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Animal’s Reformation

Page 24

by Wilder, Chiah

  Animal gave Lucy a sidelong glance. “Sorry, kiddo, I was thinking about work.”

  “Do you think Ms. Mooney can read me my bedtime story tonight?”

  Fuck, yeah. Good idea. “You can ask her.”

  “Okay.” Lucy turned away and looked out the passenger window.

  Turning on the radio, Animal concentrated on the road and the music as he headed toward their house.

  After a dinner of chicken-fried steak and mashed potatoes for him and Olivia, and mac ’n cheese and a milkshake for Lucy, Animal sat on the couch waiting for Olivia to come back downstairs after reading a story to his daughter.

  Lucy had been so animated at dinner that he’d just sat back with this silly-ass grin on his face most of the night. Olivia had been great with Lucy, and each laugh she shared with Lucy, endeared Olivia more to him. Animal laced his fingers behind his head and leaned back, staring at the ceiling. He liked being with her in a way he’d never felt with anyone else. Olivia was warm, witty, and smart. It kind of scared him how quickly he was falling for her, and not much scared Animal. There was something about Olivia that drew him to her.

  A light footfall behind him brought him out of his reverie as the scent of spiced oranges and sunlight teased his nostrils. Olivia’s hands slipped down his chest, her long tresses brushing across his face and throat, as she nuzzled her face against his. Animal tipped his head back and her lips covered his. And then his fingers were in her hair, gently moving over her warm scalp as he pulled her closer to him. She slid her hot tongue into his mouth, dancing against his own. Fuck, Olivia sure knew how to kiss, and her mouth was amazing. She tasted delicious too—warm and like hot fudge.

  “Olivia,” he gritted as his fingers dug into her hips.

  “You like that?” she whispered over his lips.

  “Fuck, yeah, baby. Come here.” Animal lifted her up a bit and she giggled as she climbed over the top of the couch and landed next to him. “That’s better,” he growled, crushing her against his chest and claiming her mouth.

  His hands slipped under her blouse and spread across the satiny skin of her back, and she moaned, rubbing against him. Heat tore through him, and he cupped her tits in his hands, kneading them as he deepened their kiss.

  Olivia moaned again, this time more guttural—more raw. The noises she made fueled his lust and wildly intoxicated him. No woman, and he meant no woman, even came close to Olivia … ever. She was the blood in his veins, and Animal had a constant desire … a craving for every inch of her.

  “Fuck, woman.” His mouth trailed down her throat, and he swallowed her soft moans as his thumb and index finger pinched her nipples hard.

  Olivia arched her back and he pushed up her blouse and pulled her bra cup down to tease her stiff bud.

  “I love your tits, baby.” He lowered his head and bit the pebbled nipple before tugging it into his mouth.

  She laced her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. “Animal,” she whispered.

  “Baby,” he smothered against her skin, gliding his hand down her belly and into the waistband of her jeans. The snap popped open, the zipper hissed down, and his fingers grazed the lace fabric of her panties.

  Animal smelled her desire—wet and sweet. A low grunt rumbled from his throat “You soaked right through your panties.” Olivia whimpered and ground into his hand. He couldn’t remember wanting—needing—a woman more. His cock was so damn hard that he had to press against her for some relief.

  His fingers moved to the edges of her bikini panties, and before he could slip inside, she gently pushed his hand away then pulled back a bit.

  Wild with desire, he yanked her back to him, but she wriggled out of his grip.

  “What the fuck, baby?” He slumped back against the cushion, frustration rushing through him.

  Olivia leaned over and kissed him tenderly. “I want nothing more than to have you inside me, but this isn’t the right time and place. Lucy’s upstairs.”

  An audible sigh escaped his parted lips as Animal scrubbed his face with his fists. She was right—he knew that, but his cock didn’t like it one fucking bit.

  She rested her head on his shoulder and put her hand on top of his. “I’ll make it up to you on Saturday when we go for our ride.”

  He kissed her hand and placed it against his heart. “You’re right, babe. I got carried away. You just turn me the fuck on.”

