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Animal’s Reformation

Page 25

by Wilder, Chiah

  “You should tell the police what you saw at the motel. As far as I know, you’re the only one who’s actually seen them together—the other stuff is just rumors,” Olivia said.

  “I was thinking the exact same thing,” Kennedy said. “Even if he didn’t do it, it would serve him right to have to explain it to the cops and to his wife.”

  “What were you doing at the motel?” Harper asked.

  Kennedy’s eyes twinkled. “Having some nasty fun.”

  “Oh … I guess I should have figured that.” Harper looked down at her phone and smiled. “Darcy,” she said out loud.

  “Still hot and heavy?” Olivia joked.

  Harper looked up from texting. “Very. He’s so sweet. I never thought I’d meet a nice guy in a bar.”

  “Just like I told you—when you least expect it. Like me and Jonathan,” Alice said.

  “I’m still liking the uncoupled life too much, but I guess I’m the only one in our group who is.” Kennedy chuckled. “How’s your psych paper coming along?”

  Olivia paused at the door to her classroom. “Pretty good. I’m sort of feeling guilty about leading this guy on, and when I talked to my prof about it, he said not to be. Dr. Davison is actually encouraging me to meet the guy. I don’t know if I feel comfortable with that.”

  “That’s kind of strange that your professor would want to put you in a potentially dangerous situation. I mean, you don’t really know anything about this guy,” Alice said.

  “I know, but if I do meet him it’ll be in a public place, but I’m struggling with the ethical and moral dilemma of it. I bought a burner phone, so I think I’ll just talk to him on the phone and see if he’s for real or just some guy wanting to score.”

  “Maybe your prof’s into you. Did you tell him your profile name?” Kennedy asked.

  “I told him, and no way is Dr. Davison into me—he’s got a wife and kids. That’s just crazy. Also, he’d never do that and screw up the data. You’re way off base with that one,” Olivia replied.

  “Maybe, but stranger things have happened. What’s the name of the guy you’re talking with? I may have connected with him on the site,” Kennedy said.


  “Hunter? Is he tall with brown hair and nicely built but keeps his face blurred?”

  Olivia nodded. “That’s him. So you’ve talked to him?”

  “I wasn’t his type. He didn’t seem to like that I was playing the field. It seemed like he was looking for a relationship with a very special woman. Since you’re at the almost meeting stage, I’d say he likes whatever you’re feeding him.”

  “See, that makes me feel even more guilty. I’m cat-fishing him big time and he thinks it’s for real. I should just end it now.”

  “Isn’t your paper due after spring break?” Harper asked.

  “Yeah.” Olivia rubbed the back of her neck. “What a mess. Why did I think this was a good idea? I still can’t believe Dr. Davison doesn’t see the moral dilemma with this situation. After I talk to Hunter on the phone, I’m calling it quits. I’ll just tell him I got back with an old boyfriend of mine. I won’t meet him.”

  The school bell rang, and the doors slammed open as throngs of children rushed in, scurrying to their classrooms. The children yelled, locker doors slammed shut, and hundreds of feet pounded the shiny linoleum floor. The sounds bounced off the walls, echoing and making them louder.

  Olivia waved to Kennedy and Alice, and walked into the classroom with Harper. Soon the desks would be full of students, and the afternoon session would begin. She went over to the cupboard and pulled out the reading material for the students she’d work with in the class.

  Standing by the window, she looked at the small park across the street and smiled when she saw the white and cherry-red blossoms on the trees swaying slightly in the breeze. A shiver of excitement about the upcoming ride on Saturday with Animal shot through her. She couldn’t wait to be behind him on his Harley, breathing in his clean scent and holding him tightly.

  Olivia slid out her phone and dashed off a quick text.

  Olivia: Hiya sexy. Just thinking bout u.

  Immediately a ping sounded.

  Animal: That’s fucking weird. Just ready 2 send u a text. Thinking bout u 2.

  She looked up and saw a few students walking in.

  Olivia: I miss having ur arms around me.

  Animal: Fuck, baby, I need u so fucking bad right now.

