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Mistoletoe Surprise: An Older Man Younger Woman Christmas Romance

Page 9

by Crowne, K. C.

  “I want you to tell me you’ve got it.”

  I was close, so fucking close. “I’ve got it!” I raised my voice and heard it shoot down the alley. And right as I said the words I came, the orgasm ripping through my body. I would’ve dropped to my knees, but Craig held me in place, making sure I didn’t go anywhere.

  When the orgasm faded, I felt like a new woman. And Craig kissed me one last time, as if sealing the deal.

  Chapter 12


  My legs were still shaking when I slid into the seat of Craig’s truck. It was a big-as-hell truck, and he had to help me up into it. I could’ve climbed in myself, but I’d take any excuse for him to put his hands on me. He was soon behind the wheel, the truck roaring to life as he turned the key. We drove away from the bar and headed for the road.

  There was silence for a time, but finally he spoke. “You get in touch with Alexa? Don’t want her worrying about you any more than she already has tonight.”

  “Yeah, she responded to my text. Said she was hitching a ride home with that guy she’d been talking to before you scared him off.”

  He let out a snort of a laugh. “Probably not the only ride he’s gonna be giving her tonight.”

  It was a totally immature joke, but I laughed at it anyway.

  “She ask about you and me?”

  “She did…I told her I was feeling kind of sick and drunk and you were taking me home.”

  “That’s it?”

  “What, you think I’m going to tell her you, um, fingered me in the alley behind the bar?”

  He shrugged. “Thought you girls told each other everything.”

  “Maybe in time I’ll tell her. But right now, I think it’s a good idea to keep this a secret.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Especially from…”

  Dad. The word that couldn’t be spoken.

  “Yes.” My voice was sharp and certain. “No freaking way he finds out about this.”

  Craig made a slow turn. “Then this stays on the down-low for now. Might even be a little more fun that way.”

  “Fun. That’s what I want this to be.”

  “That’s what it will be. Speaking of which…what’re you thinking about what we did?”

  “About the alley?”

  “About the alley.”

  “I have no idea what to even start thinking about it. Gonna need some time to process it all.”

  “Nah, only thinking about how I don’t want you to take too much time processing. You’re only here for a little while, and I’ve got some big plans for you.”

  Another smile spread across my face. I glanced out the window to see that we were getting pretty close to the house. My stomach tightened at the idea of Dad being home and asking where I was and who I was with. But I knew I didn’t really have to lie – I was with Alexa at the bar, and Craig happened to be there to give me a ride home. Leaving out some choice details wasn’t exactly lying. There would be plenty of time to worry about all that. Craig had said I needed to savor what was happening, and that’s what I planned to do.

  “How about I tell you what I want from you tonight?”

  “You want more?”

  “I do. And you’re gonna give it to me.”

  My body shivered with delight and excitement. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had in mind.

  “First thing’s first – I’m taking you home where no man can look at you. Right now, you’re mine, all mine.”

  Part of me felt as though I should bristle at what he’d said. But something about his confidence, his possessiveness. I loved it.

  “I saw the way other men were looking at you at the bar, and I’m not having any of it. So you’re going home. And when you’re there, all tucked into your bed and cozy, I want you to touch yourself.” I gasped I shock, and he looked at me, then back at the road before continuing. “I want you to touch yourself, and I want you to think about me when you do it. And when you’re all done, I want you to send me a text and tell me that you did exactly what I told you to do, like the good girl you are. Got it?”

  Before I could say a word, he reached over and placed his hand between my legs, cupping my pussy through my jeans. Despite the orgasm I’d had earlier, I was horny again. I sighed and ground myself against his touch, hoping he’d take me again. But he didn’t. He removed his hand and placed it back on the wheel.

  “I want you to say you’ve got it.”

  I took a few deep breaths, recovering from his touch. “Got it.


  I spotted my house. Relief settled over me when I saw all the lights were off. It likely meant Dad was asleep and I wouldn’t have to come up with a lie. Craig stopped in front of the house and opened the door.

  “I’ll be waiting for your text.”

  “Bye.” I wished I could’ve come up with something else, maybe something sexier or wittier. But my head swam from the last hour with Craig.

  He reached over and opened the door and I climbed out. I smiled over my shoulder as I hurried to the house and carefully, quietly, opened the door and stepped inside. The house was dark. But as soon as I took a few steps into the living room, the hallway light flicked on. It was so shocking I nearly jumped. Dad appeared a few moments later, his eyes heavy with fatigue.

  “There you are,” he said. “I was getting worried.”

  “Don’t be – I was out with Alexa.”

  He appeared confused. “It was the engine that woke me up. Loud as hell. Didn’t sound like anything Alexa would drive.”

  “Oh, Alexa went home with some guy. But while I was there, I saw Craig. We hung out for a little while and he offered to bring me back to the house.”

  It wasn’t exactly a lie, but that didn’t mean I didn’t feel bad about it. Lies by omission were still lies, of course. But what the hell was I supposed to do? Tell him I’d hooked up with his best friend who happened to be twice my damn age? Not gonna happen.

  He nodded, appearing satisfied with the answer. “Alright, just glad you got home safe is all. Need anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Alright, good night.”