  Olivia chuckled. “You do a pretty good job of getting me going too. I’d hate it if Lucy came down and saw us.”

  “Me too.” Animal smiled.

  “I better go,” she whispered.

  Damn, he hated to see her leave. “I’ll walk you.”

  “I’m good.”

  “There’s no way I’m letting you walk alone at night to your house.”

  Olivia pushed up from the couch and he stood up and walked her to the door. After locking it, they strolled over to her house and kissed passionately on her porch, then she unlocked her door and waved goodbye.

  Animal hurried back to his house. His dick was still hard and aching for release. He flopped down on the couch and switched on the television to the local cable channel that ran replays of town meetings—that should do the trick.

  Now all he had to do was forget about her hot breath on his lips and the sound of her moans as he teased her tits.

  Yeah … right.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I can’t believe what happened to Mrs. Paulson,” Alice said as she stirred the creamer into her coffee.

  “I just found out about it,” Olivia said. “How’s Daniel?”

  “I don’t think it’s sunken in yet. Poor kid. His grandparents have come in from Iowa and are staying with him.” Harper sat down on the cushioned chair in the teachers’ lounge.

  “Where’s his dad?” Olivia asked.

  Harper shrugged. “I don’t know. I heard that he hasn’t been involved in Daniel’s life since the divorce a few years ago.”

  “What a creep.” Alice frowned.

  “Hey, what’s happening?” Kennedy asked as she entered the room and walked over to the refrigerator. “Is there any orange juice? I feel a cold coming on, or it could be my damn allergies. The warm weather feels good, but the pollen is wreaking havoc on my sinuses.” She pulled out a carton of juice and grabbed a glass from one of the cupboards. “Why the glum faces?”

  “We’re talking about Daniel and what happened to his mom,” Olivia replied. “It’s just so terrible, I can’t even imagine. The paper said it’s similar to two other murders that happened in our county.”

  Harper’s eyes widened. “Are they saying we’ve got a serial killer in our town?”

  “Not exactly, but the article I read is sure intimating it.” Olivia shuddered.

  “I still can’t believe it,” Kennedy said after taking a sip of orange juice. “Have the police talked to Thurber? You know they had a thing going.”

  Alice darted her eyes to the shut door, then to Kennedy. “Don’t say things like that so flippantly, especially now,” she whispered.

  “Why not? It’s true.” Kennedy sank down into the chair.

  “How do you know for sure? I’ve heard rumors, but …” Olivia’s voice trailed away.

  “I saw them at the Lake Pine Motel. I thought I recognized Marcus’s car, and then I saw them kissing up a storm in front of room 17. I mean, if you’re going to be a douchebag and cheat on your wife, at least you should wait until you get into the damn motel room instead of flaunting it in the open.” She took another sip and looked at each of her friends. “Am I right?”

  Olivia nodded, wrinkling her nose. “He’s despicable. I’ve never liked him, and the way he acts all lovey-dovey when he’s with his wife is sickening. I wonder if she knows?”

  “Probably suspects it, but doesn’t want to find out,” Kennedy answered.

  “Or she may be clueless.” Harper broke off a piece of her blueberry muffin and wiped her fingers on a napkin. “He can be very charming, and he plays
the role of the guileless man quite well.”

  “How do you know how he treats his wife? I’ve only seen them together at some of the school’s fundraisers, but I’ve never noticed him over the top with his affections,” Alice said.

  “I tutor one of his boys at their house. Marcus is so polite and caring toward his wife—very different from the leech he is at school,” Olivia replied.

  “I forgot that you help his son with his reading. Is Marcus always home when you go over?” Alice asked.

  “Most of the time. I only do it once a week because I’m so damn busy with school. However, having that extra money, I bought curtains for the kitchen, and after work on Friday, I’m gonna put down a deposit on the cutest shutters for my living-room window. I can’t wait! I’m so sick of that damn sheet.” Olivia laughed.

  “Speaking of being so busy, how’s your sexy biker?” Kennedy asked. Harper and Alice giggled and leaned forward in their chairs.