  She squirmed a bit and shifted from one foot to the next.

  Olivia: Sat seems so far away.

  Animal: Yeah. Damn I need to be inside ur pussy.

  “Ms. Mooney?” Billy said. “Can I read the fire engine book today?”

  Olivia looked up at the freckled-face boy. “If we have time, but we’re going to start a new book, and it’s about a boy your age who takes a journey under the city he lives in.”

  Billy’s mouth fell open. “How can he live under a city?”

  “I don’t know—we’ll have to read the book to find out.” She smiled.

  “Can we read it now?”

  “In about an hour. I have to work with Sara, Emily, and Andy first.”

  “Are they reading the same book?”

  “No, they’re reading the elf book that you and I read last fall, remember?”

  “Uh-huh. I liked that one.”

  “Me too. Now go take your seat because Ms. Colter is about to start class.”

  Billy dashed over to his seat, and Olivia looked down at her phone.

  Animal: R u still with me, babe?

  Olivia: Class is starting. Gotta go. Sending u a big, deep, wet kiss for now.

  She switched her phone to silent, slipped it into her pocket, and took a seat at one of the small tables in the back of the classroom, waiting for Harper to begin the afternoon session.

  * * *

  Olivia slammed her hand against the steering wheel, cussing up a storm after her fifth attempt to turn on the ignition resulted in nothing but a low grinding sound. The dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree, then groaned. Leaning back against the headrest, she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hands. The last thing she could afford was a pricey car repair.

  “There go the shutters,” she said out loud. “Dammit!”

  Olivia pulled the hood lever then slid out of the driver’s seat and walked around to the front of the car. She glanced around the parking lot and saw that there were a couple of cars parked over on the east side, but she didn’t recognize whose they were. Olivia pulled up the hood and looked inside even though she didn’t know a damn thing about cars. The jangle of wires and hoses looked like a bunch of snakes crawling in different directions.

  “Shit,” she muttered under her breath as she continued to stare inside.

  Why the hell did she think it was a good idea to stay late that night? If she’d decided to take the students’ workbooks home to grade, she’d have hitched a ride from Harper and would be nestled on her couch watching a movie. Instead, she was alone in the parking lot, looking at the inside of a broken car, and feeling a bit spooked, especially after what had happened to Samantha Paulson.

  The trees she’d admired earlier that day now looked ominous and threatening in the encroaching darkness. The rustling of the branches sounded like whispering voices, and fear tore through her from the inside out. She pulled out her cellphone and quickly tapped in Animal’s number.

  “What’s up, baby?”

  Olivia latched on to his familiar voice like a drowning person grasping a life preserver. “My car won’t start.” Her voice trembled even though she tried to steady it as much as she could.

  “Where are you?” Concern laced his words.

  “In the school parking lot. I stayed late to do some grading.” The afternoon breeze had grown into a stronger wind that blew clouds of dust and leaves across the parking lot. “I’m starting to think that was a bad idea.”


  “It’s silly, but I’m a little spooked. It’
s the damn trees and wind.” A low moan echoed in the distance.

  “Hang on,” Animal said, and she could hear him telling Lucy to put on her coat because they were going to help Olivia out. Warmth spread through her and she leaned against the front bumper of her car. “Babe? We’re on our way. Get inside your car and lock the doors. We’ll be there soon.”

  “Okay,” she replied weakly, not ready to disengage the call.

  The sound of gravel on tires made her heart leap into her throat. She peered around the raised hood and saw a car slowly approaching her. Her temples throbbed and blood rushed through her veins as she took a few steps backward as if trying to use the hood as her shield.

  “Are you still with me, Olivia?”

  “Yes.” Her lips had suddenly become parched and she licked them several times. “A car’s coming.”

  “Get inside your car. Now.”

  “I don’t think I can make it in time.” Her heart was beating so hard, so wildly, she feared it would tear through her chest. “It stopped,” she croaked.

  “Olivia,” Animal said, but his voice faded away as fear seized her.