  Once Dad had gone back to bed, I hurried to my room. Once in there, I stripped out of my clothes and got nice and cozy under the covers. Craig had told me exactly what he wanted from me, and I was going to be a good girl like he’d told me to be.

  I wasn’t exactly the biggest masturbator in the world, but as soon as I reached down and put my hand between my legs, I realized my night with Craig had left me ridiculously wet. I was already majorly turned on, and as soon as my hand was on my pussy, I was primed and ready.

  Once I started rubbing my clit, I closed my eyes and focused, thinking about Craig. The pleasure was instant the moment he popped into my mind, and once the fantasy got going, it became even more intense.

  I imagined him as he’d described, him on top of me, his muscles flexing and tensing, his eyes focused on mine as he brought be closer and closer to orgasm with each thrust. All I could think about was his cock inside me, my pussy clenching around it as he fucked me as hard as his powerful body would allow.

  Within minutes I was coming hard, squeezing my hand with my legs as I fought off the urge to scream in total sexual satisfaction.

  And when I was done, I simply laid there for a time, catching my breath and letting the last traces of the feelings wash over me.

  Then I smiled and grabbed my phone off my nightstand and typed a text.

  Took care of myself thinking about you. Like a good girl ; )

  Chapter 13


  Days had passed since our night together, and I couldn’t stop reading that text. Every now and then, I’d find myself slipping my phone out of my pocket and looking at it, smirking as I thought about the shit we’d gotten up to in that alley.

  It was all so fresh in my mind – her taste, her smell, her body, how she moaned, how she writhed on my hand as I brought her to orgasm. God, it was
fucking perfect. All it took was one glance at that winking face emoji to make my dick move in my jeans. But I had to play it cool. Sure, we were on a time limit of a couple of months, but that didn’t mean I could rush. Besides, I’d told her she needed to savor what was going on. I had to follow my own advice.

  I took my feet off my desk and shoved my phone back into my pocket. Of course, there was the small matter of how I had a business to run. My thing with Cindy was at the forefront of my mind, but that didn’t mean I could slack when it came to my bottom line. Shit needed to get done, and there was no one else to do it but me.

  Then it hit me – it was Monday, which was my usual check-in day with Cindy. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was eleven. That meant she’d be around in a half-hour or so.

  Part of me wondered if it might’ve been a good idea to send her a text and cancel. Not because I was worried about awkwardness or anything like that, but because how the fuck was I going to keep my hands off her if we were alone in my office?

  I lost myself in mulling the matter over when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I slipped it out, thinking that it might be Cindy. But it wasn’t. It was her dad.


  As much fun as I’d been having thinking about the Cindy situation and all it entailed, the fact that I was fucking over my best friend hadn’t been far from my thoughts. And fuck, part of me wished I could be selfish enough to not give a shit what he thought, that I could take what I wanted and not care. But I loved Drew – the man was like the brother I never had. The shit tore me up inside.

  The text read I’m on my way over. Got something to talk about. You free in fifteen minutes?

  Looked like I was having a back-to-back meeting with the whole family. I shot him an affirmative in response and put my phone back in my pocket. Once that was done, I headed over to the office bar and poured myself a quick drink. Sure, it wasn’t noon yet, but I knew I was going to need something strong to deal with the damn guilt.

  After a quick knock on the door and a bark from me of get on in here, Drew stepped inside. I hopped out of my seat and brought my buddy into a quick back-slapping hug. As soon as I did it, I realized it might’ve been a bit much – I was greeting the SOB like I hadn’t seen him in months.

  “Good to see you too, man,” he said as I let him go, his expression suggesting he was wondering what was up with the enthusiasm.

  But I knew what was going on. I was overcompensating, knowing in the back of my head what was going on between me and his little girl. Fuck. This is going to be hard. Oh well – I’d already done the deed. Not like I could go back on it. I gestured to the bar and Drew nodded after spotting the empty glass on my desk.

  “Damn, I guess if you’re having a drink this early I might as well too.”

  “That’s the spirit. Whiskey neat?”

  “Not unless you’ve got a can of Bud somewhere in that bar.”

  I let out a snort of a laugh and made us a pair of drinks. Once they were in hand, I sat back down in my desk chair and Drew took his seat across from me.

  “So,” I said. “What’s up? Things slow at the ranch?”

  “Things are slow – slow enough that I could get over here and see your ugly ass in person.”

  Another laugh. Drew was definitely the only dude I’d let bust my balls like that. And hell, not like I didn’t give the same back to him whenever I could. And thinking about that managed to make me uneasy in the moment. Drew wasn’t some coworker I shot the shit with every now and then. Nope, he was my best bud. And I was hooking up with his little girl.

  “You alright there, man?”

  “Huh?” I snapped back into the moment, realizing I’d gotten carried away with my thoughts.

  “Looked a million miles away. You got something on your mind?”

  Damn straight I did. That was another thing – Drew was no dumbass. And he’d known me for long enough he could tell when something was up with me. I had to be smart. I had to lie.

  “Just the usual shit with the properties. Some newbies I hired that I’m wondering if I wanna keep around past the end of the month.”

