. Not yet.

  When I finally make my peace with what I am about to do, I pace towards my bag, which is sat ready upon the small table next to the door. I open the box and slip the diamond band onto my ring finger. It feels uncomfortable, weighty, and cold, so I flex my hand a few times to try and adjust to it being there again. It still feels tighter than Gabe being inside of me last night, the memory of which causes me to blush with a distinct heat to my cheeks.


  The word floats across the room before I can make my silent escape. I find myself closing my eyes to it, as if the action will stop the reality of him catching me from happening.

  My breath catches at the sound of Gabe’s deep, croaky voice and I quickly drop my arms to my sides to try and conceal the ring and with it, my betrayal. I must look guiltier than the kid who got his hand caught in the biscuit tin. His soft laughter, which immediately follows my hasty retreat to hide my secret, permeates through me, effectively taunting me with the knowledge that he’s already seen it.

  “No need to hide it from me now, Sugar,” he grins with judgement behind it, causing my eyes to dart to the floor with the guilt which has finally caught up with me.

  When I eventually find the courage to face those penetrating eyes of his, the ones which had held my gaze for a number of times in the throes of passion last night, I find him resting the back of his head against his hands, clearly amused by this sudden revelation. His naked body and arrogant smirk is unashamedly on display for anyone to gawk at. Come on Cesca, it was his confidence which both frustrated and captured you in the first place!

  “Enjoy the rest of your holiday, Gabriel,” I finally mutter with an embarrassed quietness, before picking up my bag and turning to leave, hoping against hope he will let me do so without any further exchange of words.

  “Francesca?” he calls out without any hint of urgency and with my back to him, for I’m already halfway through the door. I brace myself for whatever he’s about to deal me; something which will no doubt be full of judgement. “Congratulations!”




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