  Olivia felt her cheeks flush, which was a dead giveaway that she was totally into a guy. The way Alice and Harper looked at her told her they knew—they were her best friends and nothing got by them. “Good.” She picked up her can of Dr. Pepper and took a long drink.

  “That’s not going to cut it,” Kennedy said.

  “You’re over the moon about him!” Harper said as Alice clapped her hands.

  Olivia rolled her eyes and shook her head. They knew, so why should she fight it? The truth was, she was so in love with Animal despite all of her good intentions not to be. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. She groaned softly. So true.

  “So?” Harper’s eyes sparkled.

  Olivia covered her face with her hands. “I’m crazy in love with him.”

  “I knew it!” Harper cried.

  “I’m happy for you,” Alice said.

  “Are you fucking serious? Do you know what those Insurgents are capable of?” Kennedy said.

  Her hands dropped down to the table and she splayed her fingers on it. “Animal is different,” she replied, looking at Kennedy.

  “Oh, please. You’re not going to be one of those women, are you? These guys are players. You’re in over your head—you have no clue about the biker lifestyle.” Kennedy pushed her empty glass away from her.

  “Leave her alone,” Alice said. “I’ve never seen Olivia happier.”

  “But don’t you fall in love too fast? I mean that’s what you’ve told me. I’m just trying to be the voice of reason here. I’m all for partying and having a good time with the Insurgents, but fall for one of them? That’s just crazy.” Kennedy pushed up from the chair and took the glass to the sink.

  Before Olivia could respond, Harper jumped in. “I’ve been through the ups and downs of your love life, but I’ve never seen you glow the way you have for the past month or so. You’ve got a serenity about you that has never been there with any of the guys you’ve been involved with. Whatever Animal has, it complements you.”

  Olivia smiled at her friend. “Thanks, Harper. I’ve never been happier with anyone else like I am with Animal.”

  “And the way he treats his daughter tells me he’s a good man. I say, good for you,” Alice said.

  Kennedy turned around and leaned against the counter, her hands up in the air. “I’m not saying I’m not thrilled that you’re having a good time, I’m just saying watch your heart. Outlaws know how to shatter them. A guy can be great with his kids but shitty to the woman in his life. Take Marcus Thurber as an example—lovey-dovey with wifey and screwing women right and left behind her back, but he’s a great dad.”

  Olivia nodded. “I agree with you. A guy can adore his kids but not be the best husband or boyfriend, but Animal isn’t like that. Believe me, I’m an expert on cheaters and louses, and Animal hasn’t checked any of those boxes.” She held her hand in front of her face, fixing her gaze on Kennedy. “And before you say anything about him being a biker and all the free sex he can get, I know that, but just because it’s there doesn’t mean he wants to take it. Several of the Insurgents have old ladies who they treat with love and respect, and they’re not screwing the club girls or hangarounds at all.”

  “True, but I think you’re just being naïve, that’s all.” Kennedy shrugged.

  Olivia took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. “I’m not naïve about the life. As a matter of fact, I know it too well.” Her friends’ eyes bored into her. “I grew up in the lifestyle—my dad, and then my brother were bikers—outlaw bikers.”

  “Are you serious?” Kennedy asked, her hand flying to her mouth.

  “Yeah, that’s why I was cool with going to the club party.”

  “I thought you were pretty comfortable when we got there. I was shocked you even wanted to go. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I’ve tried for so many years to forget that part of my life that I pushed it away and tried to invent a new identity devoid of my past. My dad was a SOB and the stereotypical biker who treated my mom like shit and didn’t pay any attention to his kids until my brother was old enough to prospect for the club. My brother embraced the lifestyle, but he was still decent to my mom and me, and he was a biker through and through. He died because a guy disrespected him and his club in a barroom fight, a fight that proved to be fatal for my brother and left the other guy paralyzed from the neck down. The other guy was a biker, too, just not from the same club.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Harper said. “You should’ve told us.”