  The passenger window slowly rolled down and a man leaned way over. The glow from one of the streetlights partially lit up the man’s face—Marcus Thurber. Olivia had thought she’d been the only employee left in the school after five o’clock had passed. Knowing that Thurber had been inside as well made her shiver in spite of the warm evening air.

  “Having car trouble?” His eyes traveled up and down her body before landing on her face.

  “I’m good,” she replied.

  “Who the fuck are you talking to?” Animal yelled out.

  “A teacher,” she replied, but she felt no comfort in Thurber being there with her.

  “Do you need a ride?” The passenger door popped open.

  Olivia shook her head. “Thanks, Marcus, but a friend is picking me up.”

  “Friend my ass,” Animal growled over the phone.

  “Is that your friend on the phone?” Thurber’s gaze fixed on hers and his casual smile wiped off his face.

  The hair on the back of her neck stood up, and an icy chill raced down her spine.

  “Yes.” Olivia inched her way to the passenger side of her car. “He’s almost here.”

  “I am, babe.”

  The sound of tires squealing against the asphalt sliced through the night as Animal’s car approached. Relief washed over her as the bright headlights illuminated the area around her. Thurber glanced behind him, then pulled the door shut and rolled up the window, and sped away.

  Animal jumped out of the idling SUV, dashed over to her, and drew her to him. Safe in his arms, her knees grew weak and she collapsed against him as he walked her over to the SUV. Lucy climbed out of the passenger seat and ran over to them.

  “Are you okay?” she asked Olivia.

  Olivia smiled weakly and tugged Lucy into Animal’s embrace. He scooped Lucy up with one arm and held Olivia tightly with his other one as they made their way to his car.

  “Both of you stay inside. I’ll check out your car,” he said once Olivia was settled in the front seat with Lucy in the back.

  “Is your car broken?” Lucy asked, propping her elbows on the console and resting her chin on her hands.

  “It is. Do you want to trade places? I can sit in the back.”

  “No, it’s okay. What’s Dad doing?”

  Olivia glanced over and saw Animal shining the flashlight on his phone under the hood.

  “Seeing what’s wrong.”

  “I want to help,” Lucy said.

  “Your dad told both of us to wait in the car, remember?”

  Lucy sighed as she kept watching her father.

  Soon Animal walked back to the SUV and swung into the seat. “I’m pretty sure the problem is a bad alternator.” He threw the gear in Drive and headed out of the parking lot.

  “Is that a major repair?” she asked, crossing her fingers.

  “Major? Nah. Necessary? Yeah.”

  “Do you know how much it’ll cost?”

  Animal glanced at her then put his hand over hers. “Don’t sweat it. I have a buddy who can do it for free.”

  “Free? Why would he do that for me? I don’t even know him,” Olivia asked.

  “’Cause he owes me a favor.”

  “My dad knows lots of people. Is it Uncle Hawk, Dad?”

  “Nope—it’s Hank. Remember, he came with us a couple of weeks ago when we went to the Pancake House with grandpa?”

  “The one that looked like Santa Claus?”

  Animal chuckled. “That’s the one.”

  “He’s nice,” Lucy said to Olivia.

  Olivia smiled. “Should I trust him with my car?”

  Lucy’s head bobbed. “Yes!”

  “Then, I will.” She glanced over at Animal. “Let me know how much the tow will be.”

  “I told you not to worry about it,” he replied.

  “Even so, please let me know.”

  Animal lifted up his chin and kept his eyes on the road ahead of them.

  Olivia pivoted in her seat and looked over at Lucy. “You did an excellent job with your book report. I was very impressed and so was Mrs. White. Do you like to read a bit more now?”

  “Yes. I liked the book. The dog was funny. Can we get a dog, Dad?”

  “You gonna take care of it?” Animal looked in the rearview mirror at Lucy. Olivia saw his mouth twitch as if he were fighting a smile.

  “Yeah, I will. Please, Dad?”

  Animal threw a sidelong glance at Olivia. “You started this,” he said, merriment lacing his voice.

  “Guilty as charged.” She giggled.

  “When I get you alone, I’m gonna smack that sweet ass of yours real good for this,” he whispered.

  “I’ll have to remember to do bad things more often if that’s the punishment I get,” she murmured.