  “Shit.” Drew shook his head and sat back. “I know what you mean. Got this kid barely in his twenties I hired for some part-time work. Started off strong, but now every time I see him, he’s got his face buried in his fucking phone.”

  “That right?”

  He nodded. “And I snuck up behind the kid the other day when he was doing it, thinking I’d give him a jump. And you know what he was doing?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Fucking sexting or whatever. Right on his phone’s some pair of tits he’s staring at instead of working.” Another head shake. “I swear, is that what kids are up to these days? Remember when you actually had to, you know, see the girl in person for shit like that?”

  I opened my mouth to say something but stopped when it occurred to me this kid wasn’t the only one sending sexts. My cock twitched under the desk as I thought about what Cindy had sent me and how I wanted more. I managed to get my head back in the fucking game before he caught me daydreaming.

  “Yeah, so shit. Kids hooking up on apps or whatever the hell. Don’t even get how that’s sexy, like ordering a pizza or something.”

  “That’s what I’m saying.” His eyes flashed, like a thought had occurred to him. “Anyway, speaking of new hires – how’s my girl doing? Hope you haven’t had to ride her too hard.”

  I nearly spit out my whiskey. Man, what a fucking million-dollar question. How’s Cindy doing? Well, I made her cum hard on the end of my fingers the other night, so there’s that. I wondered what Drew’s reaction might be if he were to find out. The guy would probably tear me apart with his bare hands. And he’d have every reason to.

  “Nah, she’s been great – you should know that without me saying a thing.”

  “Yeah? She’s been pulling her weight?”

  “Girl’s a natural. You know, I had my doubts about her college shit, but it’s actually come in handy around the place. Taking a ton of work off my hands. When I lost Quinn, I was damn sure I’d never be able to find anyone to help me out around the place like she could, but with Cindy around, it’s been running like clockwork.”

  “That good?”

  “No doubt. Making me start to wonder what the fuck I’m gonna do when she’s finally saved enough money to get back to the city.”

  Drew appeared thoughtful and was silent for several moments.

  “OK,” I said. “Now you’re the one with something on his mind. Let’s hear it, bud.” I sipped my whiskey, knowing it was a bad idea so early in the day.

  “When she came back, I knew it was only gonna be for a little while. It’s what she’d said, right? Not like she made a secret out of wanting to go back to New York.”

  I knew where this was going. “But now that she’s here…”

  He nodded. “Now that she’s here, all I can think about is how much I don’t want her to leave again. Is it that crazy for a dad to want his little girl to stick around? Fuck, I feel like I’m being so damn selfish. But it’s all I want.”

  I had to feel for the guy. The man had been alone since his wife passed and hadn’t gone to any efforts to find someone new. When he’d told me Cindy was coming back for a little while, I’d had a feeling something like this might go down.

  “No, you’re not selfish. You want what you want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  As soon as I’d said the words, I realized how they applied to my situation with her too. I wanted the girl like crazy and felt like there wasn’t a damn thing I could change. Not like you can flip a damn switch and turn all that off.

  “Besides,” I said. “When it’s time for her to go, you’re gonna let her go. You know what’s best for her, right?”

  “I thought I did. But is living in the big city so far away from everyone she knows really it? Wouldn’t it be better for her to stick around, live in a place where she’s got family and roots?”
br />   “You know as well as I do she doesn’t feel that way. I mean, obvious as hell she loves you to pieces. But she’s a big-city girl through-and-through. Getting her to live here would be like telling a fish to live in the damn desert.”

  He sighed and sipped his whiskey. “I know, I know. Doesn’t make it any less hard, you know?

  “I don’t doubt that for a second.”

  Silence hung in the air, and it was clear to see the subject was likely bothering Drew even more than he was letting on. But there was something else – the reason why he’d come here to begin with.

  “So,” I said. “What’s up?”

  His eyebrows rose in realization as he took another sip. “Fuck, got carried away with myself. Need to tell me to shut the fuck up when I start going on like that.”

  I grinned. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “The reason I came here...well, it’s kind of a weird situation.”

  “I can handle weird.” Wasn’t that the damn truth?

  “I’m gonna be heading out of town for a little while, going over to Des Moines to talk to a fertilizer distributor.”

  “Sure. You want me to keep an eye on the farm for you? Make sure the workers are working?”

  “More than that, actually. I want you to keep an eye on Cindy.”

  Oh shit. Of course, he had no idea I’d been doing more than keeping an eye on her. But if there ever was a time for playing it cool, it was then. “What, like check in on her ever now and then?”

  “I was thinking you might actually let her stay at your place.”

  Oh damn. This just got a hell of a lot more complicated.

  “You do? I mean, you know I’ve got no problem with that. But she’s a big girl, you know. Probably can stay at the house all by herself.”

  “I know, I know. But you know we’re out in the middle of nowhere.”

  “We’re all out in the middle of nowhere,” I said with a grin.

  “Yeah, but we’re really out in the middle of nowhere. And I don’t like the idea of my girl there in the house by herself while I’m a thousand miles away. So, I figured it’d be a good idea for her to stay at your place.”


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