  Olivia shook her head. “I wanted to forget all of it, but I’ve realized that I can’t. I miss motorcycle rides, I love the smell of leather and oil, and I love a tatted, tough, take-charge guy who has a heart of gold under all the roughness.” She sat back in the chair. “I love Animal, and it surprises the hell out of me. From the first day we met, I felt the spark but fought it for so long. I held his biker lifestyle against him, and when I finally put my prejudices aside and looked at him as just a man, I saw all of his layers, and now I’ve fallen head over heels in love with him. The problem is that I don’t know if he feels the same way about me. I know he likes me a lot, but love? I don’t know.”

  For several seconds the lounge was quiet, and then Harper cleared her voice, breaking the silence.

  “You’re an amazing woman. You’ve been through so much, and if Animal doesn’t see how awesome you are and fall madly in love with you, then he’s crazy as hell.”

  “I agree with everything Harper just said,” Alice said.

  “The fact that you guys have been dating for a while speaks volumes. Since you’ve been around the biker world way more than I have, you must know that these guys don’t date unless they’re serious about a woman. I bet Animal is totally in love with you. He’s probably so shocked by it that he doesn’t know what the hell hit him.” Kennedy laughed.

  Olivia chuckled. “I think you’re right. Sometimes he has this dazed, what-the fuck look, and I have to dig my nails into the palms of my hands to keep from laughing. I just want to hear him say it, that way I’ll be sure. I’m also scared because I think I’ve fallen for him too quickly, but it feels right, and I’m so comfortable around him. I’ve never felt that way with a man.”

  The lounge door opened and Marcus Thurber strolled in, his gaze running up and down each woman’s body before he crossed the room and plopped down on the couch.

  “How’re you ladies doing?” he asked.

  “Okay. We were just talking about Mrs. Paulson. Her murder is so awful,” Kennedy said.

  He pulled out an apple from his briefcase, took a large bite and chewed for several seconds, then smiled. “It is a shame, but what was she doing at that hotel anyway? The old saying ‘If you play with fire you get burned’ seems to apply here.” Then he bit into the apple again.

  Olivia stared at her friends and they stared back at her as chills ran up her spine. How could he be so callous, so cold, about the mother of one of his student’s? And about a woman with whom he was having an affair. He must have had some feelings for her.<
br />
  “Olivia, we’ll have to reschedule next week. The boys and Marie will be out of town for spring break.”

  “Sure,” she mumbled.

  “Aren’t you going with them?” Harper asked. Her eyes then widened as if she was shocked she’d been so bold to ask him that question.

  “No. I have too many things I need to take care of. They’re going to my in-laws, and I’m not that fond of them anyway.” Thurber chuckled.

  A tense silence descended over the room, growing more acute as alarm bells starting ringing in Olivia’s head. She crushed her can then rose from the chair and crossed the room to throw it into the recycle bin.

  “I better prep for the afternoon,” she said.

  “Me too.” Harper jumped to her feet with Alice quickly following suit.

  “I’ve got a lot to do before recess is over,” Kennedy said.

  The four women began moving toward the door, and a low laugh rumbled from the corner of the room.

  “I hope I didn’t drive you pretty ladies out,” Marcus said.

  Olivia looked over her shoulder, pinning her gaze on him. “Not at all.”

  The fellow teacher’s brown eyes were cold, distant. “That’s good. Maybe we can all go out for lunch or dinner sometime.”

  “Will your wife be there?” Kennedy asked.

  There was a split-second pause. His eyes narrowed, but Olivia couldn’t mistake the evil glint sparking from them. And then it was gone and a smile filled his face. “Of course. Why wouldn’t she?”

  A tremor ran through Olivia and she couldn’t get out of the room fast enough. She closed the door behind them, and as they walked down the hall toward their respective classrooms, an audible sigh escaped from her parted lips.

  “What the hell was that all about?” She ran her hands up and down her arms. “I’m chilled to the bone.”

  “I wonder if he killed her,” Harper whispered.

  “God! Don’t say that—it’s too frightening to think about,” Alice whispered back.

  “That jerk’s got some real problems. He basically said that Daniel’s mom deserved what she got. Bastard,” Kennedy said.


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