  One corner of his mouth hitched up into a smug grin, and he swept his fingers over her hand.

  “Are you whispering about my dog?” Lucy asked.

  Olivia inched closer to the passenger window and stared straight ahead. She’d let Animal answer this one.

  “Sorta. I’m thinking a dog may make a great addition to our family.”

  Lucy laughed and clapped her hands. “Can we get him tomorrow?”

  “Let’s wait until school lets out so you have more time to be with him. If we get a puppy now, he’ll be home alone too much. You wouldn’t want that, right?”

  She shook her head. “No. Ms. Mooney, how many more days until school is over?”

  “A little over two months. Let’s see,” Olivia closed her eyes as she figured out the dates. “Sixty-seven days, but there are some half days in there and spring break.”

  “That’s a long time.” Her voice sounded … sad.

  “It’ll go by real fast because you have field day, the talent show, the school fair, and a couple of school trips. Mrs. White said that one of your class trips is to the candy factory. I heard they give a sucker to each kid. What’s your favorite flavor?” Olivia said.

  “Grape. Can you come with us?”

  “I’ll ask Mrs. White if I can be a chaperone. I’ve never been there before, but I heard it’s a really fun tour.”

  While she and Lucy chatted about school activities, Olivia felt Animal’s hand on her knee. She cut her gaze to him, and her stomach fluttered: Animal’s dark eyes glowed with warmth … and love as he looked at her.

  At first shock rushed through her, then a moment of doubt until disbelief set in. Olivia couldn’t believe it, and maybe she was reading way more into it than she should, but—to her—the look in his eyes was love. Was it? I can’t believe it. Really? Probably not … yes … it was. I’m sure of it. Elation swelled in Olivia’s heart, and she scooted closer to him and discreetly held his hand. He squeezed hers and gave her a wink, then averted his gaze back to the road. Olivia didn’t want to let go of his strong hand. Not now when love filled
his eyes and heat radiated from him. Not ever.

  Before she knew it, they’d arrived home, and a thread of disappointment wrapped around her. Olivia loved spending time with Animal and Lucy and didn’t want the evening to end, but Lucy had school in the morning, and Olivia had to work on her research paper. Her plan for that night was to call Hunter on the burner phone she’d purchased.

  “Can you come in to play a game with me?” Lucy asked Olivia.

  She hugged the young girl then held her at arm’s length. “I’m sorry but I still have some work to do. Can we do it another time?”

  “Okay. Maybe on Friday?”

  “Or Sunday,” Animal said.

  “We’re going to Grandma and Grandpa’s.”

  Animal nodded. “Maybe Olivia wants to join us.”

  Lucy’s eyes sparkled and she jumped up and down. “Do you? Aunt Jada will be there, and she has a little bird. He sings.”

  Taken aback, Olivia just nodded.

  “Is that a yes?” Animal asked, nudging her side with his elbow.

  “Yes, I’d love to meet your family.” He’s asked me to meet his parents. I can’t believe it. I’m so damn glad my car broke down.

  Lucy jumped up and down like she was on a pogo stick, giggling and singing alternatively. Shaking her head, Olivia laughed, and Animal placed a hand on his daughter’s shoulder as if to calm her down a bit.

  “Let’s walk Olivia to her door, kiddo.”

  Olivia reached out her hand and Lucy took it, and Animal grasped Olivia’s other one, and she leaned against him as they crossed over to her house.

  She unlocked the front door and light from the hallway spilled onto the porch. Animal stared intently at her, and she craved for him to take her in his arms and kiss her deeply. She ached with want for him, and from the way he looked at her, Olivia was pretty sure he was feeling the same way.

  “Thanks for helping out,” she said.

  “Anytime.” Animal’s gaze dropped down to her mouth.

  “Bye!” Lucy cried as she twirled around in circles with her arms outstretched.

  “I’ll call Hank in the morning and let you know what he says.” Animal took a step closer to her, and their fingers brushed. Hot shimmers ran up her arm and she locked her gaze with his. “I’m feeling it too, baby,” he said in a hushed tone.


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